$1000+ Adsense earnings monthly traffic arbitrage with Tiktok ads
hello guys,i'm sharing with you my google adsense,earnings for this month guys since we,are the point where google adsense has,been releasing,earnings guys i also shared with you a,video later on today which i showed you,my adsense earnings from another website,and another adsense account guys,also,i'll tell you how i am using,tick tock as my source of traffic,tick tock ads not the tick tock,uh the tick tock ads,it's paid ads right here,as you can see on my dashboard right,here where i,get tick-tock ads at a good rate and it,brings me,a lot a lot of traffic as you can see,from my statistics right here also you,will see that,it allows me to have as many ad units as,possible as i have told you guys and as,you can see,the results right here are very,impressive these are my google adsense,sign earnings like you can see 22 euros,today so far yesterday,52.62,last seven days 136 and more and more,guys and i'm planning to continue,running not since i'm planning to pull,off over a thousand plus in adsense,earnings,monthly guys,that is the amount,i'm planning to pull off each and every,time,with google adsense earnings guys while,doing adsense are betrayed guys,as you can see tiktok is offering me,very good rate and very good rate of cpc,since,i'm getting very good traffic at almost,they they are ranging at almost,0.23 to,0.24 to 0.18,cpc that's the cpc rate and you will,find that,i can pay for that i can pay for 0.23,per click,and on adsense it brings me over,one dollar per click,and that's a return on my investment,guys and as you can see,t-talk is really bringing me a lot of,traffic guys it's really bringing me a,lot of traffic,since tick tock is where most people are,right now guys and that's,this is very revolutional,video platform and if you can tap into,by using paid ads you can really earn a,lot of money since people on cpa,marketing affiliate marketing adsense,arbitrage are all using tick tock ads,guys i also use tik tok paid ads for my,cpa marketing campaigns and i'll share,with you more results guys,so,as i have said if you want me to help,you with google adsense arbitrage,just reach me out check the links at the,description area below and i can help,you,run,i can run google adsense a bitrate on,your behalf i will use my tiktok ads,account or facebook ads account or quora,ads account and i will make profits for,you on your own adsense account this is,if you have an approved google adsense,website already guys also if you don't,don't worry,since,i can sell you one guys check the link,at the description area below and for,anyone who wants a monetized youtube,channel too guys so,main essence of this video is to show,you my adsense arbitrage results and,also to let you know that i can do,adsense arbitrage on your behalf,thanks for watching and i will see you,right in the next video
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5 Reasons Google Ads Are Better Than TikTok Ads For Shopify Dropshipping
5 Reasons Google Ads Are Better Than TikTok Ads For Shopify Dropshipping
what is up guys and welcome back to,another brand new video today and in,today's video i'm going to be giving you,five reasons as to why you should choose,google ads over tick tock ads,essentially five reasons why google ads,is better than tick tock ads just before,we get started please drop a like down,below drop a comment as well if you have,any questions and feel free to drop me a,dm on instagram or twitter i'll leave,those links as well down below feel free,to get in touch i reply to everyone now,jumping straight into this guys i've had,experience obviously with both google,and tiktok for the last three years or,so my main advertising platform has been,google that is why most of the content,on this channel is related to google ads,but you cannot ignore the results a lot,of people are seeing with tick tock ads,you know two three years ago on youtube,a lot of the other content creators in,the ecommerce space were heavily pushing,facebook ads because that was the main,platform everyone was advertising their,dropshipping stores on but now,especially in 2022 it does appear to be,tick-tock now i've tried tik-tok this,year i think i said in my last video i,have only spent about two to three,thousand pounds which is about three and,a half four thousand dollars on that,platform but i've got a good idea of how,it works i've also watched a lot of,content tick-tock related and i've,picked up a lot of negative things that,even those people are saying that are,linked with that platform as well so,whether you're starting your ecom drop,shipping journey or if you've already,got a store making some sales this is a,good video to watch because as in all my,other videos i always recommend google,ads now the first pointer here guys is,consistency if you've watched any other,google ads before you'll know this is,something that all the other people are,saying as well and with me it's no,different you can see the first point,here i've had some products from the,very beginning especially on my uk site,that have been consistent for two to,three years now we just hop over to this,report here quickly on uh shopify this,is my uk website uh this is my best,selling product i'm obviously gonna blow,out the name and stuff because it's my,best seller and i started this store in,uh july 2020 which is why the report is,july 2020 obviously to present day i'm,making this video on august 7th and you,can see i have sold just under 12 000,units of this product with a total sales,volume of 343,000 pounds which i think is about 450,000 and this isn't something that peaks,for one month a year or only did well,for one month just randomly because of a,trend this is a consistent product that,has been selling for me from the get-go,on this website and it still continues,to be my best seller every single day i,only launched my us site at the start of,last year and this product in the us on,that site is also my best seller on that,website so it's a global product there's,global demand and it's consistent all,year round now products i've tested on,tick tock have done well for a few days,sometimes up to a couple of weeks and,then i see major ad fatigue very quickly,this is where your ad ends up showing to,the same people over and over again no,new faces are seeing it and eventually,that audience just loses interest and,that product stops converting this can,be quite common with facebook as well,but i do often see facebook ads last a,little longer than two weeks sometimes,four to six weeks is the time frame,before you have to start pumping out new,content and testing new ad creatives but,with google being a search based,platform with shopping ads and search,ads as well you're not having to show,people you know a wide variety of videos,you're not having to pump out all this,content on a weekly sometimes even daily,basis just to keep your sales ticking,over now number two guys here we've got,evergreen,boring products some of the best,products that do well on google are,boring products it doesn't sound fancy,that is just how it is some some of my,best sellers are very boring but,obviously with tick tock products they,are very impulsive purchases they grab,your attention whilst on tick tiktok and,they're often silly products that don't,always solve a problem but people like,the look of them and they want that,quick satisfaction they want to purchase,it because it looks cool i mean let's,take this product here we've all seen a,tick stock ad for this fire diffuser,product it doesn't really solve a,problem it's gotten very popular because,it's just a cool looking product and,even on google there are clearly so many,drop shippers selling this particular,product here and because tick tock is,very impulsive when it comes to people,buying from ads this results in lower,ticket items that you can sell on tick,tock because the higher the price of a,product the more thought there is behind,that purchase for a customer if,something's a hundred pounds or a,hundred dollars
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How To Create Customer Match Lists - Google Ads Tutorial (2022)
How To Create Customer Match Lists - Google Ads Tutorial (2022)
hi i'm austin and this is ppc for,everyone the channel where we provide,tutorials and guides on how to set up,and optimize your pay-per-click,marketing campaigns,today i'm going to demonstrate how to,create and upload a customer match list,to your google ads account using a,spreadsheet so i'm going to jump right,in,into the google ads account that i'm,working with this is my sample store so,it's not running any ads once you log,into your google ads account simply go,to the tools and settings section then,audience manager,and then make sure that in the audience,manager you're on the segments tab over,here on the left hand light gray column,and then in the segments tab,click create remarketing list,select customer list,and then from here,you're ready to start uploading the list,i'll start by giving it a name so let's,say i have a shopify store,and,i'm going to append,the date that i'm uploading,the list on so that i can remember later,when i look back at this,when this data is from so,let's just say it's august 12 2021,and i'm going to select the top option,i'm not using,user ids or mobile ids that's a,different topic,so i'll just stick with the default,and then,i'll click this use a template,button you'll download us a csv file,that you can fill out,with your customer data,so here's that template that i've placed,into google sheets,and the top is just instructions,you can actually leave,the instructions in they'll be ignored,i'm going to delete them,for this example,so i'm going to delete these and then,what i'm left with is,the recommended and required fields so,email first name last name country,zip,yeah you can double check this here it,actually it does specify what must be,included so the phone first name last,name country zip,a few things that need explaining here,are the phone numbers you can see that,there are,different formats there's a phone number,with a dash there's a phone number,without a dash there's a phone number,with parentheses and a dash,all of those formats are acceptable,the important thing to remember is that,you need the country code to start the,phone number so if your customer,phone number let's say is a u.s customer,or sorry let's say your customer is from,the us and the phone number you have,doesn't include the one you'll have to,add that so that google has a country,code at the beginning beginning of that,phone number,you'll also notice that there's multiple,zip and phone number uh and email fields,here,that's because if you might have,multiple,multiples of those for your customers,i don't so i'll just delete them,and then what i'm left with is a,list that's ready to go,now normally,you'd have a lot more in here a lot more,data and so,i would review it all carefully to make,sure that,one your phone numbers have the country,code that your zip then two that your,zip codes are correct three that your,country codes,are right so you don't you can't have,that as your country code it has to be,this format,the two letter format,and then make sure that your,email addresses don't have,errors like for example uh this junk,like that will might come in,sometimes but this is done actually so,now that i'm done with it i'll i'm going,to download,a csv version of it,to upload to google ads,and i've already done that and so i'll,just from my desktop upload that list,and then i'm going to leave it as upload,as plain,text data,don't select upload hash data unless,that's what you're doing i won't get,into that in that video,then,you have to tick the box to confirm that,you've collected the customer data in,compliance with google's,customer match policies we'll hit those,at the end of the video,but in short you can't use a purchased,email list these have to be actual,customers who gave you their contact,info,upon,purchasing something from your store,or customers who gave you their contact,information in some other way that's,compliant with the match policies,last two steps are the duration,you don't have to choose a duration,membership,in this audience can last for an,unlimited time period,but let's say,for whatever reason your store you just,know that people are not eligible or,won't make a purchase,with you after 90 days so you could add,that here so that people automatically,expire from the list,in 90 days,in our case i'll just leave it as no,expiration,and then last a description here i'm,ready so i'll just hit upload and create,and that is all there is to,making a customer match list,um,so if that's all you needed then you're,done you know how to do that now uh,for the last part of the video i'll just,quickly cover some of google's policies,and then what a customer match list,literally is is,so let's jump into that,i'll link these articles in the,description,the customer match list,what it is specifically what it's,actually doing is described,here in the how it works section so when,you upload your customer data to google,ads what it's doing is it's going to,look at your customer data and try to,m
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This is What $1,500 Gets You in Website Traffic: Facebook Ads VS Google Ads
This is What $1,500 Gets You in Website Traffic: Facebook Ads VS Google Ads
- What's better, Google or Facebook Ads?,Well, we're about to find out.,Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel,,and this is what $1,500
gets you in website traffic,,Facebook Ads versus Google Ads.,(upbeat music),Before we get started,,make sure you subscribe to this channel,,and if you're on YouTube,
click the alert notification.,Facebook Ads spend reached
$31.43 billion in 2020,,despite COVID 19.,Now, in 2021, they did even better,,and they continually to just keep growing.,And they're poised to increase,by a whopping 20%-22% in the next year,,according to eMarketer.,Facebook Ads and Google Ads are some,of the most important ad
platforms in the market today.,Not only because they have a huge number,of people that you can reach,
but it also drives results.,I wouldn't be in business
or a digital marketer,if I was spending a
dollar to lose a dollar.,I'm in digital marketing,
because when I spend a dollar,,I make more than a dollar.,And there's a couple of reasons,on why digital marketing is so amazing.,It's because your ability
to segment your audiences,and reach very specific groups,of people in almost instant timeframe.,You also have a lot of data to understand,what's going on, what's not working,,where you should invest more,
where you should invest less,,because not everything's going
to work out the way you want.,Now, let's say, you had
$1,500 to spend on paid ads,,how much traffic would
you be able to generate?,Now, leave a comment below telling me,how many visitors you think
you'll be able to generate.,I'll wait a little bit.,Leave a comment, let me know.,Did you write it in?,All right.,Well, there are a few things
that'll influence your results.,First off, the industry you're in.,If you're in things in like
going after cases, let's say,,in like legal, or mesothelioma,
or auto insurance,,you're going to get a lot less visitors,than if you're in, let's say, e-commerce.,How much competitors are willing to pay,for the clicks in your industry,,also, affect how many
visitors you're going to get.,Also, how well crafted
and targeted your ads are,are also affected.,If your ads suck, people
don't want to click on them,,you're not going to get a lot of visitors,and you're going to have
to pay more for each click,,because it's costing these networks money,to show up your ads.,Now, whether or not you're doing
remarketing or retargeting,,that's another question, because
that can affect your cost.,Seasonality is a huge one.,If you're selling Christmas
trees, you could bet,,if you're selling Christmas
trees in February each year,,probably not going to get any clicks.,So, let's take a hypothetical
business and start from there.,We're going to pretend that
we're running a campaign,for a realtor in Los Angeles, California.,Let's say, this realtor
is targeting a area,within Los Angeles called Burbank,,and they want to generate
leads for apartment rentals.,On Google Ads,,this realtor is going to be
targeting three keywords,,apartments for rent in
Burbank, California,,Burbank apartments for rent,
and Burbank apartment rentals.,When you check these
keywords on Ubersuggest,,they have a combined search volume,of 5,100 searches a month.,Now, according to WordStream,
in the real estate industry,the average click-through rate is 3.71%.,That means you get on
average 189 visitors a month,with an average cost per
click of $2 and 25 cents,,and this would cost
you an average of $427.,And it would take you roughly three months,to spend all your budget.,By the end, you have roughly 667 visitors.,Now, with Facebook Ads,,it's hard to predict how
many clicks you would get,and in how much time.,But based on the estimation costs,from WordStream for
real straight industry,,we can, at least, get a sense,of how many visitors you would get,and roughly at what cost per click.,According to WordStream,,per click on Facebook
Ads targeting real estate,it would be around a dollar and 81 cents.,If you take a budget of $1,005
and divide it by a dollar,and 81 cents that will lead
you to roughly 828 clicks.,Now, I'm not saying that these
would be the actual numbers,that you would see in
real life in a campaign,,but it gives you a pretty good idea,and rough estimations
based on previous data.,In theory, Facebook Ads
will give you 161 visitors,more than Google, but that
would depend on how your ads,are performing on both platforms.,Now, here's the thing.,Google will drive you less clicks,,but what people don't really tell you is,we see much higher
conversion rates on Google,than we do on Facebook.,Remember, when someone Googles apartments,for rent in Burbank, California,,they're looking for apartment.,On Facebook, you got to target people,in Burbank or around Burbank,that you think may be
looking for a apartment,,but they may not be, and
they click on your ad,,and they're more of a look loo,,and they may not even be interested.,So, it doesn't convert as well.,So, what we've seen overall
is Facebook is cheaper,and you can tend to get more clicks,,but they don't conve
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TikTok, YouTube and Linkedin Advertising - Sabri Suby on Morning Express
TikTok, YouTube and Linkedin Advertising - Sabri Suby on Morning Express
you know the pioneers are generally the,ones that are like face down with arrows,in their back sorry sue these is the,founder of Australia's largest growing,digital marketing agency it's called,King Kong and author of international,bestseller sell like crazy having,originally found a King Kong back in,2014 from a bedroom,sorry bootstrap the company's since day,one and in less than five years,successfully built a team of 61,specialists now achieving over 20,million dollars in total revenue that's,year-to-date,he joins us here at the desk hey doing,good graduations for one thank you,what's the journey being like it's been,a wild one so yeah I started the bedroom,I started in my bedroom five years ago,cold calling businesses Wow what was the,aim what was it that you were trying to,achieve that at that time I was just,trying to pay rent to be honest,uh-hum and then about after a year of it,I kind of had a serious conversation,with myself like what are you trying to,do here and that was when I made the,conscious decision to kind of build,something that was just like a lot,bigger than myself and go out there and,forge this agency so tell us what King,Kong does yeah we're an end-to-end,digital marketing agency in a nutshell,we help our clients get more clients by,helping them grow their traffic leads,and sales and it's a really fast,changing fast-moving world at the moment,we have a look at Facebook for our own,business here at ticker and find that,organic growth is pretty much,non-existent these days you need to know,what you're doing it's really changed a,lot yeah it's completely dead organic,rich like basically you know Facebook is,in a position now where they've reach,what's called max add load where there's,physically no more inventory in the,newsfeed for advertisers to put ads so,the prices are just going up and what,that means for organic Reach is that,they're a company they're looking to,drive their revenue they have organic,reach and then they have paid reach and,what we're seeing is that organic Reach,has gone lower than 1% now of your total,people that would like your page so talk,to us about how you guys assist in that,situation where companies are trying to,get through all the difficulties what do,you guys actually do yeah well look it,needs to pay to play model right so,we're not like helping our clients like,build and foster like an audience on,Facebook and try to reach those people,for free we understand that it is a,pay-to-play model so we're all about how,do we craft compelling messages and ads,I,a stimulus and put that in front of that,audience and get them to actually pull,out their credit card and buy and what's,it been like for you kind of riding this,wave you talk about four or five years,ago starting off and four five years ago,it was a lot easier for people to,essentially try and manage their own,pages compared to where it is now for,businesses where as you say you've got a,whip out the credit card where would you,say it changed and what was that,experience like for a company like yours,like I think that it's it's constantly,evolving and it's constantly changing,and a lot of people complain when these,models they turn into a very heavily,driven monetized and pay-to-play model,but if you look at pretty much every,platform that there is online like it,all pretty much starts off as a free,they get all the users that come in and,then once I've got those eyeballs they,look at monetizing those things so right,now it's Facebook people are complaining,and they're up in arms about that next,it will be Instagram then it will be,tick-tock and all the things that have,to come you know we don't really get,bogged down in this situation where like,we're trying to reach this audience for,free we're about focusing how do we make,the unit economics stack up in a paid,environment because that's something,that's never going to change your agency,talk what do you think of tick tock yeah,look it's an interesting one like I,don't see like I'm big on saying that,like you know the pioneers are generally,the ones that are like face down with,arrows in their back they're the people,that basically move to these platforms,very very quickly and essentially use,their money for these advertising,platforms to kind of test on I'm big on,seeing where is that market going what's,happening and then once it gets a big,enough audience and it's worth your,attention it's kind of moving in they're,using the same principles and just,dominating YouTube your thoughts on,YouTube these days and obviously that's,got Google AdWords etc is all part of,that because every platform is,completely different to everything else,in terms yeah works in terms of the,payment system how do you find YouTube,is YouTube is really a force to be,reckoned with they're the second largest,search engine in the world you can get,cost per views on a YouTube pre-roll ad,at like sub 5 cents and really like,always the best place for a good deal at,the moment you'r
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Usando TikTok para Gerar Tráfego para Google AdSense
Usando TikTok para Gerar Tráfego para Google AdSense
Olá sejam bem-vindos a mais uma aula que,tu nosso canal,nosso projeto,bom hoje vou passar para vocês uma,estratégia muito interessante diga desse,passagem eu seria a primeira pessoa a,passar essa estratégia abertamente aqui,nos canais certo,muito interessante saber que novas redes,sociais estão surgindo,é E,essas redes sociais estão revolucionado,vou falar de uma delas chance Tik Tok,uma plataforma chinesa,é que tá dando,saída tá dando resultado para pessoas,simples,no digital e eu não tô só falando,palavras ao vento eu vou mostrar os meus,resultados para você eu tô lutando aqui,no YouTube faz um pouco mais de um ano e,e eu não passei de cinco mil inscritos,aqui no meu canal que é o número disse,que eu tô gravando agora né Isso é do,motivador de certa forma porque a gente,sempre busca criar um conteúdo de valor,e enfim a importância é você entender o,algoritmo que as pessoas estão buscando,as tendências e tal mas nem por isso a,gente vai parar até por isso a gente tá,gravando esse vídeo aqui mas o Tik Tok,Kawaii essas plataformas ela já,ultrapassaram o YouTube,e em número de usuários fale que,interessante no Tik Tok é a plataforma,número um de vídeos no Brasil,Olá sejam reflexo de que o trabalho dos,caras e a ferramenta de vídeos curtos tá,trazendo um resultado muito legal para,as pessoas que as pessoas querem isso só,que esse resultado ele precisa virar,dinheiro de alguma forma né ninguém ia,ficar dançando lá na frente computador,ou do celular sem ganhar dinheiro com,isso né eu sei quem dinheiro de duas,formas essa plataforma no Tik Tok eu uso,há muito a vertente do blog que o que eu,sempre uso né primeiro é que você faz a,sua autoridade se você cria um,uma imagem na sua plataforma e você usa,ela constantemente e você cresce você já,era uma autoridade as pessoas vão te,passar seguir e vão lembrar de você não,entender sobre o que você faz esse você,propor ao qual a probabilidade a,probabilidade de você fazer uma venda de,você conseguir algum resultado com isso,certo isso é gerar autoridade Tradutor,boa noite para o dia mas ela se constrói,em quando a gente usa plataformas boas,assim acaba nos dando um up aí um,acelerado muito bem mas o que em quatro,forma a gente vai fazer de dinheiro,nessa plataforma de atuar por exemplo,como vendas né então e como que a gente,faz havendo risco tem que mandar para o,cliente de certa forma um link esse link,a pessoa clica nesse link ela vai ser,direcionado para uma página evento uma,aula Ela vai ser direcionado para alguma,coisa onde ela já foi atraída para algum,vídeo,ela clicou neste link Ela vai para o,botão de compra nesse link nós só temos,um local para colocar no Tik Tok que é o,chamado link da biografia,bom,então O legal é que quando você faz um,vídeo entrega muito o seu vídeo e,normalmente você ganha muitos cliques,nesse link da biografia se,você criar essa,Como que eu posso dizer,isso essa esse padrão nos seus vídeos e,chamar a pessoa para clicar no link da,Bio,isso é uma coisa que eu adotei nos meus,vídeos tá te mostrar mais resultados,aqui precisa ficar só na minha cara é eu,fui outro aqui nos últimos vinte e oito,dias,no Tik Tok Eu tive três milhões de,impressões de visualizações e vídeo,há 50 mil pessoas visualizaram meu,perfil Olha que interessante Então a o,título que as pessoas estão passando né,passando o ep e os vídeos na for you na,recomendação Mas essas pessoas gostam,podem gostar do meu vídeo a ponto de,clicar em no meu perfil aí é diferente,isso é um número muito bom 50 mil,pessoas viram o meu perfil e essa 50 mil,pessoas podem cair aonde no link da Bio,que já vou mostrar para vocês então que,tem outras métricas engajamento nos,últimos sete dias eu peguei 800 mil,visualizações Ah tá agora vou abrir que,o toque que é o meu perfil propriamente,nem todo vídeo virar Lisa mas tem vídeos,que explorem esses vídeos que explorem,eu tenho a característica de pedir para,as pessoas clicar no link da Bio aqui no,meu caso é esse cara aqui e o que que eu,descobri que esse carinho aqui ele pode,ser um link do blog link do blog E você,vai ter tráfego constante das pessoas,dentro do seu blog ou do seu artigo do,seu conteúdo,trabalhar com o Google um voltar aqui,para mim primeiro que é o foco do meu,canal aqui ia falar sobre ganhar,dinheiro com o Google e monetizar na,internet com a plataforma do Google,então quando a gente consegue é,converter esse tráfego as audiência no,clic valioso ali na nesse link da,biografia as pessoas e o Google Alice,previsão consegue identificar a origem,de tráfego da dessa pessoa e é uma,origem tráfico bacana porque é do,celular né então nós podemos pegar esse,link da Bill e transformar no link da do,para o nosso blog Nosso artigo e criar a,sua origem de tráfego de rede social que,é muito valioso para quem trabalha com o,Google AdSense,arx outras redes do Google que você,quando você cria muitas origens de,tráfego você está criando um histórico e,esse histórico ele é avaliado de muitas,formas pelo algoritmo e,ninguém sabe como é que funciona o
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Usando tiktok para ganhar com google adsense estratégia vencedora
Usando tiktok para ganhar com google adsense estratégia vencedora
e sabe o pessoal sejam bem-vindos a mais,uma aula aqui do jornada Hoje iremos,falar sobre o toque como fazer dinheiro,com Tik Tok com vídeos curtos mas não só,com Tik Tok mas com todas as outras,redes sociais que permitem vídeos curtos,sério gente fica comigo até o final,desse vídeo porque só se surpreender é,possível extrair o resultado excelente,dessas plataformas de vídeos curtos e eu,vou mostrar para vocês alguns números,aqui bem legais vamos lá pessoal,primeiro eu vou usar um estudo de caso,para vocês entenderem a dinâmica das,redes sociais tá,eu eu peguei um rapaz aqui um vídeo de,um rapaz que me chamou muita atenção,Afinal eu sigo ele chance slamtek,inclusive aqui eu tô no Kawaii da,plataforma Kawaii que ela é muito menos,Popular que o Tik Tok por exemplo mas,olha o resultado e aqui tá vendo esse,vídeo aqui ó teve,393 mil visualizações esse outra que 600,mil esse outro aqui um milhão e 300 mil,Então esse menino aqui ele manda muito,bem agora vamos dar uma coisa,interessante para vocês,grande parte de brigadeiro,já realmente para ver e acessar o que,você quiser tá aprender é só seguir o,passo a passo se você for usar isso aqui,eu recomendo que você usa para o bem com,cativo no celular um pouco controlar,Cole o código que vai para você já,poderá ver e acessar tudo olha só como é,legal gente olha baixar os dois,aplicativos lá no Google esse é um vídeo,onde ele ensina fazer espelhamento do,celular Como espelhar o celular como,controlar remotamente outro celular se,vídeo viralizou só que para pessoa,baixar o aplicativo que ele tá mostrando,ou a dica que ele está mostrando,precisa acessar o site dele o que ao,Techno show Techno,tube.com tá quando a pessoa acesse site,aí eu nem preciso dizer que ele aqui no,primeiro na próxima tela é só deslizar,um pouquinho até encontrar esse posto,aqui que fala sobre ele e clicar para,baixar não preciso dizer que dentro do,Sai desse menino vai ter o AD sense na,só que ele não trabalha só local ai ele,tá no Instagram também,é sobre ele aqui no Instagram pega pega,suas visualizações de Wheels dele,um milhão e duzentos mil a maioria quase,todos 100.000 máscara não pega nenhum,vídeo nenhum vídeo fraco,e eu tenho os números tá pessoal é o,seguinte não uns dele mas eu sei que é,uma média de três por cento as cinco,porcento de clix,Então esse vídeo aqui,de quase cinco milhões 10% seria,490 mil cinco porcento é a metade disso,aí é muito as a 100 mil acessos no seu,blog gera muito AdSense isso só no,Instagram tá vamos ver o Kawaii dele,aqui o Kawaii dele aqui,já está com quase 1 milhão de seguidores,é só que Até onde eu sei se menina aqui,ele é mais forte no Tik Tok no Tik Tok,saber que o mesmo vídeo ele possa em,todas as redes sociais dele em todas,Então tá tá aqui ó no Tik Tok tá no cal,aí tá no YouTube o mesmo vídeo tá E os,mesmos vídeos ganha alcance e,envolvimento engajamento,então contabiliza aí quantos acessos,você acha que um cara desse tem o dentro,do blog dele,a e é um produtor de conteúdo muito,forte porque quantidade de conteúdo que,esse menino tem aqui ele deve no mínimo,de três a cinco vídeos por dia aqui no,Tik Tok ele tem dois. 4 milhões de,seguidores então menina é muito forte,mesmo e no YouTube Eu dei uma pesquisada,nele aqui no trabalho que tá fazendo,inclusive todos crédito a ele aí vocês,quiserem segui-lo,é aqui no no YouTube não tem dois canais,né tenho que ele possa só shorts e esse,aqui que tá com 500.000,eu tô com 500 mil inscritos esse canal,chamado tecnotube,Então esse carinha aqui tá fazendo todos,os celulares em si e muito a decência,não só com,YouTube no YouTube monetize também mas,também com blog dele né vossas ao blog,dele lá onde ele pede para baixar os,aplicativos,o Olá Então quando você entra no blog,dele tem sempre as dicas dele tá,bom então quando ele faz um vídeo ele,pede Ó você quer aprender essa função,aqui do WhatsApp que ninguém conhece,então tá aqui ó a pessoa tem que entrar,aqui nesse artigo truque do iPhone toque,no iPhone em,toque dói do iPhone em qualquer Android,sim é possível não entendi muito bem mas,com certeza sempre são dicas onde ele,ele traz essas pessoas para cá baseado,nos vídeos dele né então a pessoa ela,tem que entrar aqui Pesquisar tá que o,AD sense já apareceu a decência,automático AK assistência aqui aos,entrar no artigo,o AdSense aqui,é difícil entender a ideia e no final do,artigo além de fazer um artigo muito bom,relacionado é o artigo de texto,relacionado ao ao que ele explicou né no,final aqui vai ter o botãozinho para,pessoa baixaram então ele criou essa,rotina fazer as pessoas baixaram entrar,no site deles serão impactados por,adições,etc Eu gostei muito dessa estratégia,curtir demais e na minha opinião Esse é,um dos maiores caras que eu conheço que,fazem isso tá eu não vi nem outro cara,fazendo isso desta forma então,só voltando aqui para mim,é aquela questão encontrar um conteúdo,que Impact muito as pessoas com as,regras dos 3 segundos,você saber viralizar você saber criar,vídeos curtos bons qualidade você con
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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
what's up guys jordan here today we're going to
be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to ,z everything you need to know to launch your first
ad on the platform today now we're currently using ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent
agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using
the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got
a presentation ready for you we're going to jump ,onto it in a second but before we do i want
to announce a quick competition on this video ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down
below with their goals for running tik tok ads ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to
win a completely free strategy call with me for ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want
to run through we break down your strategy how you ,can increase your revenue how you can increase
your roads on whatever platform you're using ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make
that happen for you so enter that competition ,let's get started with this no bs implementable
training but do me a favor stop what you're doing ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take
some notes and pay attention and take action on ,what you learned today let's get started okay
so tick-tock ads training first of all let's ,start off with some data we need to understand
the opportunity here now tik tok was the most ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads
okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per
day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal ,customer multiple times a day on average now as
of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its
january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks
as the second biggest app in consumer spend ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this
is probably the uh the biggest stat on this ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in
consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and
businesses to sell their products on the platform ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've
said ah i found that product on tick tock it's ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how
you can actually make the most of that so this is ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have
tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then
landing pages to break these down one by one tick ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock
advertising account similar to the facebook ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation
of your ad so we're setting up our advertising ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which
is target audiences ad placements budget and the ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is
the text and the video that will appear on our ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our
landing page and this is the destination url that ,we are driving our potential customers too this
is the place where they will actually buy our ,products or service so when you actually have your
tick tock ad account up and running this is kind ,of what the format will look like we have our ad
manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple
ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even
be testing out multiple different ad creatives ,as well so what are the actual creative the the
creative formats that we can use on tick tock well ,we have top view on the left hand side here which
is like a full-size video which shows up when we ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover
now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and ,very large brands use these and again these come
up right at the start of launching the app and it ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads
this is what we're going to be going through today ,and what most businesses are actually using
to generate the most revenue from tick tock ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we
want to launch a challenge on the platform and ,then finally branded event so we want to have our
own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so ,people can use them when they're creating their
own content but as i said in feed ads it's the ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients
at the affluent agency and we're literally ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue
from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to ,show you today so without further ado let's jump
straight on to the tick tock advertising platform ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is
go over to ticktock.com forward slash business ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see
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