tiktok retargeting ads

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NEW TikTok Ads Retargeting Strategy - How To Setup Retargeting on TikTok in Q4 2022

in today's video I'm going to be showing,you how to set up Tick Tock retargeting,campaigns and how we do it for some of,the largest brands in the world and not,only am I going to be showing you,exactly how to do it but this is a,completely free step-by-step tutorial,video that you can apply to your Tick,Tock ads manager account where you can,literally create these retargeting,audiences and be able to start seeing,results from it retargeting is one of,the most powerful ways you can get,people actually back into your funnel,after people have discovered you through,Tick Tock whether they watch one of your,videos visited your website actually,completed a purchase and you want to,retarget them to bring them back to buy,more from you or to you know get them,further down the funnel if you're B2B,based business let's say you're,optimizing for leads and you want to,bring them back into the funnel to,convert into a book to caller to convert,on a high ticket offer so whether a B2B,business a Creator e-commerce or a,retail business these retargeting,strategies are going to be able to work,for you today we aren't wasting any time,so let's definitely jump into the video,so that way we can get started,so first things first my name is Chase,Chapel if you don't already know I'm the,founder of travel digital marketing and,search dot IO where we literally advise,and spend over 200 million dollars a,year for our clients and literally walk,through the exact strategies with Brands,and businesses on how to actually,structure their campaigns as well as,manage it for them we work with clients,like the talks on Tick Tock that is a,retail business and they have a spa and,they're expanding by the day or like,Alex stimp who has over 20 million,followers on Tick Tock here and Oak and,Eden who just launched their Flagship,whiskey brand and it's absolutely,crushing it in the Yellowstone category,and even amazing National Brands like,Power Crunch were literally able to,scale up their results so let's take a,look at how to actually structure your,Tick Tock ad retargeting campaigns so,first things first once you're actually,in your Tick Tock ads manager what,you're going to want to do is go ahead,and go to assets and you're going to,click on audiences and then what you're,going to want to do is hit create,audience custom audience and this is,where we're going to have different,options to actually create a retargeting,audience we're going to have the option,of either uploading a customer file,which is a essentially a customer list,that we already have whether it's leads,or whether it's you know actually people,who purchase from us or email lists that,we built engagement is going to be,anyone who clicked or engaged with your,content from an ad standpoint then app,activity if you have an actual social,media app that's where you can create,app retargeting campaigns website,traffic is exactly what it says it's,people who visited specific you know,pages in your website or completed,specific events we're going to break,down what makes the most sense of,retarget there or on the legion side,where you're collecting emails and,generating leads list and you could you,know optimize to actually retarget,people who open the form but didn't,complete it or you could retarget people,who completed the form but didn't,complete the next step after that or,your business account which is,absolutely amazing because if you,already have a tick tock profile of all,of the customers you know and love that,follow you as your fan base you can,retarget these people who literally,watch your Tick Tock videos and get in,front of them with an actual ad with a,strong call to action and be able to get,conversions so the first things first if,you've been running Tick Tock ads the,first audience we're going to want to go,after is going to be engagement because,it's going to be a larger audience size,where you can actually retarget video,views of you know people who've you know,watched your ads in the last 30 days and,you want to do this because the minimum,size audience on Tick Tock that you need,for creating a retargeting audience is,going to be a thousand people so you're,going to want to retarget people who,watched your videos so that way you can,get back in front of them if they,haven't converted before and you can,select all ad groups and you know the,action is going to be basically video,views at 25 so essentially as long as,somebody watch at least 25 of your video,and they've shown some level of interest,and they did it within 30 days we want,to retarget those people so we would,literally create a video view 25,30-day audience and then enable auto,refresh essentially that means that this,audience is going to actively update,every day so every day we go forward,there's going to be new people coming in,and at the 31st way there's going to be,people going out so it's a 30-day,audience and it's always being updated,on the regular then we'll hit confirm,and we have our first ret

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok retargeting ads

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TikTok Retargeting Tips: How to Run Retargeting Ads + Strategy

TikTok Retargeting Tips: How to Run Retargeting Ads + Strategy

one of my main goals when running ads,for any new client or business is to,build a qualified pool to use for,retargeting these audiences are valuable,and can help keep the lights on so to,speak while you're taking the time to,find new customers for your business,we'll focus on tick-tock retargeting for,this video for facebook retargeting info,you can watch our playlist links will be,in the description,hi i'm morgan a digital marketing,professional here at life running ad,campaigns is fun but have you tried a,retargeting campaign if you've run,retargeting ads on other platforms you,probably know the process gather your,audience retarget based on their,activity see more conversions at a lower,cost per result the idea is the same,behind retargeting ads on any platform,but tick tock has its own specifics and,processes that you should know that's,what i'll cover in today's video if,you'd like to learn how to run,retargeting ads on facebook you can,watch this video that i made recently,walking you through the entire process,including strategy let's dive into tick,tock retargeting ads are some of the,best ads you can run because you're,showing your ad to someone who has,already expressed interest in your,business product or service in some way,these people are more likely to buy from,you follow you or take the action that,you're requesting these people already,know your business at least a little bit,so you're not using cold targeting like,interests and demographics or using,lookalike audiences before you can run,retargeting ads you have to set up,custom audiences let's look at how to do,that as i mentioned before you can,actually run these retargeting ads you,need to have custom audiences these,audiences can be created in a few,different ways using different data,we'll go over that in just a minute they,also need to be at least 1 000 users,large so some audiences will take some,time to build you can create a custom,audience using a customer file,engagement on tick tock with your ads or,organic content app activity website,traffic activity and lead generation,campaign activity if you want to learn,more about each type of custom audience,in more detail you can find the,information in tick tock's business,center now i'll show you how to create,each of these custom audiences and share,tips warnings ideas and other pertinent,information as we go let's start with,website traffic let's look at how to,create a website traffic audience first,you go to the audience section under,assets,click on create audience and choose,custom audiences,then you'll select website traffic under,include select the type of event and,time period you also put your pixel name,and id next you'll click the add more,rules icon then you'll choose broaden,audience or narrow audience broaden,audience allows you to create an,audience with one event type or another,event type narrow audience allows you to,create an audience with one event type,and another event type for example you,can create an audience for page views,and add to cart that would be a narrow,audience next you'll click exclude,people and enter the event type and time,period only if you want to exclude,certain users from being able to see,your ads you could choose for example to,exclude people that have made a purchase,or signed up for your email list next,you'll toggle the auto refresh button if,it's available to you for your ad goal,this will automatically update your list,that way you don't need to worry about,doing that manually but it's only,available for a couple of the ad types,the default here is for this to be,toggled on so double check this when,you're making your ads next you'll name,your audience try to get specific,because if you have more than a few,audiences it can get confusing then,you'll click confirm to create your,audience you'll use the same steps to,set up ads for app engagement website,activity tick tock engagement and lead,generation we'll talk about those in,more detail in just a couple of minutes,now this type of audience the website,activity audience is ideal if you sell,products and you want to retarget users,by what they looked at on your website,you'll also need to set this up if you,want to recover abandoned cards and,upsell other products let's look at a,strategy for building a website audience,in order to build a website audience you,need to get traffic to your website so,starting with a broad traffic or click,campaign is usually the best way to,build this type of audience of course,making sure that you've set up all of,the events that matter to your business,will be one of the most important things,that you do during setup you'll need,these for tracking your audience from,tiktok to your website and back again in,order to set up these events for using,your ads you'll need to install the tick,tock pixel here's a list of the events,that you can optimize for in case you're,curious,next we'll look at using a customer list,to create an audience but first here's

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TikTok Ads 3X Retargeting Strategy (NEW - Q4 2022)

TikTok Ads 3X Retargeting Strategy (NEW - Q4 2022)

hello everyone today we're gonna see how,you can create a marketing campaign on,tickle guys I've spent over 2 million,dollars in the platform I've seen that,actually is a very effective way to,squeeze some more conversions out of,your campaigns as well as create that,omnipresence which is very important,since the the poster OS world so yeah in,general we're gonna go higher gonna,actually create a marketing campaign,what's the best audience to put why,exactly and you should actually thinking,of creating a reminder campaign and when,it's not the really ideal way to and,when it's not ideal to actually create,one everything from other contractor to,the whole thing so let's dive actually,right into it why remarketing why you,should actually even do remark in the,first place and marketing is a great way,to get people that have interacted at,some point with your business through,that that you've shown them even you can,really so you can help them remind so,you can remind them of your brand your,product so you can make convert,detection average seven to eight times,and four Summoners actually takes the,action and breaks something from here so,you need to remind them as mass as,possible so you need to be on top of the,mind all the time and we'll create that,brand image so they can actually buy,because the first time they die this I,had might not be a in the position to,actually buy a product but in the sixth,or seventh time it might be now in the,position and to buy your product when,they have interact a bit more with your,brand or in jam and better ready to buy,your product so it's very important to,create remind campaigns of course since,the iOS 14 and played those audiences,have become more inefficient but I think,there is you can still find efficiency,in remarkable audiences especially as,you spend a lot of money on advertising,or to really create that omnipresent,approach even if it doesn't mean they'll,be us converting as it was you know,before the buyers I've seen some very,good results especially as The Tick Tock,app platform becomes better and just as,a just as an app platform really and you,know grows and becomes other level that,it is able to scale and I seriously I,think it's very very something that you,should try and experiment with because,we are seeing great results so let's see,how you can actually do that the first,thing that you need to do is to create,your audiences so if you go to assets,and you go to audiences you're gonna,have the ability to create audience here,so what are the best audience that you,should Target on Tick-Tock remarketing,so the first thing that before going,into that I recommend if you not spend,at least two or three weeks and running,traffic to call and score people don't,even you know don't even don't even,think of factors starting a marketing,campaign because you you won't have any,past data of your of the people that,actually interacted and with your ad so,it will be very small audiences which of,course foreign,campaigns are much smaller audiences but,the point of remarketing is not to find,your lessons to Market those that have,already interact with the business so we,can push them to convert if they didn't,in the first interactions with their,brand so you should have you know,somewhere or in sizes though because,otherwise you will murder them very very,fast but we don't want frequency to be,so high frequency I mean you know the,amount of times that the ad is delivered,to the same people because you're gonna,get your Target on this annoyed and Tick,Tock as a platform it has an issue with,you know pushing a lot of high,frequencies just because it can't really,deliver it as effectively and as a,freely as Facebook and not just for,another whole discussion so the key,thing here to do to actually retain is,that you should run for at least a month,on Tick Tock to then you're going to say,they're creating a remarketing effect so,let's say create an some audiences and,then I will,so at first I also suggest combination,of model funnel audiences and Border,funnel audiences so basically mineral,founder would be for example someone who,has engaged with your ad click on your,ad viewed a percentage of your ad and,put on fund will be more convention,focused actions like either after cards,you need to check out a purchased all,that kind of jazz I would recommend just,combine these audiences so you can have,the best chances of getting out of,learning phase and with a decent budget,and then if you see efficiency and,grades that's for your remarking,campaign you can just separate those two,audiences and test them in different,aspects but at first I would just say,put it all in so you can have the,biggest follow audience that you can,deliver your ad and find the best,results really and getting out of the,learning phase and,non-dependent audience very fast so my,go-to first ones will be and clicks so,everyone will actually clicked on your,ad just because it's a decent audience,size and it's

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Profitable TikTok Ads Strategy - Tested and Explained

Profitable TikTok Ads Strategy - Tested and Explained

I went from losing money on Tick Tock,adds to massive profit in just one week,with this simple Tick Tock ads strategy,hey guys it's the economy here lately my,Tick Tock ads performance hasn't been as,good as I like it to be so I tried this,new strategy and let me tell you that it,performed amazingly I'm going to tell,you how to set it up also how it,performed day by day and also how to,optimize it so let's get started in,three two one yeah alright guys so I,have the strategy right here so we're,gonna invest a budget of a hundred,dollars per day all right and we're,gonna create two different campaigns one,is gonna be a conversions campaign and,we're gonna put eighty dollars on it but,it's gonna be an A B test forty dollars,in one asset and forty dollars in,another asset the first asset is gonna,be with custom targeting I'm going to,Target my ideal customer and the other,AD group is gonna have automatic,targeting okay I'm gonna let Tick Tock,decide which one is the audience that,will convert the most if this was four,months ago I will tell you to just,Target customer behaviors but Tick Tock,has changed lately and my ads are not,converting as well as they used to so I,want to give Tick Tock the chance to,find a new audience now I'm gonna put,six videos on this campaign right six on,the a test and six on the B test they,are gonna be the same exact videos the,only variable will be the targeting,these videos will be short they will be,8 to 15 seconds long and they are meant,to be the first impression that people,will have to my products and my brand,now we're gonna spend the other 20 on a,retargeting conversion campaign Target,only people that have clicked on the ads,or have viewed a hundred percent of the,ad so the 80 campaign is gonna be,feeding the 20 retargeting campaign the,retargeting campaign will have other ads,that are gonna be completely different,than the first impression campaign right,they are gonna be longer they're gonna,be more detail we will show the process,of making the product shipping the,products we will appear on the ads and,the objectives of this ads is to create,trust because on the first impression,they either click or watch the entire,video so they are interested right now,the other videos the retargeting ones is,gonna be to convince them that we're a,true company our products are made in,United States we're gonna ship it to,them they're gonna receive it it's gonna,have great quality we also have on the,retargeting campaign videos of people,actually wearing our products right so,ugc content to create trust even though,I'm advertising this specific product,this strategy works for everything all,right so whatever you your product is,follow the strategy look at what things,you have to pay attention to and change,it accordingly now I'm going to show you,how to create these two campaigns so we,will go to The Tick Tock ads manager and,create a new campaign in custom mode for,the advertising objective we will choose,website conversions give it a name to,the campaign conversions automatic and,general targeting and we're gonna create,a split text and click on continue the,first ad group is gonna be first,impression ads custom targeting all,right the link is gonna go to an,external website we choose our pixel we,choose our optimization event which will,be complete payment we want to optimize,for full conversions so the placements,we're gonna put select placement we're,gonna remove Pango and news feed apps,and then for the demographics I'm Gonna,Leave gender to all and I'm gonna choose,my ideal customers ages so household,income I'm not gonna change anything,here I'm just gonna add behaviors,hashtag interactions and I'm gonna put,the two hashtags that really convert,when I'm doing organic content which are,gym talk and also workout motivation all,right I'm just gonna Target these two as,you can see here the available audiences,from 27 million to 33 million and this,is only in United States so the audience,is big enough now we're gonna leave,targeting expansion off all right and,the daily budget is going to be 40 for,the optimization goal we are gonna,choose conversions a bit strategy is,going to be lowest cost,now click on next and just import all of,the ads or upload all of the videos make,sure that you point whatever product you,are advertising Point directly to the,product page okay in some cases you can,use a landing page but normally on Tick,Tock people when they see something and,they like it they are ready to buy right,away okay so don't make them go through,a lot of friction a lot of steps they,already like your product let them buy,them instantly and if they want they can,explore your website but you know give,them the option to buy right away we,leave the rest as it is and we click on,continue now we are on the split Test,Section so what is the variable that,we're gonna choose so we want to choose,a variable of targeting okay the,creatives are gonna be the same and also,the bidding optim

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$0 to $303,434 with TikTok Ads Case Study | TikTok Ads Strategy 2022

$0 to $303,434 with TikTok Ads Case Study | TikTok Ads Strategy 2022

(smooth jazzy music),- Yo, what is going on, everybody?,It's your man Mohamed Camara,,and welcome back to the channel.,You already know what time it is.,Like I promised, man,,I'm gonna hook y'all up with the full 0 to 300K,using TikTok ads case study.,That's all we're gonna talk about here.,In a few moments, we're gonna dive behind my dashboard,,give you a live look in side my six-figure business here,,and we're gonna talk some numbers.,We're gonna talk some strategies that I use to implement,as far as content advertising, targeting, everything.,If you haven't seen the last video,where I address how to deal with TikTok ads,,not spending your budget,,then go ahead and check out that video.,I'll link it up here for you.,All I ask is that you hit the like button,before we get into it, man.,I'm gonna hook y'all up,with some serious value in this one, all right?,So here's a look at my analytics dashboard.,Okay, I just wanna show you the revenue and the screenshot.,As you can see, this is from August 1st, 2021,,which is when I really started getting sales,with this store.,I opened it in like a mid-July.,So then August 1st is when I started getting sales.,So I just narrowed it down to that timeframe,,up until today, which is March 19th,,is when I'm recording this video.,But I did make a previous case study on this store.,So if you haven't seen those videos,,definitely check those out too.,I'll link 'em up.,That's when I did like 0 to 50K.,So this is gonna be a 0 to 300K with the same store.,And I'm gonna talk about some things that I switched up,since doing the 50K in revenue,,because the first 50K was actually just drop shipping.,I was just straight up hardcore in the trenches,,just drop shipping, finding products,,trying to source them from CJ,,get faster shipping, whatnot,,and test and validate the product.,That was the first 50K, right?,And we documented that, but I told y'all,,I'm gonna come back with another case study,and talk about how I branded this store.,So that's actually where we're at now.,This store is branded.,Customers are getting their orders,within like two, three days,because we're actually shipping them,out of my mom's basement.,And as you can see, we've done over 300K in revenue.,Let's dive into the profit breakdown,just for full transparency here.,So as you can see, this is my profit dashboard.,Let me just open up the dates to the same timeframe.,So I'm gonna go back to August 1st to today.,Okay, let's do that.,And as you can see, between August and this month,,we've done over 121K and net profit.,All right, 40% net.,I would say this number is maybe a little bit over inflated,,'cause it is not accounting for packaging,and the supplies and materials that I've had to buy,since branding this store.,So like the custom cards,,the packaging that the actual orders are coming in,,the stickers that I'm giving,as just extra value in the order.,So I would say this number is maybe more so around 35%.,All right, let's be a little conservative here.,So, but still over 100K in pure profit.,And I'm very proud of this, man,,'cause I took this store on as a project,just to really showcase my students,,and I've been documenting the whole thing.,So quick shout out to them, keeping me motivated.,If you guys wanna join Ecom Bootcamp,and get personal one-on-one coaching from me,,I'll leave a discount to link in the description.,Go ahead and check that out.,That's where I'll actually reveal to you the product,,I'll reveal to you the ads and everything like that.,But like I said, I'm just gonna talk about some data here.,And cost of goods was about 57K.,Okay, ad spend was about 85K.,We had a few refunds here,,but that's a natural part of the business,,about another 11K in refunds,,and 25K on shipping out to the customers.,We also gave some discounts,,but I don't really pay attention to that,because that's part of our offer,,which I called the irresistible offer,,which is what gets the customer,wanting to buy in the first place.,It's like it gives them the impulse,to wanna spend money with you.,As you can see the percentage breakdown right here.,Our net profit is around 38% after the fees and the taxes,and stuff that they calculate here.,We had about 85K in ad spend on TikTok, primarily.,Cost of goods was another 18%.,Shipping and handling was about 8%.,So that's the breakdown of the profit.,Just wouldn't be transparent with you guys,,but let's talk about the product breakdown.,What type of product was I selling in the first place,to be able to set me up for this?,So tell you the truth, the product price was actually $25,,24.99 to be exact, and it only cost me about $5 per unit.,So very, very good margins.,And the reason why I was selling it at that price point,is because on TikTok ads,,I wanted to give myself a nice buffer room.,And this was a very unique product,that tailored to a very specific group of customers.,So you guys hear me talk about it,in a lot of the product research videos.,Make sure you have at least

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TikTok Retargeting Options

TikTok Retargeting Options

tick-tock ads might be one of the newer,ad platforms to us but they're firing on,all cylinders when it comes to the,different capabilities that the platform,has,in a previous video i talked about all,the targeting options that you can,utilize on tik-tok,and i didn't really go too far in depth,into the retargeting options,because i thought that they warranted,their own video that's where we are now,in this video i'm going to show you how,to find the audience manager,and then talk about the five main types,of audiences you can create with tick,tock,when you're in the tick tock ads manager,on the dashboard it will look something,like this,just like nearly every other platform we,talk about on this channel the,audience section where we're going to,create the retargeting audiences,lives in its own manager on the tick,tock platform that's going to be under,assets,and you click audiences once you're here,there are two types of audiences you can,create,you can create a custom audience and a,look-alike audience i already talked,about look-alike audiences a bit in our,tick-tock,targeting options video so now i'm going,to stick with the rest of this video in,just the custom audience section,here you'll see the five major types of,retargeting audiences we can use on the,tiktok platform,customer file engagement app activity,website traffic and lead generation,let's hop in with the first one for,customer file,the goal with the customer file,retargeting audience on tick tock,is similar to what we would utilize for,a customer upload on,facebook google linkedin any of those,other platforms but there is a bit of a,difference here there's no,option to upload name email phone number,city state zip any of that sort of thing,for tick tock we're going to have to do,the idfa which is a identifying number,from apple or a ga id which is an,identifying number,from google based on the device that,people are using this is something that,is thrown a bit into turmoil with the,ios 14,updates because some people can opt not,to have,apps track their idfa number but for,those who don't,you'll still be able to track those and,you can keep track of those in your,platform,if you have a list of all of those,numbers you can then upload them,into tiktok to target users based on,their unique,device id so this is a bit more,sophisticated than what we have for,most other platforms that we utilize,where it's just based on personal,information,you can upload it as the original value,which basically just means,that it's not a hashed file or you can,upload it in the,md5 or sha256,hash formats if you want to learn more,about the different formats to see which,one makes the most sense you can click,learn more,there's a whole help article that'll,help you out but that's a little bit,more in the weeds than what i want to,talk about today once you get all those,numbers formatted and everything is,squared away,in the settings that ticktock has you,can upload that file as either a csv,or a txt format and it's pretty easy,otherwise,lastly you can give your audience a name,down here at the bottom and once you've,got that in place which,i will not for this video you just click,confirm and your audience will upload,work on matching to the individual users,and then that audience that has,matched will populate for you to use in,your campaigns,the second type of audience we can,create is engagement,and this is going to be based on people,who saw clicked,or engaged with your content on the tick,tock platform if you watched our video,on facebook retargeting options this is,going to feel,fairly similar to those audience types,the first thing you'll notice is that we,are in this box,here this tiny gray outline and it has,include at the top of it so the first,thing we need to do is start to choose,how we're going to include certain,people we get to choose based on the,actions that they've used,and then the date range that they did,that action so here's the list that you,can choose from there are quite a bit,you can choose from anybody who clicked,on your ad,got an impression of your ad anybody who,did a two second view,six second view or any of the different,percentages watched of your videos on,the platform for now let's just leave it,as click,then for the date range you can choose,anywhere from the last seven days to the,last 180 days,there's no way to customize these date,ranges you simply get to choose,which one you want whether it's 7 14 30,60 90 or 180 and that's all you get the,last piece is where you get to choose,the,ad group that triggered this specific,action whether,it was the click for the sake of the,example that i have here or if you did,a video watch of 100 you get to choose,the specific ad groups,that triggered that action i don't have,any ad groups in this account because,this is just a placeholder account so,there's not anything to choose from when,i click that drop down but if you do,have campaigns built out you'll get to,choose individual ad groups,if

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Begini Tips Ampuh Retargeting Tiktok Ads | + Tutorial Retargeting

Begini Tips Ampuh Retargeting Tiktok Ads | + Tutorial Retargeting

tingkatin performa tiktok Ads dengan,retargeting gimana sih tips-tipsnya,untuk retargeting Tik Tok sendiri,teman-teman bisa mulai Ebit testing,dari,poin-poin Ini pertama,retargeting ke orang yang pernah klik,iklan kita karena mereka telah,menunjukkan ketertarikan pada produk,kita kedua orang yang mengunjungi,website kita jika,kita ke website Ketiga orang yang,melakukan action di website misalnya,@tukar di website jika,website keempat orang yang melakukan,action di tiktok shop misalnya Add to,card ya di tiktokshop kalau Siti kita,ketika,video shopping arts ya Nah ini,teman-teman bisa ditargeting orang-orang,tersebut dalam periode waktu 2 minggu 1,bulan atau 2 bulan 3 bulan Okelah cuma,lebih dari itu tuh kayaknya terlalu lama,takutnya udah nggak relevan nah tapi itu,baru permulaan aja ya teman-teman masih,bisa testing jenis-jenis audience,lainnya nah bagaimana cara retargeting,di tiktok ads,dari dashboard sendiri,ini,teman-teman,klik ke bagian,aset lalu audience,dan ini ada klik create audience ada dua,tuh custom audience atau look like,audience,dari situ,ada banyak tuh create a custom audience,ada customer file kita upload data,manual,kemudian ingagement yaitu,custom audience dari orang-orang yang,pernah engage sama iklan kita ya,misalnya seperti view atau klik ada efek,activity misal orang-orang yang,beli di aplikasi tiktok kita tiktok shop,kemudian website traffic orang-orang,yang datang ke website kemudian ada lead,Generation dan ada bisnis account,nah ini contohnya ya misal kita mau,retargeting orang-orang yang udah klik,iklan kita kita pilih yang di bagian,imagement,nah di setting aja tuh di bagian action,kita pilih klik lalu durasinya,14 Hari,14 nah kemudian kasih nama audience dan,klik confirm,Nah nanti itu bisa jadi bahan,audience yang bisa kita retargeting ya,ini ada banyak dan misalnya kita balik,ke yang tadi tuh yang create custom,audience tuh Ini aku kasih contoh 3 ya,engagement klik adds dan lain sebagainya,activity misalnya at to wishlist to card,dan lain sebagainya di aplikasi tiktok,shop atau website traffic visitor di,website educard di website dan lain,sebagainya,Nah itu ada 6 ya teman-teman bisa,baca-baca lebih lanjut dan kurang lebih,tipsnya seperti itu kalau misalnya,teman-teman mau baca tips Digital,marketing lainnya bisa baca di website,aku ya Nih dilihat-lihat aja di alamat,ini

After seeing the sixth section, I believe you have a general understanding of tiktok retargeting ads

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Comment faire du retargeting TikTok ads ? ( tuto complet )

Comment faire du retargeting TikTok ads ? ( tuto complet )

cas tous j'espère que vous allez bien,que les choses se passent et que votre,business se porte bien aujourd'hui on va,se retrouver pour une vidéo sur tik tok,axe donc ça fera suite à la vidéo que,j'ai fait il ya quelques temps sur tik,tok je vais essayer de vous faire un peu,plus de contenu à l'arrivée du 4 puisque,le cul car c'est la période la zone,période mais mu pour le e-commerce et,pour se régaler tous ceux qui débutent,ou tous ceux qui ont commencé c'est la,période idéale pour faire du chiffre tic,tocade c'est une plateforme que,j'utilise depuis un bon moment,maintenant et qui comme beaucoup me fait,kiffer de plus en plus même si,donc du coup on va regarder aujourd'hui,une partie sur tik tok est très très,important c'est le retargeting alors,c'est pas très très très compliqué,surtout enfin surtout pour ceux qui ont,déjà fait des add sur facebook adoucir,snapshot a dit aux autres d'ailleurs,petit aparté snapshot at si vous faites,du tic toc à 2 ne négligez pas à ce,stade je pense que ce sera dans dans une,des vidéos que je ferai prochainement,pour vous montrer comment allier les,deux et se régaler puisque si vous,régaler sur petit local où et vous,régaler de la même manière sur snap,chapatte d'ailleurs en même temps si,vous voulez un sujet spécifique dans les,prochaines vidéos vous vouliez pas de me,laisser un petit commentaire de me dire,déjà ce que vous avez pensé de cette,vidéo et de me dire aussi si vous voulez,une prochaine vidéo sur ticket le sujet,que vous voulez voir,donc là comme je vous le disais on va,regarder la partie re targeting pour,arriver sur la partie que vous voyez ici,pour créer des audiences il vous suffit,d'aller pour ceux qui ont tictoc en,français dans la partie actifs vous,allez sur actifs et dans actif vous,allez avoir informations c'est que c'est,bizarre un,peu marqué informations mais c'est ici,qu'il faut cliquer pour aller sur la,partie de création de l'audience donc on,peut créer une audience personnalisé,c'est ce qui va nous intéresser,aujourd'hui et une audience similaire,c'est ce qui nous intéressera peut-être,demain a vous de me dire dans les,commentaires donc au clic sur l'audience,personnalisé puisqu'on veut,personnaliser l'audience en fonction,d'événements donc que ce soit quelqu'un,qui a affiché le contenu on eu un,conduit à présenter que ce soit,quelqu'un qui a vu le contenu du site,quelques ajouter au panier qui a ajouté,c'est un faux qui a finalisé un paiement,on va regarder tout ça ensemble donc ça,nous ouvre plusieurs options fichiers,clients vos fichiers clients cette,option là nous sert à récupérer des,fichiers csv vous pouvez les récupérer,sur votre boutique sur la partie client,parce qu'on chope il faille ceux qui ont,bu commerce que je sais pas du tout,c'est où exactement vous récupérer mais,je sais que vous pouvez les récupérer le,fichier csv on fichier csv 1 c'est un,fichier compressé et dedans vous aurez,tous vos clients pas que ceux qui ont,acheté mais aussi ceux qui ont ajouté,des informations de paiement donc ça,vous permet de récupérer ce fichier est,de créer avec des audiences similaires,je me répète si vous voulez qu'on traite,le sujet des audiences similaires et,khoury mois sous indices us pertes,croyez moi c'est très utile,ben vous ne le mettez en commentaire et,on traitera ça dans les prochaines,vidéos vous avez la partie application à,part si vous avez une application ça,vous intéresse pas génération de,prospects donc ça c'est que si on crée,des des événements ou des plus que,voulait récupérer les prospects vous,avez,récupérer sur l'événement où la cub en,génération de prospects vous avez mis,engagement donc ça c'est pour toutes les,vidéos que vous avez mis l'engagement,voulait récupérer des personnes qui ont,vu les vidéos qui ont interagi etc etc,et d'ailleurs pour cette partie là la,partie la plus intéressante pour,récupérer des je trouve en tout cas pour,ma part les personnes qui ont interagi,sur des vidéos et ça ça va intéresser,tous ceux qui ont des stratégies,organique et si vous avez des stratégies,organique cette partie business acompte,c'est très intéressant que ce que vous,allez pouvoir récupérer dans le de,manière détaillée,les ospreys qui ont interagi avec vos,vidéos et votre petit aujourd'hui nous,on va s'intéresser à la partie trafic du,site web très important donc on clique,dessus donc comme vous pouvez voir la,place de la plateforme si on peut dire,ça comme ça elle est relativement simple,vous allez pouvoir récupérer les,personnes qui ont vu la page que vu la,page levantin finalisation d'inscription,qu'ils disent finalisation de,l'inscription en gros c'est ce qu'ils,ont commencé à mettre leurs paiements,etc afficher le contenu donc c'est de,vite contenus ajoutés au panier passer,commande finalisation pré mans vous,pouvez rajouter d'autres événements je,joue encore le suspense si vous voulez,que je vous montre comment rajouter,d'autres événements on traitera ça dans,une partie d'eux sur le retargeting,je montrerai comment vou

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