tiktok dating ads

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How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)

tick tock ads are starting to become,really popular in the digital marketing,community and it only makes sense as to,why so many brands are literally,switching over from facebook ads,snapchat ads youtube ads and literally,going to tick-tock because there's so,many conversions happening on the,platform and with all of that attention,gives you lots of opportunities to be,able to get sales with tick tock and,that's exactly what we're going to be,covering but most brands and businesses,are missing this one key mistake that,they continuously make and i want to be,able to show you exactly what you can do,to be able to get high converting tick,tock ads,what's up y'all it's chase chapel here,your favorite digital marketer and we,literally cover content online and help,some of the biggest brands and creators,in the world that you know and follow be,able to generate successful results,using facebook ads and tick talk ads and,even google ads online,and we literally have hundreds of,students taking our online trainings and,programs where we have 600 plus six and,seven figure earners who have literally,taken our trainings and been able to,scale their actual brand or business,using these platforms and by the way if,you haven't already make sure to like,and subscribe because it truly does help,the algorithm so let's go ahead and get,into this video,all right so we're going to be covering,high converting tick tock ads and we've,literally spent 600 000,on tick tock through testing this far in,the last 90 days on the platform and,literally all of our insights in today's,video are recommendations we're making,purely based off of data none of our,personal opinion is in this video it's,100 backed by the actual science and,data that we see with the testing that,we're actually doing on tick-tock with,our platform and being able to,understand what makes the most sense for,our clients business and being able to,generate them results and through that,we're able to identify what tick-tock,ads are really converting best and be,able to give those insights to you so,that way you can be successful as well,you can quite literally see that the 600,000 that we've spent in this amount of,time has literally generated over 147,million impressions 2 million clicks and,we're literally getting cost per clicks,of 30 cents a click these days that is,far and few between on other platforms,so you can definitely see the,opportunities that you have on tick tock,alone so let's go ahead and go through,some of the ads that actually don't work,on tick tock and what we're seeing so,these are just some examples of tick,tock ads that don't work there's a,common misconception that people have,it's that they're running facebook ads,they're getting good results and then,they want to use the similar content,that they have there on tik-tok because,they think it's just copy and paste and,to be honest with you it's not like that,using images or gifs on your actual,tik-tok ads are not going to increase,your conversions if anything it's,actually going to decrease your,conversion rates and actually raise your,overall cost per cpm,and you know you don't want your actual,tick tocks to look like ads and a big,motto that ticktock has is make tick,tocks not ads and that's the main,premise here you don't want to be,creating content that looks like this,where you have these overlays or these,big call outs of the you know specific,offer and like red you know these red,circles here or having you know the,branding on the side of this those types,of ads just don't work on tick tock,people scroll right past those you want,the content to look native you want it,to feel like user generated content in,fact i'm actually going to be covering,ways you can get ugc later in this video,but specifically right here you want to,make sure to avoid you know templated,content even some of the biggest brands,in the world have fault prone to this,where they actually you know use the,branding and they use these basic videos,and while they get engagements they're,not really resulting in conversions so,if you're really looking to drive actual,sales and increase your actual,conversion rate and get more people to,actually convert from seeing your videos,and feel that they're actually a part of,the brand then you're going to want to,create tick-tock ads that are actually,native on the platform and have these,key conversion metrics driven behind,them and so these are just some examples,of tick-tock ads that do convert you,want to focus on actual vertical video,and fast cut you know jump cut videos,that are you know no longer than one to,three seconds per clip maybe,six seconds at the absolute most we're,actually clipping throughout the video,so that way you can keep people's,attention throughout the actual tick,tock tick tock is very fast-paced and,you want to keep that you know flow,going so people stay engaged and this,allows you to deliver way more,information about your product or,service in a much s

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Ciao ragazzi sono si sono J siamo a,questo nuovo video,trova la dignità DJ Ok ragazzi benvenuti,in questo nuovo video che si chiama,Io credo che sia un appuntamento però,obiettivamente Io non sono,omosessuale Ok Bando alle ciance Siamo,qui per fare gli appuntamenti con,persone bendate,Sicuramente,Ragazzi,questo appuntamento è che io e J,entriamo in questo appuntamento facendo,domande che possono essere strane Oh,semplici tipo di domande e allora,hanno la facoltà di rispondere o di bere,lasciate un like Ok like Commentate il,video se vi è piaciuto oppure no su,Instagram,però Detto questo sta parlando un po',tanto Godetevi il nuovo video E fateci,sapere se avete una parte 2 andiamo Ciao,sono un hobby Ciao sono,Qual è il tuo prototipo di ragazzo sia,caratterialmente che fisicamente,tranquillo simpatico perché se sei bello,è un brutto carattere non vedo da,nessuna parte,cioè di un tipo cosa che ti attrae di,più fisicamente che belli e così ti,piace liscio riccio,è chiaro adesso dico un po' il mio tipo,non mi ha portato tipo di ragazza bionda,come Gaia Bianca il vetro nostro sei,bionda È chiaro deve tenermi testa anche,se non non so neanche cosa vuol dire,però sento tutti che dicono così Quindi,ti sembra attraente dalla voce sembro un,maschio Allora,se vuoi puoi toccare i capelli il viso,pensi che le dimensioni del pene,cambiano,e pensi che il mio dalla voce che ho 15,cm 20 10,è chiaro è stato facendo apposta,i piedi cosa mi succedesti i piedi ti,fai la pedicure ovviamente,l'hai mai fatto male non risponderò alla,domanda,hanno messo un po' di droga dentro,Comunque sei vergine sì,Dipende quanti soldi farei tu no perché,io sono per pochi,Dimmi tre tuoi pregi e tre tuoi difetti,gentile simpatica e,altruista è bella,narcisista Cioè se poi non mi piace una,cosa qualcuno cerca di imbrogliarmi e,finisce lì Cioè nel senso si chiude lì e,non esiste una seconda possibilità,quando bevo quell'altro ci vado giù per,noi avresti voglia di baciarmi non so,dalla voce ci proviamo,Fammi sapere 2,perché ti piacciono i neri bianchi,ma abbiamo creato una coppia allora Eh,no perché sei scampato ciao ciao,Come ti chiami,Allora,quanti anni hai,Io sono 2006,io non so ballare ballare,C'è i capelli ricci ah perfetto come i,miei buono ti sembra attraente dalla,voce,questa frase qua,puoi toccarmi i capelli ricci,ti piacciono,Ma tu sei feticista Allora ti va male,lo smalto ce l'ho bianco,eh Ma perché porta il 446,mi piacciono le piante dei piedi larghe,se tu dovessi uscire con un ragazzo e,lui ti ti facesse una domanda detto un,body count è un problema se il ragazzo,ha voglia di cantautorato e quanto è tuo,di qualità,che comunque è un'esperienza,però comunque non deve manco essere il, della zona Cioè se tu sei,quel tipo Non ti avvicinare Nemmeno a me,per te invece sì per me cosa perché non,vorrei mandare di mangiare qualcuno che,ha già mangiato abdulsi su cui muay thai,l'esperienza più brutta che hai fatto in,una relazione che hai avuto in una,relazione o comunque in un rapporto,guarda caso velocemente andavo lì veloce,ma non venivano capivo e l'amido faceva,Cri No non c'è liquido qua non c'era il,liquido gli Ho sputato Stamattina sono,andato via,Sì perché mi sembri uno che è stato,molte ragazze,si capisce tutto,ragazzi sei stato,Ottolini,Sono una ragazza che secondo me cioè,solo se ci dovessimo fidanzare comunque,avrei confidenza con te mi fare stare,tranquillo Comunque sei una ragazza che,ti divertiresti,ti divertiresti in tutti i sensi posso,imparare cioè sono una ragazza anche che,impara il cielo,secondo appuntamento con te con me,Tranquillo,Sei già la tipa per parlare con la tua,tipa no Tu secondo me sei uno che,tradisce non sei fedele Ok ragazzi è,finita l'appuntamento,3 2 1,adesso vedendomi adesso un secondo,appuntamento,ho capito tanto Vabbè tu andresti con la,seconda puntata,sono Latina tu io sono svizzero Qual è,il tuo tipo prima di tutto deve essere,alto avere carattere ed essere,rispettoso carattere Cioè non devi,essere un tipo moscio se sei uno che è,minchia che ti devo comandare io la vita,anche no al giorno d'oggi ci sono tipi,troppo Mosci Tu invece Allora,fisicamente,te sei riccia Ma preferisci bionda o,mora Rossa Perfetto Io sono rossa,Eh ma sono rosso mi sono tinta allora,riccia,ok,il disegno piccolo Di che colore è il,tuo intimo,bene,allora dopo video iniziamo per te le,dimensioni del pene contano,ma perché vedi Scusami perché non voglio,rispondere il body count conta in una,ragazza Assolutamente sì per te invece,di contabilità dipende nel senso non,voglio neanche stare con un pivellino,altezza media abbastanza formoso non,sono Skinny,Ma quindi si mangia sa bene che davanti,che dietro nessuno si è mai lamentato,Quindi secondo me ci sta si mangia bene,qua a caso tu non hai tipo delle,perversioni così tipo roba tipo piedi,cose varie No no A me non piace quella,roba piace legare,cazzo Sei un commesso Diego,Che cazzo sono un telefonino niente,Ti spiego,Ok,bisogno che cosa ho bisogno sentiamo,di,sperimentare cose nuove,non sei d

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Matt Walsh Reacts To TikTok Dating Advice - Memorial Day Edition

Matt Walsh Reacts To TikTok Dating Advice - Memorial Day Edition

all right happy memorial day everybody,we're uh,i thought i'd have the day off but they,have me here at daily wire studios,cooking meat for everybody for good,ranchers i'm now a cook i guess,by the way before we get into the video,today,making good ranchers burgers and the,good ranchers burgers are so good that,uh even i can't screw them up which i,guess is why they're trusting me with it,go to goodranchers.com,wall shoes code walsh and get your own,good ranchers box they got burgers they,got snakes they got chicken all of it,again so good that even i can make it,you know something we like to do on the,matt well show in these videos is we,like to go to tiktok to the lost souls,of tick-tock,and uh kind of give them some advice and,the thing about on tick-tock is,they often have um these dating experts,who will give dating advice and so while,we're making some meat today i think,we're to go watch some of these dating,advice videos and i guess while i'm,making meat i'll just give some kind of,fatherly,responses to these dating advice videos,so let's uh let's go to the first one a,lot of times in data you're gonna,experience people that are hot and cold,right one week they're texting you like,crazy the next week they're being short,with you and they're not giving you so,much attention what's our first,emotional response to that it's call,them out right say hey listen i don't,understand why you're not hitting me up,or hey listen i think i need to take a,step back from this situation because,it's really bothering me let me tell you,something the worst thing that you can,do,is verbally tell someone that their lack,of attention dude grilling hot tubs even,if it's hippie houseboats telling them,gives them all the power the reality is,even if you're feeling that way you need,to take actions and stay silent you,can't say to them just take a step,back with actions don't say your moves,to somebody because let's say they don't,even they're not giving you attention,because they're actually busy then it,shows you're patient right and that's,better for you and then let's say they,actually don't give a they're got not,giving you attention that way their true,colors are going to come out at some,point so you're better off keeping your,mouth shut,and now what he says there is a,basically,if you think there's an issue,don't talk about it just remain silent,and hope that it works itself out and,the thing is as a man i can i can sort,of understand that instinctively,like i do apply that sometimes to,relationships when i shouldn't i apply,it to uh like household repair issues,something's broken my wife says can you,fix it i said just leave it it'll it'll,work itself out,medical problems,you know i feel a certain pain i just,say well just i'll leave it alone,but in reality that's not actually what,you should do okay,in a relationship you just talk to,somebody,and if you think there's an issue then,you have the conversation but here's the,other point,if you're just dating someone,and they're already flighty and they're,hot and cold and they're ignoring you,for a week and then they they're into,you for a week just break up,that's the easiest thing you could do,it's not worth your time if they're,already doing that,just break up,take my advice okay let's watch the next,one 15 really personal questions you,should consider asking on a first date,if you don't want to waste your time do,you want kids,do you want to be in a monogamous,relationship,do you want to get married one day who,did you vote for in the last election,who do you first go to for support how,often do you drink or do drugs how done,are you with your ex how important is,religion to you what's your main,priority in life how often do you want,to do it how adventurous are you in bed,when an argument happens do you,initially want to process it or get some,space would you ever be open to,relationship therapy what's your number,one deal breaker why do relationships,typically end for you,okay you see there,the first like five questions actually,weren't too bad,the problem is first of all is i can,pretty much guarantee that he's looking,for all the wrong answers to those,questions like like there are right,answers to those questions and that guy,specifically is probably looking for the,wrong answers the rest of it though,listen it's the first date,you do want to be careful that your,first date doesn't become like a law and,order,interrogation scene where you're going,through 20 questions how long are you,with your ex what are your priorities in,life like you want to be a little bit,careful with that and asking somebody on,a first date if they be open to,relationship counseling,i just met you this is crazy five,seconds ago and you're asking me if i'm,ready to be in counseling with you,that's that's a million red flags all at,once so,that advice at least unlike some of the,other stuff we've seen it started strong,went off the rails unfortunately,let's check out the next one,here ar

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Matt Walsh Reviews Toxic Dating Advice On TikTok

Matt Walsh Reviews Toxic Dating Advice On TikTok

so today we return to the wilds of tick,tock to check in on their dating advice,they're apparently a bunch of,tick-tockers who have deemed themselves,worthy and qualified to dispense dating,and relationship advice to the,hapless people who use that app now i,think you already know how i feel about,this i've made it clear before i've,already specified that if you want to,give relationship advice you're not,qualified to do that unless you have to,be married at a minimum and if you're,married and you want to give marriage,advice to other married people then you,have to have a good number of years and,a few kids on your resume also but if,you aren't married at all,then you haven't beaten the dating game,yet right you haven't you haven't you,haven't completed it you haven't cracked,the code so why,would anyone listen to you it's like if,you're giving advice on how to climb a,mountain but you can barely make it up a,flight a step without getting winded or,breaking your ankle or something like,why would i go to you for advice on this,now i'm guessing that most if not all of,the advice on tick tock is from people,who do not pass this test but,we'll check it out anyway and let's,start with this,so you're talking to a new guy and he,asks you,so what is it that you look for in a guy,like what kind of qualities do you like,in a man,let me tell you why you should never,answer that question up front,first of all the only reason a guy's,gonna ask you that question is that he,can find the fastest way to get you,hooked because if he knows what you want,he's just gonna be that person even if,that's not an accurate reflection of who,he really is he's gonna put up that,front because he knows that's what you,want so rather than give him a literal,cheat sheet on how to manipulate you i'm,going to tell you how you're going to,answer that question,you're going to tell him,how about you show me who you are and,then i'll let you know if you're the,kind of guy i'm looking for that way,he'll take you seriously because he,knows you're not easily manipulated and,you're gonna save yourself a lot of time,because you're gonna know within a few,weeks whether or not that man passes,your vibe check,stay woke,okay to begin with uh she's wearing way,too much makeup i felt like i was,watching that scene was that scene in,the joker was putting the clown paint on,that i felt like i was watching that,scene only there's a lot better life,advice to be found in the joker than in,that video,notice something about this girl and the,tip she's giving she is perfectly okay,with the idea of dating a guy who will,manipulate you she just wants she wants,you to stay one step ahead of the game,and manipulate him instead so this is a,competition of people manipulating each,other it's kind of a zero-sum,competitive sort of approach to the male,female relationship,that has made it so that,people like the girl in the video,will probably be alone and unhappy,forever because that's the way they,approach male female relationships,listen if you suspect that you're with a,guy,who you can't be honest with,because he'll manipulate you with the,information you give him about yourself,then just dump him head for the hills,bye bye,that's the ultimate red flag right there,if you have to worry about being,manipulated it's the wrong person and if,you think that every guy is going to,manipulate you then you yourself are not,fit to be dating because of this this is,the way that you're going into it this,is how you see men the truth is that,plenty of men out there,would ask the question,about what you're looking for in a man,because they actually want to know and,uh because they want to know if they're,the right fit for you and they also want,to know if you're the right fit for them,it's not less honesty up front it's more,tell her,the truth get it all out on the table up,front right away you should be totally,clear,both of you,about what you're looking for what your,values are etc that's that's what you,should actually do and you can take my,advice even though i wasn't putting on,makeup as i gave it,let's continue if you want someone to,like you more there are some really,specific psychological things you can do,that can actually make a world of,difference as a relationship therapist,i've literally spent my career studying,the art of attraction and human,psychology so i know that these things,work the first thing you're going to do,is take advantage of the reciprocal,liking concept when you see them in,person you are going to act so genuinely,excited oh my god i'm so excited to see,you and catch up on all the things we,talked about last time you're probably,thinking but kimberly like shouldn't i,be playing it cool like shouldn't i be,waiting for them to come and talk to me,and the answer is absolutely,you're gonna treat them like you have a,very special connection and this is,because our brains are psychologically,primed to like people more when we know,that they like us and thin

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TikTok Ads to Get High-Paying Coaching Clients - Walkthrough

TikTok Ads to Get High-Paying Coaching Clients - Walkthrough

hey everybody today I'm going to share,how we use tick tock ads to generate,High ticket coaching client leads and,how we close them the entire process,start to finish now before I get into,that why should you listen to you just,so you know I try all of this stuff with,my clients and my own business I'm,testing this every single day I've got a,YouTube channel my main channel is 200,000 subscribers and then I've got a tick,tock with half a million and it's,focused on public speaking coaching so I,run ads to get clients for that I run,ads for my other clients in,communication dating relationship,Fitness those niches do really well on,Tick Tock and I want to show you why if,you're already running Facebook ads you,might want to look into Tick Tock ads,and why that makes sense okay now before,we get into the ads I'm going to break,everything down I want to show you what,funnel we use so there's two that we've,used and depending on the quality of the,lead you want you pick one or the other,okay this is the one that I would go to,this is the quality funnel so we first,run the ad and again if you're doing,this with Facebook or YouTube it's,probably the same you run the ad to an,opt-in page now on the opt-in is name,email phone number and for us we,actually put in the job title in there,too and this was specific for our public,speaking Niche because we found that we,could tell if someone was qualified or,not depending on their job title so if,I'm a public speaking coach we were,working with Executives right and if,they say I work as a cashier or I work,as a junior accountant we know they're,not going to be able to afford our price,tag and we don't bother calling them so,think about qualifying your prospects on,the opt-in form it's going to give you,more information you're going to know,which leads to go after we don't do that,with everybody but for which Niche is,very very important we try to add that,an extra question at the opt-in okay,so the opt-in they put their name email,then they go to a short video now,webinars they're pretty long if people,have no idea who you are unless you're,giving away five million dollars they're,probably not going to watch the whole,video Until the End especially if,they're at Starbucks and they just,happen to click your ad right so the vsl,we have is anywhere between five to ten,minutes that's what I recommend we have,some clients that have 15 20 minutes,that does really well too really depends,on the kind of offer that you have okay,so they opt in they watch the video,hypothetically that's that's what we're,trying to get them to do and once they,do at the end of the vsl at the end of,the video they will have a call to,action that says hey book a call with us,and they'll book a call with you or your,team and you will sell them your product,there okay now this sounds very simple,but there's some key things to note and,you might have seen this with other,funnels that you've done you have a lot,of people who opt in and a lot of them,will either not watch the video or not,complete the video right and off the,people who watch the video even fewer of,those will actually book The call so,we're seeing from the people who opt in,who go all the way to the end and book a,call themselves this is roughly about 15,percent of people so 15 of the audience,coming in will book a call in your,calendar themselves now if you think,about it that's 85 percent of your,Revenue left on the table interested,leads who either forgot about you forgot,about the funnel they didn't really,realize that they had to finish the,video so we then call them right away so,if they've opted in before they even,watched the video within 5-10 minutes,we've got an appointment setter or if,you don't have a team call them yourself,if there is one thing that will get you,more clients and more Revenue it's,exactly this because they're hot right,now they're Prime right now they,remember your ad right now especially on,Tick Tock because one scroll and they're,going through 50 000 videos and they,have no idea an hour later what the heck,they signed up for trust me me we've,spent tens of thousands of dollars and,sometimes we'll call a lead two hours,later and they're like wait what what ad,what did I sign up for to get busy with,work maybe they were in the toilet,watching and who knows right,so you want to call them right away,right away don't wait for them to book a,call if they do great talk about more,stuff on the call call them right away,qualify them okay so if they don't then,send them a personalized text and follow,up follow-up follow-up you got to be,rigorous with this this is where 85,percent or most of our sales come from,for the month of October when I'm,filming this in November 70 of all of,our sales came strictly from doing this,okay and then we have our email,automation so people who've opted in and,they haven't booked a call they haven't,replied every day we're sending them an,email so first day case study second day,case s

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$0-$1k/Days With TikTok Ads (TikTok Ads Case Study)

$0-$1k/Days With TikTok Ads (TikTok Ads Case Study)

we went from zero to 1k days with this,new tick tock ads method that we,developed and i can almost guarantee you,that if you're not using the strategy,you definitely should because this can,take your shopify literally from zero to,one thousand dollar days or if you even,have an ecommerce brand this is going to,be the strategy you want to use what's,up y'all it's your favorite digital,marketer here chase chapel and i'm back,with another video that you're not going,to want to miss we're literally covering,exactly how we took this brand new,shopify store all the way from zero,dollars per day,up to 11 to 1200 dollars in daily,revenue all from tick tock ads which is,pretty incredible because it was only,within a 30 day timeline that we were,able to make this happen for this brand,so this strategy is pretty impactful and,it's absolutely insane the results that,you can get with the strategy and i'm,going to break down every metric behind,it,so just to show you a little bit about,this we started around the third with,this actual account here and you can see,that they were doing zero dollars per,day with this brand new store and we,started running tick tock ads there was,a couple cells every day and then we,started to really dial in the campaigns,and you can see from there forward every,single day was just growing and growing,and growing and now,every single day we're averaging,literally 1k days and it's pretty,incredible because you can actually see,here,one thousand dollar day eight hundred,dollar day,twelve hundred dollar day this is a,thousand dollar day almost every single,day hitting almost a thousand a day with,literally just about two hundred dollars,in ad spend and being able to get a,pretty incredible return and ad spin,from that and you can see here that the,actual online store conversion rate has,quite literally exploded and they tried,other platforms but they just weren't,getting the success but once we,implemented this tick tock ad strategy,results absolutely took off making their,store convert way better and us hitting,the actual audiences we need and that's,exactly what we're going to be covering,is the exact campaign breakdown in tick,tock so when we hop over into our tick,tock ads manager you can see quite,literally here we spent about 257,dollars to make twelve hundred dollars,with tick tock ads and there's two,campaign structures that we really,focused on here in our tick tock ads,manager and that is our open testing,campaign and our actual retargeting,campaign open testing is where we're,going after new individuals that haven't,heard about the brand before so that way,we can reach them and people will,convert from that and then once we've,built up that avenue we use what is,called a retargeting audience where we,re-target those people who have already,watched the video who've actually,clicked on the ad and actually get them,to re-engage with that same content to,actually make a purchase and i'm going,to show you all how to set up these,exact campaigns that we're using to be,successful with tick tock ads and just,to show you some more data here we're,averaging you know really low cost per,cpms around the four dollar range that,means for every 1 000 people we reach,we're making you know about four dollars,to spend to reach those thousand and,then cost per click is you know really,low below the one dollar mark most of,you are running facebook ads and have a,very high cost per click and this is a,good strategy because we've literally,you know are reaching a ton of people,every single day and on average we're,doing anywhere between eight and 15,conversions with this actual campaign,and here our average cost per result and,then we have you know our add to carts,we're getting a lot of add to cart so,that's a big opportunity which is why,i'm going to show you all how to set up,this actual retargeting so when we go,into our open testing we have different,audiences that we set up and there's,really three audiences that are really,impacting this performance and these are,what we call mixed stacks and that's,where we combine different uh layers of,interest behaviors hashtags and i'm,going to show you all how all of that,works,right through this video so let's go,ahead and start setting up this campaign,so that way y'all can start actually,generating cells because we scaled this,campaign up once it was actually,profitable and it's absolutely crushing,it and i want to show you all how we,broke it down so first step is is we're,going to go ahead and hit create and,we're going to create a conversions,campaign the reason we want to choose,conversions is because we want to,optimize for our goal if our goal is to,increase sales and you know drive more,revenue for our business so that way we,can get a really nice profit then we 100,want to focus on conversions and nothing,else we don't care about just driving,traffic to our site we're not too,worried about you know reach campaigns,we're automatically going to be dr

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TikTok's that Need to Stay in 2021

TikTok's that Need to Stay in 2021

hello everybody and welcome back to my,youtube channel or welcome to my youtube,channel i'm call me chris and you can,call me chris and today we're gonna,watch tick tocks that should have been,left in 2021 because why not or i'll be,the judge of that so let's get into it,but before we do i just want to say,you're looking real snatched today,everything's looking sharp looking good,all right let's get to the video,also it is worth noting that i am,freezing right now it's negative 15,degrees celsius i have two blankets here,snuggled up okay let's watch some,terrible videos clearing up my room so i,don't make my relatives uncomfortable,i eat kids feeling happy,the flavors are melting on my tongue,i have so many things,what scene was that from what is it a,video game was that that's like it's,like when you're watching a movie and,then your parents come in with like,popcorn they're like hey harry i made,some popcorn there's just a guy on tv,eating ass shave when that happens,happens to me like a lot,nice truck,yeah,whoa wait what is that the engine in the,back it's got no ass it's got no trunk,it's got it's me now they get footage of,me on here on facetime at 3am and my,fridge decides to make ice oh it's like,that,sound like you think it's a demon,oh,those were uh were those supposed to be,cookies can i get a replay on that oh my,god,oh no that's like just one big big sad,cookie that's like the first born child,right there on that panel yeah mistakes,just kidding i'm no mistake but i turn,out better so,when none of the presents are shaped,like a five two latina man i can't have,seat in this house hey chris you're the,whitest black person i know i'm the,wettest black person you know i'm white,i'm not i'm an idiot sorry i love you,but what am i supposed to do with these,vocal filters,i'm talking i'm talking and now i'm yeah,i've never seen that one before i kind,of like that i wish you could do that to,people they're just talking and then you,just like put like elmo over top of them,or like when you're in a fight with like,your significant other and she's like,and you know what this is what you gotta,do elmo thinks that you should leave the,house and go pick up the groceries and,take the garbage out that's what ammo,thinks,i don't think i've ever done an elbow,impression in my life i don't even know,if that sounded okay ammo could be,better new pc setup,he's got car keys,oh my mike that's sick oh my god he got,oh he's got a calculus calculator in,there oh my god look at this setup look,at all those fans is that a deal,what i thought this was this blue thing,was something else what the hell is in,here,is that is that a landline phone there's,like three calculators in it probably,costs like a whole 12.50 to set that up,12.50 you know what i'm saying the air,filter is coming,this thing is so good where's the smoke,coming from probably got like illegal,drugs happening for the smoke but that's,good this is really fun,it was pelican pelicans are terrified,did you guys know sorry there's a random,pelican fact pelicans will like they'll,try to eat you like they will they eat,seagulls put that footage here or don't,no put it here you need to see this you,need to know that pelicans are the,demons of the air how do you know,the morning after drinking all night can,i have a red bull please,oh my own rebel,red bull where's a red bull i know,spanish,the glasses say something oh my god yes,four out of four come out for 17 but you,only got four wait what i don't know,math i gotta read that again when the,four for four come out to four oh i see,it's lies it's taxes,meet you there sir all right jay put me,in hell,no one's school pizza parties,oh hell yeah bottle cap,oh my god wait i thought that was going,a different direction that's literally,the,school pizza party servings so sad and,you know you could just eat a whole,pizza to yourself and they just jip ya,when they don't,wet their toilet paper mama raised you,in a barn,wait wet your toilet paper with what,with the toilet water what if you don't,have access to a sink within reach,doesn't it just all get like clumpy so,many questions,she's literally insane,oh my gosh that's next level genius,though so what she's doing she's picking,up the dry cereal and then putting it in,the milk and then eating it that is the,biggest brain i've ever seen in my,life because i hate soggy cereal there's,nothing more in this world i hate a,couple other things but there's nothing,more in this world cereal related that i,hate more than soggy cereal i'm taking a,note out of this out of this book right,here,thigh and calf and foot cramps they're,the worst,when you're uncomfortable can't sleep so,you take off your socks,yeah anyway it's so weird actually right,now it's literally negative 15 degrees,celsius so i have to sleep with socks on,but it's just not the same you feel a,little trapped i'm feeling nice here's,some fries,oh he put her on the inside of the,windshield idiots look at those,stupid-ass pa

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Date ideas that you will make you fall in love ✨ ~ Tiktok Compilation

Date ideas that you will make you fall in love ✨ ~ Tiktok Compilation

this is your sign to surprise your,boyfriend with a date night and let the,smoke clear i got diamonds doing slides,in both days dice rolling on the las,vegas strip tonight,slip that on and we might miss the fight, night i keep the quality and my,shorty back,you know she won the mom when she,tattooed that ass i'm a lover boy,she love the toys keep it calm and you a,writer,just that roll myself a day ain't got,know,there is nothing worse than a bad first,date so allow me to save you and give,you a few good first date ideas number,one you're gonna go to the grocery store,with this person you're gonna pick a,food they're gonna pick a food you're,gonna go back and forth three times,until you have something that you can go,and make at the park you're gonna go to,the park you're gonna talk you're gonna,make the food concoction whatever you,decided to to pick out after that you're,gonna go get ice cream then you're gonna,go to a view and you're gonna talk and,do whatever else you want but some of my,business number two you're gonna go to,ikea or any big furniture store or just,big store like a costco get,walkie-talkies you're gonna start at,opposite ends of the store and then,you're gonna talk on the walkie-talkies,trying to figure out where each person,is and in that process get to know them,because you're going to ask serious,questions builds up anticipation and,it's fun for both people number three,rock paper scissors decides you're gonna,have four things you're gonna be doing,for this drinks entrees dessert and a,gamer activity you're gonna do rock,paper scissors for each one to decide,who picks what you do for that event a,little bit competitive and you get to,try something new and get to know the,other person likes it's fun happy dating,peace cheap and simple first date ideas,that don't suck part two the take her,with you date you don't even need to,plan out a date you can just take them,along with you to something you're,already doing for example if you have to,go to the mall i gotta go to the mall,and do some shopping you want to come,with and we can grab some ice cream,afterwards sounds good,fun date inspo,step one get drunk play board games step,two take a free interactive tour of the,church of scientology,maybe getting his level of spiritual,distress measured by an electro,psychomer,don't forget the literature try not to,get indoctrinated date night ideas that,won't break the bank but they're oddly,specific part four the fact that i have,all these ideas but i'm single is,literally just god heckling me put a,sporting event on mute and create your,own commentary bonus points fits for a,sport you do not understand at all try,to recreate a child's dance solo yell at,the moon and blame it for things the,moon has no control over,create your own shameless intros,style your partner's hair,try gymnastics or tumbling skills take a,stuffed animal out in public and treat,it like it's a living thing go on a fast,food date but act like you're in middle,school try to dress like a middle,schooler too,wash your car together and you can make,that as sexy as you want,try extreme couponing and we already,know,that there is always,one day date idea,here we go,date ideas that you cannot help but fall,in love with somebody on pumpkin picking,watching them get really into picking,the right pumpkin while you're in those,cozy sweaters come on building a fort to,watch movies very basic but i feel like,people don't do it anymore the vibes,in a blanket for it are perfect pizza on,the beach hear me out you're on the,beach,you're eating pizza it's so cute and,it's proven that walking on sand,barefoot is actually something that,makes you happier so the vibes are gonna,be like up here way better than sitting,in a basement date ideas for y'all that,are on a,tight budget painting is usually pretty,expensive but it doesn't have to be if,you're a creative little minx so before,we continue the video look at this candy,corn anyway here are some ideas,especially because it's fall going to an,orchard or a pumpkin patch is free if,you buy pumpkin it's like three dollars,you could stay in that pumpkin patch,take cute pics and make a whole date out,of it and if you go to the dollar store,and get paint you can paint them grab a,bunch of little candies and snacks and,have a movie night building a fort is,always free and you're never too old to,do it nature dates going hiking or if,you don't have any like hills near you,going to a park can be really cute and,if you bring your own food you're going,to get into a picnic let me know if i,should make a,baby party you coming for the roar,cause i know it's been a long time,making a blanket with my df,i chose the pink reset he chose flames,tying the knots,warming it up,so my boyfriend took me on a date told,me i couldn't look until he was set up,reaction time,wow so cute he got all my favorite,snacks pretty flowers,i am loved so well,lots of noise,all right you guys so a lot of you,commented and said that d

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