tiktok leggings ads

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Husbands React To "TikTok/Amazon Leggings"

what,that's a donk you like them,you ain't going to grocery store those,long,i'm just letting you know that now why,not hell no,do you like them i like them but for me,only,you're not i'm going in the nursery,store not with this one you're not right,yeah,no you're not i will block your ,car and you got another thing i'm gonna,go put a different pair,on sweatpants something baggy whatever,nothing,hey no,i do too but you're not wearing in the,grocery store,i'm not going downhill now,okay whatever you say,i'm getting them in every color,so i can't wear them out in public when,i'm there yeah,oh balls what are those,you're not wearing those anywhere,okay so i got those leggings that,everybody's talking about on tick tock,the ones that,are supposed to make your butt look good,so i put them on and i'm gonna surprise,my husband,because he is about to walk through that,door any minute,so let's see his reaction,hey that was,what i'm fine,good,oh on my face,i love you all leggings,right to the bedroom,so,good morning good morning um,hi,surprise,yeah um,i just,i get notifications too what are you,going to wear those,guys yeah i like them,damn,looks real nice,so,foreign

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Testing VIRAL TikTok Leggings | Umm...

Testing VIRAL TikTok Leggings | Umm...

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今天,我们要来,看看TikTok很热门的紧身裤。,和很多人一样,我也是一个TikTok中毒者。,这太有趣了,你可以滑几个小时,,时间过得很快。,最近,我看到同样的三款紧身裤,在TikTok上大肆宣传。,而且我知道我不是唯一一个,,但是关于这些TikTok上热门的紧身裤的,某些事情有点让我烦恼。,因为,从字面上看,,有人会做的只是,,就像,站在屏幕上说,"天哪,你需要这些紧身裤。",然后,就像,就是这样。,我想,评论在哪里?,关于这些紧身裤是信息如此之少,的情况下竟然如此流行的?,就像这些Aerie交叉腰紧身裤走红一样,,只是因为一个女孩跳了舞,,她穿着它们看起来真的很好,就是这样。,她甚至没有说什么关于紧身裤的事情。,如果你不熟悉我的频道,,我们其实会花很多时间,讨论紧身裤的重要细节,,因为你知道那里有一些不好的紧身裤。,还有一些人今天推荐的紧身裤,,我真的很想知道,这些是如何传播开来的?,如果你是新来的,我叫凯瑟琳。,我们在这里做了很多残酷诚实的紧身裤评论,,价格实惠的紧身裤,一般的运动服。,如果您还没有订阅,请务必订阅,并为视频点赞。,今天,我们将介绍三种最受欢迎,的TikTok紧身裤,,至少是从我所看到的内容来看。,其中两个是booty紧缩,,大家都知道我对booty紧缩的感受。,然后是了Aerie的。,而且因为TikTok视频实际上,并没有去开箱了解紧身裤,,所以我实际上会给你一些重要的细节,,看看这些是否真的值得。,我将教你一个小技巧,,或许可以为你省下一大笔钱。,所以,事不宜迟,让我们开始。,首先我们有这些,,比如渔网紧身裤。,我不确定这些的原始视频是什么,,但我看过很多人尝试,这些紧身裤的视频,,他们有点喜欢,展示给他们的男朋友,或丈夫看,或者等待他们的反应。,它总是,像,哦,像,哦,天哪。,而且他们总是超级感兴趣,很明显,,因为他们是紧身的。,这些实际上比我想象的更厚、,更有弹性。,它们有点像鱼网式的外观。,就个人而言,它们不像我,喜欢的紧身裤风格,但我们保持开放的心态。,这些实际上在亚马逊上,很难找到,,因为每个人都在购买它们。,但我想向你展示一个小技巧,,因为这些紧身裤不仅在TikTok上风靡一时,,我还在Instagram上,看到不少公司出售它们。,如果你还没有看过我的Paragon视频,,并且了解一件代发和贴白标签,,那么运动服行业正在发展的东西,,基本上就是通过以下方式,创办自己的运动服公司,这些批发紧身裤,,将您的标志放在上面并出售。,我最近经常看到这个Instagram帐户,,因为他们出售这些完全相同的紧身裤。,品牌是KB的Tahira。,这是凯利伯恩斯的品牌。,我真的不知道凯利伯恩斯是谁,,但在Instagram得知她有一个漂亮的屁股。,如果你不熟悉速卖通,,基本上就是这个,比如,,位于中国的巨大在线市场,,他们有很多品牌,,你可以买到8到10美元的紧身裤,质量很好。,我一直是速卖通的购物者,,三年了,,我以前肯定见过这些紧身裤。,我在KB的Tahira网站上看到过它们。,所以,如果你曾经Instagram上,看到过一条紧身裤,,或者像一个新品牌,,你想确保你不是从,例如,,一个直销品牌,,直销没有任何问题,,但是在KB的Tahira网站是以70美元的价格出售这些紧身裤,,您可以在速卖通上以8美元的价格购买它们。,这实际上是价格的10%。,你要做的是从他们的,Instagram和他们的网站上,截取一条紧身裤的屏幕截图,,然后转到速卖通应用程序,,然后在右上角,,像这样里面有一个,小放大镜的小相机图标,,这就是你的图像搜索。,因此,您将拍摄刚刚截屏的图像,并反向图像搜索。,如果这是他们在全球速卖通上的紧身裤,,或者卖家已经在全球速卖通上销售,,你会有很多选择。,这些特定的紧身裤是10美元、10美元、0.30美元、9美元、6美元。,如果您对速卖通没有经验,,那么有些卖家可能不太可靠,,但是如果您查看评论,,如果有人喜欢任何图片或任何东西,,通常还是相当不错的。,所以,我只是想分享这个小技巧,,因为这些在亚马逊的紧身裤,在TikTok上很流行,但Instagram上也有那个女孩在卖它们。,所以,这些紧身裤有很多。,这些是我专门从亚马逊的,Omkagi商店买的,,我买是小号。,它们感觉很好,它们有点厚。,他们有这种厚实的,,像高性能材料的腰带,,顶部没有接缝,所以很好。,有一个非常微妙的前接缝,,它可能会导致一些问题,,因为有时会出现卷曲,,它们只会在该区域产生很大的力,,这可能会造成一些骆驼蹄问题,所以我们会看到。,这是实际的特写镜头,,有点像,渔网材料。,它很有弹性,看起来会很不透明,,所以我不会太担心深蹲证明,,但是,是的,,我绝对觉得这些带,纹理的紧身裤,有点像后天养成的品味,我很惊讶它们会如此流行,,只是因为我觉得这些不是每个人都喜欢的,,让我们试一试看看。,好吧,所以我不讨厌这些,我会给你几个理由。,所以,首先,我有点紧张,,因为我的尺码确实小了,,这完全是我的正常尺码,,但你永远不知道,,有时使用这些,比如亚马逊、全球速卖通的紧身裤,,它们可以是比如是超级小的裁缝,你只是不知道。,我会说这些是真实尺寸,介于两者之间。,我真的希望他们没有这个前接缝,,因为即使它完全不引人注意,,如果你真的想,喜欢,,把这些紧身裤调整到一个合理的位置,,接缝,就像,绝对是侵入性的,,而这些是紧身裤,,人们倾向于把它们拉起来,,让它们贴合你的臀部,对吧?,所以,出问题的可能性很大。,所以,这是一个骗局。,我其实有点喜欢这个腰带。,对比度对我来说有点大,,但它确实在前面降低了,一点点的腹部控制,,然后在后面有点舀起来。,所以,它真的很讨人喜欢。,这些绝对是汗水和脂肪团友好的,,因为你真的看不到太多东西,,比如鱼网材料。,我想说这不是我,见过的最离谱的紧缩。,绝对是这当中的最高。,是的,现在我看着它,,这个,就像,渔网材料,,就像,它,就像,有点坐在这儿,,它,像,以一种奇怪的方式聚集,,有点像撕裂。,好吧,我照了照镜子,它没有撕裂。,我觉得这看起来有点奇怪。,我不知道。,当然,在TikTok上没有人提到的事情,,因为它没有提到紧身裤,,就是它们有点 像 痒。,它们不是非常柔软的紧身裤。,这种材料真的,不应该是运动材料。,我不知道,就我个人而言,,我的腿不喜欢长时间穿这些,,因为它们很紧绷,,当我蹲下时,,紧缩区域肯定会更紧绷。,所以,也要小心。,每次我移动得更多,我会在这里遇到更多问题。,好吧,总的来说,这些并不可怕。,我想说,一般来说,腰带很讨人喜欢,,紧缩很讨人喜欢。,他们肯定会隐藏橘皮组织,,我觉得紧缩,看起来有点奇怪。,它们不是很软,,前接缝肯定会引起一些问题。,因此,就个人而言,这些不会是新的,圣杯护腿或任何东西。,而且我不敢相信其他Instagram商店,以80美元的价格出售这些,,因为这些看起来不像是80美元的紧身裤。,但是,如果您确实喜欢这些,无论您喜欢什么,,我都会在亚马逊和全球速卖通上寻找它们。,它们有在亚马逊上被选中。,接下来,我们有AerieRealMe交叉腰打底裤。,所以,我有带图案的,,但这些流行女孩,穿的是纯色。,我实际上已经尝试过,这些的纯色紧身裤版本。,而且我不喜欢这个版本。,所以,我已经对这些进行了全面开箱,,并且已经使用了六个月,,实际上我将它们作为我2020年的最爱视频中,,最喜欢的印花紧身裤,因为我特别喜欢印花版,,而不是存色版。,我喜欢这些的交叉腰。,这是一个很好的高交叉腰,,所以你仍然可以得到很多覆盖。,它们是一种超轻量和裸感紧身裤。,这些是常规的七八杆长度。,我还有一双蛇纹图案,,但我有更长的版本,,我更喜欢更长的版本。,而且因为Aerie本身几乎是有一定的销售,,所以在这些热门传播之前,,你总是可以在Aerie网站上,但是自从它们疯狂传播以来,,就像每个人都在购买它们。,我不知道你是否还,能以低于30美元的价格再次找到这些,,这有点令人失望,因为我喜欢这些紧身裤,,但是人们在Poshmark上以一百美元的价格转售它们,,而这些都不值一百美元美元。,比如,你为什么要,为人们所谓的Align欺骗支付一百美元?,首先,它不是Align骗子,,但您可以为此购买Aligns。,无论如何,我现在要开始了,,但我已经在纯色,尝试过这种材料,这种材料非常非常薄。,所以,在纯色中,首先,,有点骆驼蹄风险,,我并不喜欢。,其次,就像没有压缩,,没有脂肪团覆盖,任何这些的设计。,所以是的,我只是不觉得,这些是普遍讨人喜欢的紧身裤。,当然,没有人需要隐藏他们的脂肪团,,但防脂肪团的紧身裤,是很多人都在寻找的东西,,尤其是因为这就是我们刚刚回顾的纹理紧身裤的目的。,不管怎样,让我们试试这些。,我们为动物印花紧身裤,请到了一位猫特邀嘉宾,所以问好,平斯。,好的,这里是RealMe交叉腰紧身裤。,我认为它们现在已经售罄。,有一次他们有黑色库存,但我之前说过,,我再说一遍,,你要找有印花的,,它们比纯色好得多。,来了,长度很高,,这是我的常规长度。,我五点九,所以有点短。,它们是由柔软的、光滑的材料制成的。,这是一个有趣的组合,,但它们以某种方式既时尚又柔软。,我喜欢这些的交叉腰。,我认为对于交叉腰来说,它不是太深的V。,你没有得到,就像,这里有大量的皮肤,,但你确实在侧面得到了很好的覆盖,,有点掩盖了 爱手柄区域。,这些绝对不是整体的压缩紧身裤,,如果轻微压缩,绝对是裸体的感觉。,在印刷版本中,它们对脂肪团好,,而纯色,它们绝对不是。,尽管这些没有像其他的那样紧缩,,但它们实际上在臀部,是很受宠若惊,,而且它们这里给你一个中到高的比例。,我已经穿过这些进行了几次锻炼,我真的很喜欢它们。,它们非常轻巧,,是我最喜欢的夏季紧身裤之一,,因为它们非常轻巧,,而且真的不能保暖。,一月份可能不是最适合的。,这些,我认为不辜负炒作。,我真的很喜欢这些紧身裤,,尤其是因为我认为它们的,质量也很实惠。,但就我个人而言,我不确定我是否会再买,,除非我能以普通的,30美元价格买到它们,,因为Aerie总是有折扣。,所以,在打折时候才购买你的Aerie东西。,我将在下面给予链接,如果它们现在还有,,但TikTok一直在销售它们,,所以很难获得。,坦率地说,在最后一个TikTok流行的紧身裤中,,是这些可怕的抗脂肪紧身裤。,实际上我之前在我的频道上试过这些,,这些紧身裤实际上并不是什么新鲜事,,而且这些实际上是我认为,会在TikTok上传播的最后一件事情。,我真的非常讨厌这些。,如果您正在寻找抗橘皮组织紧身裤,,第一个要好得多。,我看过几个这样的视频,,但我想到的一个视频,,那个女孩穿着,就像,这种,像,,在第一个镜头中不讨人喜欢的紧身裤,,就像,没有做什么都适合她的臀部。,然后,当然,当你收紧臀部时,,你的臀部会看起来更好。,这就是我不信任TikTok紧身裤的原因,,因为她实际上对它们一言不发。,没有人告诉你他们的顶部,有这种可怕的弹性。,没有人告诉你如何,像,,瘦,像,从字面上看,就像,你好?,如果我能透过这些紧身裤看到你,它们太透明了。,但无论如何,这是您绝对可以,在速卖通上找到的另一条紧身裤。,它只是一个简单的紧身裤,,而且它们是由这种,超级有弹性的纹理材料制成的。,这有点像纹理材料的样子,,因为它的纹理非常丰富,,它应该有助于隐藏脂肪团,,它确实可以做到,,但我只是不认为它很可爱。,这些确实有一个前接缝,只是一个简单的前部,,并且它们逐渐变细到后面的紧缩处。,所以,这些毫无疑问会讨好,臀大肌,因为它们确实有那种锥形接缝,,然后它们有一个紧缩。,但是没有人在评论中告诉你的是,,在腰带顶部有这个,像,厚的,,基本上,像,便宜的松紧带,,就像,切入你的,,像,松饼顶部区域。,当你想到一条紧身裤腰带时,,你会希望它的四周都是压缩的,,而且它们实际上只是在最顶部有,一个一英寸厚的松紧带。,所以你只会得到压缩,比如,,在紧身裤的最顶部,,这就是为什么我认为,这些紧身裤不值得拥有的这热卖声誉,但无论

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Testing the VIRAL Tiktok leggings! *not what I expected*

Testing the VIRAL Tiktok leggings! *not what I expected*

so I get a lot of emails from active,work companies I swear half of them are,about this pair of leggings and if,watching you can probably relate to this,but I see ads for these exact leggings,everywhere and they all market them as,our new anti cellulite lighting design,it's just a weird concept to me in,general cellulite it's a very normal,thing and they're all the same price,they're all $29.99 I can't seem to find,the original creator of that some on a,mission to try as many of these leggings,as I possibly can to determine are these,all just actually the exact same legging,or any of these superior are any of,these legit oh this is actually one of,the brands let it you mailed me I didn't,email him back I just went ahead and,bottled myself called the perfect and,this actually came out of California um,I feel bad but these are worse than I,was expecting so I got them in this,tie-dye print because I thought I was,fun as you can see it has this almost,like honeycomb texture to it and then,the bum is ruched I went with a medium,in these ones they are normally 44.9 but,I got them on sale for 2299 they just,look very similar to something that you,would get on Amazon I expressed like I'm,looking at the inside of them and how,the power stitch together it's just,they're not that quality flatlock,stitching that you see in nicer leggings,the material feels pretty thin there's,no branding on them oh here they are,um it kind of looks like a cow print,actually I mean they're really,comfortable I'll give them that they do,feel a little big the mediums what do,you what do you think of my bum in these,leggings Jesus I have a weird thing with,tie-dye leggings where I keep buying,them thinking it's gonna be a good idea,they're just kind of weird,they see-through yes just on just on the,white sheet so these next ones,spend a little bit more money on their,called top Rio shops so they have their,own,and then they also carry a couple of,other ones and they were actually doing,a deal on this stuff for awesome only,$50 but I got up for 29 it's a cute,design and there's not a lot to it for a,sports bra and then the leggings,normally 67 gone them for 33 all they're,actually shorts they have the high waist,the booty scrub the actual fabrics that,these are made out of do feel like a,little bit better quality no no no no no,no this is known the least supportive,sports bra like I don't even have to,bend over to fall out they just maybe if,it was tighter but this is a disaster,waiting to happen like the design is a,cute idea but but also I actually really,like the shorts these are really pretty,fun Oh booty scrunch they're super,high-waisted are a good length they,don't pinch my thighs at all okay so,we're gonna go to the gym but I'm gonna,need a different bra okay yeah I mean,wear this gym shark alone instead and,then I found this,I found this shirt at Lululemon it's,just this like super lightweight,material and then it has these cute,little laser-cut details on the bottom,but the best part is the fun shorts you,can just kind of see the pink on the top,peeking through these are also pretty,squall proof so I just did some low,effort cardio today it was one of those,days I couldn't tell if this guy behind,me was staring at me the whole time or,TV above me but I actually quite liked,his they were super comfy normally all,my bottoms are way too tight in the,bumpy side plenty of space he wasn't,wearing underwear with these and it felt,so little just imagine this texture on,your bear and the real question were,they anti-cellulite know kind of funny,that I got them literally for that they,don't cover enough to be anti cellulite,so I'm gonna wear these ones the rest of,the day but with underwear this time,boom outfit of the day also every time,- myself in the mirror I hate these more,and more hey food you need dinner okay,so do I okay we're gonna go make food,okay well would you rather have sweet,chili pork lettuce wrap or trunky,chicken recipe the 13-14 I got like so,out of touch with eating easy not,healthy whatever's on hand or it was,door dashing and spending so much money,I've been using home chef meals is it,friends I made it last night with,friends and it was delicious she's the,reason that I even do home chef she's,earning it for like years okay so this,is gonna be our appetizers the lettuce,wraps Wow beautiful and then what do we,want for the entree I'll leave that one,again it's literally not good if we tag,team it it'll take seriously okay let's,do that one thanks home chef for,sponsoring today's video home chef is so,convenient it's delivered right to your,door all the fresh ingredients are,included including the little condiments,and spices and stuff and the,instructions are so easy to follow that,even I can do it home chef is a great,option if you're trying to make better,healthier meals they offer a wide,variety of options and I particularly,really like the Fresh Start those menu,items are calorie and carb conscious and,they're pa

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TikTok Must Haves - LEGGING Edition! Are They HopeScope Approved??

TikTok Must Haves - LEGGING Edition! Are They HopeScope Approved??

happy good morning and welcome back to,hope scope your number one source for,all things fit fashion I love tik-tok I,love the stupid little dances I love the,dog videos and recently I have seen some,leggings floating around in particular,Amazon leggings and some of these,leggings in these tick-tocks I've tried,I own but there's a few that I hadn't,heard of before so we're gonna try them,out I have to start with these because,this was literally the most,serendipitous moment of my whole life,so I came across this tik-tok that this,girl made where she was showing like,some of her top favorite Amazon leggings,and in particular for some reasons these,bubble lime leggings really caught my,attention here's the crazy thing though,so I'm sitting there on a Tuesday night,literally at midnight watching tic TOCs,because that's what I do these days I,closed my tick-tock app open up my email,and the first email at the top of my,inbox bubble lime yoga pants review,require midnight on a Tuesday night,right after I was on tick-tock looking,at them I thought it was like some sort,of scam at first like Amazon was,listening to me but no I open it it's,from the bubble lime yoga pants team,I've been following you for a long time,love all of your videos about yoga pants,anyway I told them the situation how,ridiculously crazy it was and they were,like cool what size are you we'll send,you some here they are if these do end,up being as great as this girl says they,are I'll link them down below and they,set up code love hope 10 that you can,use it checkout for a discount I don't,get anything from that they just they,did that for you,alright you know why they sent me to,start this one,they sports bras hold their undies oh my,goodness,stink those actually feel really nice,got some nude ones highly recommend,these if you don't have a pair like this,so where are your leggings and some gray,ones,wow thanks that was very nice of you,bubble I'm now for the leggings all,right we thought it obvious i small hmm,so this price tag says $43.99 they're,actually $24.99 on Amazon though dang,okay I like on the sizing they have this,size and then with the end seam is 20 to,25 26 or 27 inch inseam so these are a 9,spandex blend they definitely have kind,of like a performance feel very stretchy,not brushed a pretty deads fabric right,off the bat they kind of remind me of,like a 90 degree type legging the,waistband is high-waisted and it does,have an elastic that runs along the top,we got pockets on both sides and they're,available in extra small to extra large,becoming tons of colors these ones are,the scarlet so far they feel really nice,they could be a winner okay initial,thoughts great fit so I'm like these,stands are for sure me from my tan but,this was a mystery statement that was,there before I put them on pretty darn,flattering seem to fit pretty true to,size good sized pockets my phone fits in,it Oh like a dream the elastic is pretty,thick at the top here but honestly with,a legging that slick like this that's,kind of nice so you don't have to worry,about them falling down got these nice,tapered seams that are very flattering,on the side think you're pretty good at,hiding cellulite can still see it a,little bit but nothing crazy the same,pretty squat proof - dang I like these,they do have a front seams but it,doesn't seem to be causing too much,trouble if you know what I mean then,they do have this little hidden,waistband pocket that I never use these,definitely exceeded my expectations oh,if you want to be tick-tock friends my,name is hope scopes Amazon here okay,next are the leggings I've been seeing,everywhere they are these day 7 for $40,leggings I think the original girl that,found these and posted them on tik-tok,is this Ashley girl and all these,teenagers are like raving about us so,let's see what's really up also thank,you everybody that likes this coma it,makes me so happy that you value my,opinion that much sixty-two reviews,mostly 5 stars I saw these weren't prime,but they got here in like a week anyways,oh where can they use use a pity man,Amazon so great I feel like every other,website needs to take note because,reviews where you can actually like post,pictures and stuff is so helpful,literally laying here singing tik-tok,songs small/medium size 2 to 12 that is,a big range holy cow and then the large,extra-large is considered plus size and,that is 12 to 24 - legging sizes that,span size 2 to 24 that's bonkers it's as,expected 94% that's pretty good one size,I ordered these in a small/medium you,can get a single legging for 11:59 two,for $15.99 three for $19.99 or all seven,for $31.99 I also have to like dig,through Amazon to find these because,none of the tick talkers were shared in,the brand name it is aeolic this I don't,have three black ones yeah those are all,the same right with all the same shade,of black pretty lightweight some seams,are already coming undone they are a,pretty thin brushed polyester spandex,they have a good

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I Tried TikTok Dropshipping with ONLY $50

I Tried TikTok Dropshipping with ONLY $50

today we're gonna be Drop Shipping with,only 50 we're gonna find a winning,product on Tick Tock build a Shopify,store and launch some Tick Tock ads if,we don't make at least three sales I'll,take two people in my Discord and Mentor,them for free first we need to find a,product to sell in my previous video we,went over 15 winning products for,Shopify Drop Shipping and on that list,there's one product that we're gonna,test today so we are on Tick Tock and,we're just gonna type in fleece leggings,and there's a ton of content already,made for this product the first few,videos 1.4 million views a hundred K,views half a million views 300K views,half a million views this product goes,viral every single year during the,winter and since there are a ton of,creatives right here I think it's a,no-brainer so the next thing we need to,do are find these fleece leggings on,AliExpress so we're just gonna search,Felice leggings there's a ton of matches,a lot of them look to be the same exact,product so this one right here has 7 000,orders so we'll just click this one one,pair of leggings cost ten dollars and it,looks like the shipping is free for this,product so now we're gonna use the Ali,save Chrome extension to download these,photos now you might not understand why,we need to download all of these photos,but trust me it'll make sense in about,one second so now that we have all of,these photos saved we can head on over,to our Shopify store so on the App Store,just come and search copy with a K and,there's going to be this copy app right,here so add this app to your store I'll,explain how it works in one second but,just trust me install the app boom and,approve so once this app is loaded you,want to come to import a single product,and it's gonna ask you for a URL so come,on over to Google and just type in your,product name so fleece leggings and you,can also add Shopify like that and then,come up top and come to the shopping Tab,and what we're gonna do do is just open,all of these websites up into a new tab,and we're going to go through each of,them and see who has the best product,page because this copy app will,literally download all of the images,their product description and import it,to your store so this first site is,pretty bad the second one let's check it,out so far this is actually pretty good,whoever's running this site knows what,they're doing this product page I think,we're just going to use this one let me,check the third website we pulled up to,see if this one's any better,um this one could work but it looks a,little spammy with this text and I don't,ever put like Asian or Chinese models on,my product pages because I don't want,people to think my product shipping from,China but either way here we have this,first product all you're going to do now,is copy the link come back to the copy,app and just paste that bad boy in there,we can click import product and just,like that it's gonna let us add this,product onto our store and I'm just just,going to leave all of this information,the same to start we'll tweak it in a,little bit because there's one more step,we have to do before we can actually run,the ads but you can see this is,uploading to our site right now this is,literally going to change the way that,you guys drop ship It's Just Gonna Save,you so much time it's super efficient,quick Interruption I have a Drop,Shipping Discord server that's free to,join and the link is in the pin comment,below or at the top of my description I,better see you there or else congrats on,importing your first product thank you,so now we can view the product and just,like that here are the Cozy fleece,leggings I already had the store made,from a previous video it's just a female,Beauty Niche store so any product geared,towards females will fit on here pretty,nice uh it is sold out we'll we'll tweak,that in a second but as you can see it's,literally the same exact product okay we,gotta fix this actually we got we were,selling another product before this one,so we just got to tweak the product page,a little bit but few small tweaks will,be good to go come to the apps and you,want to open up CJ Drop Shipping and we,need to sync the product from CJ to the,one on our store so that way whenever a,customer purchases on our website we can,use CJ to actually ship that order out,so we're gonna post a sourcing request,and this is exactly why we needed to,download the images because you can just,upload an image of the product in CJ,just like that found nine of the same,versions so we're just gonna open these,up one by one and our goal is to find,this exact product so literally the the,first product we opened seems to be the,exact product like literally even the,images we stole from the competitor are,the same as CJ now since we already have,the product on our store you just want,to come down to connect then you want to,find your products so these cozy fleece,leggings and we want to select match and,then we want to connect it with these,fleece

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Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)

Reviewing 10 Best TikTok UGC Ads in 5 Minutes! (Copy THESE Ads!)

so in today's video i'll be reviewing,the 10 best tick tock ugc ads in under,five minutes so let's start the timer,right now my name is justin and i'm the,founder of voiceover media an e-commerce,marketing agency specializing in,elevating thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure to leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notifications to be,one of the first to know about these,cutting edge e-commerce marketing tips,posting on our channel every week,so in today's video i'll be utilizing,the addison software which is great been,loving that app in the past couple of,days been using it a lot when it comes,to advertising and making sure that i,couldn't create swap files so let's get,started with the first ad i'm just gonna,put that on mute real quick and let that,play right here so this is a very,interesting ad i mean anything that,talks about sex on facebook or on tech,talk i mean always converts you know sex,is sort of the old the oldest form of,creating desire essentially within a,audience so that one first of all is a,little bit you know my parents left me,this fancy chocolate is is pretty,interesting and again keep in mind that,is a six,second video so it's a super super quick,video right there that gets straight to,the point and what is nice about,utilizing under seven second videos on,tick tock is that usually people don't,get the points within six seconds but if,you can make it very interesting they'll,probably rewatch the second time which,increases watch time a lot which for the,algorithm they like that that kind of,flags to the algorithm that this is a,great video so it'll push it to more,people so essentially just playing that,one right there as soon as he says you,know my parents left me this chocolate,you seen eggplant emoji you see like a,little water emoji you see a peach emoji,so again kind of instant sex so it is a,bit of a funny angle like my parents,left me this but it talks about you know,it's some sex stuff you then see a kid,or you know young adult at least you,know presenting that product and you,know it's reminded to read ingredients,before you eat stuff guys so anyways it,just leaves you with a little bit of a,smirk in the face and wants you to,actually go ahead and check it out and,second one right there it's just a meme,right it starts with the meme starts,with something that's been pretty you,know accurate in the past couple of days,the meme of you know again will smith,sort of slapping chris rock and tells,you know this is better than that and,here's a quick switch over to the actual,main point of the video where he talks,about you know getting money essentially,those proof shows again it uses a green,screen effect so it actually looks like,it was a real organic tick dock and not,just an ad looking at this one right,there that's an a minute and eight,second ad that i really recommend that,to anybody to go to that length when it,comes to ad but that one was a,masterpiece i mean that guy basically,did a skit it was a pretty interesting,and funny skit and you know you can kind,of see at this point here that there is,a big focus on a specific product so it,does you know you know it's an ad but,the fact that it's funny and the fact,that it's well placed i would personally,want to keep watching that so he,basically did a skit with that and made,something relatable essentially for this,his type of audience of you know just a,kid working during the weekend with his,dad on you know constructing something,and i want to quickly go over it this is,you know it has the text-to-speech audio,in the background which you cannot hear,right now text-to-speech works great,just shows you know fast cuts every,second shows how quick it is shows a,quick way for you to try out you know a,bit of a tattoo first that is within 60,minutes you know ready and looks pretty,real so love how fast-paced this is,again they're using text-to-speech which,is great that one right there again it,kind of looks like it was just somebody,recording a regular video setting up you,know drinking furniture kind of looks,like a vlog a lot of people are doing,these style of videos on tiktok where,they kind of showcase themselves doing,something around the house it kind of,shows like she's doing chores,essentially but at the end of the day,they're actually selling the furniture,that is being showed in the video but it,just is a pretty satisfying video to,watch and it's also a very nice house so,kind of has this lifestyle aspect to it,that essentially helps create some value,and desire out of that video darwin is a,very nice thing that i see quite a lot,there's a second one of those in the,next couple of seconds but it's more,about the style of ad he responds to a,comment and makes an ad out of that so,that is a spark ad right there but again,it just looks real it looks like a,regular organic post because he is,responding to an actual comment and you,would see the same thing here with that

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I Bought the WEIRDEST Clothes on INSTAGRAM!! *who wears these?*

I Bought the WEIRDEST Clothes on INSTAGRAM!! *who wears these?*

the new instagram shop tab it has,everything from,five thousand dollar emerald jewelry to,whale watching tours,interesting things in there and,everybody kept talking about,how my instagram shop is so me but i'm,just seeing a whole lot of activewear a,whole lot of rave gear,so either instagram knows something,about myself that i don't know or they,decided that those two categories go,hand in hand for some reason so i went,on a very interesting little shopping,spree and i'm so,excited to show you what i found 15,minute drill someone that leaves a,comment and the first 15 minutes,of the video's up i will pick to either,send a 100 gift card to you to a place,of your choice or to a charity of your,choice i've caught myself the last,couple of videos saying,leave a nice comment in the first 15,minutes listen,i don't make nice videos i make real,videos so,leave me some real comments maybe you're,gonna disagree,maybe you're gonna love some of this,stuff that i bought you can tell me or,maybe there's a different type of video,that you'd love to see,you can tell me all right i'm about to,open,the shopping tab for the very first time,continue,shopping this must be like ads that i've,clicked on love that it's keeping track,of that for me,oh off to a strong start,someone sent this ad to me and of course,i clicked on it,yeah that's a thing so we're gonna have,to get those,oh only three sizes my pants bring all,the boys to the yard,flare pants thong-like detail on the,back ribbed fabric we're gonna have a,medium,60 dollars ouch double,waisted denim huh yeah now i'm just,getting a bunch of stuff with weird,waistbands,okay i don't know if these are,considered weird i need them,i actually did order these from free,people and they never showed up and i'm,really upset about it actually,it reminds me of pinterest how based on,what you click on,it will show you more of that thing okay,perry collections katy perry has shoes,katy perry has ugly shoes,yes 155 dollars,for shrimp cocktail earrings okay i'll,get them oh,my gosh what else does she have make,your own necklace,look at all the choices uh look at this,happy little flower,okay i decided what i'm getting from,this site i'm so excited to show you,i got some good stuff picked out some of,what you saw some of which,is gonna be a surprise and i will see,you in a couple weeks when all this gets,here,okay what should we start with this is,the one this is what we're starting with,this is the,susan alexandra it was the cute kind of,weird you know she even,signed it comes in this cute little bag,already in love this is so stinking cute,to be honest after the fact i was a,little bit bummed that i didn't get the,shrimps but don't worry,the shrimp is featured on this necklace,we've got one baby shrimp,cute little flower a donut a rose and,some lips,even the little clasp like they put so,much detail into,this see this is one that i figured that,i would actually wear,so and there were so many different,charms you could pick from and really,personalize it,a positive start so you know how i said,it,instagram just really wanted to,recommend me some rave gear,oh here we go oh my oh,wow it's like hair i don't know what i,thought it would be but i wasn't,expecting this texture,oh that's so interesting do i have,anywhere to wear this,absolutely not am i gonna try it on for,you guys anyway,for sure here we go next snap i,appreciate how easy this is to put on,wow oh my gosh this is amazing,i don't know how long i could wear it,without like eventually this is gonna,get uncomfortable,and probably kind of sweaty but where am,i gonna wear this,like where is this appropriate other,than coachella maybe with like a dress,underneath i feel like it could be kind,of like 1920s style,i'm just going to make it be active,working can you imagine if i showed up,to like my boxing class in this,yeah yeah what if it gets tangled like,what if you're just out,you know out on the town you have to,like carry a hairbrush for your top,11 out of 10. this is actually going to,make a lovely addition to that top,okay here's the thing though after i,bought these i realized i kind of got a,little bit scammed,oh my goodness these are,beautiful okay it's a heel and then this,is like legging or like a really thick,tight material with these beautiful,rhinestones but i paid 59.90,and then it was 4.90 for shipping and,then on wish,yup here's the exact same boot on wish,for 27,so i'm pretty sure this company is one,of those drop ship sites where they,bought it on,wish or alibaba for super cheap and then,they marked it up double which is fine,that's how a lot of small businesses do,business but if you do see something you,like on the instagram shop tab just,do a little digging and make sure you,can't find it elsewhere for half the,price i'm so excited for these,i'm actually pleasantly surprised with,the quality like it's a thick enough,type that i'm not,super worried about them getting runs,and then the rhinestones are like,beautifully

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I Ordered the 5 most VIRAL Tiktok Products

I Ordered the 5 most VIRAL Tiktok Products

the tick tock made me buy it saga,continues because we found some really,cool items and also some complete,disasters on this episode of what i,ordered versus what showed up i have,been wanting these jaded london heat map,jeans so bad keyword jeans ever since i,saw them on somebody here on take talk,they were sold out though so i had to,look elsewhere i found some on this,website called peachy wicks and the,pants are called thermal batty pants,they were 60 they look fairly legit in,the pictures oh no,what is this what they look really bad,oh they're so bad this has got to be the,cheapest material i have ever held not a,gene not what i thought i was getting,i'm starting to learn that tik-tok jeans,and i just don't mesh well for some,reason i have also had these jeans all,over my for you page it's been on a lot,of other people's too because 25 million,views our printed denim jeans are a vibe,they are so cute no i don't think you,understand,i'm upset,like are you kidding me,so naturally i ordered a couple pair,they were only like 18 each which was a,little bit of a red flag to be honest,but they have 1.3 million followers so,it has to be a legit company right,i ordered these a month ago and still,have not even gotten a shipping,confirmation so it's not looking good,your girl might have gotten scammed i,sent them an email about it and still,haven't heard back i'll keep you updated,on if anything ever shows up moving on,to something that did show up this is,one of the most wild things 98 million,views people are wanting to know how the,color corrector works explain it in 30,seconds v34 color corrector so here,we've got purple shampoo this is what it,looks like we essentially took the same,concept of purple shampoo and did it for,your teeth scientifically that sounds,like it should work wow,and supposedly it takes seconds just,like in that video well that's not a,good sign it came with teeth whitening,straight,they're like if our product doesn't work,here's a different one i'm kind of,nervous,it was quite affordable too it was only,17.50,i will say the packaging and the,branding is very nice so here's the deal,my top teeth,aren't real they are veneers not the,scary kind they're just a little overlay,over my natural teeth i have a whole,youtube video about it if you want to,check it out but my bottom teeth don't,perfectly match my top teeth because,those are natural i haven't whitened,them since i got my teeth done i'm,getting a good before shot okay,oh my gosh apply two pumps directly into,mouth,i'm just gonna check her,okay i don't think it really looks any,different,uh,if it is it's very minimal i feel very,minty fresh but i expected something to,happen though at least too bad we,decided to try it on tyler's teeth next,because he doesn't have an ears his,teeth are actually real and he actually,just got his invisalign off so it was,perfect timing did it make a difference,i don't,know i don't think so you change your,name to high lie oh,there you go there's your consolation,prizes this next tick tock i saw months,and months ago and i have been patiently,waiting for this product to come back in,stock 28 million views,it's so cute,she didn't try it on for us but i'm,about to i wish that mine came in a cute,aesthetic box like hers did we just got,a bag mine looks like more of a teal,than hers,i thought i got the same one,oh my gosh she's cute,okay it's for sure the same dress though,it was 69,and i have no idea where i'm gonna wear,this but please fit hang on we gotta set,the mood,there we go,oh my gosh it's beautiful,it's perfect it's everything i hoped it,would be i love it,i also love this obnoxious thing,apparently a lot of people were buying,and returning after they wore it because,uh you know what i'm committing to this,dress oh this was worth all 69,look at these sleeves and the way that,it like fans out at the bottom oh i love,it i love it i love it i love it okay,this next one looked really really,promising with this pink hair that i,have going on i have to get it touched,up pretty frequently that last week or,so before my next appointment though,that my roots are looking a little rough,they're not bad right now but this next,product could help me out a little bit,it just it looks like a way more precise,way of touching up your highlights or,your roots than like a spray i think it,looks so good i found it on the ulta,website the brand is color wow and it,was 35 so,not the cheapest totally free products i,do love this about ulta okay here's what,we came here for that like 35 for this,tiny little they did have a few,different color options i went with,platinum light blonde the good thing,about it being this small is it,something that you can travel with,easily or just have in your purse we've,got a brush with two sizes okay so it's,just a powder i wasn't sure if it was,gonna have a powdery texture or a cream,oh it's kind of messy i'm going in,i mean definitely not as dramatic as it,looked in,their video you ju

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