This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER
in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit
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TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)
TikTok Changed.. The NEW Way to Get Followers FAST in 2023 (NEW ALGORITHM)
in this video I'm going to share with,you exactly how you can Skyrocket the,amount of followers that you're getting,on Tick Tock right now because if you,haven't heard yet Tick Tock has changed,and the things that you need to be doing,the analytics you need to be worried,about the content that you should be,creating and the topics that you should,be using within your Niche have all,changed and if you don't adapt to these,new things you're going to see both a,decrease in the amount of views and the,amount of followers that you get but if,you simply make the changes that I share,with you in this video you're going to,have a Skyrocket in the amount of,followers that you're getting in fact,these strategies work so well that since,2021 for the last almost three years,I've helped almost 200 000 people grow,on Tick Tock and I want you to be the,next person in fact this Creator gained,a million subscribers in just a few,months by implementing these tips this,Creator over 800 000 in this Creator,over 500 000 followers in the same exact,thing can happen to you because all,these creators had two things in common,one they were struggling before they,implemented the tips that I'm about to,share with you in this video and,secondly they all now make a full-time,living from Tick Tock which I'm sure you,want to happen to you but before we,could dive into those things I need you,to smash that subscribe button if you,want to grow quicker on Tick Tock,Instagram or YouTube I literally upload,a video every single day about how to,grow on these Platforms in addition to,that I created a free Tick Tock growth,course you can get at the link in the,pin comment below it's going to share,with you thanks the best hashtags to be,using right now and what time you should,be posting in 2023 so please make sure,you get into that at the link in the pin,comment below it is 100 free I don't,know what you're waiting for finally,here's my phone number please hit me up,I want to help you grow quicker on TED,Talk step number one is actually,understanding what Tick Tock cares about,and essentially they only care about,three things right now you guys are,focused on all the wrong things if,you're not focused on these three things,the first is the type of content you're,creating the second is the topics that,you're choosing third is the analytics,that you're paying attention to if you,fail to do any of these three things,it's the reason that you're not getting,views if you've seen a decrease in views,or you're just not able to get views,like your competitors get it's because,you're ignoring one of these three,things or you're only doing one of them,you're only doing two of them because,you need to be doing all three of them,I'm warning you right now if you don't,Implement everything that I share with,you in this video it's going to be the,reason that you're not successful in,Tick Tock during the easiest time ever,to grow on Tick Tock and The Best Time,Ever to become part of the Creator,economy and make money literally from,your phone or from your laptop without,having to go to work this might mean,that you could quit your job it might,mean that you could drop out of college,and the difference between you being,able to do that and you being,unsuccessful is you focusing on these,three things so for starters let's talk,about the analytics because this is an,incredibly important piece of the puzzle,first thing is you need to make sure,that you have seventy percent of people,still watching after the first three,seconds of your video now if you're able,to achieve that that's great you need to,extend that as long as possible because,essentially there are three watch time,metrics that you need to be hitting that,I'm going to share with you later on in,this video depending on how long your,content is it's going to tell you,exactly what percentage watch time you,need to be hitting because if you're not,hitting that well you're just not going,to have success on Tick Tock but like I,said the first thing that you need to,get down is over 70 of people still,watching three seconds into the video,now the reason that this is going to,happen is because your hook is going to,be great you're going to have great text,on the screen you're going to have,energy you're going to actually wake the,person want to watch your video or,you're going to stick out if you look at,videos that go viral on Tick Tock their,videos that stick out their videos that,stand out or they're participating in a,trend which hooks somebody in because,you guys need to understand something if,you're not solving a problem for,something doing something that they're,curious in or participating in a trend,which naturally just kind of captures,people attention well then that's going,to be the reason that nobody's watching,your Tick Tock videos and the way that,you focus on this is by focusing on,honing in the first three seconds of,your videos and this is going to make,you a lot more success on top of that,yo
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This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives
This Secret TikTok Ads Testing Strategy Is Changing Lives
hey buddy,yeah you what are you a damn headlights,come over here real quick don't be shy i,hear you're looking for that ecom gushy,gushy that underground black hat ad,strategy that will leave your bank,account impregnated maybe even,afterwards after your mrs sees it she'll,want to get impregnated too oh hey yosh,keep your voice done keep your voice,down geez always because this stuff,doesn't come cheap my friend a lot of,media buyers on my team on my team were,sacrificed to get these strategies,so it's gonna cost you,let's say,a million dollars,you know what my friend actually for you,if you like this video down below,i'll give these to you right now i,really don't wear hoodies that much,because i live in florida and it makes,me look like a giant penis but let's,actually talk about tik-tok product,testing strategies and how do people,even come up with these strategies in,the first place because you're gonna see,these videos all the time from a bunch,of different gurus and a lot of times i,feel like they're just blowing smoke out,of their rear end but for me because i,run a ad agency where we're literally,testing hundreds of products every,single month and we're testing on,thousands of different accounts this is,actually the way that we come up with,strategies that work for us we have a,sheet that looks like this and you can,easily come up with a spreadsheet where,you have a base control testing strategy,like this one right here where you have,five ad groups three of them with,interest two no targeting and how you,can develop your strategy over time,especially when you're doing a lot of,tests is you can introduce a little bit,of chaos with having an independent,variable so for us when we're doing,split testing we always will do one,variable changing from our original,control group so in this instance with,this top column we did us with australia,for the targeting instead of us and,canada and then what we would do is,measure the results these are all fake,numbers by the way we would do this over,and over and over again over the course,of multiple months and this is how i,actually came up with this exact,strategy this isn't just me oh well i,think this is what's gonna work no this,is proven how you can actually develop a,strategy that works over time and you,can also do other split tests like doing,a combination of number one number five,so that would be us with australia while,also doing a cbo on to mark all of the,data because at the end of the day,you're gonna be biased and if you don't,have the numbers guiding your decisions,you're not gonna make good decisions,when it comes to media buying because,it's all based on numbers and not your,emotions so this has helped us scale,brands like this one right here from,zero to 1.7 k a day like this brand,right here to zero to 1.8 k a day so,again this is proven to work and if you,do want to work with my team before we,start this video i do have an automation,agency where we have a team of experts,who will find products for you build,custom coded one product stores and even,film custom ads so if you're interested,in finding your first or next winning,product and help you scale to one grand,a day or more in the fastest amount of,time you can click the link down below,and book a call with my team so without,further ado let's get on to tick tock,ads and i'll show you how we test,products so the first thing you're going,to do obviously you're going to click on,conversions because we're not trying to,get no dang video views i can't deposit,that to my bank account so for me this,is how i name all my campaigns so i'm,going to be testing this product the,frost ball how i name all my campaigns,is the name of the product whether it's,a testing or scaling campaign and then,the break-even point because when you're,testing on multiple ad accounts it is,good to know first off what's the,product and what's my bep because when i,first analyze ad accounts and this will,be talked about a little later on i look,at cpa more than i actually look at,roads and i'll explain a little later on,because i know everyone's obsessed with,roes but for us and this is after i've,talked to senior media buyers who have,scaled accounts to the millions they,don't really look at roads as much as,you would think it is somewhat of an,important metric but i would say cpa is,more important your cost per purchase,but let's get into the actual ad group,settings now i do five ad groups,whenever i'm testing a new product one,campaign,five ad groups and all the ad groups are,identical i don't change anything about,either of them we're not split testing,anything and i get some people saying,ethan if you're not split testing then,what's the point of just creating five,that are identical well the thing is and,if you are someone who does media buying,you'll notice that even if you create,two ad groups that are exactly alike,they're never gonna perform the same way,the cpms will be different the cpcs will,be different
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E31 Digital Marketing 7 TIKTOK, DOUYING new updates, Mobile advertising
E31 Digital Marketing 7 TIKTOK, DOUYING new updates, Mobile advertising
all right guys i just finished the seven,seven we're talking about the,tick tock how powerful is the tick tock,so in the eighth we are talking about uh,all,guys all gods,the gods of internet right,so let me open up my slides,talk about tick-tock blowing i like this,feature,so especially good for the training it,quickly,crash runs through the all the lessons,we go through,right okay here we are,this is the monster baby okay,digital marketing eight,top three things of mobile advertising,tick tock is the young guy okay but fast,developer,but the google facebook and instagram,whatsapp all together google facebook,instagram,are the monsters okay we have statistics,later so let's talk about the google,first,in uh lesson number five,or six we start talking about google's,today we're going into the google,business suits,because we always uh when you say google,we always think oh it's youtube,just come on top of the google,search engine it's not that simple you,need to set up the business,suit because google have their ad,network,okay so the first ad network which is,huge,portion of it which is text at,text and is very simple brief,introduction,we google throwing into the our mobile,or desktop or,whatever the media we are looking at,very simple,short description which is based on,metadata,uh what is meter data meter data we will,cover on number 10,last step this spine okay metadata is,spine,so based on our metadata meter data,google throwing attributes that is one,ad network okay so this is bing,their own network yahoo all the search,engine anything related to text,right so then it coming up second is the,image,that's on the website so this is just,the photo matching of the photo,based on the content we are searching,cats you can see,today you saw cats by lunchtime you are,going into google you see a lot of,cats thing coming into your browser,right then for one day two day later you,will receiving uh,messenger ads relating to cats things so,that is,called metadata right so images so,finally the video,of course it's youtube and other,platforms who is running with the,youtube,video even doing also working with the,google on the video advertising okay,then finally the direct advertising on,top of the,the browser right on top of the so this,is the google ad network that's how they,they structure okay it's very cheap at,go by text okay very very cheap,probably point something sense okay then,come to the photo a little bit expensive,and these photos need to be have a good,quality and organize,because only one photo you need to you,have only one chance right then you come,to the youtube,yeah you have uh you can go even from,your own 20 minutes uh,video get it or you can do your own,advertising,you can get the professional advertising,advertiser put it into the,youtube then make it as an ad and,finally uh seo,okay so we already talked the first,session so coming into,the picture so that is how google do so,how are we going to do it,so basically you need to set up the,google ad accounts okay so i have seen,this uh,this is i can say,right or wrong but we can do it,ourselves,okay yeah if you are not very fluent in,english,okay fine you can get somebody to help,and everything but again,the whole idea of google and facebook,and everything,giving us to open a business account at,account,is to us to be creative,right it's okay if you are a very big,business so you are a network or let's,say you are a,jewelry shop network all around the,country probably you don't have time to,do it,but you hire one staff to do it okay put,the text ad put the,take some video take some youtube and,everything right,okay say you are a marketing company or,advertising company okay then you have,your own team,right you can do this okay i think,almost every marketing,company must sell the google,business app okay but if i'm hearing,you now ah we are advertising company we,don't know what is google and then,you advertising is users right we don't,know,because just now we talk about the,mobile advertising is,the powerful right so so you need to set,up the,google ads account,okay google business account so go into,here set up your business account,again similar i talked you need to have,bank card everything they need to do,verification,and even they will ask business,registration if needed,if not simple business like grocery,bread,cake they don't ask that but if you talk,about chemical,or if you're talking about the expensive,items yes,probably they will ask to show us the,business license right,so once you set up the one set up the,business account then you need to,registration do registration then they,even give okay,399 a million they give discount,credit free so you can use this 399 no,need to pay,and put the ads on the google right,so this is it's look like this is my,dashboard,right so i am advertising on one two,three four five six you know,these two is together about four,different categories to get the business,in,so it's almost to,around four month
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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2023 | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Tiktok Advertising + Tiktok Shop
How To Run TikTok Ads in 2023 | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Tiktok Advertising + Tiktok Shop
if you still think that Tech talk is,just for dancing Trends and kids you're,missing out on a very powerful platform,and trending social media advertising,option to grow your business this 2023.,Tech talk has now over 1 billion users,and has surpassed other social media,apps in terms of downloads in a very,short amount of time specifically during,the pandemic aside from this Tech talk,has also launched tiktok shop in,selected countries and provides a,convenient and entertaining approach on,e-commerce even without a website,the last two quarters of 2022 generated,millions of Revenue in my business,because of tick tock ads paired with,Tick Tock shop,so if you also want this for your own,business or for your clients make sure,to finish this video apply what you will,learn and of course prepare to scale,your business,now let's get into it,before we hop on creating an account,let's first understand and maybe be,reminded about this crypto ad structure,okay at first basically we're going to,create a business account for us to have,access to the tiktok business center so,this is the tiktok ads Business Center,at the top and then under that we're,going to create an ad account okay an ad,account which you can access and make,ads through the ads manager,and after that after an account we're,going to create ad campaigns okay now,it's not really that much of a different,platform with meta ads because honestly,it's almost just the same only that it,has different capabilities than uh The,Meta ads now there are also difference,when it comes to terminologies just like,for example this one,um ad groups instead of AD set okay you,can see there at the top it's still,contained where you set the objectives,where you set sometimes the budget and,also here on the second level this one,this is the ad group level so this is,like the ad sets in in meta ads and in,this same ad set like level,you're going to put the targeting and,also the budget,next under those ad groups you can put,more ads,okay so basically that's just the,campaign structure in Tech talk ads you,also need to learn about the ad format,so here are the five ad formats,currently we have top view we have the,brand takeover uh desktop view and brand,takeover usually appears when you open,the app,and the next one is in feed ads whenever,you're scrolling on the for you page you,will see a video with a with an,emphasized button just like that so it's,called infinite ads and next are the,Branded hashtag challenge The Branding,effect the ones that get these ad,formats are actually those who are,already big Brands so again these are,the ad formats usually you can see the,infield ads and you can make that,especially if you are a small business,now let's create our own Tech talk,business account I already have one for,my own business but I'm going to make a,new one for the purpose of this video so,it would be better if you can follow,with me while I do the process okay okay,first one we need to go to,business,so this is the pickup for Business,website we're going to click create now,and I'm gonna type in my password you,can sign up either via email or via,phone I would prefer to have,um my email instead of phone for the,purpose of this video so I'm gonna type,my password,I'll repack it,okay and then click this,agree to the tech talk commercial terms,of service you can just read that after,and just sign up choose it's just for,verification which ones are in the same,shape,so it's letter L okay confirm,now there will be a confirmation email,to be sent okay,I'll confirmed now here we're going to,put our country,I'm based in the Philippines my industry,whatever my business is so I'm just,going to put here services,advertising and PR Services since I'm,making it under my personal brand but on,my other account I have actually chosen,e-commerce,for my business name I'll just put,the registered business team,but my phone number,there you go,I'll just agree to the tick tock,commercial terms of service and then,click register if you want to win a free,one-on-one consultation with me so we,can talk more about improving social,media ads for your business just like,this video subscribe and comment one new,thing that you learned from this video,provide some details about the business,okay so the business center name I can,just name this um John Cornwell and then,I'll put my time zone,describe your business I would say I'm,an agency first because I have some,clients also an activator also to,clients I just put my company name,so if you are an e-commerce business or,anything you want to run ads you can,just put I'm an Advertiser you can just,click this and then just declare um your,company name and your company website,again you don't have to build a website,for this you can have your Facebook page,or Instagram page in my case I'll just,put my own personal website there okay,and the billing information,course you need to put do you want,manual payments or you want automatic,payments
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This email marketing strategy will change your TikTok Ads
This email marketing strategy will change your TikTok Ads
yo what is going on everybody it's your,man muhammad kamara and welcome you,already know what time it is man we,about to get right into it in the last,video if you haven't seen that we did a,zero to 300 000 case study on a branded,drop shipping store that we're using,tick tock ads with if you haven't seen,that go ahead and click this link right,here and check that out like i promised,in this video we're going to talk all,about the email marketing strategy that,i paired on that tick tock ad store to,go ahead and get explosive profits all,right so as you can see right here in,the past 90 days email marketing crm,which is clavio has done over 36k in,revenue on just one store okay in 90,days and that's all because it's coming,from email marketing so imagine if we,didn't have this on our store we'd be,losing out on 36k in revenue so we're,going to dive in here i'm going to show,you exactly what your email should look,like specifically if you're advertising,on the tick tock ads platform,all i ask is that before we get into it,please hit a like on this video helps,out the channel a lot and i'm gonna try,and give as much value as i can here,right so let's get right into it as you,can see like i said this is responsible,for about 25,and you know to give all the credit to,pop marketing my team they're pretty,much hands-on handling my email,marketing campaigns for me because i get,it email marketing is not the funnest,part of e-commerce right but that,doesn't mean you should overlook it even,if for myself like yes i can afford to,pay a whole team to manage it for me,right now but even if i couldn't do that,i'll definitely make sure that i'm,getting somebody to do it for me doing,it myself you know because it's,necessary all right this is 36k that we,would have completely missed out on just,in the last 90 days if we didn't have,that set up so that's why i'm even,making a video on this right now the,quickest roi that you're going to be,able to make is going to come from your,back end so you don't want to sleep on,the email marketing aspect of this whole,thing it's just easy money it's like the,it's the lowest hanging fruit basically,okay so as you can see out of that 36k,the flows were responsible for about,almost 30k okay so about 20 of the,revenue i think industry average is,about 15,so if you're not making 15 from your,emails you got work to do all right so,stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly,how your email should look and what the,structure should be but out of the total,revenue out of clavio about half of it,came from just one email flow and that's,our welcome series okay so this is a,very very good series to have set up as,you can see we're getting a dollar sixty,five cents per recipient so every time,person subscribes to that list you know,on average we're gonna get like and 65,cents and revenue from them all right so,very good stats there and as you can see,this is what the sequence looks like so,i have a welcome email so basically,welcoming the person into our family,making them feel a part of something,greater than just a product right that's,why people are buying from you in the,first place is to get that personalized,experience so make sure that you,definitely hone in on this it's a nice,way to bait people in you know we have,an offer where we say all right if you,give us your email we're going to give,you 15 off your first order so that's,why a lot of people are encouraged to,join the family and they also get an,incentive like a 15 discount that they,can use right away okay so it's a great,way to build a community from that sense,right and this is where half of your,revenue is going to come from out of,your email marketing so don't sleep on,this all right i got a few emails only,four emails really and that's really all,it takes to get 15k right so we have the,welcome to the family and that includes,the coupon and basically if they haven't,opened the email if there's a condition,here that says if they haven't opened,the email then we're gonna hit them up,with another one a follow-up to give,them the coupon again encouraging them,to purchase then either way a day later,we hit them with three more emails in,the span of about six days so we have,one email here wait three days another,email wait three days and then another,email so we can include a little bit,more about our mission we can include,some social media handles for them to go,and follow us on other platforms and,really just trying to ingrain ourselves,in their lives right so that's just the,first email flow if we come back out,here we're gonna see another one that we,got which is our abandoned checkout all,right this is another important one i,think this is responsible for the second,most amount of revenue coming out of the,email marketing platforms so if we check,that out this is the setup we got it is,a little complex here okay and this is,again all credits to pop marketing shout,out to moon and anthony for setting this,up but it is a very comp
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DROPSHIPPING CHALLENGE: $1,000 in 72 hours with TikTok Ads 2023
DROPSHIPPING CHALLENGE: $1,000 in 72 hours with TikTok Ads 2023
imagine having a special ATM machine,where if you put a dollar in it'll give,you thirty dollars back I'm gonna show,you that exact machine today now last,week I made a video where I documented,how to take a store from scratch to,generating over 218 dollars within the,first 24 hours of its launch in this,video I'm going to show you how I took,that exact same store and it's generated,its first one thousand dollars in sales,within the first 72 hours which is just,three days now I'm gonna reveal to you,the profit I'm gonna show you the ads,and most importantly I'm gonna give you,that exact ATM machine so you could go,and replicate this and have a very,profitable start to your Drop Shipping,business but before we lock in all I ask,is that you hit the like button on this,video and make sure you subscribe so you,stay tuned with more videos and AD,strategies like this and also make sure,you watch this video in full because,towards the end I'm gonna give you,instructions on how you can win this,store absolutely free yes I'm gonna be,doing a giveaway where I give away this,store or absolutely free to one lucky,subscriber so make sure you stay tuned,for the whole video step one create a,base campaign to start off what we gotta,do for this special ad strategy is,coming to you as dashboard okay we're,gonna start off with just a regular,regular campaign and this is how you do,it you want to start off with,conversions I want to come down here and,I want to set the campaign budget to a,lifetime budget of fifty dollars okay,that way we're not going to spend more,than fifty dollars in a Lifetime on this,budget supposedly but what I'm gonna do,is come into the ad group settings and,just like any other campaign you know,I'm going to select my pixel here okay,we're going to optimize for purchases,this is on a test pixel over here so I'm,going to select placements just Tick,Tock and we're going to select our,targeting to be 25 to 55 year olds and,we're also going to select our interest,to be purchase intention and we want to,sell let's say it's a household product,I'll pick something like Home,Improvement I would also do household,products I would also do something like,baby kids in maternity and appliances,but most importantly you want to make,sure that your audience is large if it's,not large enough like over 50 million,what you want to do is come down here,into targeting expansion and you want to,allow interest and behavior and what,that'll do is open up the audience size,to over 50 million that's what we need,for this to work now I'm going to come,down here into the daily budget and I'm,going to set that to over a hundred on,each but don't worry because we do have,our campaign limit limit limit limiting,us to fifty dollars so it's not going to,spend that much in a single day this is,just to set up the campaigns and then we,also want to set the start time to the,next day at midnight so I'm going to,come here and change that to 0-0,military time and that's going to start,at midnight we're going to select,specific times for this campaign to run,which is between 6 a.m and midnight and,we're going to select that for every,single day and and now I'm gonna just go,into next now this is just a base,campaign but it's Gonna Get Us set up to,the next step so what I'm gonna do is,come here into my custom identity you,can upload your logo uh you don't have,to hook up your ads account put your,brand name but then you want to upload,the ad that you have okay so you want to,upload your ad creative right here and,then you want to put some text in here,like you know maybe put your caption,which is best gift for holidays and as,you can see that's just a sample video,of me all right so right here I'm gonna,put the URL of the store so I'm going to,come right here and grab that paste that,real quick and it should grab that and,we should be all set to go so then I'm,going to submit this so once your,campaign is created you're ready to move,on to step two multiply and this is,where we want to grab that one campaign,so I'm going to select the one that we,just launched and I'm gonna go with here,bulk edit and I'm gonna export the ad,okay so I'm gonna click export and with,that to do it'll download the ad into an,Excel file where we can actually go and,edit the settings so we can multiply,over hundreds and hundreds of campaigns,in this one ad account and that's how,we're going to be able to unleash this,ad strategy so this is where things can,get tricky but just follow along here,once you open that Excel file it's going,to look something like this and the,first thing I need you to do is delete,the campaign ID you want to also delete,the ad group ID and then you want to,also find the ad ID and that's going to,be somewhere over here after that what,you want to do is you want to create,501 rows of this same campaign okay so,what we need to do is grab this over,here you might be using Excel on Windows,I'm using a Mac so it's like numbers but,same concept
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