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ADVERTISING YOUR ONLYFANS USING SOCIAL MEDIA | Ranking Platforms for Promoting Adult Content Online

if sixth graders can figure it out so,can you hello everyone welcome back to,my channel it's me,teresa and today i wanted to talk about,some of the different,social media platforms that you can use,for marketing and,just some of the things that i like and,some of the things that i don't like so,much about each,different platform i'll be going over,facebook instagram,snapchat reddit youtube tick tock and,twitter,so we've got a ton to go over let's hop,right into it first off let's start with,facebook i don't,advertise on facebook obviously because,they have a ton of rules about nudity,and,that's like where all of my family stays,in contact with me but i,do have a few posts that i do mention,that i haven't only fans so,everyone already knows about it and,that's where i get,a huge number of people interested like,that i went to high school and college,with,because if someone you went to high,school with maiden only fans like if you,found her attractive,wouldn't you at least be curious i know,that,a lot of guys i went to high school with,are very curious about mine,so let's go over the ranking i ranked,them,from one to five stars on ease of use,which includes,like their terms of service and what,kind of content they allow you to,produce,your chances of going viral and your,subscriber turnover ratio which is what,i,describe as how many people are coming,from that platform,and turning into subscribers so for,facebook's ease of use,i gave it two stars because it's super,easy to use but they don't allow nudity,your chances of going viral are one star,you could potentially go,viral for like a post that you made and,it gets shared by a bunch of people or,if you're in a really big group,and maybe one of your posts gets a lot,of attention but,i can almost guarantee you that it won't,be anything,advertising your only fans the turnover,ratio even though i,said you know a lot of people that i,went to high school with will subscribe,to me i'm only going to give this,one star on facebook because what i've,noticed is normally they'll go,from my facebook friend to becoming,maybe a youtube subscriber or a snapchat,subscriber,or just following me on a different,social media platform and then in the,future they'll subscribe to me,so i don't really count that as like,subscriber turnover from facebook to,only fans,specifically there's like an extra step,and,next i wanted to talk about instagram,since facebook owns,instagram i still don't like to get very,explicit on instagram since it,is owned by facebook however you can get,away with more thirst traps maybe,where your aunties won't see it so i'm,giving it ease of use,two stars originally i was going to give,it three stars,since you can be a little more explicit,than you can on facebook however then i,realized how many times you have to post,and how consistent you have to be in,order to grow,your following organically so i removed,that third star and now they're the same,comment down below if you're interested,in me sharing some tips,that i've learned through my own,research in order to,grow my instagram following organically,your likelihood of going viral i gave,that,three stars knowing how to work the,instagram algorithm can help you,immensely but everyone wants to be a,micro influencer these days,so you really have to go above and,beyond you have to be posting,consistently you have to be posting high,quality content and it just,takes time to build up that kind of a,following,in order to get put you know like on the,explore page where other people are,going to see your content,but if you're successful in growing your,instagram i've noticed,that a lot of people make good money on,only fans,advertising on instagram so for the,subscriber turnover ratio i gave it,three stars because this video is just,from my perspective,and i only have 3 000 followers on,instagram who am i,but like from what i've heard through,the grapevine,instagram if you can build that platform,and kind of present yourself as a micro,influencer people are more willing to,pay,premium prices because they almost see,you less so as a commodity,and more valuable because you're,considered,a very small celebrity but even those,teeny tiny,steps forward in building your following,is going to make it so that you can,charge more,you can offer a premium price because,you're offering,premium content we all are but the more,followers,you have the more it proves to future,subscribers that you're,worth it i'm working on growing this,platform right now,so maybe in a future video i'll let you,know how some of these strategies that,i've been using have worked out and then,next i wanted to talk about snapchat,which is kind of similar to facebook,it's a lot of people i went to high,school and college with that have me,added on snapchat,and that's where i get a lot of,subscribers from i love to target that,demographic,just because i know them i know the,people that i went to high school with,and i just don't feel like it's,overwhelmi

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The Wildest Midterm Election Ads & TikTok Unveils 18+ Livestream | The Daily Show

The Wildest Midterm Election Ads & TikTok Unveils 18+ Livestream | The Daily Show

in Tech news Tick Tock has officially,announced that users will now be able to,run live streams for adults only,but,before you get excited,the app says that nudity and sexually,explicit content will still be,prohibited,which like,what what what's adult themed,if it's not sex and nudity,I was just like uh who's ready to watch,me refinance my mortgage,the interest rates are so huge right now,I don't think I can afford to live in my,house anymore,in international news Japan's oldest,toilet which was 500 years old was,destroyed when a man accidentally backed,his car up over it,people are trying to cover up what they,did in the bathroom but this is this,clicking it a step too far it's also,amazing how putting the word oldest,suddenly adds gravitas to something that,none of us actually care about he broke,the toilet so it was the oldest toilet,oh no I need to call my mom,and by the way if you're wondering the,oldest toilets in New York City is the,subway,has announced that they will start,delivering weed in Toronto Canada,which is amazing yeah we deliver what a,game-changing service that no one has,already been using forever,especially under the name repair guy on,my phone wow,all right let's move on to some of the,biggest stories of the day we are now in,the home stretch of the midterm campaign,season which means it's almost that time,of the year when you wake up on that one,special morning in November and you're,like oh I forgot to vote yesterday,and with just three weeks to go this is,the last chance for the candidates and,the shadowy billionaires who fund them,to make their case to the voters and as,always,they're making that case through,campaign ads in fact a record 9.7,billion dollars worth of ads,so if you live in a string State,basically every ad you're seeing on TV,right now is a campaign ad and by the,time November comes around you're gonna,be praying to see the ads that you used,to hate no more please I just want to,know when Toyota Thornton is on please,tell you guys but political ads in,America can get pretty wild they really,can and as the country becomes more and,more polarized the type of political ads,that come out become more and more,intense,so I figured let's enjoy some of the,latest Blockbusters in another,installment of vodemic 2022.,hi let's start our ad watch with the,Republicans now for this election they,want everything to be focused on three,issues inflation crime and pretending,they didn't hear that thing Trump just,said,so they've been running ads emphasizing,these issues you know some of them have,been subtle but Louisiana Senator John,Kennedy has decided that subtle is not,his style violent crime is surging in,Louisiana,woke leaders blame the police,I blame the criminals a mom should not,have to look over her shoulder when,she's pumping gas,I voted against the early release of,violent criminals and I opposed,defunding the police look if you hate,cops just because of cops the next time,you get in trouble call a crackhead I'm,John Kennedy and I approve this message,okay all right all right,first of all nobody's gonna call a,crackhead,2022 I'm gonna text a crackhead,such a crazy way to frame things though,right is it like violent crime call a,crack here,the Senate is acting like cop and,crackhead are the only two options,that's it what about social workers what,about mental health experts what about,heroin addicts there's a whole range,people,it wasn't weird for a guy who's been in,office for six years to complain about,crime and then campaign on it I find it,a little strange like ever since I got,into office crime has exploded re-elect,me so I can figure out what's going on,because I I like I don't know where this,logic goes right because no matter what,happens Republicans always want more,cops crime is up we need more cops crime,is down we need more cops like what is,the plan just to keep hiring until the,entire population is just cops yeah that,way I got an eye on me yeah,maybe the solution is just to hire,crackheads as cops,yeah because first of all they're always,there when you need them,and say what you will about cops versus,crackheads but at least the crackhead is,not going to plant crack on you they're,keeping it for themselves,it works out,I know it might be a little crazy but,you gotta admit a crackhead detective,show,that sounds like a great idea for a CSI,spin-off,the victim is on the table,next to the flowers that he bought for,Valentine's Day,I guess that means it's time to go,smoke some crack,now obviously Democrats have a whole,different set of issues that they want,to emphasize voters don't trust them on,the economy or inflation right now so,the Dems want this election to be about,things like climate change protecting,democracy and pretending that they,didn't hear the thing that Joe Biden,just said,the main issue Democrats are running on,is Reproductive Rights and California,Congressman Eric swalwell just put out,one of the most hardcore campaign ads,you've ever seen

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ADLEY & NiKO turn into BABiES!! Magic Baby Puffs mix up in our Pet Neighborhood! dad day care rescue

ADLEY & NiKO turn into BABiES!! Magic Baby Puffs mix up in our Pet Neighborhood! dad day care rescue

uh here hold these Puffs for me thank,you do not let anyone eat them okay guys,come on let's sit down and watch the,show oh boy,baby,good morning,oh,I dare to neighbor I'll talk to you in a,good neighbor good morning neighbor,yes baby,what's wrong baby,your characters are good for you it'll,turn you into adult,s,it goes right here and this goes right,here there you go,oh he does have another one in there,spit it out I'm gonna go clean it,no don't let her,oh yeah you're already a baby you're,already a baby,today,it's the neighborhood Welcome to our,neighborhood wait you guys have pets,yeah you want a pet uh you can go to the,pet store,you have a pet chewy,welcome to,come take my time,this is my horsey horsey stable and I,got,my God,my unicorn doesn't escape from the,stable we'll put a cushion right here,I'm done with my house this is where you,knock if you want to visit my house you,come over here and you have to knock,right there okay,guys let's start by waiting up from our,beds okay okay so it's night time okay,everyone go to sleep,you wake up so early,five more minutes oh Hi Neighbor do you,need a good morning toss,good morning,oh I dare to neighbor I'll toss you in a,good neighbor good morning neighbor okay,five more five minutes okay fine I'm up,let's go get some breakfast at our,neighbor's house I'm cooking breakfast,if Anna wants to come over I'll put my,horsey on this table we're having some,snake bacon for breakfast what's what's,this aren't these babies Puffs well I am,really hungry I guess one more well did,I turn into a baby last night I guess,these Puffs won't do us,oh that's good all right,Hi Neighbor I just cooked up some steak,bacon do you want,why is our neighbor a baby I don't know,what happened no neighbor uh do you want,some snake bacon,ladybug okay where's her unicorn did her,unicorn did this hey your magic did you,do this what,uh neighbor adley how did you turn into,a baby,what,that's how you turned into a baby,is this a baby machine,baby,ah baby you just want to jump,oh babies Nico can you watch the baby,I'm gonna figure out how to change your,bathroom toilet paper,oh what's wrong baby,please thank you you don't know how to,make a baba,oh boy do we have a baba around here,you need a carrot babies love carrots,these are okay oh baby baby eat your,carrots,baby here your characters are good for,you it'll turn you into a doll,maybe a baba will turn her into adult do,you know where Baba is but,oh here's a toy give her this stuffy,maybe I'll make her happy,birthday,how did we do it do you remember that,movie where adley turned into a baby,yeah how did we change her maybe Adult,food or candy Adult food or a kid that's,a good idea okay keep an eye out,oh there you go will you change your,diaper I'm gonna look for food,no,no I'm by yourself okay let me teach you,how to put baby diapers on do you like,this this goes right here and this goes,right here and this goes right here so,you tie it all up baby diapers there you,go,in the house Nico you are not watching,this baby keep an eye on her I gotta go,get human food okay,okay,puff puff,foreign,seriously,turn into a big kid,wait I got an idea come here baby I've,seen this in a movie before I get over,here,babies I've seen this in a movie it,works watch,clock hip hip time for grow up Magic,one more idea when you woke up you,turned into a baby maybe if you go to,sleep again this is all just a dream,come here baby,we need to turn it into a crib now all,right now you got your own little baby,crib when you wake up in the morning no,no escaping when you wake up in the,morning,you'll be a kid again all right Nico,where did he go go Pico,hi who are you waving to,okay,and then no escaping I'm making that,into a we go okay build the crib,first crib and coming,you broke your incredible,no do not save her she needs to be in,her crib,these are too many babies,if this doesn't work I'm calling him,back up,can you do me a favor and turn into a,big kid tonight,sweet dreams of turning into a big kid,tonight,good night babies night night sweet,dreams are turned into a big kid,going to bed good night kids I love you,okay Dory no sleeping stories story okay,once upon a time there was a little,piece of snake bacon and the piece of,snake bacon wanted to find a big kid to,eat him and he went over here and he,said you're just a baby you can eat,snake bacon and then he went over here,you're a big kid now you can eat snake,bacon no no no,and the olives happily ever after yeah,the end yay all right see you in the,morning when you're all big kids again,oh,night night,we don't want to be sweet,come on,um,that's good right wow,oh no daddy hurry what happened,to the puff oh,baby,come on dude,I had the craziest dream that you guys,giraffe baby unicorn baby kids oh that,wasn't a dream,guys how am I gonna change,I need help hold on I'm calling Mommy no,I need help you guys are crazy,don't stay here no more get in trouble,we gotta clean up those spots no one,else eat those Puffs that

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These Kids Are Skipping College to Be TikTok Famous

These Kids Are Skipping College to Be TikTok Famous

okay play the audio play your audio,last time,right,go ahead let me see it let's go let's go,they probably just made 15 million,dollars doing that,i was like like what do y'all do and he,was like i'm an influencer i mean he,actually answered i'm an influencer yes,right,i said how do you make money i've never,understood it,he was like you know how there's like,beyonce and jay-z famous field for music,he's like well we're famous,for social media,i'm like so people follow y'all just to,watch your life and i was like yeah i,was like okay sign me up,so we're in west hollywood going to a,tick-tock house,called the vault in which six people,produce content of some sort for 1.5,million followers now i don't know what,tick-tock is or if i download it i,suspect it'd be an amber alert because,i'm too old for this sort of thing,but i need to find out what these people,are doing and how they're making money,they're foregoing college and they're,for going high school to move to la you,make a ton of money by dancing on tick,tock,it was just before noon when i arrived,at vault house,that is good that'll be good content and,its young occupants had only just peeled,themselves from bed assembling for the,day's writer's room which featured no,riders and took place on a couch,let's start morning meeting now hello,focus hello we have hella heads today,what are we yeah but we're gonna have,balo and swag boy cue overs we should do,this,i think keira should do a kiss or slap,i'm not doing that they are sick of me,kissing no they're not they ask for it,every time karen trey kissing,one can be don't bring a girl home or,away oh yes yes and then one can be,don't lose the group can you write these,down because you're gonna forget and,then i'm gonna be very upset escalating,girl,i don't have any idea what's happening,what's popping chicken nuggets,wake up wake up wake up,i didn't want to go to the party to,party i wanted to go to the party,for the past few years tik tok has been,the fastest growing social media,platform in the world it currently,boasts around a billion active users and,its astonishing growth was facilitated,by crisis during those long months of,compelled coveted hibernation tiktok was,the most downloaded app in the world,a platform famous for its ubiquitous,dance trends became a sort of gateway,drug for gen z's and younger millennials,those disinclined to flailing on camera,sought notoriety on different terms is,to give me that money back tic toc,became a vast repository of makeup,tutorials unlicensed psychotherapy,questionable financial advice and,boorish humor,having a more female-based audience,gives you more money can you explain to,me what i was watching tik-tok is all,run by like our age range who's the,youngest person,how old are you 18 you're 18. oh that's,the youngest none of you are from l.a is,that right,how do you get here,an old member that used to live here,invited me just to come like stay and,hang out and that's somebody you knew,through tik tok right right somebody on,take side they offered to trial me like,to see if i would be a fit for the house,i mean does everybody remember that,first time that somebody was like i want,to pay you for the that you do i,thought people were just doing videos,for fun just go like viral,i had people asking to do what me to do,with their videos and they'll pay me and,i'm like,like 250 dollars and i was working what,were you doing at the time i was working,at uh fedex,slightly better than working at fedex,isn't it oh way better so on your own,six dollar account before you came here,like how many calls you drove,before i came out here i had like seven,hundred thousand right well now i have,1.3 meals but you guys all have your own,individual account still,and are you posting to those too yes,yeah we just have to figure out how to,keep everyone in their content,everyone's niche is completely different,what's your niche,i just stand in front of the camera and,i just blink i really do you're good at,standing here yeah pretty much,sometimes they like me to stand in front,of the camera with spence or sometimes,they request i stand in front of the,camera with my leg and so if i they want,that i'm like okay well here's us who's,they,the people watching,who has the biggest following,how big is zero falling,right now i have 4.1 mil i'm sorry about,that 4.1,you know that's the size of ireland it's,about 4 million the population of,ireland,how would you explain your appeal on,september i'm just known as a scary,chick on tick tock she's actually,talented let's rip this off,the most successful video i have right,now was like at 68 point,million views right now i'm sorry 68,million views yeah,i'm sorry,what is it it's just me like,transforming like turning into like a,monster,crush,how is that monetized the 68 million,even if it's fractions of a penny that's,a ton of money i actually didn't get,paid for that video i didn't get paid,for that video can you leave the number,of your manager h

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Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Official Music Video)

Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Official Music Video)

(gentle guitar music),♪ There's a fire starting in my heart ♪,♪ Reaching a fever pitch ♪,♪ It's bringing me out the dark ♪,♪ Finally I can see you crystal clear ♪,♪ Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare ♪,♪ See how I'll leave with every piece of you ♪,♪ Don't underestimate the things that I will do ♪,♪ There's a fire starting in my heart ♪,♪ Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark ♪,♪ The scars of your love remind me of us ♪,♪ They keep me thinking that we almost had it all ♪,♪ The scars of your love, they leave me breathless ♪,♪ I can't help feeling ♪,♪ We could've had it all ♪,♪ Rolling in the deep ♪,♪ You had my heart inside of your hands ♪,♪ And you played it to the beat ♪,♪ Baby, I have no story to be told ♪,♪ But I've heard one on you ♪,♪ Now I'm gonna make your head burn ♪,♪ Think of me in the depths of your despair ♪,♪ Make a home down there, as mine sure won't be shared ♪,♪ The scars of your love remind me of us ♪,♪ They keep me thinking that we almost had it all ♪,♪ The scars of your love ♪,♪ They leave me breathless ♪,♪ I can't help feeling ♪,♪ We could've had it all ♪,♪ Rolling in the deep ♪,♪ You had my heart inside of your hands ♪,♪ And you played it to the beat ♪,♪ We could've had it all ♪,♪ Rolling in the deep ♪,♪ You had my heart inside of your hand ♪,♪ But you played it with a beating ♪,♪ Throw your soul through every open door ♪,♪ Count your blessings to find what you look for ♪,♪ Turn my sorrow into treasured gold ♪,♪ You pay me back in kind and reap just what you've sow ♪,♪ We could've had it all ♪,♪ We could've had it all ♪,♪ It all, it all, it all ♪,♪ We could've had it all ♪,♪ Rolling in the deep ♪,♪ You had my heart inside of your hands ♪,♪ And you played it to the beat ♪,♪ Could've had it all ♪,♪ Rolling in the deep ♪,♪ You had my heart inside of your hands ♪,♪ But you played it, you played it, you played it ♪,♪ You played it to the beat ♪

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Adele - Easy On Me (Official Lyric Video)

Adele - Easy On Me (Official Lyric Video)

砂金なんてない,この川には,ここで私は一生手を洗い続ける,確かに希望は,水の中にあるだろう,でも泳ぐ気にはなれない,私が溺れたら,その静寂に ベイビー 迎え入れて,お手柔らかに ベイビー,私はまだほんの子どもで,機会もなく,自分を取り巻く世界に気づけなかった,時間がなくて,何をするか選べなかったの,だからお手柔らかに,変化を起こせるような,余地はない,私たちはどちらも,自分のやり方に固執している,私の努力は否定しようがないはず,私は気持ちを切り替えて,二人のことをまず考えた,でももうお手上げ,お手柔らかに ベイビー,私はまだほんの子どもで,機会もなく,自分を取り巻く世界に気づけなかった,時間がなくて,何をするか選べなかったの,だからお手柔らかに,私には誠意があった,大きな期待もあった,でもわかってる 今の私には,それを表にあらわすことすらできない,お手柔らかに ベイビー,私はまだほんの子どもで,機会もなく,自分を取り巻く世界に気づけなかった,時間がなくて,何をするか選べなかったの,だからお手柔らかに

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2022, in 7 minutes

2022, in 7 minutes

The world will mark an important milestone,as the global population surpasses 8 billion people.,Weddings are back.,Experts are predicting weddings to reach a 40-year high.,We have been waiting to do this for two-and-a-half years.,After weeks of flirtation and fighting,the new couple has officially done the deed.,Full-on crypto crash.,$32 billion dollars just vanished…,My money don’t jiggle jiggle.,BTS are going on hiatus.,Taylor Swift fans waited hours online only to find the website crashing.,I’m going to the concert!,The final seconds before impact.,Have a corn-tastic day.,Ah, stunning! Yeah.,The blockbuster legal saga between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp…,My favorite thing about the movie is like,,it feels like a…,like a… movie.,The Russian president says a military operation is now underway in eastern Ukraine.,Explosions and air raid sirens ringing out in cities across this country.,Soaring new numbers from the UN on Ukrainians fleeing the fighting.,We cry — we all have the feeling that we’ve no home., We are ready for any outcome.,Russia, now the target of more than 2,700 new sanctions.,And the world bracing for food shortages,Russia has now suspended all gas supplies to Germany.,Possible explosions along the Nord Stream pipelines.,Gas prices — soaring to the highest average ever recorded.,Amazon,,Microsoft,,Meta announced 11,000 employees laid off,1,200 Twitter employees calling it quits.,I quit is what’s going on., Ah, ****,Inflation,is much too high.,Everything has doubled up.,Do you heat or do you eat?,These prices are totally outrageous.,I do not have time for this!,It’s been the most incredible ride and journey I’ve ever been on.,We have finally achieved equal pay for our men’s and our women’s national team.,It’s about damn time.,It is the most controversial World Cup in the history of football.,The gulf state’s been under intense scrutiny over the treatment of migrant workers.,The 2022 Winter Olympics are underway.,Jamaica will compete in the four-man bobsled.,China’s snow princess is the queen of big air!,Russian figure skater testing positive for a banned substance.,I have tested positive for Covid-19.,I will have to withdraw.,BA.5 is fueling yet another wave,Covid vaccines for children under 5 began today.,Someone’s getting vaccinated.,Airline passengers can now decide for themselves to wear a mask.,Summer travel this year comes with some baggage.,Kylie Jenner takes a three-minute flight and yet they’re telling me to recycle cans!,Soaring temperatures.,40.2 degrees, Get out of there, please!,Pakistan reeling from the devastating floods caused by monsoon rains.,We are on a highway to climate hell,with our foot still on the accelerator.,Hurricane Ian has changed Florida forever.,This wall could not contain it because the water was too much.,We are seeing tragedy unraveling in front of our eyes., We were working here, and suddenly, we heard mortar explosions near this mosque.,This crater hints at the size of the explosion in western Ghana.,The government of Burkina Faso averted a plot to take over the country.,Today, we have fought for our freedom from the greedy politicians.,154 people were killed in a crush in South Korea.,Another mass shooting…,At a fourth of July parade,,In a Walmart,,At a hospital complex,,At a gay nightclub,,An elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.,They let our baby get slaughtered.,A major Supreme Court ruling that could make it easier to obtain a firearm license.,Antisemitic incidents…,Black transgender deaths are rising.,Critics call it the “don’t say gay” bill.,We will not go back!,The nation’s highest court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade.,Our body, our choice!,22-year-old Mahsa Amini was taken into custody by Iran’s morality police.,Amini’s death has sparked outrage.,The Iranian squad chose not to sing the country’s national anthem.,Please be our voice and don’t let the evil regime kill innocent people.,Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh has been shot dead.,Thousands gathered for her funeral procession., Not lies, but respect!,Authorities in China are strengthening their efforts to stamp out unrest over stringent,Covid measures., The citizens are here.,We are here.,I want you to know how sad I am to be giving up the best job in the world.,I am resigning as leader of the conservative party.,I am prepared to give everything I have.,Xi Jinping — becomes the most powerful leader in China in decades.,Jair Bolsonaro defeated by former president Lula da Silva.,Gabriel Boric will become Chile’s youngest ever president.,Republicans were hoping for a red wave, which didn’t really pan out.,Giorgia Meloni’s “Brothers of Italy” party winning this weekend’s election.,India’s first tribal person elected to the highest office of the land.,Buckingham Palace has announced the death of her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second.,This is the end of an era.,Ukrainian forces are now on the offensive.,They’ve taken more territory in the past week than Russia has since April.,Nobody’s gonna b

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"R" rated adult game ads show up on kid friendly sites

"R" rated adult game ads show up on kid friendly sites

the content of the game,looked to be inappropriate for any,audience much less you know my middle,schoolers or high schoolers,okay so there's a lot of buzz on social,media tonight about an adults only game,being promoted to children as well as,teens ads for this sexually explicit,game are showing up on kid-friendly,platforms through the google game store,jason berry is live in the newsroom,sounds disturbing jason yeah if you've,ever downloaded a free app or game on,your phone you know there are a lot of,advertisements that come with it you'd,like to think those ads would be age,appropriate based on the game being,played well we found an adult's only,game that has an ad going out to,kid-friendly sites and that has a lot of,parents pretty upset,let's face it kids like to play video,games download apps and chat online,that's a way that they communicate mesa,mom ashley capps merkley does her best,to protect her children from,inappropriate content but every so often,something r rated pops up the ads can,sometimes be questionable or maybe,intended for an audience that's a bit,older than the demographic of my,children so that's always a concern an,ad for this game in the google app store,may have crossed the line hundreds of,parents across the country are speaking,out on social media to complain about,love interactive ads showing up on,kid-friendly game sites over and over,again the game which holds a 17 plus,mature rating involves a young player,navigating through a sexual encounter,having to choose whether to undress his,scantily dressed step-sister in her,sleep or wake her up just because the,game itself seems age appropriate for,your child shane watson with the,non-profit not my kid tells us the ads,often pop up at random and there's no,real way to prevent them other than not,using the free-to-play apps he says this,is exactly why parents need to be more,involved in what their kids do online if,we're waiting for someone to legislate,this out of existence it's not going to,happen so many of these apps are,unregulated they're coming from outside,the united states even so we need to,address it at the family level parents,need to educate the kids on the dangers,involved parents need to make sure that,before they give that child the device,that they the parent understands the,dangers involved parents are now,demanding google pull this game from its,app store and stop the ads from going,out to kids sites complaints include my,ten-year-old saw this ad this ad is,wildly inappropriate this game is,advertising sexual assault and rape i,would hope that an ad for a game with,that subject matter wouldn't be placed,on a game not rated for a more mature,audience,a lot of people are now converging on,the game's download page to give it a,bad review now in the past apple and,google have removed games if there's,been enough complaints we reached out to,google for comment but have not yet,heard back so what else jason can,parents do to protect their kids from,being exposed to something they really,shouldn't be seeing you know we hear,this over and over again cyber experts,suggest that parents spend some time,with their kids when they get a new game,or app and watch what happens and what,ads actually pop up there is also,software out there called bark that can,track what has been viewed texted or,received so there are definitely some,options out there for parents

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