hello everybody and welcome to unwanted,contrary I'm Coco and today we're gonna,be talking about,more specifically terrible tick tock ads,so here on YouTube creators are always,worried if their content is gonna be,demonetised because it's not friendly,enough for ads you know it might be,dangerous it might have some hate in it,it might just be you know unfriendly,towards the advertisers but we never,think what about the ads are the ads,quality do I want these ads running on,my content you know are these ads for,scams that might be scamming my viewers,my wonderful viewers you know nobody,ever thinks oh are the advertisers bad,and that's mostly because YouTube does a,good job well supposedly they do a good,job of screening ads that come on their,platform but tick tock they're much,newer so during my time on tick tock,I've come across some ads that are just,plain scams and also some ads for,products that are just plain dangerous,so today we will be going over those so,the first ad that we're gonna look at is,a scam it's not really dangerous unless,you're a wallet because then it's,dangerous because you're wasting mine,anyway let's just take a look,so I swap out the music for this because,it's playing alan Walker's faded which,is emotional it's supposed to get you,into the emotional tone for this video,it's like you know think about the stars,and be all emotional and how beautiful,it is you know it's all part of the scam,to kind of like turn you in to want to,buy this product,so basically you get the gist of it it's,for one of those light projector things,that supposed to put like a starry you,know spectrum are what I don't know the,word for it basically it makes your,darkroom pretty and looking like the,solar system and I mean that's pretty,cool I mean who wouldn't want that,the only problem is if we take a look at,the comments which I'm about to do we,notice that it's a scan,imagine expecting this to be as cool as,advertised was seriously about to buy,this glad I read the comments first,thanks guys you would think that an,advertiser who's clearly making a scam,would turn off their comments but,clearly they're dumb enough to not do so,or maybe tik-tok actually has some,policies meant to protect consumers but,you never know because this is probably,just some drop shipped crap you know all,those people are like they're just drop,shipping some crap from China and you,know tick doctors news they haven't been,running ads forever they haven't dealt,with all the scams right so their,marketing department probably isn't like,you know what we should screen these ads,that are coming in because they might,not be trustworthy yeah you know and,like if you want to run any ads on,tick-tock the minimum amount you have to,spend is $500 right so tick-tock is more,about making that numb that money than,they are about protecting their,consumers which sucks,I mean chick talk fix your stuff you,have so many impressionable stupid kids,are no smart adults and funny comedians,on there obviously I'm not in danger of,falling for these scams but the kids are,but yeah tick tock really needs to take,a look into how it verifies its ads that,it's putting on its platform because,it's a bad look let's take a look at,some more comments I bought it extremely,disappointed the only thing that stopped,me to watch this was listened to was to,listen to Albuquerque's kids don't know,how to speak English this is drug do not,buy I bought two of them,just a box of plastic do not so glad I,read the comments first I was getting,ready to buy thanks to the comments I,will not buy it,misrepresentation now that one that one,could just be a really formal person,hello this or robot we will never know,the first couple videos are showing the,ds1 planetarium projector it's $600 but,the home star from Amazon is a decent,one for 170 now this guy is a hero he's,going in and saying you know what this,product is crap but you can get,something that isn't crap on Amazon I,don't want to hear a man what a hero the,one they're using for the video isn't,the one in the product I noticed when I,saw what it looked dude I just can't,read these comments when they're not,speaking proper ink I'm sorry but like,it's difficult man but yeah there were,more comments but I think it's about,time to move to the next topic but,before we do I just want to say it again,dropshippers stop selling crap and,making false ads that are clear you're,clearly as that commenter said miss for,a presentation you're misrepresenting,the products you're actually selling and,I think that's considered flawed but I,guess since to talk mostly has Chinese,ownership they don't care about fraud so,uh yeah just scroll past the tic-tock,ads because they're all nonsense,now the next to tuck ads that we're,gonna take a look at is less of a scam,and more of a hazard it's for a product,that nobody should really be using,because it let's just take a look meet,the smart tool to effectively clean your,ears I don't know man bu
Let's move on to the first section of tiktok scam ads
Tik Tok Scams Are More Prevalent Than You Think..
Tik Tok Scams Are More Prevalent Than You Think..
youtube has had its absolute fair share,of ads,that should not have been approved one,of my earlier videos is actually me,watching a quasi-foot fetish ad that was,a pre-roll that's when the real me was,born clearly the system put in place to,effectively filter paid ads is not,perfect and it's not too different on,tick tock now i'm not getting advertised, supremes i think youtube's is,worse they're just bad and also,deceptive at times so for about two and,a half months i've been screen recording,ads that i felt like we needed to talk,about so let's do that but first,that's right hello welcome to today's,sponsored segment brought to you by,scentbird i will now be using an,anecdote to show you why i like this,product listen i don't really treat,myself i suck at it i mean you've seen,the lack of haircuts in my past it pains,me to buy new clothes i like never want,to use cologne for something that's not,a wedding because i feel wasteful and,recently i've tried breaking that,self-destructive mentality scentbird,helps with that a lot set bird is a,fragrant subscription service where you,can shop from over 600 brands with every,fragrance you'll get a 30-day supply,after i took a short quiz i got sent,english laundry signature scents of wood,lamb dubois cypress and oak and ducati,1926. super convenient sprayers you know,when you look good you feel good it's,the same thing with smelling you smell,good you feel good i just smell like a,monarch the biles pop out with ease so,you can know exactly what you got there,and how much you got that's a lot you're,on a beach house that you definitely,can't afford but you smell like you can,afford it and ducati smells like sexy,car dealership it is 16 to get a decent,amount of high-end fragrances but with,coupon code mr gigi that's 30 off your,first month i'll save you the math,that's 11 separate also recently,expanded to canada,with glowing hearts thank you scentbird,for sponsoring this video so i do,remember starting this because of,doordash ads doordash,doordash,doordash,you might expect me to make fun of that,right but i would be lying to you if for,like the next week or so i wasn't just,in my office saying doordash doordash it,worked okay in the scope of things,decent ad there's so many bad ads on,tick tock the only reason why i cared,about this to begin with is all i would,see,is doordash ads,as a dasher i get to be my own boss make,my own schedule and keep one hundred,percent of my tips when i find out i,could be making up to twenty dollars an,hour as a dasher,whoa this is nuts are you saying,if i play the lottery i can win up to,six million dollars,it's tempting i'm not gonna lie i,learned enough money to buy this car,working from my bike if you wanna know,how i got you yeah so as long as you're,lance armstrong's offspring come on baby,door dash you know what time it is a,door dash if you served between 2003 and,2015. what the am i looking at,right now,where do i look garco where do you want,my attention to be guys you didn't have,to squeeze all this in there i can't,even see the checks isn't that the point,i see the army on his shirt oh yeah it's,a military guy for sure even the bottom,right limited time left to apply for,compensation and then it's just urkel,and isn't that the point of this right,thousand veterans just like you,demanding justice for the defective,combat earplugs issue to our troops this,very much reads like a cameo i mean,that's a lawsuit and a half right if he,were to try and pull some like that,but it's got big cameo vibes i will say,that i obviously don't see the logo in,the corner but it's easy to cut off help,you get the conversation,if you served between 2000 just like,everything else in the ad just cut off,just don't give a okay all this,money to get boosted as an ad and then,you just don't care what you put there,psychos just ordered two fan joy mystery,hoodies i have no idea what's in either,of these but i know i only paid 10 bucks,for both of them only paid 10 bucks for,this,probably gonna rock it every day so i,remember this very well because i saw,this and i thought 10,bucks for a hoodie the first thing this,guy said is i paid 10 bucks for both of,them which that's when that deceptive,language comes into play right i paid 10,bucks for both of them what does that,sound like what's your immediate,reaction 10 total dollars on two hoodies,sounds like a hell of a deal i jump on,that that's not what he meant he,clarifies that at the end of the ad,where he says and i just paid ten bucks,for this oh ten bucks for the one hoodie,so i wanted to go see if it was true,i'll take 10 hoodies easy day i clicked,on fan joy and i'm looking i'm looking,and i immediately see 15,as the set price for the mystery hoodie,used to be 45 brought all the way down,to 15. slash that price just for you,first tagline our mystery hoodies are,almost sold out are they so why are you,pressuring everybody to buy some hmm it,seems like they're going to sell out,just fine,so i re
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Continue the next second section about tiktok scam ads
SCAMTok - The Underground TikTok CRIME WORLD
SCAMTok - The Underground TikTok CRIME WORLD
okay today once again we are going to,examine tick talk because this worldwide,viral social media platform is currently,being used by many tens of thousands of,scammers to target educate and recruit,children into the world of credit card,fraud and financial crime,it's no secret that i dislike the,platform i have multiple videos on the,channel which discuss and expose various,different scams such as a gaming scam,where fortnite esports teams were,falsely claiming that they owned a,mansion in order to get referral code,revenue from young children i've posted,critique and commentary of the general,dangers on tick tock from decreased,attention span to predatory grooming and,i've criticized the implications of a,chinese government-influenced company,being responsible for the app's,development but today i'm going to go,even further let's begin with something,a little less dangerous and work our way,up to the much more severe issues to,start with i want to talk about alkaline,water alkaline water is basically,ordinary except for having a slightly,higher ph level proponents of the water,will claim a variety of health benefits,but mainstream scientific study has,concluded that there is very little,difference so why am i talking about it,the answer is pretty simple if you start,to search for terms like alkaline water,on tick tock you'll begin to find,multi-million view videos advertising,the tremendous benefits these videos,showcase that the water has a different,ph level obviously and go on to say that,bottled water is much less healthy they,will also say a variety of other tag,lines such as promotes health in the,body or medical grade water but let's,dig a little deeper on this one of these,videos with over 3.9 million views by,itself claims directly that doctors are,keeping us sick by recommending,pedialyte because pedialyte is acidic,which means more disease sickness and,inflammation this video by delaney,mamuson i believe it's i don't care how,it's pronounced goes on to do a basic ph,test and then ends with her saying for,sure don't want to be drinking this,anymore basically she is saying that,your doctor is keeping you sick by,promoting something acidic and the water,you drink is unhealthy and why would she,do this well if you go to her link tree,which is just a centralized promotional,page that many tik tok creators use in,their bio for all sorts of different,profiles and social media pages you'll,find this little button right here this,button which reads order your water,machine will take you to a page in the,enagic store for a level lock k8 which,is a 5 000 anti-oxidizer what's even,more interesting is that in the upper,right hand corner there's a set of,numbers there is the enroller id and the,sponsor id this number exists because,the kangen water systems are a,multi-level marketing scam the enroller,draws profit as a member of the pyramid,scheme while the sponsor id most likely,refers to that user's individual,verification code because they are,almost certainly getting a hefty,commission from the sale of a radically,overpriced machine daisy mamison is,quite literally claiming that your,doctor is making you sick and that the,solution is to buy a five thousand,dollar ionization system that doesn't,have any health benefits great job girl,and you slay queen but anyway that's,just the tip of the iceberg if you,explore further you'll find that there,are hundreds of these channels who are,almost exclusively dedicated to the,production of water safety videos this,one is ben landry who gets millions and,millions of views constantly producing,almost the exact same video every single,time saying that regular water ages you,faster and if we click his profile then,his link tree we find the same water,machine five thousand dollars to do,absolutely nothing sold to you on fear,and right here plain as day are his,sponsor and enroller identification tags,here's a few more ryan allen bell some,of his videos have 400 600 even 800 000,views he has garnered millions upon,millions of hits while claiming that the,water you drink is damaging and in his,link tree we find the same 5 000 filter,id tag sponsor tag same as the others,the next one is a carbon copy of the,first and i believe the most damaging,type of promotion for this water filter,arctic dessert life which appears to be,a couple is pretending to hundreds of,thousands of people that doctors are,keeping us sick and that you need to,have water that isn't going to make you,get more diseases same link same,hardware same exact scam this girl,elizabeth g murrow looks fairly normal,till you scroll down and find that she,was recently producing water alkaline,comparison videos some garnering over 2,million views individually which link,back once again to the same purifier,scan this goes on and on and on some,creators claim that your water will give,you cancer some of them say will,decrease your manhood some of them say,that your sex drive will be gone and,others claim entirely ne
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TIK TOK Scam Ads
TIK TOK Scam Ads
all right before this video starts I,just wanted to say that I am actually,using twitch now the name is sermons I,pretty much tried every single name that,I had written down none of them worked,sir man didn't work so I had to put an s,on the end of sermons if you don't know,how to spell it s by r ma and s so the,link is in the description so come join,the birds gonna be in the livestream so,you're gonna have a reason to go over,gotta get my hair net so the,coronavirus doesn't fall out of my hair,something's happen to this glove here,and we're gonna be digging deep into,this video's ass this club it looks like,one of those Hanzo wears those gloves or,any archer wears those gloves I think,what time is it 156 in the morning okay,so I have Tech Talk and sometimes I'm, stupid so I decided to scroll,through tick-tock and see what's good,which is really never anything other,than my own content just check in the,place for Corona fires here just trying,to see if I can find it anywhere or,anything like that,oh oh no and then sometimes we'll,stumble across really dumb ads it's,mainly for games they're just like,really cringey garbage games,sometimes you get these really juicy,scam ads so first off it says press,Windows G to record your desktop the new,generation drone is virtually,indestructible and I love how they use,this yellow text to highlight,the important parts new generation that,should be in yellow because that is,important instantly cut to next shot,which you can't see they ran the drone,into a wall he's dipping the drone in,and out of snow if you live under a rock,you probably haven't heard about the new,servicing drone so if you see this video,and you know about it are you now no,longer living under a rock or are you,just still living there it switches to a,guy flying a white drone completely,different drawn now we're into racing,drones which isn't even the same drone,as the first one oh and now into we're,into a different one some call it the,second generation of drones there's no,such thing as like first generation,drones versus second generation lates a,ripoff of the DJI Mavic Pro was thrown,image right there in some are still,skeptical so we took a risk in ordered,our own here's our unbiased review of,the drone X okay we have a name drone X,is an animation let's go to the home,page actual drone website look how long,this photo takes to load like how high,quality is is photo Jesus what,the is that perfect drone for,police lawn for him border control,missions so this is for like military,and police law enforcement uses this is,an actual company,that's actually makes products the,packaging didn't seem cheap at all look,at that kind of black shitty,Walmart dollar store packaging that you,get in literally everything that's not,cheap weird how there's like literally a,plastic bag just sitting there all,crumpled up but the main question in,everyone's mind is can it actually fly I,also wonder that too,this video makes me feel like I'm, two years old and I'm reading,like a children's book wait for,the words to show up in there yellow and,it keeps my attention like on yellow,words in short yes and it has pretty,fast propellers they do that's exactly,how they work this drone has faster,propellers than this drone over here why,are they even mentioning it has fast,propellers after playing around with the,drone --ax I noticed that it didn't feel,cheap at all so are they talking about,it didn't physically feel cheap it's not,too expensive yet built very well I,actually had to be careful not to damage,anything with the propellers while using,in my house like this is the content,like I have to be careful with flying at,my house it has propellers wow really,oh and we're back to the beginning,that's it so all these three shots are,the same drone this drones completely,different which is now a race drone this,drone which is watch this really cool,trick Wow look at that I found it on,Amazon $89 and it's called the EFC and,II 58 and by the way II oisin is an,actual company so whoever made this act,literally just went on Amazon and picked,a random drone and thought to just make,this stupid useless scam ad what the,hell's our off these images so just the,internet or these images actually ask it,shows a couple different drones and then,it actually gets to the real drone they,just do kind of a review saying like it,feels cool good packaging propellers her,fast,okay there's porn down there there's no,link click on the user so they've,literally made a Tech Talk account and,hasn't even changed their names no,following no followers 1400 likes no by,oh look how many times they've,uploaded this video two days ago one day,ago so they literally upload like, 20 a day 4k drone remote or a,gesture control the combination of,aircraft and camera reliable intuitive,quick shot videos with a tap I feel like,I'm stupid trying to read these let's,gesture interaction you can using pose,to control the drone the drone can bring,you explore the worl
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Mini 4K Projector Scam in TikTok Ads, Explained
Mini 4K Projector Scam in TikTok Ads, Explained
you may have seen on Tick Tock ads for a,mini projector or a mini 4K projector,scam that claims it's selling for as low,as three dollars perhaps and it says,it's a sale that's happening today only,however if you look around on Tick Tock,for what other people are saying about,this it does not seem like a legitimate,offer for example today is November 30th,2022. I took this screenshot here of,this mini 4K projector Tick Tock ad scam,two days ago on November 28th I also,saved the link so I can make this video,notice that it says here it was only,available on that day two days ago for,only three dollars only on that day,however like I said I saved the link so,I checked out the link two days later,November 30th that's today and it went,to mondaydiscount.com that's,m-o-n-d-e-discount.com however it,redirected to a website named,overstock-us.com I looked up the who is,domain registration information for,overstock-us.com and it was registered,today November 30th yeah big red flag so,what does this mean this means that,sometime in the last 48 hours between,November 28th and 30th 2022 the people,operating the scam redirected their link,to a brand new website overstock-us.com,maybe because the old one got shut down,also this overstock-us.com website,didn't say the word Overstock you know,in a logo at the top of the website for,its company name it instead said modern,New York or modern Paris which appeared,to be a logo that was taken without,authorization from another website and,by the way overstock-us.com has no,affiliation with the trustworthy website,overstock.com and you might be able to,tell my voices a little off I'm getting,over a mild cold so just bear with me a,search of tick tock for the mini,projector or the mini 4K projector Tick,Tock ad scam showed that commenters all,over the place were saying they'd been,had I knew it was too good to be true,one person said another person posted,yes I ordered mine almost three days ago,and when I clicked to track my package,it showed me a link that said the store,was unavailable another person said same,they just stole my money real quick,before I continue please like this video,and feel free to subscribe to my channel,as it would help me out also check out,and comment down below to see links to,my more interesting videos about New,York history documentaries and abandoned,Island Resort on a remote island and an,abandoned town in the woods so I did a,reverse image search for the mini 4K,projector Tick Tock ad scam images and,found a listing on Amazon with prime,shipping for 58 a far cry from three,dollars Amazon Prime is trustworthy of,course as you can get a refund very,easily if the item offers returns so of,course you can buy a mini projector,online but I wouldn't do it through an,obscure website with no social media,pages that you found in a strange Tick,Tock ad especially if they claim they,are practically giving it away almost,for free a trustworthy online store,would have a good following on Facebook,and Instagram for example and you know,trustworthy online stores also aren't,created hours before you start shopping,there keep your personal information and,your financial data safe always remember,that if it seems too good to be true it,probably is if you gave out some of your,personal info or your financial data,contact your bank credit card company,whatever payment method you used they'll,advise you on what to do to secure your,accounts and we'll be able to tell you,if there's anything they can do to help,refund you your money I hope my video,helped I'm spending my own free time to,make these videos to help people out,there are so many scams out there every,day brings new scams and you can only,report on so many of them but I figured,I could do a little more on my own time,on nights and weekends even when I have,a cold like I do now as you can hear and,that's exactly what I'm doing right now,scams hurt people scams can take money,from people and not everyone has money,to spare so I hope I can help you on my,channel so again please click the like,button the Thumbs Up Button And,subscribe also feel free to check out my,creative projects about New York City,history and abandoned places in the,pinned comment down below feel free to,share your story down in the comments,below you know did you order one of,these mini 4K projector products for,three dollars or another low price have,discussions ask questions my comments,are open and thank you so much for,watching
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I Bought Brands that STOLE my Videos for Ads
I Bought Brands that STOLE my Videos for Ads
brands that are stealing my videos and,using them in their advertising has hit,an all-time high this year for some,reason of course i bought some to test,out i feel like you're pretty good at,spotting me in a video but then it,doesn't seem quite right so jennifer,sent me this one did you know you made,an ad for these shorts,jennifer i didn't,i didn't know,that's me that's that's my blanket i can,tell,it's kind of catchy okay,that's not me but i'm sure these girls,also got their videos stolen if you look,at the logos on every single one of,these items that they're showing they're,all completely different some of them,are a circle most of them have no logo,at all or the ones i have had this,little like gold bar on them,oh it's so fresh like is it that hard,to just make your own so here's their,page 1300 followers mostly a bunch of,stock photos let's check out their,website welcome to always believing in,yourself no no not the neoprene that's,never a good sign,these are all the things that you see on,like wish and aliexpress just the,cheapest of the cheap i believe these,ones in particular are the ones that,they were using my video for high waist,butt lifting textured tummy control,fitness shorts for women 26. that's a,little expensive for shorts like this so,i tried to buy these and i usually check,out using paypal because i feel like,that's a safer way of doing it in all my,years of shopping the hundreds of orders,that i've placed through paypal i've,never gotten this cannot be completed,because it violates the paypal agreement,i don't know what that means but it,doesn't sound good next this is one that,comes up every year it's almost like,somebody ripped these parts of my videos,out and put them on some platform where,various brands can take it and use it in,their advertising because there have,been at least 50 different stores that,have used these exact clips for their,ads i get them on instagram tiktok,facebook but a ton of other people do,and they send them to me it's all so,concerning how many views and shares and,likes and comments and purchases,these videos get,gosh this is like the most awkward clip,too like what am i doing what am i doing,so therefore these fleece lined leggings,which the leggings i'm wearing in all,these clips don't have fleece inside,them they're definitely not from any of,these brands they're from lululemon i,wonder if these clips are their own of,this girl like feeling them we'll have,to see if their leggings have this,little owl logo on them there i am again,not in there like it's,go pick up some hot sale,okay we're just gonna go ahead and,search like it's,what,pants sorry,so here they are thickened slim cashmere,warm pants by two get free shipping okay,we,we like the size range let's check out,the size chart here though okay so if my,waist is 28 and my hips are 39 this,makes me a 3 or 4 xl that doesn't seem,entirely accurate but i'll get the 3xl,because that's what it says i am but i'm,also going to get an xl guarantee safe,checkout u.s owned and operate there's,no way as seen on abc cbs fox nb i feel,like anybody could say that no no there,i am on the website i mean the fleece,lining is pretty appealing because it's,cold where i am we have warehouses in,the united states and canada that's a,lie because mine came from china that's,right they actually showed up if you're,wondering where this cute phone case,that i've been holding is from it's from,caystify sponsor of today's video if you,got a new phone for the holidays you,should definitely get a case-to-fight,case to protect it can't tell you how,many phones i've broken because they,didn't have a case in the past they have,thousands of really cute designs to pick,from lots of them are fully customizable,like this one they also have some that,have military-grade drop protection and,they have all kinds of super cute,collaborations right now they have one,with olivia rodrigo i love these,especially like this one,very early 2000s vibes they're fun,prints,sayings yeah,there they are,both of them case today's new iphone 13,cases have some great new features like,the iphone 12 case was made of 50,recycled material but the iphone 13,cases are now made from 65 recycled,material and plant-based materials,oh my gosh they smell terrible they,smell like glue that's what they smell,like case defy also has a formulated,patented chi tech 2.0 shock-absorbing,material and that's also made from,recycled and plant-based materials,their cases feature defensify an,antimicrobial coating that kills 99 of,bacteria and prevents bacteria from,sticking to the case surface you can go,to caystify.com hopescope to get 15 off,of your new case this ad was approved by,hope scope in their own ads the fleece,didn't look this cheap like the,stitching is pretty bad at least there's,fleece though they didn't lie alright so,the tag says four on it and then this,one says nine i think i made the right,call by going with a much bigger size,than i normally do those don
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Testing WEIRD TikTok Apps.. (LOL WTF)
Testing WEIRD TikTok Apps.. (LOL WTF)
have you guys ever just been scrolling,on tick tock and then one of those,really weird mobile app ads come up and,you're just like what is this game and,they always do it wrong like this right,like you see this ad and they just,absolutely suck they're getting,everything wrong and then there's just,like the really weird ones where it's,just like a twerking game let's test,some out all right so i was just,scrolled on tick tock for like a few,hours downloaded all of the apps that i,saw that were ads and yeah let's play,some so uh this one caught my eye right,it's called squat and squeeze,so yeah a great uh title screen this is,good what is she doing what does that do,what is that,the new tick tock trend guys the new,tick tock dance right here all right so,let's just play it this should be,interesting all right so what do we have,to do,oh that's a cactus okay i'm not gonna,did i just explode myself,okay so i'm not supposed to squat on the,buttons i'm supposed to squat on the,food okay that's dynamite that's a,balloon why am i squatting on food,squat what oh,oh frick okay so i'm supposed to push,her off the edge or something,i did it okay it literally looks like i,pooped,so yeah we're like one minute into the,video and i already poked my pants okay,let's try it again all right here we go,watermelon squat squat oh i can hold it,there we go i put my pants what is this,game bro cactus oh,oh i have cactus shards in my freaking,body guys i swear i just heard a knock,on my door let me go check,hello infinite here you're having,troubles with your banking and i'm here,to help you out whoa,no way is it actually you yes it is me,wait why isn't your mouth moving oh i'm,i'm just using my thoughts to to speak,oh okay wait what's your name oh my,name's current man oh that's a good name,so what is it you do current man i can,help manage your money using your mobile,device get you paid up to two days,faster with direct deposit and if that,wasn't enough fellow earthling we have,an overdraft of up to a hundred dollars,without fees no way but wait there's,more you can instantly send and receive,money to other current members deposit,checks using your phone's camera at over,60 000 stores,oh and we also work on over 40 000 atms,current man you've saved the day is,there any way i can repay you well,infinite just direct deposit me four,million dollars,okay got it thank you okay bye,um,that was weird uh i do i do want to say,thank you to current for sponsoring this,video click that first link down below,you won't regret it also i stole this,off of his chest,okay goodbye,oh she's kind of thick bro i don't think,i'll win this one no she's pushing me no,okay yeah i lose,that's how i feel about this app all,right we're gonna move on that was very,weird that's the whole game by the way,that's it that is literally it what a,great game,okay this one's called slap and run i,have seen this ad so many times where,this little guy goes around slapping,people and running away from them just,not a nice thing to do but we're gonna,try it so,this is it,way this is real,oh my god oh i got people chasing me,what was that button for,this is the whole game guys,i'm just slapping people,what is this bro,i mean honestly it's kind of fun that,was cool what did i get,25 000 place 24 000 okay good that's,pretty good in the world,this is like really mean like what is,this teaching kids,and what are all these people just doing,in the street where there's saws and,like what is this environment to be,honest and why is everyone naked,i'm dying that's slap and run good game,right good little game,all right this next one's called slice,it all by the way let me know if i,should do any more of these videos where,i play apps it's kind of fun right okay,so it says tap to flip,and it oh that was,dang it am i gonna have to watch an ad,now no okay let's redo that so we can't,fail or we have to watch an ad so i,better be real freaking good dude okay,here we go,okay we didn't fail good keep her going,hit the orange oh oh,this is pretty satisfying,oh come on that was in the 50x freaky,why do i kind of want to play this game,this game looks good i'm getting this,game dude gun sprint,downloading an ad app game inside of a,tick tock app ad game i'm at an all-time,low all right let's just do one more,level of this this slice game before we,play that game,i'm not doing very good,frick,frick,okay i'm over that,let's play gun sprint that one looks,better anyways gun sprint gun spit jesus,all right let's see it this better be,good,yoink,oh,sweet so now i have to make it over oh,this is kind of hard,do i have to shoot it yeah come on that,was next,dang it dude i like this one oh no i,don't,endure start anew,what does that even mean why is she,covered in poop,all right let's do this one more time,boink,what i didn't even hit the do or start,well yeah no wonder you're she's just,absolutely just disgusting,why is only one guy,i mean i'm doing pretty good kind of,over these freaking apps l
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Youtuber Accidentally Exposes the Scam He's Promoting
Youtuber Accidentally Exposes the Scam He's Promoting
this is the streamer I show speed and,he's about to accidentally expose the,scam he's been paid to promote,especially For Speed just for you,Paradox crypto see the moon Paradox,crypto to the Moon not only that I,actually ended up confronting the people,behind all of this and it didn't exactly,go well advertising 10x to 100x is that,a get rich quick scheme yes or no no now,we're gonna get to all of this but first,let's start at the beginning in what,started as a live stream to meet,Cristiano Ronaldo and give away ps5s,quickly turn into a nightmare after fans,realized the Meetup was fake and was,being used to promote a scam literally,they used a fake Cristiano Ronaldo who,couldn't play soccer and was wearing a,buy Paradox crypto coin t-shirt and it,quickly got worse the live chat started,calling paradoxcoin a scam in the middle,of this sponsored stream and called I,show speed a sellout which caused him to,get very angry you sold out they're,using your speed this is just sad,that is crazy bro like them comments,like that bro this makes me like that's,crazy bro the fact I ever made like,I just think of me like that it's just,crazy I hate that bro y'all so weird bro,it's crazy bro it's crazy when people,think of me as a sellout as I literally,sell out now to be honest I don't watch,much of iso speeds content I know he's a,popular streamer and from what I,understand he's followed primarily by a,bunch of teenagers who think comedy is,now we know comedy is subjective but I,do think one thing is objectively,hilarious and that is the fact that all,these teenagers and kids called this guy,out I mean just think about it the,target of most crypto scams is gullible,people and who's more gullible than kids,and teenagers so when those people see,right through your scam that's pretty,embarrassing and it got so bad that,speed had to mute himself to try to,figure out how to salvage the situation,the only problem is he forgot to fully,mute the mic so what do I do now,foreign,now before we get to the rest of this,audio of speed exposing the scam let's,talk about Paradox coin the thing he's,promoting how do we know this is a scam,anyways well I checked out their website,to learn more where they call themselves,the future of gaming but the one thing I,really took away from Paradox is that,they're not one thing the Paradox,metaverse is actually seven things each,one possibly dumber than the last and,I'm gonna explain them so first up is,the Paradox game which has Graphics out,of the PS2 era which made me wonder why,they'd be giving away ps5s I mean are,you trying to make your games look worse,by comparison but it gets even crazier,because I spoke to the founders and they,called their game Triple A quality and I,took issue with that we have worked day,and night for the last year to make this,as you probably know you've probably,done your research it takes two years on,average to make a triple A game right,yes yes or no on average anyone that,does a bit of research in Triple A game,you know it's roughly takes between two,and three years for a triple A game as,far as we are concerned and frankly I,have to take Serious,serious that this is a AAA game yeah,this looks like,designing Unreal Engine I'm sure you,have,defined it but you admit,wait a second can you describe yourself,as an indie game you describe,yourself,to you but just give it you are,interrupting me of course you are you,you call yourself an indie game on your,YouTube channel and then have the,audacity to come on my channel and call,yourself AAA yes we are a self-funded,Indie Studio a UK based Indie gaming,studio Indie studio so yeah I'm not,buying this AAA game story because not,even they believe it and even for an,indie game studio uh things seem,unfinished I mean in one of their,gameplay trailers I found like the,starter weapons HUD in Unreal Engine in,their game so how many day and nights,did this really take this isn't just any,regular game of course it's a blockchain,game so they sell nft avatars which you,can used to play in game and if you play,in game it earns you para coins now,follow me here uh to earn these pair,coins you complete missions which,apparently require up to eight hours of,gameplay to accomplish and once you do,that you have to wait 24 hours before,starting another mission uh I guess if,you do that full time they estimate you,make 500 a week based on four hours a,day of playing weight I thought these,missions took eight hours to play okay,I'm a bit confused but whatever let's,press on they even have an answer for,people who don't like grinding,themselves apparently if you want you,can rent out your avatar to someone else,for para coins and passive income uh,okay so now you have para coins right,what are you gonna do with them well you,can sell them but why sell them when you,can lock them up and stake them forget,this even more paracords if you do this,your paraccoins turn into P Save which,then you lock up for a period sorry,trying to maintain my a
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