Playing Games from TikTok Ads So You Don't Have To
i'm nelly and today we're going to learn,a new word it's called,no guys i'm on my floor,back where i belong nothing,changed ain't nothing new he's got his,own place now and he's still chilling on,the ground what's gucci i'm down to,earth i'm grounded,oh somebody take me home i'm actually on,my bean bag wait wait wait wait,wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm,actually leaning against the bean bag,definitely on the bean bag just leaning,against it if i was fully on the bean,bag y'all will see,every single roll on my body,so the floor helps anyways let's talk,about specifically,game specifically game apps that are,being advertised on tick tock y'all know,what i'm talking about you all got,tick-tock,if you don't girl why are you holding,out it's fun go get it but i just don't,want all these corporations tracking my,information what are they going to do,with it girl,kill you you think the information you,hold is going to jeopardize their entire,operation girl no just download tick,tock on tick tock there seems to be,some weird unlocked plethora of,christmas i just constantly play on the,app,unhinged an untracked scene unhinged,girl unhinged not even in a cute way,and then sometimes you'll have like some,chipmunk voice talking over it,sounds like,why am i laughing but now today we're,going to figure out are the apps,as cursed as those ads probably yeah 100,yes most definitely yeah i'm betting all,of my,money on yes but we're still going to,play them today,you don't have to first ones first we're,going to start with my ultimate favorite,high heels,yep high heels what high heels you ask,shut up shut the down tick tock,basically it's a game where you play a,person that's wearing high heels,what oh my god ground break but while,wearing the high heels you collect,other high heels which then grow your,high heels to be,even higher heels it is the most,chaotically neutral game i've ever seen,in my entire life and i absolutely love,it i played it before this isn't me,reacting to this one this is me just,showcasing its genius and all their ads,will play like the same goddamn nicki,minaj song and like fast pace because,you know when you think of high heels,you think of nicki minaj right,no just me oh shut up literally almost,five stars with 241,000 reviews girl girl when i say they,play this ad everywhere every two,goddamn,seconds so good that leo rio even said,boom clackalackalac,a boom de la caca ca i don't ,know but let's just play the here,we are,oh yeah i forgot i chose the man or,masculine,built person you know a gender,right level 44,got on some pink heels and some gray,sweatpants,music bumping and so am i and basically,all you need to play is put your finger,on the phone and it goes look at,her look at her look at her,look at her and then when we get to the,bean you got a balanced if you,don't bounce don't bounce your ball off,shut up you try okay here we go it's,simple it's literally simple and we,skate on them hoes,yes walk that tightrope,every single one they just get higher,and higher i also love how the high,heels are not even like,actual normal high heels they're like,literally all platforms,at this part yeah they do the, split,that's what makes you so iconic and then,here we go,there we go and there it is up now,girl girl that's the high heel game it's,literally my biggest,obsession right now literally everything,i've won in a video game is in this game,okay suspense adventure,story walking the runway to reach the,runway,game of the year here we go level 45,you're doing good get a get it, get it get a get a, get it back,you know what that means yummy oh i've,unlocked a girl who ever loves an ebony,garden,oh i gotta watch a video to claim it up,never mind sorry girl sorry girl,and for the character categories there's,cute star,and queen,i don't know and even have like multiple,versions of nicki minaj in there because,okay whatever play one more level and,then i'm gonna move on sorry i haven't,played this in like weeks now i'm going,back down that tunnel,yes inches oh nope lost them all okay,split on them,and then nowhere nowhere went nowhere,oh bonus level paris yes please oh,no parents don't need parents we,don't need parrots there you go,that was high here the next one's called,hair,challenges you're playing like a person,with long hair walking down the runway,trying not to get your hair cut i don't,know it's the same format as high heels,literally all the games that are,advertised on tick tock are like the,same three formats either you're walking,to a place or you're stacking something,or you're jumping over something,i don't know we're walking some,more but this time we got long hair,no heels long hair and if you haven't,noticed i cannot relate this is going to,be a blast,oh it's the same literal company as the,hut,that's what girl girl y'all just making,y'all y'all not even trying y'all still,getting my ad money i guess god damn,goddamn y'all got me y'all got me oh, how much money y'all making hair,chal
Let's move on to the first section of tiktok game ads
TikTok Gambling Ads Are Terrible
TikTok Gambling Ads Are Terrible
i invoked the spirit of the late pope,francis to bless this video as a banger,i'm still alive you dumbass my bad,father gambling it's fun it's flirty,it's what insanely rich people do just,to feel something and it's what we're,going to be talking about today,specifically i want to cover gambling,apps specifically gambling apps ads,specifically gambling apps ads on tick,tock because these apps are so strange,in their advertising and i just need to,share with somebody and,all of my friends are busy so let's just,jump in with the first ad that made me,say,what the and we'll just go from,there,hey let her go inmate do the right thing,i'll talk to the warden and i'll get,your sentence reduced car's over there,you can use it to escape i need to,answer this phone call first this is not,a slot our system has detected that you,have just hit a grand jackpot of 1,billion in our game we have sent 1,billion coins to your account please,confirm if you have received it what a,billion but i didn't top up a single,penny don't worry there's no need to,spend a single penny,what the you see what i'm saying,she's in a hostage situation and just,had to answer this phone call from lots,of slots how did she hit the jackpot she,wasn't even on her phone does lots of,slots have a call center to reach,everyone that wins a jackpot on their,app what does 1 billion coins even mean,is that a lot for the app is that a,little i don't know i had so many,questions and so little answers so i,kept watching and if you're lucky you,can hit a jackpot with just 10 spins,with jackpots going up in the millions,where do i download this game i want to,play two,lots of slots tons of fun the escape,convict was so blown away by the app,that he lets his hostage go and gets,caught if you consider jumping on a man,as getting caught so i guess the purpose,of the ad was to show how crazy high the,payouts were that you'll just be so,rattled in a state of shock you have to,drop whatever it is you're doing because,a billion coins uh yeah take me back to,jail i need to play this game,immediately okay good job jimmy now just,make that final incision and if you mess,this up she will die oh geez okay uh,where do i make the cut hold that,thought i gotta take this call what sir,we're in the middle of surgery it's lots,of slots oh sorry my bad how much did,you win one billion dollars what's that,one billion coins oh my god that's,amazing oh she's flatlining believe,it or not that wasn't another lots of,slots ad you just watched that was me,doing a skit,though i get how they could look like,one in the same but this wasn't the only,weird strange bizarre ad that i've,collected over the last month because,apparently this is just a standard with,these gambling mobile apps with so many,different ones fighting for your,attention and where else but tiktok to,get these adhd stricken teenagers to,download your over-the-top dopamine,inducing slots app promising you,millions upon billions of coins those,are some big numbers but before we get,into making fun of those cringy ads i,have my own hopefully not cringy ad,that's right we have our first sponsor,this video is brought to you by atlas,vpn as a millennial scared of,embarrassing myself with technology i've,always put off buying a vpn because i,thought they were too difficult to set,up luckily with atlas vpn i was up and,running in a few minutes with a clean,display letting me know that my internet,traffic is both protected and encrypted,look at the little superhero guy,defending my devices from internet bad,guys don't you just want to pinch his,cheeks and say thank you sorry no you're,busy keep doing your thing right now,atlas vpn is running a huge discount it,means you can get a three-year,subscription for just,1.99 a month with a 30-day money-back,guarantee using my link in the,description with atlas vpn i get to,watch shows on streaming platforms that,were previously locked out of my region,in the us as you can see when i place,myself in the filth of new jersey i,can't watch some of my favorite shows,like parks and rec and arrested,development but suddenly i like maple,syrup and playing ice hockey because as,far as netflix knows i've just become an,honorary canadian and now i can binge,watch parks and rec and arrested,development at blazing fast speeds from,my virtual private log cabin,go oilers with a single atlas vpn,subscription you can protect unlimited,devices stop ads and malware and find,the best deals when shopping online,thanks a little superhero guy no you're,still busy sorry once again you can get,the best vpn deal on the market right,now with a three year subscription to,atlas vpn for only a dollar and 99 a,month with a 30 day money back guarantee,time is running out so get your deal by,clicking the link in my description,below thank you atlasvpn for sponsoring,this video now the next type of gambling,ads i saw were what i would categorize,as the boss ad and these typically start,off very intense,no no stop us no,
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Who Makes Fake Mobile Game Ads?
Who Makes Fake Mobile Game Ads?
if you do literally anything online,you've been hit with,targeted ads from barbecue sauce to,kevin hart hawking me shorts your shorts,don't even have pockets,targeted ads are competing against,everything else on the internet for your,attention and if they can get it it can,mean,big money but unlike these ads some,targeted ads are purposefully misleading,i mean look no further than the bizarre,ads trump was running about biden before,the election,here's how you can spot a zombie look,for someone who has a corpse-like,appearance,exhibits aggressive behavior craves,human flesh and utters incoherent moans,and groans,with your help we can prevent the zombie,uprising,i don't know what's worse the fact that,this is a real ad that trump ran,or the fact is just on a 30 minute loop,i hope this wins an emmy for shittiest,way to spend half an hour,but i think the worst offender by far of,this is the misleading ads,used in app games you've probably seen a,game like this pop up in your feed on,facebook or instagram,but this game just doesn't exist if you,actually click on these ads,the game you download looks nothing like,what you saw,this would be like if you saw some,awesome gameplay of doom ran,out and bought it came home put it in,and it was just a pdf of the,bible and it might seem crazy that these,app games are trying to catfish people,but the cringiest part of all is some of,the tactics that these games use which,at its best,is over the top,and at its worst is literally a game,about creating your own,harem of wives and the games being,advertised to kids,it's unreal but when these ads aren't,busy showing fake gameplay or,objectifying women,they even get away with stealing from,artists like cyanide and happiness for,example with,zero repercussions,yo what the but why do they face,zero repercussions,well did i mention these ads make,hundreds of millions of dollars and,that's not just for these companies that,develop the apps but that's also the,kind of money they generate for the,platforms they advertise on,but it's the companies and the people,that create these misleading ads that i,want to talk more about today,figure out why some of these companies,are raking in up to a billion dollars,from ads like this,and more importantly how a fake ad like,this,can make tech giants like google,millions,screw it man i'm not monetized yet so i,could you know,i can make this video so let's dive deep,into the app,games that don't exist,roll the intro,i feel like the most common type of fake,game ad i've run into are these how to,loot style,ads mostly the ones from hero wars the,false ads for the game often star the,main character galahad and,occasionally a princess named aurora a,good number of the adds have aurora,being shackled or tied up to dangerous,traps close by and the on-screen hand,has to rescue her imagine princess peach,getting tortured in a nintendo,commercial,now the real game is an idol rpg and,it's obviously much less enticing to,look at in an,advertisement but because of public,outcry and i think to protect,themselves from future lawsuits they,added a couple bonus levels very similar,to the ads although this,seems to rarely happen however the hero,wars community was actually really,stoked to finally see these puzzles from,the ads,actually injected into the game as most,of them started playing the game because,of these ads,and that totally surprised me that this,game despite lying to get you in the,door,has a legitimate fan base that loves it,that's like if i went to go buy a,mustang,and instead the guy shows up and he's,like well i do have this zune,and instead of being mad you're just,like this little bad boy holds audio,books,and the trying to sell you the,zune are the kings of the style of ad,a company located off the coast of syria,and cyprus known as nexters global,nexters makes millions off running these,misleading fake ads,i mean their ceo andrei fadav was on the,cover of eastern european forbes,which sounds like a punchline but it,isn't and he even hosted a russian ted,talk in a spirit halloween angel costume,like he's sam hyde,and it's weird how much his forbes cover,looks like keith renery the leader of,that nexium colts forbes cover,i don't know what point i'm trying to,make here it's just it's strange to me,how similar they are,i mean he seems to be a pretty serious,guy when he's not you know,dressing up like an angel or making,house music,but companies like nexters global they,know their game just wouldn't get the,same kind of views and downloads if they,didn't fake these ads when they try to,make legit ads it goes,less than well become the lord of the,archipelago,is he trying to say archipelago win the,archipelago tournament,earn skulls i honestly can't get past,earn skulls earn skulls cash in,all your pelvic bones so the obvious,question is why don't these ad platforms,take down these fake ads,well it's simple you follow the money,but you start to follow the money,and you don't know where the is,goin
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MORE Weird Ad Games
MORE Weird Ad Games
“marge said i should get out of my comfort zone so
i tried this new game and oh boy am i in the zone”,so back in january i made a video called weird
ad games which basically dissected all the many ,strange mobile games you could find just
from the ads alone so this video is pretty ,much a sequel to that except now there's more
even after how long ago that video was made ,mobile ad games appear to have not changed one
bit in fact it seems that they have gotten worse ,everyone knows about these ads and it's rather
obvious that pretty much everyone hates them ,nonetheless they seem to still be riding the
corpse of the app store and squeeze as much ,money out of the game as they possibly can before
the game dies so today i want to dive into more of ,these games and just see how bad they actually
are i will be analyzing these games one by one ,and also seeing if the ads resemble the finished
product at all you don't have to see the first ,video i made in order to understand this one
but if you want to see it there will be a ,link in the description so with that out of the
way let's begin looking at more weird ad games,so for our first mobile ad game we'll be playing
let's take a look at count masters crowd runner 3d ,a game that's premise is to grow an army of bleak
stickmen to kill other bleak stickmen with over ,a quarter of a million ratings it's tagged as
number 14 on the action category of the app store ,which is kind of shocking so basically this game
is like 90 of all modern mobile games on the ,app store as you start out as just a mere single
person but by going through these doors to either ,add or multiply your figure you can now grow your
army to the extreme and survive several obstacles ,the main obstacle you'll be seeing is a red
army that stands in the way of your progress ,if you have a number of soldiers lower than
the red army even if it's by one then you'll ,lose there's also a few other obstacles across
the level that also try to kill out your army ,there's obstacles like saw blades and spinning saw
blades occasionally there are ramps for your group ,to jump over but that's about it if your army
does eventually survive the level then one of ,two things will happen you will either climb up a
huge ladder of blocks to see how far you get with ,your army or you'll have to end up fighting a huge
boss stickman that also tries to kill your army ,before the fight starts you have a chance to
increase your army by a considerable amount ,with the best increase being the skinniest
one though despite that i ended up managing ,to click the rarest option anyway because the
arrow is actually not that fast once you kill ,the king you can take over the castle speaking
of the castle by the way there's also a second ,game mode you can play alongside going through
the levels build mode which basically puts you ,on an island where you build your civilization of
bleak stickman yay once you build your castle you ,can battle more red army figures except now you
can choose how you multiply your army i suppose ,having two game modes makes the game a little bit
more unique but regardless of that this game is ,extremely boring like most of the modern mobile
games on the app store all you do is just run in ,a straight line in this weird dream world dodging
obstacles and going up weird stairs and that's it,in the menu you can also find things like skins
micro transactions and even having the ability to ,change the color of your figure you can also turn
off ads but it requires three bucks out of you ,not only are there a lot of video ads that like
to pop out of nowhere but there's also a lot of ,ads at the bottom of your screen advertising
games like twerk race 3d i mean i guess it's ,kind of interesting to see how big your army can
get as it slowly dies out throughout the level ,but yeah there's nothing really much else to talk
about in this game other than the fact that funny ,bland figures fight other funny bland figures
wow you can tell i enjoy this game a lot looking ,at the app store it actually seems that other
people unironically enjoy this game this game ,is really fun and i like that you can get coins
to add more guys to the start of your run and add ,to your coin love like bro what what other games
do you like twerk race 3d so yeah there's nothing ,much else to talk about in this game it's boring
it's generic and it's all around not very good ,actually hang on you know what go back to the
ad at the bottom of the screen yeah that one ,fine tap to pay llc justice wants all play by
your rules and actually install and play your ,other crappy games so without further ado let's
click twerk race 3d and see where it leads us,so now that i click the ad it's time to play
the sacred title twerk race 3d according to the ,description the game states that twerking is
a lot of fun and a running game with twerking ,is even more fun m
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Continue the next fourth section about tiktok game ads
welcome back to titan gamers and the,producers have brought me back again to,try annoying tick tock capes you're,welcome i'm gonna try it for you i'm,gonna get annoyed you're gonna watch me,get annoyed,so,shall we start with the first ad and,game so this is the first ad game,oh,i've actually,received these ads several times this,week,tempted very very very tempted to,actually download it but i'm too busy so,thank goodness for my beauty schedule,but looks like we're gonna try it today,and now let's start,obviously i'm gonna go with time seven,right because,i need,the people,okay okay the first round should be very,doable okay see i completed it all right,okay next level i'm going around two now,okay now it's times two and times three,let's see how that goes,so this will multiply by two and then,the by two it's multiplied by three,again this is so much mess all right,okay i'm obviously gonna win this one,because,the enemy is releasing very slowly and i,won,nicely done commander you defeated a,superior opponent that wasn't very,superior at all all right there's some,swiveling thing going on so okay,we'll start with times five and times,three huh,okay honestly right what i think about,this game right is that it's a bit dumb,i mean not that not the game the game's,all right i guess but,uh the ads that they show because,they're just like going here oh and like,yo there's so many like opponents coming,up already,and then they lose because they didn't,multiply enough warriors to like fight,the battle so cute am i the baby,oh press press press,that was no breeder out of 10 i think,six maybe six i didn't get any ads,whatsoever it was pretty smooth except,for the power and they were trying to,get me to go to the battle because like,i got confused at that moment because i,didn't know how to exit,might continue playing this game we'll,see might delete it after,okay next game let's go,grab him he becomes ours,okay two of us against one red guy,surely we can take him on,come on come on nice we got him all,right three of them okay i'll merge,these two guys and then we'll create one,big guy oh no there's,more of them that's how many times i've,been served nice okay merge those we got,three big guys but there's still some,over there figure out what it takes to,survive download top war now let's get,started shall we honestly right a lot of,these games are have very cute,animations there's this like stereotype,whereby girls you know they like to play,cuter things like how valerian right,it's honestly the graphics are very nice,very cute the animations are great and,everything that's why a lot of girls,played,okay merge,with i i think i'm like in trials,oh so after i merge several times i'll,i'll get a tank,ready commander,ready,black widow,copyright,your help came at the right moment thank,you commander i'm agent black widow,there's a fire i have tanks okay i'm,battling a huge tank,i thought this was really more about,people,okay,what huh what,wait which one is me,i couldn't tell,there was no prompt on what i s,what i'm supposed to be doing so i just,stayed at the screen,but okay i wanna like my tanks were all,gone did i was left with my soldiers and,i just pressed and then i won,it seems that these atmospheric,manipulators are capable of influencing,the weather,several of our forces have been,separated and demolished by the dark,legion as a result of these clouds okay,what are these atmospheric manipulators,for a new weapon i think there's,for mobile game there's a lot of story,going on we clear the area commander is,it a new weapon that is a dark legion's,command center we can set up camps and,attract allies,the dark legion would be prepared to,deal with us at any time the game,right does not look at all,like the ad if you put them side by side,beside me right now right so cute,and come on like that,something went wrong in the rendering,though,it's a bloody catfish game,i'm like probably about five minutes in,right five five seven minutes in already,and like i've i think eighty percent of,the time i'm reading through what black,widow and what the commander oh sorry,what the sergeant said i'm the commander,okay no i don't want to play this game,anymore can we go to the next one this,game,rating,no i cannot,stop serving me the ads now we're going,on,to the next game,oh we're big on gaming we're bigger,yeah we can you can pick your own heroes,there's different game modes it's great,okay awesome can i see some of the,gameplay yeah,can i see some of the gameplay there's,some something no one has ever asked me,before,it looks like the knockoff of paladins,in just like mobile mobile form,nani,maintenance in progress the full game is,under maintenance couldn't have they,said it at the start but it's all right,of course the producer has another,backup see,kingdom tower defense,so cute,off the top of my head when he loses,weight he looks like the monsters inc,the you know the green guy,mike wazowski yeah,so this is just like you know
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Games From Tik Tok Ads Make Me Cry
Games From Tik Tok Ads Make Me Cry
i severely regret making this,video i spent an entire day playing,shitty mobile games because,my dumb ass thought it would be a good,idea but i ended up spending,95 of my time watching ads instead of,playing any actual,games but i just thought it was too good,to pass up,hi i'm ravioli and,i'm addicted to tick tock tick tock like,any social media site is overloaded with,tons of ads for,awful looking mobile games there's a,common trend of these ads,showing someone playing said mobile game,and just playing like absolute garbage,they're so obviously geared towards,making you think what a numbskull,i could do that thus making you want to,download the game to prove that you are,not a numbskull yourself,so i did just that i tried the games so,you don't have to because you know what,some of the games do look kind of fun,but with the current state of the mobile,game market being chock full of dumpster,worthy cash grab games it can be hard to,find ones worth your time,i set out with one goal in mind find a,game,actually worth the download from a tick,tock ad and,well here's how it went so the game that,actually spawned this awful video idea,is,dragon raja i've been seeing ads for,this game for a long time now and,there's just,something so high quality and extremely,low effort about it that i just couldn't,help but want to see what it actually,plays like turns out,it plays like probably could have,guessed that however the first few,moments of the game,actually seem somewhat promising i mean,it's pretty enough for a mobile game and,it's got some classes that actually look,kind of cool,but that's where everything went,downhill after creating a character and,entering the game this is the very first,thing you see i swear i did not edit,this,in any way,hey watch out,you serious dude like what the hell was,that there was textures popping in,and no sound effects whatsoever and it,just dropped you right in the middle of,whatever the heck was happening there,the best part of dragon raja is during,the cut scenes you can see comments left,by other people playing and some of them,are,hilarious this is alaska husky is,absolutely a ,do you not see that the cherry blossoms,have fallen,even the newly bloomed pear flowers are,touched by the rain,dog meat is yummy,but yeah basically dragon raja sucks,very unpolished clearly all flash and,no substance now there's another game,that's very similar to dragon raja and,somehow,worse not gonna lie this trailer looks,pretty neat got some dragons doing,dragon things and it claims to be the,best,3d fantasy mobile game ever with 200,drop rate and two times experience you,can even hit level 300,overnight all right bet tap here,to continue the quest that's it that,that's the whole game,do you see all these buttons typically,buttons are meant for pressing,i'm pretty sure i pressed a total of one,of them,during my entire time playing gate of,chaos i was also,quite surprised to learn that 2b was in,this game wow,now i didn't end up downloading every,game i saw there were a couple ads i,picked out to show just because they,were interesting in some sort of way one,of these ads was for,roblox and i specifically wanted to,point out this,hot dog man,so if you've been on tick tock at all,i'm sure you've seen an ad for a game,similar to these and let me tell you,these ones are hell you spend more time,watching ads than you do playing the,games themselves,it's the bottom of the barrel of mobile,games they're designed to look colorful,and fun and then they just throw ads in,your face all the time,here is a legitimate time comparison of,all the time i spent playing stair,climber versus the time i spent watching,ads in stair climbing,this this is not okay,okay that's not right let me let me fix,this real quick,all right now here's a game i can get,behind i am so ready to crash some,planes and cause some mayhem,well you got me by all accounts it,doesn't make sense,this game is by far the most challenging,game i've played in years oh okay,so like maybe it's like a sakura clone,or like a ninja gaiden clone or,holy something definitely seems harder,than dark souls,seriously though this game is actually,solid there was,no random pop-up ads no ad banners the,game,actually worked and was enjoyable i,personally do like the fantasy brick,breaker type games and this one was,actually pretty good not very hard but,good nonetheless,it did feel like the kind of game that,throws rewards at you to make you feel,progress,and then eventually just stops giving,you anything and kind of forces you into,paying to progress,but it's charming in its own right so i,definitely say we succeeded in finding a,decent game,from all of these awful tick tock ads,now for these,last two games i just i kind of just,need to show you the ads,first,oh do you have,any idea what this game is about from,that advertisement because i sure don't,as far as i can tell it looks kind of,like an agar io concept you know that,game where you eat little dots and,sl
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Mario Reacts To Cursed Mobile Game Ads
Mario Reacts To Cursed Mobile Game Ads
back to so nice,if you reach level 2 you're legally a,pumpkin yes,wow this is garbage,what the am I looking at what the, what is this what is this,man I love mobile ads what's up everyone,I'm Mike and this is my girlfriend okay,she's just my girlfriend I'm sorry what,and while we're at it how about a kid,come on please blood Lads I found him,it's the bliggity blue I can't get any,damsels,no,wait a minute what's wrong with you,no,whoa whoa is it that easy,smash,that boy ain't right,Mario,this is gonna be good ebony is a puzzle,game where you have to save the guy from,the other one I actually downloaded this,game thinking it was going to be super,easy,this is me playing I just can't seem to,pass these puzzles hello ebony the,king's return today,I just want to talk to him why do you,have a shotgun I just want to talk to,him this is ridiculous I just want to,talk to him I just want to talk to him I,just want to talk to him I just want to,show them I just want to talk I can't,shoot him,no Mamma Mia,hi,bye whoa,hi,did it work,maybe I can help,that'll be 85 dollars,what,do it,can I have it,okay hey hold on,what is this oh my I'm tingling all over,just a little bit down,why this feels so good just a little bit,down there keep filling don't stop never,stop,foreign,are you blind I'm not above the kind,is that,where are your eyes did you beat them,with rice,that one there was a violation,personally I wouldn't have it Marge said,I should get out of my comfort zone so I,tried this new game and oh boy am I in,the zone,let me show you you got a tap here it's,right there and whoa pink color,impact is an open world action RPG game,available on PC Android iOS and,Playstation 4 and 5. step into a vast,magical,oh no,help please help me nope,foreign,then use Thorns to kill them what they,are not at the place with draft,Ed,what's hip up nope,foreign,I got a new apartment what should I buy,how cute he is,but now I have to sleep on the floor,foreign,hell yes,come on ,on,I'm gonna get you out of here,run run run for your life,I'm so sorry I found you,stupid,foreign
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Testing WEIRD TikTok Apps.. (LOL WTF)
Testing WEIRD TikTok Apps.. (LOL WTF)
have you guys ever just been scrolling,on tick tock and then one of those,really weird mobile app ads come up and,you're just like what is this game and,they always do it wrong like this right,like you see this ad and they just,absolutely suck they're getting,everything wrong and then there's just,like the really weird ones where it's,just like a twerking game let's test,some out all right so i was just,scrolled on tick tock for like a few,hours downloaded all of the apps that i,saw that were ads and yeah let's play,some so uh this one caught my eye right,it's called squat and squeeze,so yeah a great uh title screen this is,good what is she doing what does that do,what is that,the new tick tock trend guys the new,tick tock dance right here all right so,let's just play it this should be,interesting all right so what do we have,to do,oh that's a cactus okay i'm not gonna,did i just explode myself,okay so i'm not supposed to squat on the,buttons i'm supposed to squat on the,food okay that's dynamite that's a,balloon why am i squatting on food,squat what oh,oh frick okay so i'm supposed to push,her off the edge or something,i did it okay it literally looks like i,pooped,so yeah we're like one minute into the,video and i already poked my pants okay,let's try it again all right here we go,watermelon squat squat oh i can hold it,there we go i put my pants what is this,game bro cactus oh,oh i have cactus shards in my freaking,body guys i swear i just heard a knock,on my door let me go check,hello infinite here you're having,troubles with your banking and i'm here,to help you out whoa,no way is it actually you yes it is me,wait why isn't your mouth moving oh i'm,i'm just using my thoughts to to speak,oh okay wait what's your name oh my,name's current man oh that's a good name,so what is it you do current man i can,help manage your money using your mobile,device get you paid up to two days,faster with direct deposit and if that,wasn't enough fellow earthling we have,an overdraft of up to a hundred dollars,without fees no way but wait there's,more you can instantly send and receive,money to other current members deposit,checks using your phone's camera at over,60 000 stores,oh and we also work on over 40 000 atms,current man you've saved the day is,there any way i can repay you well,infinite just direct deposit me four,million dollars,okay got it thank you okay bye,um,that was weird uh i do i do want to say,thank you to current for sponsoring this,video click that first link down below,you won't regret it also i stole this,off of his chest,okay goodbye,oh she's kind of thick bro i don't think,i'll win this one no she's pushing me no,okay yeah i lose,that's how i feel about this app all,right we're gonna move on that was very,weird that's the whole game by the way,that's it that is literally it what a,great game,okay this one's called slap and run i,have seen this ad so many times where,this little guy goes around slapping,people and running away from them just,not a nice thing to do but we're gonna,try it so,this is it,way this is real,oh my god oh i got people chasing me,what was that button for,this is the whole game guys,i'm just slapping people,what is this bro,i mean honestly it's kind of fun that,was cool what did i get,25 000 place 24 000 okay good that's,pretty good in the world,this is like really mean like what is,this teaching kids,and what are all these people just doing,in the street where there's saws and,like what is this environment to be,honest and why is everyone naked,i'm dying that's slap and run good game,right good little game,all right this next one's called slice,it all by the way let me know if i,should do any more of these videos where,i play apps it's kind of fun right okay,so it says tap to flip,and it oh that was,dang it am i gonna have to watch an ad,now no okay let's redo that so we can't,fail or we have to watch an ad so i,better be real freaking good dude okay,here we go,okay we didn't fail good keep her going,hit the orange oh oh,this is pretty satisfying,oh come on that was in the 50x freaky,why do i kind of want to play this game,this game looks good i'm getting this,game dude gun sprint,downloading an ad app game inside of a,tick tock app ad game i'm at an all-time,low all right let's just do one more,level of this this slice game before we,play that game,i'm not doing very good,frick,frick,okay i'm over that,let's play gun sprint that one looks,better anyways gun sprint gun spit jesus,all right let's see it this better be,good,yoink,oh,sweet so now i have to make it over oh,this is kind of hard,do i have to shoot it yeah come on that,was next,dang it dude i like this one oh no i,don't,endure start anew,what does that even mean why is she,covered in poop,all right let's do this one more time,boink,what i didn't even hit the do or start,well yeah no wonder you're she's just,absolutely just disgusting,why is only one guy,i mean i'm doing pretty good kind of,over these freaking apps l
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