tiktok snapchat ads girls teeth

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The Worst New Trends On TikTok!

tick tock used to be a good fun,wholesome place that was just made up of,people dancing,maybe lip syncing to music doing,impressions and comedy,but now and probably for quite some time,tick tock has become,the biggest thirst trap ever the trends,are getting worse girls are doing,anything for clout and everyone seems to,be a shoe-in,to starting their only fan's career not,that there's anything wrong with that,not that there's anything wrong with,that,no of course not what's going on guys,welcome back to the ash show okay so,tick tock is getting out of control,it's getting out of control to the point,where i have to change my profile on,tick tock to say,i'm the self-appointed tick-tock police,and i'm here to keep law and order on,tick-tock,the first terrible trend that i've seen,recently people filing their teeth down,so it looks straight and it's been so,bad that it's gotten into the news,talk trend that's making many people,cringe,filing teeth with a nail file are you,crazy,why would you file your teeth this,person here is saying oh look i followed,my teeth and now look at them,oh they're straight and nice oh no i,don't think so i'm going to,file my teeth down with a nail file,because they are not perfect,guys it's literally working people are,so stupid on tick tock,they see one person do something and,they're like oh it works,it has to be true that's why there are,so many videos on,online that always say trying tick tock,hacks to see if they work,because most of the time they don't work,okay this girl here,k braz she said dummy,whatever you do do not try this i only,did because i'm,stupid and was curious thank you finally,someone on tik tok telling us the truth,but then again who's going to read this,they probably watch the video and they,keep scrolling even watching it makes me,uncomfortable,okay you're really getting after it,don't go too far you can hit your nerve,all that blood's gonna spread out okay,here we go we got another tick tock,trend here,this one's great i made a video about,this and it's basically girls that wear,really i don't know flattering pants,pretending that they can't reach things,because they're,short but we all know that it's just a,thirst trap come on,ever wonder why short girls don't seem,to be afraid of anything it's because,we've been doing death defying stunts,just to reach our cabinet since we,stopped growing you're not that short,you're already touching the top shelf,in your cabinet why are you lying to all,of us it's convenient that it's cut off,right at the top of the shelf,if you ever wonder why short girls this,girl as well her head is touching the,wine glasses on the top of the shelf,you're not short everyone stop this stop,jumping around with these pants,if anything it's because we've been,doing death defying stunts just,okay this girl's short but what exactly,is she reaching on the top,of the ledge is that where you hide your,vape pens i was looking at something,else,yeah nobody's listening to the sound,you're talking about no one's watching,the death defying stunts of you trying,to reach your wine glasses on the top of,the shelf,everyone is just focused on these,flowing pants,everybody warning this is kind of,disgusting,we all know what this looks like now,people are just brushing their teeth and,just,spitting it out all over the place there,are lots of people doing this and,i'm kind of i'm a little shocked this is,the cringiest thing i've ever seen,everyone's so edgy on tick-tock best,part is this video,is titled tick-tock took it down when it,went viral so here it is again,tik-tok is taking it down why would you,put it back up no one wants to see this,oh god come on what is your 15 year old,audience gonna think,they're gonna think this is cool you did,this for what thank you,i would really like to know no this is,borderline softcore i cut,like toothpaste challenge probably needs,to be deleted yes please,thank you delete this why do girls think,we like this trend,oh and finally we have this tick tock,trend this one completely baffles me,don't know where it came from,don't know why anyone decided to start,doing this but look,you've probably seen this this one's a,good one look at this article dear,miners please stop doing this trend,you know that a trend is good once it,starts making its way to the mainstream,media,every single person that does this they,either delete this video,so i think they just want to get traffic,to their page get a bunch of brand new,followers then they delete it,but you can see in their face the shame,after they do it look at the shame in,her eyes i'm gonna have kids one day and,they're gonna find this on the internet,queen she deleted this video by the way,just like i said did you just wink also,another person that deleted the video,because,she was probably so ashamed of herself,no winking anymore are you,frat and she's sponsored by a teeth,whitening company,there you go that's what you have to do,you do a trend that you're embarrassed,about

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TikTok’s ‘Toothless Princess’ Dental Revamp | Macro Beauty | Refinery29

TikTok’s ‘Toothless Princess’ Dental Revamp | Macro Beauty | Refinery29

it's harder to live with bad teeth than,it is to live with fake ones and so the,people that are still living with their,bad teeth if they don't know that they,can fix it it's really hard to talk,about it because why would you want to,i'm alicia otherwise known as princess,glitter head in the internet world and i,am converting from removable snap,indentures on mini implants today to,non-removable permanently fixed bridges,so i'll get my temporary set of those,today,when i turned 18 i moved in with my my,husband,we got married young we were 20 but i,didn't start having problems really,until i was pregnant that's when i lost,my first two teeth pregnancy does cause,a lot of women to have loosened teeth,because it loosens all your bones and,ligaments to give birth it has to do,that it does that's your whole body,and i was very young so i didn't really,i didn't know everything and i know i,didn't take the right steps to correct,it or slow it down and i remember laying,in my front yard like crying about it,thinking that my husband's gonna leave,me because we just got married and i,just gave him a baby and she's like a,newborn and now his wife is falling,apart and i'm only 21. and then my,fourth baby you know i'm holding on to,things and i was going to the dentist,and doing what i could but after i was,done breastfeeding her started losing my,hair my sex drive want to sleep all the,time my teeth were as bad as ever skin,was super dry i was depressed having,heart palpitations anxiety and,nightmares i ended up getting back into,a place where i wanted to fix myself and,i actually did my breasts first that's,how i found my dentist because his,brother actually is a plastic surgeon so,i came in for my first free consultation,with dr shatkin and i had my teeth,within two weeks yeah so alicia came in,as a regular patient we decided to make,her new dentures with mini dental,implants and she's done really really,well with them for these years and she's,very happy with them but now i think,it's time for her to move to the next,level which is getting permanent teeth,the mini implants are much less invasive,procedure it's quicker it's painless,it's done through a tiny little pinhole,in the gum,so the patients get the procedure done,in literally one visit or two visits so,having permanent teeth where you cement,the teeth in gives her a whole new lease,on life she can really act like she has,her own set of teeth again and that's,going to give her a big boost of,self-confidence,i know we've talked a few times about,the procedure but let's just go over one,more time so that you have all your,information this is pretty much what you,have right now,you have the mini implants with six,implants and an upper denture and on the,lower you have the four implants with,the lower denture we're going to be,adding some implants to your upper jaw,and we're going to be putting additional,implants in and then placing a bridge,like that eventually today you're gonna,get a temporary restoration that'll go,in immediately you'll have that for,about two weeks and then you'll get your,permanent teeth in a couple weeks these,are the temporaries that are going to go,into your mouth and there's no no,plastic on the roof of the mouth you,know so they're just the implant bridges,so i always wonder if something happens,and something does get infected like,that truthfully you know you have much,fewer problems with implants than you do,with natural teeth right so as long as,you take care of them come regularly,you're going to be in pretty good shape,hello my loves it's alicia otherwise,known as princess glitterhead i started,sharing my story before i even went to,my consultation i decided i was going to,start talking about it because i had,been dealing with it for like literally,16 years and just feeling like i'm the,only one going through it my channel is,not just about dentures or implants it's,about teeth in general and the fact that,it ties so closely into your mental,health we're gonna show how hot we look,how beautiful we look with or without so,in the beginning when i first started,taking my teeth out people were like,what the hell is she doing like stop it,put them back in,and then now people are like but wait,aren't you gonna miss this where are you,going i'm gonna miss your videos like,don't leave you know and i'm not leaving,i don't look at things in terms of,forever anymore because nothing lasts,forever especially not in my mouth i had,kind of just accepted the toothless,princess that's me and i was really,happy to be that person and fit that,role,and i could see it helping so many,people including myself,so um,it was just unexpected,it's happiness though it's like,bittersweet,i'm not getting permanent teeth because,i think there's anything wrong with not,having your teeth,but it's gonna be what's best for me,so that's what i have to do,getting them fixed is going to be like,me having my own teeth back for the,first time in 16 years since i was 21,a

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Dentist Gives Woman Who Had Teeth Removed Her Smile Back

Dentist Gives Woman Who Had Teeth Removed Her Smile Back

for the long time i started killing my,brother,you came here from where philadelphia,i shall show you i just want to eat,again,you want to eat again i wear baggy toys,like all started when my brother died,he's 18. he had cancer he had doing,sarcomas like,when they woke up not ready like i had,failed not to go to school,so i went late in my little and 15,minutes after i leaned in bedroom,i heard him kiss and he stopped he died,right there,i didn't know better so i thought i,killed him,like that's what i laid on his freezing,tube or something,and you're gonna breathe my parents put,up and i thought i was,like three more because i killed my,brother,like i went to a dark place i'm not,gonna lie like i started hanging out,with the bad kids,started doing drugs and like i'm not the,drugs to numb the feeling,i got really proud like whatever and so,i was like oh it's time i need to take,care of myself,like face my teeth like feel better so i,went to the dentist and,she said oh my my teeth weren't replaced,like fixable,that i had like i had to get them all,pulled,they literally pulled all your teeth,into dentures because of some,minor they told me it wasn't fixable and,then i went and got my records before i,came here,and it looks like they legit just made,it up right before i came in,because on there it says uh,fixable by um root canal but they never,said anything about a root canal they,said,my keys weren't fixable that they had to,be pulled,it doesn't say anything here about why,that they would need to pull all your,teeth,i was so close to getting a feed into,but,i couldn't eat and i was getting so much,weight and everybody i keep getting,these facebook messages,on on instagram my face i can't see me,about my keys,and how skinny i am and then it makes me,look,like i'm a crackhead and,i don't leave the house anymore i won't,leave the house,this is embarrassing my face is sinking,in,how much do you weigh in you want to,know right now yeah,79 pounds,but you are scared of me,that's my best friend,i just want to eat that's me i was,hungry,i couldn't close my mouth oh that's you,closing all the way kidding yeah that's,dead,i felt like you know when you had like,them two pringle chips in your mouth,yeah and you do that yeah,and then i went to rehab and i told her,i talked to my pet like,my family all came in and i finally let,them know that,what was wrong like my issue and i said,to my brother and the rest is showing me,like,it wasn't me,it was just his time to go he just chose,me to be there with him,well let's put you back together again,too many days in the darkness,without a glimpse of the light,running tired and broken and scared but,i swear,i'll never give,every party,we are born again,again,spend less time,just like,without it but wanting to build up walls,lift me up in your branches,we can watch the sunrise,just a couple of bruised up toes that,believe,that it was worth one more,we are born again,again,in your head,you

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hey everyone so i've been watching tick,tock and i know at my age in my upper,50s i should not be on tick tock because,it's not my demographics but it's okay,because,i like to watch tick tock for maybe i,give myself about five minutes a day i,just love it sometimes i laugh sometimes,i cry,most of the time it's just very amusing,and fun just to do a brain dump at the,end of the day,and watch tick tock so when i'm on there,i see this video,about teeth and the people that are,using it or doing this,they it looks amazing right so i thought,does that stuff really work you know you,get that stuff home that you order and,you do what they say and you,do all the things and then it's never,the way the video shows,well i decided i was going to order some,tick tock teeth,um i call them tick-tock teeth because,this was on tick-tock,and when i ordered it said receipt from,tick-tock so,anyways um i have two veneers in front,of my,uh mouth naturally because where else,would i be and um,i lost one about shoot about eight years,ago,and then when they tried to adhere it,back on they used a different color,um i guess i'm gonna say glue or,whatever bonding stuff,and it's a different color so it looks,like i have a gap in my teeth,so i thought why not try this um,and and see if these actually work so,here,are the teeth they come like this see,this right here i hope i'm looking at,the camera,and there's no way these are going to,fit me they look really they're,oops i dropped it i hope my dog doesn't,get they're a lot smaller,than they let me grab them because my,dog's getting it nope nope okay,so they're a lot smaller than uh my,mouth,i mean it looks bigger than my mouth but,they're really tiny so,anyways you're supposed to mold them,with hot water and then put them in your,mouth so let me just go with directions,real quick so step one put them in hot,water step two,uh put the filling in the melded,material in the mold,step three put them in your mouth uh,bite down for,30 to 40 seconds step four you're going,to,put the the teeth in cold water and it's,supposed to,um mold to or adhere or,cure whatever to the shape of your mouth,and then you're all done you can pop,them in so i'm gonna do that right now,i'm gonna stick these in the hot water,and i'm gonna do those other three steps,and i'm gonna come back and let you know,if these actually,do what they say they're gonna do,because right now,huh i look like a horse,i don't want to look like that but the,fact is i just want to see if this stuff,actually works,that they sell on all the news feeds of,the,um you know facebook and of tick tock,and you know instagram and pinterest and,all that so i will let you know if this,works,hey this would be a good thing if it,does work and like you're missing a,tooth and you want to go out or if you,get a tooth knocked out or your veneer,falls off,or something like that so let me go do,those steps and i'll come right back and,let you know if these work okay,this is kind of like a joke thing anyway,so i'm not taking this really serious,i'll be right back,it doesn't actually say how long you're,supposed to do this so i'm just going to,guess oh my gosh okay,i'm putting this i have to use this oh,my gosh this is not working,okay i think i have to put this in here,a lot longer,it doesn't say how long this is a,freaking mess,okay i'll put it right back in there,back in there terrible directions,because it doesn't tell you how long,you're supposed to put this stuff in,here so,if i think if i let it go too long it's,going to,melt completely oh my gosh it is melting,look at that it's like melting into the,water i'm already done with this but i'm,gonna go ahead and continue so let me,put this back in here,and this is okay this is weird,oh it's hot okay here we go,it's melted in there this is this is not,right okay,okay,counting down,oh croc,do,okay,this is not right now i'm going to stick,it in cold water,i have a cup with cold water here sorry,about the video guys i,do not have oh gosh i lost see if this,will even come out,what in the world,what,and these are supposed to be my new,teeth,wow,uh i don't think so anyways,i guess you could do it again i can't,believe i'm not this close,hi everybody,uh no,oh no,oh no i can't wait too,you know that thing where you're about,to have a panic attack i was about to,jump up and down,um these are supposed to be my new teeth,right here and,i don't understand this thing up here,sorry what the heck this overflow is up,there,and even if these were perfect,i think you could re-melt them and stuff,but they're all,jaggedy again i should be showing you my,teeth so close,but um they're so jaggedy that that,that's not even natural,and yeah that is definitely not my teeth,shape anyways i'm not even gonna do the,bottom one because i could care less i,like to review these products so you,don't waste your time and money,um i say just go to the dentist and get,some veneers if you need them because,this has a huge gap right there and,i

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Fear Filter - A Snapchat Horror Short

Fear Filter - A Snapchat Horror Short

Leah: Johnny, you've got to go to bed.,There's nothing to be afraid of,I promise. If you get scared I will be right,outside until your parents get home. Okay?,Sleep tight!,Johnny?,Johnny, if this is a joke it isn't funny.,Ugh!

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WHY AM I LAUGHING SO HARD | Snapchat and Instagram Filters

WHY AM I LAUGHING SO HARD | Snapchat and Instagram Filters

in it that's gating do I just need this,ball cricket and welcome to another,episode of snapchat foolery this side,featuring Instagram because they've step,their game up now this is gonna be a,shorter video for today I'm getting,ready a you over here to you guys never,get to see my setup is my freakin Lee,anyway a shorter video today go on my,Twitter okay,I'm doing a try not to laugh send me the,funniest stuff that you think can make,me laugh oh you you still not follow me,on Twitter,oh wait I'm getting sick er I'm getting,sick of y'all for real,2 million subs 200k Twitter followers,I'll wait,anyway this is like a mini series where,we go in and we see what kind of faces,snapchat has alright it's been a while,voice changer hey I'm just a little cute,bunny as you can tell by my freaking,years hey I'm just a little cute bunny,as you can tell by my shrieking here I,don't know why these it sounds like a,big kid yo boys let's see how you get,fruit snax voice now huh oh look at the,beauty hey you know girls are infamous,for this filter right here every time,I'm sending some it's no filter okay I,I'm beautiful I already know I'm,beautiful but girls always gotta use,this filter hmm hey I'm so beautiful,look at my eyelashes in there but I,might have to turn it lamp off okay uh,hey I'm a girl and,okay the Freak is okay guys I'm try what,the friend,what friend,oh this infamous for me hey let me just,a girl with the freak oh yeah freaking,zombie apocalypse I got mask on you,understand what's up freak oh my last,request last request is to use real,butter,don't put none in that fake that Fred,butter on me I want the real fat stuff,Oh downs all of it I got games now ready,to play this in it let's get it do I,just keep you spoke let's get it let's,get it I do I just eat this boat let's,get it do I just eat this boat oh I,gotta say pause on it okay so apparently,Instagram also habilis um if you don't,follow my Instagram freak are you doing,huh look at these lip pictures man yes,call ray you know 60k like like way you,know this is girls reactions when they,see me they be like,they don't open your mouth first date,with a girl hey girl,come here be lenient for that kid by a I,know we had a good date and everything I,took you to the movies,oh this lip thing don't worry about that,no about that anyway I took you to,movies dinner maybe I'll learn maybe all,that when I was a kid sorry it was a,dark day I remember it I was just,walking home from goals whilst I walking,home from Kohl's I don't have a car and,then the dude just ran up on me give me,a freakin money yeah forget daddy I,didn't have any reaction so I just,pooped he ran away after that come on,dude oh my my face oh my god,there we go please please why what is up,with these tat to move around ones why,you weren't that son simulator just go,sit next to a window I'm gonna Instagram,ones are good and then some of them just,say all right you guys all of them with,me make sure you send me some try not to,laugh follow me on Twitter all right,we're doing to try not to laugh tomorrow,it's gonna be lit hopefully you guys,enjoyed it keeps your distance is there,a slight that like button subscribe,today to join us same right and it's the,next time of presence

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Mum Launches Campaign To Treat Her Son's Tumours | BORN DIFFERENT

Mum Launches Campaign To Treat Her Son's Tumours | BORN DIFFERENT

he's,normal just like any other little boy,sorry,i know the last time i took him to a,park,there was some kids that told him he,looked like a monster so,and he hadn't been back to that park,ever since,so i had to tell him that he,i have to i had to tell him that he's,not a monster he's just he's just been,through a lot he goes to a lot,hey i'm already,hey,doing okay yeah,okay you ready for some lunch,i actually knew when i was um pregnant,with him that it was like a 50 50 chance,that um,he would come out with his genetic,condition,lamar has condition called nf type 1,which is incurable and which causes,tumors and,causes tumors throughout his skeletal,and um nervous system so it just caused,a lot of problems throughout his body,which the gross can come up anywhere on,his body amari has one of the worst,cases that you can get so,he was taking chemo medicine for a while,and it seemed to help a little bit but,he's not been on it for a year or so,just to see how the tumors act and put,it on there,so this year we probably have to start,him back on,some kind of chemo medicine,because it looks like they're starting,to grow back grow a little more and,faster,it's a lot it really is as he got older,it got more noticeable because the,tumors grew,um,i'm trying to not be getting emotional,it was hard it was very hard when i,found out,okay okay it'll be done in just a minute,oh maurice he's like any other um,young boy his age it just he has,limitations of things that he can and,can't do,his vision is very very limited he only,can see how the,right eye which is barely,which is kind of covered up his right,eye as well because of the tumors,so it makes it hard for him to do,certain things like he loves football,but he really can't get out there and,play like everybody else because of his,tumors,but he,he really doesn't act like he have a,genetic condition or anything,because i look at him as a normal child,2017 amari got to meet the harlem,globetrotters in huntsville alabama and,he got a autographed jersey and a,basketball,as well but he had a great time that day,he really did,he smiled the whole way there and all,the way home i was overjoyed because he,he still talks about it to this day,to pull the tape up okay,so you can eat,we're getting ready for um ej and louis,and marc's cousin to come over,when they come over we're gonna um,probably go to the park somewhere and,let them just have some fun together and,spend some time together at the park,hey babies,hey my loves,look at that,now pray that something can be done,it's hard it really is,you know what jacket you gonna wear,amari he mostly plays with his two,cousins,so,he really doesn't really get a whole lot,we just like to have fun with our our,family and her cousin amara,i know his genetic condition,i like hanging out with just the same,i like hanging out just the way he is,that doesn't seem any different,i know the last time i took him to a,park,there was some kids that told him he,looked like a monster so,and he hasn't been back to that park,ever since,so i had to tell him that he,sorry,i have to i had to tell that he's not a,monster,main focus is amari and giving him a,better quality of life because i i don't,want to have to focus on,trying to figure out how i'm going to,get this and that paid,i,made this go fund me,in order to,just help provide because we have a lot,lots of departments that we have to go,back and forth to,he inspired me so many ways,he's,he enthusiastic about everything,he doesn't let anything get him down,really,i just only hope that,they find something that can really,really help them tremendously down the,line that can maybe even take all the,tumors away,that would be a blessing right there,you

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I Bought VIRAL Tiktok Dresses

I Bought VIRAL Tiktok Dresses

I have to show you these Tick Tock,dresses that I can't stop thinking about,and I may have bought a couple of them,first of all this one has 21.4 million,views and for good reason this is a,dress hi let's try it on everybody,commenting this isn't a dress this is,symphony it just looks like a handful of,tights this looks like this I'm starting,to figure it out I feel like a spider so,in the middle of it there is a semblance,of a something that fits on a torso it,looks like I think you could wrap this,however you'd like so let's see how this,goes,I'm sorry how did she figure this out,the caption says hashtag found it on,Amazon so it's the zaful women's,sleeveless solid bandage sheer mesh wrap,tie Slinky mini dress so there are four,colors black the coffee one that she had,gray and white it's 24.99 perfect for,Club nightclub party night out clubwear,cocktail casual I'm not doing any of,those things but I ordered it anyway it,has decent reviews actually I forgot,about it was awful I didn't realize they,were an Amazon Seller now here it is oh,my gosh,oh this is literally gonna take me 20,minutes to figure out what all right,let's try to put this thing on I don't I,don't really know what you're intended,to wear with this maybe nothing but I'm,wearing this little one-piece thing from,buff bunny where does my head go in,right here oh gosh oh this is looking,right so far oh no we've got Tangles who,came up with this dress design I need to,know help what's the next step it's like,a Choose Your Own Adventure dress what,do I do with each of these sections did,she just like tie them all on the side,row two three,and four,the dress actually looks pretty good but,I feel like I did this part wrong it,feels like a weird tail it's actually,pretty flattering very comfortable and,lightweight I think I like it like this,the best,wait what does that look like in slo-mo,hi I'm new here but I just discovered,the world of ballroom dancing dresses,but just look at these this one,how how is it how is it sparkling that,much and look at and the feathers this,has 17 million views and I don't think,it's because of the dancing oh this,green one look at the back of it oh look,at the back of it oh my gosh I want one,I don't know what I would do with it,let's just see how much they are I feel,like it's something you have to have,custom made so we're gonna go to Etsy,ballroom dancing oh here we go this,one's got Sparkles and Feathers thirteen,hundred dollars I'm obsessed with this,color but because of the price point,this is probably not a hobby I will be,taking up anytime soon,look at this one almost two thousand,dollars though so you know I'm all about,finding the best deals whether it's,buying lost luggage bidding on unclaimed,cargo or just sitting on the couch,browsing for the best sales I'm about to,give you my biggest deal finding hack,honey honey sponsoring today's video but,I've been using them for years their,browser extension that has saved me so,much money for example I 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literally,going to a funeral in this dress look at,the background well she blows up all the,little long balloons just like the guys,at the restaurant oh my gosh I can't,imagine how time consuming this is she,says a dress takes her four to six hours,on average oh my gosh look at oh,oh flowers,okay how do you take it off I want to,know,four to six hours of work gone I mean I,don't know what we were all expecting,how else would you take it off I think,it's cool and next time I go to Las,Vegas I'm gonna try to find her and have,her make me a balloon dress I have no,idea how much they cost so they're,probably so expensive I haven't stopped,thinking about this next dress for,months this is a literal Cinderella,dress so she found this fiber optic,fabric which I didn't even know existed,here she is making the whole bottom of,the skirt okay now she's gonna sew the,fiber optic fabric into it oh look at it,oh my gosh and it's so clean looking too,I feel like if you were sewing fabric,that had a bunch

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