tiktok jewelry ads

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TikTok Ad Creative Tutorial For Jewelry Brands - How To & Best Practices

chicken leg ads are growing every single,day and it cannot be neglected if you,want to take your your brand to that,next level in this video I will talk,about with the how to and the best,practices when it comes to making voted,creatives that actually convert before I,break down all the aspects of that,should be covered when it comes to,making these at creatives let's take a,look at one at sample and for this ad,we'll understand what are those most,fundamental things that we have to pay,attention to if we do not even cover the,fundamentals or the basics none of the,things that I'm about to show you is,going to work so let's just play real,quickly this ad for Maduro brand and I,will explain one of those fundamentals,that we have to pay attention to,foreign,what we can observe is that first of all,the format is 9x16 this is vertical and,this is a must if you are creating these,videos in a 4x5 format where in a square,format that is an instant signal that,this is an ad and this is the last thing,you want to do when it comes to tick,tock ads you want to create tick tocks,and you don't want to create ads the,moment when it seems like an ad people,will skip that creative right away,because users on Tick Tock they are on,this platform because they want to be,entertained they are not there to buy,it's important to keep that in mind and,the second format that we can see in,this ad is that it is recorded with a,phone and this gives for most business,owners a huge Advantage because it,doesn't involve a huge advertising,budget let's say for creating this high,production videos you just simply need a,phone and you can get an unlimited,content for running ads so for no excuse,this even if you're a small business,owner with limited budget for marketing,you can still create tick tocks and then,convert them into the ads now let's talk,about with the work four most important,aspects when it comes to making Visa,videos and this is the hook the,background sound that text overlays and,the call attraction these four elements,make this platform different from other,ones now some of these aspects can be,also seen on Facebook or on Instagram,but I think that this is what,differentiates this social media,platform from the other ones so let's,cover each one in much more details the,first thing is the hook now when it,comes to the hooks there are many and,many and many types of hooks that work,pretty well on this platform here are,some of it work quite well for your,brand so we have first of all problem,slash solution in nutshell this hook,pretty much starts off with section,where with a frame where you you state,the problem that you're solving with,your product and in the jury space I,know maybe you'll ask that actually I,don't solve any problems and that's not,true because you could still find out,with problems within this Niche for,example I'm gonna just give you one,problem and that is people literally,they don't know how to style jewelry and,this is a problem that I noticed quite,often that it happens within mature,space but you can make your customer,research and find out what other,problems you could solve with your,product because I know every single,business is different so you could solve,actually quite different problems and,then after stating that problem you go,straight forward into introducing the,product which is pretty much the,solution and you start talking about,with the benefits of your product and,you end up with a coach action the,second Hook is what I bought versus what,I got this is another hook that I would,highly recommend using it because this,is handling one of the biggest objection,that customers have which is they are,free rate of the thing that on the,website of a product photography looks,in a way but when we're getting this,product in the real life that might not,be as Vape seen on the website and this,is a pretty big concern maybe they've,been born in the past with this type of,problem so you have to handle this and,this particular Hook is doing the heavy,lifting when it comes to handling this,objection the third one is unboxing,experience this build-offensity when you,have a person where a content creator,who is reviewing or recording this type,of unboxing experience it builds this,authenticity in front of a potential,customer and it makes the customer think,that this business is actually legit,next one is three reasons why in,Persuasion when you simply give a reason,to a customer why they need this product,this makes your marketing message much,more appealing and much more compelling,it doesn't necessarily need to be three,reasons you could have two four or five,but I think the sweet spot is around,three because also something from the,psychological aspect people also think,in freeze so when you're giving them,free stronger reasons and pretty much,with these reasons you are explaining,your unique selling propositions of your,product that's what is going to appeal,to your customer next one is Tick Toc

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok jewelry ads

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TikTok Ads For Jewelry Brands… Proven Strategy

TikTok Ads For Jewelry Brands… Proven Strategy

ticks of the ads is growing every single,day more and more juror brands start,running ads on this platform and,combining with facebook ads this is,going to make your business unshakable,so what i'm going to do in this video is,i am going to show you how to create,your first campaign for your brand from,scratch exactly step by step so you can,walk away from this video with absolute,clarity so let's get started and first,of all before you start running any ads,on tick tock as we would start running,ads on facebook we need first of all to,create a business account right where we,are going to have android business,account and ad account which i'm going,to talk later on about how to create,your ad account and then under your ad,account we will create our campaigns so,you have to go to business.ticktalk.com,and then if you have already an account,if you already created that then you,simply have to log into your account but,i assume that you don't have an account,so that's why,we have to create a new one for that,you're going to click on the create new,button it's kind of highlighted with,this,kind of red color,then here,it's this process is very,self-explanatory,so here you're going to add your email,address the password and then after that,you'll click on send code and they will,send you a code via your email you will,put the code here and you'll click on,sign up also you could sign up through,your tick-tock page if you have a,personal tic-tac page you could also use,that for creating a business account,something that you have to keep in mind,but i noticed with my clients and when i,created also a tick tock business,account is that sometimes this,verification code is going to take quite,some time until they send you so you,have to be patient usually it might take,you a couple hours until they send you,this code i'm not sure what's going on,with this process but it's something,that you have just to be aware of now at,this point after creating your business,account once you go to,business.tektalk.com,slash manage after that you're going to,see this kind of dashboard it's going to,be very very similar right here we will,see a very similar dashboard as we would,have on facebook business kind of,account right so you could have here,things like members you could add some,members here partners and then here's,the most important thing so we have to,make sure that we create an ad account,i've already created an ad account,before recording this video but this,process is very simple so you're going,to click on add advertiser account,you will click on create new next you,will enter the account name the time,zone where you're based right the,company name the company website and,also the industry in our case because,this video is about jury brands we're,gonna select e-commerce and then under,this industry you are going to select,jewelry and then you will click next,something that you have to keep in mind,is that for tick tock it might take,around 2 to up to like 24 hours to,verify your ad account so that's,something you have to keep in mind as,well the moment when your ad account is,verified now we have to go to the ads,manager right so this is the business,account now we have to go to the ads,manager where we will start creating our,first campaign for that you're going to,click on the top left icon and here on,you will click on the ads manager so,first of all you have to select the,business and the ad account,and now they will send us to,page where you start creating your,campaign if you want to see that,dashboard with all your campaigns your,ad sets you're going to click on,campaign,and then here you will see a very very,similar dashboard to the facebook ads,manager first i want to say that,similar to facebook ads we have three,kind of layers three steps to create any,kind of ad which is our campaign ad,group which is in virtual asset in,facebook ads and then we have a ad level,where we create our visuals so let's,start with our campaign right we're,gonna click on create on the create,button,and now first we have to select our,advertising objective,so as i highly highly recommend for,facebook ads to use conversions when,tick-tock i will keep saying the same,thing so you have to use conversions if,the number one objective is to get sales,because tick tock is going to show your,ads to a group of audience who is more,likely to convert if you are selecting,this advertising objective so i'm going,to select conversions and now scrolling,down,so we have to name our campaign name,usually for the campaign name i said,something very simple like prospecting,testing so over tiktok advertising,campaigns i,for my clients i use them only for,acquiring customers so they are more,like for the top of a funnel you could,still use retargeting campaigns for,tick-tock but personally i don't use,that much because for my clients we,convert people with email with also,facebook ads retargeting the two other,features on the campaign level is a b,spli

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$0-24K with TikTok Ads - Step by Step Tutorial & Strategy

$0-24K with TikTok Ads - Step by Step Tutorial & Strategy

here's how much we did from running,tick tock ads for almost a week this is,actually less than a week,uh trying to test different strategies,different videos,so in this video i want to talk about,setting up your ads so you could start,also testing,and scaling your own product,in today's video i'm going to be giving,away one,30-minute consultation call with me,all you got to do is make sure you're,subscribed to the channel,go ahead comment down below what type of,video do you want me to make,next go ahead follow me on instagram,then dm me the word consultation call,and by sunday i'll be picking one person,i'll tag you,on instagram so you would know that it's,you and,we'll go from there so let's get into it,before we get into it i just wanted to,show you,how much we've been spending so right,here as you can tell,total cost is how much we spend we spend,about 35 3 600,our clicks are really low it's about 20,cents our cpm is very low,two three dollars four dollars some of,them are higher but that's okay,uh we got about 400,uh we sold about 400 units and our cost,per,action or whatever that is i don't know,what it's exactly stand for,but what it is actually is cost per,purchase is 8.89 which it makes us,pretty profitable for about almost 40 in,profit,but i don't want to talk about this for,too much i'm gonna tell you what i did,that i'm getting these kind of results,so maybe you can duplicate it yourself,so let's get into it i'm gonna walk you,through exactly what i've been doing,to be able to get these kind of results,i always,always whatever i've been testing on,tick tock i've been doing website,conversions and,by the time this video is gonna be out,i'm probably gonna,i honestly ordered a bunch of past,winning products on facebook,and i'm planning to test everything,myself so i'm going to make the videos,and everything myself,so if this video is out i'm still doing,the same method so,just follow this um an ad group level,we're going to optimize for complete,payment which is kind of similar to,purchase conversion on facebook if you,want to kind of compare it,uh ad group level is technically at,set level on facebook if that makes,sense uh we're gonna do five ad groups,um,so one campaign gonna have one product,it's gonna have,five ad groups inside there we're gonna,set the daily budget for forty dollars,so on tick tock actually the minimum,budget is twenty dollars so you can't go,lower than twenty dollars,um the reason i do 40 i notice when i do,20 or 25 or 30 it doesn't actually spend,my budget,i have to set it at 40. i tested it with,like lower budget but for some reason,it does not spend my money so i'm,setting it up at 40.,we're gonna do the bid budget at so i,tested with 8,10 12 14 20. i noticed that 8 and 10 was,kind of having a hard time,to spend so i had to up it a little bit,all right for start time you can do any,time it's not like facebook that blows,up your money i notice with tick tock if,it's not really performing,is not gonna spend a lot of your money,so that's my conclusion i'm still,not sure exactly how tick-tock works but,from what i'm seeing if one ad group is,not doing well it does not spend my,money,so i'm gonna assume it's gonna be way,way way cheaper to test on tick tock,compared to facebook,obviously i still really really love,facebook it's very scalable but,i'm trying to test things out with,takedown also to just to see if it could,be as scalable as facebook,so you could have two sources instead of,one you know,so for location for the people that if,you're located in the united states you,can only,well actually i'm lying you can do i,think eight or nine countries but then,the countries that i like to,run and sell products in that are easier,are us,and canada so it depends i believe what,location you're in i believe if you're,in the uk,you can only target the uk but don't,quote me on that because i don't,know i'm not there i'm in the u.s so i,can target u.s and canada i don't,run ads both like at the same time to,the same countries,i do canada and us so i do i do one ad,group for canada and then one ad group,for the us,so this is a for the age group i did 25,and,over the reason i'm probably you're,being asking 18 to 25 what happens to,those people,i notice when i run for that age my ads,are way more expensive,so i kind of eliminated that that's just,what i did i'm not telling you what to,do exactly,but this is what i did and these are the,results that i've been getting from,doing this,you know what i'm saying so here we are,at the general uh for gender i did,all language in english for the,placement i did tick-tock,population i don't aim for a certain,population i just don't go to narrow,i just look at the you know the little,thing on the right when it says balance,i just like to go there from from all,the research that i've been doing,uh it seems like that if i go broad and,like bigger,it's going to perform better better so,so far also i've been leaving it,balanced i did some no targeting

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How A Small Jewelry Company turned $40 into $1.2m

How A Small Jewelry Company turned $40 into $1.2m

this small jewelry brand turned a 40,initial investment into 1.2 million,dollars in annual revenue in just three,years and here's the interesting thing,it did so without any paid ads,instead founder liv portillo grew dbl,jewelry to a seven-figure business one,organic social media post at a time in,fact i've identified four specific,instagram and tiktok posts that,catapulted dbl jewelry from an arts and,crafts side hustle to a business that,made four hundred thousand dollars in,revenue in november of 2021.,in this video i'll break down why those,social media posts worked and how you,can learn from them to start and grow,your own business,so the product liv chose to sell had a,lot to do with her social media success,but not in the way you might expect when,she was 16 live borrowed 40 from her,parents so she could buy supplies to,make jewelry at home,liv posted photos of her jewelry on,snapchat and her friends asked if they,could buy some and they were,particularly interested in liv's custom,name necklaces,now that seems counterintuitive it's,rare for a business to scale when its,most popular product is custom and,handmade after all you can't mass,produce custom handmade jewelry unless,you hire a team to help and you can't,hire a team to help without a lot of,demand for your product but that brings,us to the first post that helped dbl,jewelry grow,it's a photo of a customer wearing their,custom name necklace,now there's nothing particularly special,about the photo what's special is the,tactic behind the post because the,necklace was custom made this customer,was more motivated to share it with,their friends and followers and this,made dbl jewelry share worthy in the,posts that follow we see that the custom,nature of dbl jewelry's products,encouraged organic user generated,content about the brand which in turn,brought in more sales after this post,liv spent the next few years hustling,she was growing her business via her,instagram account and eventually opened,her own online store with shopify then,the pandemic hit and this is where,everything changed like many of us live,downloaded tik tok when she was stuck in,quarantine and that brings us to the,second key social media post in liv's,success story this tick tock uploaded in,march and now sitting at about 5.7,million views,so i asked you guys in the last video,what name and butterfly color to make,and the first one we commented was lily,time to attach the chin,lily with a lavender butterfly now we,gotta add the purple butterfly,and it's done,if you want me to make your name then,comment on this video or the previous,one it's this tick tock that catapulted,live to one million tick tock followers,overnight now why is that liv had shared,her products on tick tock before but,this was the first time she showed her,customers how she made her jewelry and,this is the counter-intuitive genius of,selling custom-made products in the tick,tock era,process is content,after nearly a decade of seeing shiny,finished products on instagram customers,are now excited to see behind the scenes,of emerging brands,lip shared more videos of her making,name necklaces and watched the sales,roll in and about a month later liv,uploaded the third key social media post,that helped her scale her side hustle,into a seven figure business,i'm going to show you guys how i ship my,orders i use this platform called pirate,ship because it gives me a discount on,shipping now we gotta print the label,i really recommend this for small,businesses because it doesn't use ink,this is what the case looks like,it's this tick tock spelling out exactly,how she started and runs her business,this seems crazy she literally spells,out for anyone who wants to compete with,her the tools and websites she uses to,run her business but that's exactly why,these posts helped liv grow her tick,tock account says liv everyone is,selfish in their own way they're not,going to follow you for you they're,going to follow you for information,and that's exactly what happened here,liv gained a ton of followers interested,in entrepreneurship and live's growing,tick-tock following was great social,proof for anyone interested in dbl,jewelry most surprisingly this,additional group of followers became a,new source of customers for liv's next,business but more on that in a minute,because we need to talk about the fourth,and final social media post that helped,make dbl jewelry the profitable business,it is today it's liv's best performing,tick tock of all time girl what wants me,to put all of the girls names he cheated,on with first i'll be making their,anniversary date,now for the names of the girls he,cheated with,she's gonna give him the necklaces in,front of his family so that he can read,it out loud the other side is their,anniversary she also got herself,butterfly necklaces for hot girl summer,and this crystal bracelet that takes,away negativity in your life i can't,wait to see his reaction right now this,video is sitting at 18.2 mi

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Facebook & Instagram Ads For Jewelry Brands… Proven Strategy

Facebook & Instagram Ads For Jewelry Brands… Proven Strategy

after launching hundreds of ads for,juror brands and spending tens of,thousands of dollars in facebook ads you,don't really need to be a rocket,scientist to see those patterns and find,out what's working so let's go ahead and,talk about the most important key,elements that every single jira brand,needs so it could generate a two to five,extra return spend as we did for our,clients,the first thing is when you launch an ad,if it's an image or a video make sure,that your visuals is always around your,product design so what i'm talking about,is have more close-ups of images and,videos with the product design itself,and avoid those general pictures or with,models that are far from camera because,first of all it's very difficult to,receive a product and when it comes to,the jury niche the product itself is a,way to market your brand sometimes you,can use people in your creatives but,usually i would suggest using the,persons in the user to ready content now,if you don't know about user generated,content but it's simply an image or a,video made by one of your customers who,are influencers even for the ugc make,sure that the person showcases the,product in the first three seconds,putting the product very close to the,camera because that will qualify for,potential customer eva ray would like to,learn more about your product or not and,also it's very helpful for machine,learning because when a qualified,potential customer watches it then that,is gonna be a signal for facebook,machine learning to show your ads to,more people that have similar behaviors,with a previous one and during the video,do not make that mistake of showcasing,the product only in the first three,seconds and then forgetting about that,and just talking about something else,you have to make sure that your showcase,of a product i would say every single,free second in that way you always,remind the viewer about the product,about the brand and eventually it will,persuade more to click off of your ad,because remember i said that the design,itself is a way of marketing your brand,and the third thing about creative is,almost always start off with your best,seller now why is that so you have to,understand that you know many ceos many,business owners they make this mistake,that they have these expectations that,every digital marketer every agency or,media buyer they are 100,responsible of generating the sales,that's not true at all the thing is that,with ads the goal of the ad is only to,attract the right customer and make them,click off of your ad and then go to your,website and learn more about that i,would say that the,heavy lifting is doing your website,website is meant to convert that right,customer not your ad so when you launch,an ad with your best seller a proven,product that you know is converting and,people like it then it's much easier to,accomplish the goal of the ad which is,attracting the right customer and making,them click off of your ad and going to,your website a question that might come,up at this topic is archie what should i,do if i don't know what is my best,seller in that way first of all your,campaigns should be focused when testing,the product it doesn't matter that you,think you believe that your product is,good enough your customer will always,say if they like a product or not and,that's why you get the fastest reply,from running an ad with a product and,seeing how they respond to that specific,product when it comes to copywriting an,important thing is to convey the true,value of your brand because when it,comes to the jury niche we have smaller,niches within one on each what i'm,talking about is basically here we have,different categories so we have bridal,jewelry or jewelry for weddings,affordable jewelry or maybe you position,your pieces as a statement piece so as,you can see we have multiple categories,here you have to understand that the,copy that you use for let's say a more,expensive piece of jewelry will be,completely different from let's say,pieces that are at more affordable,prices by knowing the true values of,your product and when crafting a,compelling ad copy that resonates with a,product design it's not gonna only make,your life easier as a business owner,whereas a digital marketer because that,ad copy can run for a long period of,time if it's crafted well because that,ad copy can run for a long period of,time if it's well created but also it's,gonna be easier for facebook machine,learning to go and target your right,audience maybe if you didn't watch the,video about how to target the right,audience which i highly recommend you to,do that you'll ask well like what the ad,copy has to do with targeting so in a,nutshell the facebook machine learning,now considers more of the ad copy and,creatives than your targeting options,like interest and local lags that's why,if we talk about audiences you have to,niche down but you have to niche down at,your ad copy and not at your detailed,targeting selection now don't take me,wrong

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Facebook Ads For Jewelry Brands - How To Scale Your Jewelry Store

Facebook Ads For Jewelry Brands - How To Scale Your Jewelry Store

let's talk about how to grow at your,brand with facebook and instagram ads,after running hundreds and hundreds of,ads and spending over seven figures in,this industry i've noticed specific,patterns patterns that i am going to,reveal to you in this video so i'm going,to show you exactly step by step on how,to grow and skill at your brand using,these platforms so take a piece of paper,and let's get started so facebook ads,for jewel brands how to skill your,jewelry store the first thing that we,have to tackle and this is by far the,most important thing this is going to,set your business able for success or,for failure so the first question that,you have to ask yourself is what are you,actually selling not what you are,thinking that you are selling but,actually what is your offer the offer,affects the most your tournament spend,it's not about your or cbo where,your bit strategy it is about with the,offer now to explain a little bit better,about what is actually an offer think,about this scenario let's say that i am,your potential client,and,we kind of exchange the offer and we,kind of have a vision error so i am,giving you,let's say 100 and you are giving me back,100,this kind of exchange we could do all,day every single day and it's not going,to affect my life your life and it's,going to be a waste of money that means,that this type of offer is not,irresistible for your client so our main,goal as an advertiser where as a,business owner is to create an,irresistible offer this will sound,something like this so let's say that i,am giving you 100,but you are giving me a product that is,worth 200 500,1000,now we are not saying that directly how,much you know value you are getting but,subconsciously we have to make that we,have to articulate that message in a way,that actually in the mind of a client it,sounds like it's a 1000 it's a 500,dollar product worthwhile so when it,comes to the jewelry brands we have,pretty much three types of,jewelry offers one is affordable,everyday piece usually here the price,points are not that high we're talking,here about an average for a value of 50,100,then we have elegant jewelry for certain,occasions now this price point averages,between 100 to 500,and then we have luxury jewelry so with,luxury jewelry this is where the price,points are much higher now the moment,when you know what kind of type of,jewelry you sell and the moment you know,what kind of offer you are giving this,actually depends a lot now these types,of jewelry and these types of offers,they affect very much how you present,your brand your website your language,and ultimately of course is your price,model so before you even start running,ads before you even start crafting your,ad copy think first of all what is your,offer what kind of jewelry you sell,because this is going to set a tone on,what kind of ads you have to create so,this is the first step that we have to,go through now the second thing is the,question that we have to ask ourselves,which is who is our ideal customer i am,shocked about how many brand owners and,advertisers they don't even know who is,their ideal customer now some things,about the ideal customer that we have to,know is of course demographics age and,gender and this is kind of a service,level this is almost every single time,answered by brand owner when i ask them,who is their ideal customer they always,tell me like it's a female between 20 to,30 years old now we have to go a little,bit deeper we have to know their,concerns their objections about your,product their wishes their needs their,ones their dreams goals so here we are,talking about the emotional appeal,because we followed the emotional field,if we are just talking about the,functionality of a product if we're just,talking about with what this product,does then it is very difficult to scale,your brand because it just appeals to a,customer who already knows like quite a,lot about,jewelry industry they know about it like,that jury doesn't need to tarnish,jewelry like how to do this what does,that but when it comes to the emotional,appeal every single person buys because,of emotions if you talk to their,emotions when you are appealing to,masses you are appealing to a much,broader potential kind of circle of your,potential customers which gives you much,more room of scaling because at that,time you are getting a much higher,return on spend so hopefully that makes,sense and now let's go to the next part,which is again like the customer,research how to do that is you could,watch some youtube videos which i like,the most this part because i could see,what kind of emotions that potential,customer now it's a content creator of,course but i see that content creator as,a potential customer usually because,think about it if they are reviewing a,product from a brand then that brand,actually reached out for a purpose to,get like featured or to get endorsement,from that content creator and they're,gonna make sure that content creator,fits within t

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How to promote your jewelry Business on Tiktok + Video ideas | Make money on Tiktok

How to promote your jewelry Business on Tiktok + Video ideas | Make money on Tiktok

hey guys welcome back to another video,it's a girl christina fashion we are,back with another video talk today's,video i want to talk about how to,promote your jewelry business on tick,tock and also some video,ideas you can use to start today if you,haven't been watching my vlogs lately,you would have known that i have been,raving about tick tock for my business,it has been driving a lot of traffic a,lot of sales for my business just from,posting content and content is so,important in today's age in 2021 if,you're not posting videos if you're not,posting content you are missing out,content is the way of marketing people,no longer want to see,just boring platonic faceless brand they,want to see life to a brand they want to,connect with you on the emotional level,they want to know your story with tiktok,is such a unique platform because,tik tok you can be very personal but,your brand,you can connect with your audience in a,whole different way where it doesn't,have to be 100 professional and that's,what i love about tick tiktok because,you're here to recreate,video ideas that are trending,that captures people attention in a,short amount of time so you don't have,to worry about looking so perfect like,instagram in the past instagram was like,you take pictures you look polished you,look clean and that is still the image,you will still want to carry out for,your brand no matter what you still want,to have high quality images high quality,products and you still want to be a high,quality brand and when i say high,quality not sense of you know your,value of your jewelry but you want to,uphold your brand to a high standard,right so that way people don't know,you're just a small business even though,you are a small business you don't want,to give off like we just doing it at our,house in our room in our dorm you want,to be a company that,they think you have like 10 employees,right that's the energy you want to give,off we want to give off big business,energy okay,tick tock has been a really unique,platform because as you can engage with,your audience on a whole a new level,where you're connecting them through,imagery through like storytelling and,through music and culture and everything,all in one,so,the creators are what makes tick tock,you know thrive and creators are the one,that sets the trend for tick tock,what's so great about promoting your,business on tick tock is it's not over,saturated by big brands,right now big brands are somewhat,promoting their ads on there but they're,not fully taking it by force on tech,talk people are embracing small,businesses,people who are just starting people are,more eager tick tock people are just on,a whole different level,they support people,who's there and ready to create content,and the question is are you ready to,create content you can't rely on,pictures to take you far you have to be,a multi-dimensional brand create videos,talk um create reals,go on live you have to be connecting,with your audience in a whole different,way recently instagram and facebook,twitter shutdown and we have learned the,importance of having an email list,we're gonna get to that later during,that time tick tock was still thriving,there was no glitches no nothing it,didn't shut down there was no outage,people were just out there having fun,you need to have a fun component to your,brand as well as be strategic as well,when it comes to your tick tock the goal,of tick tock is not for you to upsell to,your customers that is something i,learned um through testing people don't,want to be up so too,they want to be,somehow persuaded in a non-selling way,so meaning you want to create videos,that tells your story or you want to do,a trending video that relates back to,your,brand and let people see for themselves,if your brain is worth it if you have a,strong mission if you have a strong,aesthetic a strong branding identity,then your likelihood of getting more,eyeballs on your brand is likely,and you have to create daily and when i,was first starting off i was just,posting here and there but that didn't,work out because a platform have to see,that you're serious enough if you're,posting daily the algorithm will start,to work in your favor if you're only,posting twice a week maybe you're one of,the few lucky ones that have a viral,moment but that's an exception to the,rule and not everyone is that you want,to post daily because that increases,your chance of one of your videos going,viral and there's no way to know what,video will go viral unless you're,creating content some people worry about,what if my quality is not good enough,what if my,video id i'm thinking about it's not fun,enough for cool enough well you really,don't know until you post it i've posted,boring content i have posted fun content,i have posted content i thought was,gonna go viral and didn't go viral,i've posted trending,i posted storytelling videos it took me,months before i knew what was working,for me right but gradually as i was,posting m

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vent/sad tiktok compliation : 17

vent/sad tiktok compliation : 17

probably decided to leave me alone for,good now which is fair enough,screwed it all up again,classic Tori do you want to kill,yourself,he asks,and the question sounds unreal,because you never hear anyone ever,asking that question in real life,that's what they do okay they act like,they look like they act like they'll be,there forever and then one day they'll,pack up all their stuff and move away,and take their love with them I am not,um,you know if you want to be happier you,have to try you have to put in the,effort your problem is that you don't,try,I do try I have tried I have tried for,16 years,what they do okay they act like they,look like they act like they'll be there,forever and then one day they'll pack up,all their stuff and move away and take,their love with them,not your fault,I know I mean I know but I don't always,know you know like sometimes I have this,tiny voice in the back of my head that,goes like hey everyone hates you and,they're not wrong to feel that way,everything was fiction future and,prediction now where am I my fading,Supply,did you get enough love my little girl,the same,baby you got something in your nose,sniffing that K did you feel the hole,hope you find Peace by yourself no,boyfriend ain't gonna feel them,everybody,for one more day,everything,like continue with your trauma make you,stronger no,nosing,is the Dark Side of Everything,how can I escape from the demons in my,head,I think maybe there's something wrong,with me,hey can we talk nah I don't really want,to talk right now that's okay you never,really did I've been screaming every day,please let me out hold up let you out,you couldn't protect yourself I was,protecting you you were protecting me,yes protecting you everybody in this,world was rejecting you nobody out here,could accept you no everybody could,accept you that's the problem that you,have man you build walls up and hit,behind the shame and I guess that I'm,partially to blame I don't know what to,say no explain you're making no sense to,me it kind of all just sounds like a,guest to me bro your trauma made me just,a memory ain't nobody in this world,remembers me,foreign

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