TikTok Bans Weight Loss Advertising! It's not what you think.
welcome back,um am i on the screen we're trying on,something a little bit we're trying,something a little bit different,we're going to um break down a topic a,news article,on social media today uh in relation,in relation to tick-tock in relation to,lose spread yeah,relationship,only when i lift weights um all right so,we're gonna,we're gonna delve into it a topic,tick-tock announcing,announcing bans on ads for weight loss,related products,in order to protect their users from,self-perception concerns,this is not i mean first first off i'm,thinking this is not good,well that's pretty much saying that,you're going to exercise them yeah,pretty much you are,good 455 to me i'm thinking,i just think it's sheltering people yeah,protecting them,well that's pretty much what it is yeah,everybody will be expensive and weak,exactly and not do the self-reflection,within themselves so i need to actually,go out and exercise to lose the weight,yeah instead i'm just going to be 450,pounds yes anyway anyway,so tick tock has announced some new,steps that it's taking to ensure that,it's protecting users from body shaming,and self-esteem issues with new bans on,weight loss ads and new tools to help,connect users to professional services,to assist,with related concerns all right this is,by tick-tock it's,themselves as a society weight stigma,and body shaming pose both,individual and cultural challenges and,we know that the internet if left,unchecked has,the risks of exhausting,such issues that's why we're focused on,working to safeguard our community from,harmful content,and behavior while supporting an,inclusive and body positive environment,safeguard our community from household,content and behavior so harmful,behavior nowadays is exercise i mean you,could say it's bullying but,they pretty much if you don't exercise,then you'll be overweight and that could,be,how behavior is going to be bullying,from that what that why isn't the,healthy behavior is good,what i don't understand firstly is what,is bad about weight loss products,like what's bad about them nothing it's,healthy it's helping they just,well they're trying to act like it's a,stigma that's going to be yeah bullying,going into it,it's definitely oh like so if someone,said they're saying that it's an,external source is going to be the,problem so,it's like saying what's oh i live in a,sheltered home but it could get burgled,and robbed,yeah so are they saying like if you take,the product,basically the weight loss product if,you're associated to a weight loss,product,and people know that you take it that,you're going to you know people are,going to have perceptions about you,like bad perceptions but if you're fat,if you if you're overweight obese,if you're if you're over you know if,you're if you're obese,appreciate that if you're overweight if,you're overweight then and you're trying,to,trying to lose weight i say fat yeah,okay you if,you're obese yeah and you can't hit the,gym because you're too busy eating,double quarter pandas every second so no,so yeah if you're overweight,then you're taking the the weight loss,products,how how should you be ashamed for that,at least you're trying,yeah i know you know it's backwards,there so now they're now they're not,going to have any,pathway it's interesting though to,highlight that topic both individual and,cultural challenges because of i don't,know what that translated culture was,that trying to bring in,different races or different ethnicities,or,poorness like wealth like,the challenge is you yourself yeah,definitely got nothing to do with,external things yeah exactly,the thing about the this weight stigma,and they're trying to ban the ads,it's just all it's all about external,forces like oh if you are fat,and then people are gonna beg you and,that's why we shouldn't do it because,people beg you,yeah and it's like really like they need,to get to a certain point where,they need those stepping stones they,need things like that to help them,yeah they shouldn't they shouldn't they,should be able to just gradually build,over time but,anyway anyway move along move along in,line in line with this tick tock has,adapted its ad policies to ban,all ads for fasting apps and weight loss,supplements while it also increases,while it's also increasing restrictions,on ads that promote a harmful or,negative body image,what but no how does it a harmful body,image the first thing,the first thing i want to say is fasting,apps,fasting in so many cultures is a good,thing yeah,i mean if you're overweight i guess or,something this is good,i mean you know the saying you know i,guess i'm trying to,suppress good messages well and acting,like it's a bad message,i guess backwards as well but i guess,for if you're an overweight person right,fasting is probably not the best thing,for you to do yeah because it's too,extreme,you need to like it's all about your,calories and like managing your calories,and slowly,yeah having less and less whilst you,exercise incre
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Her Weight-Loss Video Went Viral On TikTok. Here's What She Learned.
Her Weight-Loss Video Went Viral On TikTok. Here's What She Learned.
this morning on take it off today an,incredible transformation on tick tock,her weight loss video went,viral with 12 million views take a look,at this,yeah it was last november when certified,fitness trainer lucy bergen,started recording her weight loss,journey taking a daily image of herself,wearing the same outfit and she did it,in an effort to inspire herself,to get healthy she did it for six months,and lost a total of 35 pounds and then,she posted it to tick tock and the rest,well the rest is digital history,lucy bergen joins us now from tampa,florida,lucy what what a cool idea and now,here we are some 12 million views later,and you are showing up on good days on,bad days,what were you telling yourself when you,were looking in the mirror taking those,pictures taking those videos,what was i telling myself i just kept,telling myself that it wasn't a,short-term,goal it wasn't a diet it was a lifestyle,change,and that's what's so important and i,love this video because it shows my bad,days,it shows the days that i was bloating or,you can even see in my face if i had a,rough day,and that's what life is it's not about,going on a diet and trying to lose 20,pounds in a week it's not about the,weight,it's about your mental health and you,can see in this video also,it's little changes at a time um i,didn't even notice my transformation,until i put everything together,i bet um so this all started like i mean,for so many people gaining weight during,covid putting on a few extra pounds and,then over six months you lost 35 pounds,so,how did you do it what were your tips,and what what advice do you have for,others trying to lose some weight,all right so my biggest piece of advice,would be to,get a friend or someone that you can,have,accountability with my best friend and i,did it together,and we kept each other accountable and,so because of that we were able to,almost make a challenge out of it and,when it comes to that it really helped,me,and then when it comes to diet and,working out i was lifting heavy,at first and eating carbs,proteins things like that um something,that's actually really awesome,is in the fitness world we're taught,especially as women,that we should be eating 1200 calories,or even less,and i've had clients come to me saying,they're eating about 500 calories a day,and what they don't know is that that,actually sp,like slows down your meta metabolism,and you need a certain amount of,calories,to have your body function properly just,like you need to put gas into a car,for it to run yeah you need to have full,in your body for your body to burn fat,yeah lucy i would think uh when you work,at when a lot of us see these trainers,and they're all buff and they're in,great shape,i think it would be more inspirational,to be working out with somebody like you,who's had the challenges themselves and,knows what it's like,for the the rest of us to try to get,back into shape,yes sir that's actually um i worked at a,gym in new jersey,and i specifically chose that gym,because i knew that everyone coming to,me was brand new to the fitness world,and i can't tell you the amount of,conversations i would have with these,amazing people,who would come in and they would give me,their why their reason,why they wanted to change i mean i had,people telling me that they wanted to,be a good example for their children or,be able to fit in a pair of jeans for,their honeymoon,and these reasons like you could tell,they were so,special to in every individual that,would come in and talk to me,and i sat and cried with some of these,people because i've been there,and it is so hard to get started on this,journey,when you think that you're too far gone,lucy thank you,this is this has been so inspirational,congratulations to you,and and uh appreciate you spending some,time with us this morning thank you,thank you,thank you so much have a good day you as,well,hey thanks for watching our youtube,channel find your favorite recipes,celebrity interviews uplifting stories,shop our favorite deals and so much more,with the today app download it now,you
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How To Write Ads For A Skeptical Audience (Weight Loss Case Study)
How To Write Ads For A Skeptical Audience (Weight Loss Case Study)
i'm literally getting into the under the,fingernails,into the really really my new details so,they can understand it and when you do,that it's like when people hang on,every word that you're saying,um so my dna so last week,um we sort of badgered you for some,ideas on how to attack the,poppy yep this is what we've come up,with,um and we're about to go live so,the client absolutely froths this,loves me that's what i like to hear yeah,that he's like he's a really good client,to work for he's very realistic very,level-headed,um and yeah he's just a pleasure to work,for so it's going to be a good,relationship,excellent can you make this screen,bigger so i can read this copy,yeah okay here we go because last last,week i was just suffering through it but,until i know you can make a video who,wrote this copy for ants,all right headline,new breakthrough technology for,effective,weight reduction helping aussie women,aussie,aussie man sheds kilos based on this new,age genetic evidence well that's a good,one,i got a diet plan based on my dna and,actually work dna testing help shed kg's,lock down fitness story dna testing,helps aussie women shed,kilos yeah this is all good no more,wasted time this simple dna test reveals,personalized exercise plan,yeah they're they're all good headlines,um so you're going to do different,female different male yeah,yeah okay cool,i'm calling all health conscious aussies,did you know a brand new,study out of the uk exposed that an,average adult will try 126 different,diets in their lifetime crazy right so,if you if you're,one of the many aussies trying to,restrict diet silly tea detoxes or even,eating like a rabbit with no,success well i have news for you um,i have good news for you,it's not your fault because what i told,you no matter how much exercise or you,eat if you don't understand the simple,secret there will never be a point,successful sheldon kilos yeah this is,exactly what we discussed this thing,will,crush um,if anything i would sell more against,the existing things i would definitely,mention,paleo atkins keto,all of them and i'd say that none of,them will work unless you do this,because everyone if we know that,everyone's tried 126 different diets,then we need to throw stones at those,things because like everybody's done a,diet,that hasn't worked before right so we're,we're we're already going up against,someone that's,very very skeptical and we just are in a,unique position where we have something,that is literally,new unique and something that never that,somebody has never ever seen or heard,about before,so we need to use that card as much as,we possibly can um,and so like literally mention all of,like just google,top 10 most popular diets paleo keto,atkins all that kind of stuff,intermittent fasting and you're saying,like good luck because none of that's,going to work,unless you know your blood type and you,know this brand new scientific research,that shows you exactly,how to eliminate stubborn fat and all of,that kind of stuff,but other than that it will be very,strong,um and they don't have any one that you,could use like a news story with,is there anyone that's lost lots of,weight like good old,gavin or shelley or anything like that,that we can do a news hook for,i'm gonna ask that all of the creatives,are centered around like a news story so,i haven't done any one second,yeah so you would want to get this live,but also get the,like because your story based copy you,cannot beat it it's physically,impossible to beat story based copy i,don't care if you're going to cold,traffic it's impossible,to be so if you if you that's the reason,why i keep doing it because you can't,beat it,but i would go i would run with this so,let's look at your lead into i remember,my battle with weight,it's yo-yo dieting yes,extreme detoxes and constantly wondering,if i have my genetics to blame,the way that you can make your copy,strike like lightning,even more is even just getting it even,more specific,shells right so instead of just saying,yo-yo dieting,and extreme detoxes tell me about what,they are,i did juice fasters i did like tea,bloating detoxes,you name it i tried it dietitians,weight watchers meal kits delivered low,calorie,low carb no carb paleo i had literally,tried everything,um and i was so frustrated and i found,myself,crying in front of the mirror one day,right like you get,really really in the weeds because when,you speak like that,they're like oh she's one of us they're,one of us they know exactly what it is,like right,but when you just say thing like yo-yo,dieting extreme detoxes,it's not enough you need to get really,visceral with the copy,that's when people like so like even,with that ad that i run where it's like,cbos cpcs and all those kind of stuff,if you're a facebook marketer you know,that i know right i'm not talking about,have you launched a campaign and it,didn't work like i'm literally getting,into the under their fingernails into,the really really,my new details s
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What's Up with these WEIGHT LOSS Instagram/TikTok ADS??!//sarah thomas
What's Up with these WEIGHT LOSS Instagram/TikTok ADS??!//sarah thomas
hi guys and welcome back to my channel,my name is,ay and so my glasses are really foggy,right now because i'm,worried i don't know before getting like,into this video i just want to see,how sorry i am like,because it's night so i just turned on,my leg,a light it just looks horrible like i,have so many pimples like it's,red and my the camera was shaking i was,on my bed and,i was so extra and i didn't know what i,was shaking i really have like,i think i have like a tick or something,like my leg is always like,like it's always moving and the camera,was always moving and i'm,so freaking sorry because i did not know,that like i,literally had no clue i'm sorry,like this will never happen,well i'm not sure but i hope this will,never happen again,sorry so today i was sitting on,instagram,i had like two hours in subway and we,have wi-fi,every station so like i'm sitting i'm,turning on my wi-fi,and then we go so i don't have a wi-fi,for five minutes but till the next,station,and there is a wi-fi until in the next,station so like basically i'm just,on my instagram scrolling down like,saving and i'm seeing this,ad kind of from the wasp meme page,which is i think one of the most,followed like meme pages,on instagram and the girl was just like,dancing in her top,and like showing her belly and being,like look at me,if you want to have the same belly and,lose fat then please,check the link in the video and i was,like,this is not the first time i'm seeing,this ad this is not the second time i'm,seeing the ad,and this is definitely not the fifth,time i'm seeing this ad,i saw so many of these ads,on instagram on tick tock on twitter,on everything because i was like what,what's,what's happening like am i the only one,who's seeing these ads and because,all the comments are turned off,obviously because it's an ad so,everyone's gonna respond very very,negatively to it and i was like,why there's so many ads like who's,buying so many who has the money to buy,so many ads okay i i'm clicking in the,bio,and i'm seeing that everything is,transferred to one instagram page,which is sarah thompson,340. if someone's going to tell you it's,not a very good name,sarah like you can literally call your,name sarah thompson,two dots and that'd be so much more,original than sarah thompson 340. come,on,be a little bit a little bit more,original you have so much money for ads,but,y'all can name you cannot name your like,profile name properly,my instagram name is more like original,i guess than yours,so i clicked this account and had like,300 000 followers i was like damn like,she's,big but what i noticed is like in some,of the other ads,it led to another account which is also,called,sarah thompson but this time was like,335,and i was like,huh and the thing about this ads they,all like,none of them are saying something in,their ads they're just like dancing to,music or like,showing this if you want to lose fat,please go to the bio and i'm like naviol,mention,anything about the product or the link,you're like sending people,to and it's weird isn't it,isn't it smelling like very fishy,like the fish market smells less fishier,than this,come on so basically this instagram page,which is sorry fountain 340,then tells us to go to her bio,which is like some medical page but i'm,telling you that page was,was super scammy there's nothing medical,in it like,no medical in it come on the right wing,health,sounds like a scam like it does really,sound like a scam,the life changing stanford medical,student discovers,one secret mineral that helps you lose,52 pounds in a,26 days sorry my bad 28 days,so our sarah our sarah tells you you're,gonna lose,52 pounds in 28 days,five to 52,pounds in 28 days,i lost 20 kilograms in six months so,you're telling me that some sarah,thompson is going to tell me how,to lose pounds in 28 days,and the stanford medical student part,who is this sarah thompson like,honestly i researched her like not,literally gold with her name and i,couldn't find anything besides,people on quora asking or read it like,is this,is this stuff actually working okay the,weird the weirdest part is her,whole marketing campaign is probably,buying ads from,all instagram pages from all tick,talkers like a small arctic talker so,she can like afford more tick-tockers,and they're all just showing pics like,like this like i'm gonna put it,somewhere here so someone just,losing fat like before after before,after like oh my god,sorry sarah freaking thompson helped me,to lose that,sarah thompson of all peoples of all,doctors of,all dietitians dietitians,of all nutritionists,of every single doctor the sarah,thompson,helped her the instagram page of sarah,thompson helped her to lose fat,ielts saying to me that sarah thompson,helped her to lose that,okay so i'm on this website which,everyone's telling me to go,i'm here and there's just like bunch of,like freaking examples how everyone,loves that apparently and at the end,so she's talking how she found this,incredible mineral
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Diabetes Drug Ozempic Trends On TikTok As Weight-Loss Drug
Diabetes Drug Ozempic Trends On TikTok As Weight-Loss Drug
later these days it's the talk of tick,tock I just start dropping pounds left,and right the topic ozempic has over 300,million views being on this medication,has helped me tremendously with my,health with scores of users crediting,the drug for their weight loss success,ozampic is a drug you inject that's,meant to improve blood sugar and help,manage type 2 diabetes but because one,of the side effects is weight loss many,are using it off label a trend that may,have started in Hollywood talk show host,Andy Cohen even recently tweeting,everyone is suddenly showing up 25,pounds lighter what happens when they,stop taking ozempic since those epics,gone viral on social media some doctors,like Nancy ranama say they've been,flooded with inquiries it's become,something very hot and heavy in Los,Angeles Beverly Hills ozempic's active,ingredients the meglatide works by,making you feel feel full longer doctors,say it's similar to wagovi which has,been approved for weight loss by the FDA,and is produced by the same manufacturer,Novo Nordisk when we asked the company,about people using ozempic to lose,weight it responded in a statement,writing in part we do not promote,suggest or encourage off-label use of,our medicines the company adding ozempic,and wogovi are not interchangeable,however the FDA tells NBC News,Healthcare professionals can choose to,prescribe drugs off label when medically,appropriate Anna McKenna has documented,her 45-pound weight loss Journey with,ozempic on YouTube interestingly enough,it has been my easiest weight loss,attempt and my most successful she,agrees that ozempic isn't a magic pill,adding her side effects have included,headaches and fatigue a price some may,be willing to pay for weight loss,and speaking of price according to the,drug Maker's website ozempic can cost,about 900 a month that wouldn't be,covered by insurance if you're using it,for off-label uses the company also,admits that because of the demand and,supply chain issues they are having,trouble in some cases and some diabetics,have not been able to get those,prescriptions guys all right Kristen,thank you and join us now with more,insight NBC News medical contributor Dr,Natalie Azar Dr Azar good morning so a,lot of people talking about it on social,media is it safe is there any downside,assuming you can afford it to taking,something like this so first of all,let's just set the framework again off,off of Kristen's piece this is for type,2 Diet we'll talk about ozempin for type,2 diabetes it regulates your blood sugar,but it also targets that area in the,brain that extends the signal of feeling,full or not right so it's definitely,helpful for weight loss and importantly,for type 2 diabetics it can also reduce,the risk of cardiovascular muscular,events but here's the thing it's,expensive right we said 900 a month,experts say that you would need to take,the medicine kind of indefinitely,because once you stop it you,theoretically can regain all of that,weight that's key you mentioned side,effects there are side effects that can,be associated with it they include,nausea vomiting but also more serious,things like pancreatitis acute kidney,injury gallbladder problems so it's not,without potential risk so do you think I,mean if you had a friend who said look,I'm thinking about using this I just,want to drop 25 pounds do you think it's,safe enough to say well that's it's not,going to harm you you can go ahead and,do it well here's the thing it it can,potentially harm you right and and this,gets into the whole topic of using a,drug off label right the FDA studied,this drug and its sister drug wagovi,there's another drug it's the same you,know active ingredient but what Gobi is,marketed actually for weight loss for,people who are obese or overweight who,have one health related condition like,hypertension or high cholesterol,but the FDA studies the drug in that,population the FDA hasn't studied the,drug and people who aren't diabetic or,or overweight thing like that is for,weight loss but is it is it the notion,that well whatever risks that you,mentioned are outweighed by the risks of,obesity and those kind of health issues,exactly and of course like any time you,know the big issue here is how how are,folks getting this drug right I mean if,if you're not diabetic and you're not,obese how are you actually accessing,this and that's important because how,are they yes well I mean you were just,talking about this there's like there's,websites and you know and and obviously,some people are obtaining prescriptions,um you know inappropriately anytime you,you prescribe and we do this I do this,in Rheumatology we do prescribe,medications off label but there has to,be shared decision making and the,patient you know has to understand that,potential risks can happen that's a,discretion and I think your point about,how it only lasts for as long as you,take it it's kind of a big thing like,once you stop it you put the weight back,on potentially and then expert
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LAZIEST Way To Make $1000 AUTOMATICALLY (Make Money Online With Tik Tok And Clickbank)
LAZIEST Way To Make $1000 AUTOMATICALLY (Make Money Online With Tik Tok And Clickbank)
in this video today guys i want to show,you one of the laziest ways that you can,make money online and that i've been,using to make money on clickbank,in the last couple of days now what i,really like about this,this is a brand new trend very,undersaturated so now is the perfect,time,to get onto this trend that recently,came up that i really think you should,take use of if you want to make,lazy money online this is a super simple,way of making money online it just takes,some time to set,up and the platforms that i'm going to,show you is going to do all of the work,for you and i know this sounds a little,bit too good to be true but if you watch,with me until the end you'll actually,understand,how real this is and how a lot of other,people or the people that are using this,trend right now,are making a lot of money with this and,i'm not talking about a quick buck with,this this is a profitable,long-term business with a lot of,long-term jeopardy they can make a lot,of money,long-term so this is not going to,include paid ads or any investment is,needed into this,this is all completely free which means,instead of just spending money on this,you just need to put some time in this,in the beginning to set this up,and then it's just going to run for you,and if you guys want a 200,clickbank course to help you guys out in,this video all i ask is leave a like,comment down below and subscribe down,below with the button and on the,comments i will leave that course,definitely go get your course down below,to help you out,without further ado we're gonna get,straight into this so the first platform,that we,need to come over to is this platform,over here all you need to do is click on,sign up if you haven't signed up an,account,or click on log in and you can log in,with your account,and then once you've signed in with your,account you can come over to your,dashboard over here,so basically what this platform is all,about is it's an affiliate marketplace,where you can become an affiliate,for thousands of different other,people's products,and make money promoting their product,for them so for example here's a product,over here called wood profits,where you make 26 dollars per sale so,how this works is you click on promote,you get your own unique affiliate link,and from there every time someone makes,a sale through your unique affiliate,link,this company picks up that you got the,sale for them,and gives you a reward for that in this,case these guys are giving you 146,dollars per sale,and i'm going to show you guys the niche,that i've been using to get these kind,of results online so that you can go and,use this as well so if you scroll down,one of my favorite niches to make,affiliate money with is anything that's,got to do with health and fitness,so that's like the custom keto diet any,diet weights,and weight loss products that's easy,products to make money online,so what we need to do is we need to come,over to a website called bit.ly,and we also need to come over to a,website called bio.fm,and just leave these two websites over,here in a open tab,come back to your clickbank accounts,over here let's for example,choose one product that i found a lot of,success with is the custom keto diet,where you get 42 dollars,per sale that you make so all we're,going to do is going to click on promote,over here,we're going to click on generate hot,links this is our long affiliate link,over here so every time someone clicks,on this link,makes a sale or buys this key to a,product we get 42.33 commissions,straight to our account but obviously,this link looks a little bit long,and almost a little bit spammy so all,we're going to do is we're going to copy,this link over here,we're going to come to bitly and we're,going to paste this over here and you're,going to click on shorten,so now it gives you this little short,link over here you can also track the,amount of clicks it gets,which is really handy and now it just,doesn't look as spammy,from there you want to come over to this,website over here called bio.fm,you just want to sign in with your,accounts or sign up if you haven't,already and over here we can create,a simple landing page so we're going to,do is we're going to click on edit,blocks over here,we're going to delete just the one that,i have over here and we want to click on,tap to add content,we want to choose link in websites we,want to choose next,we're going to type for the title,winning,custom keto diet plan,we can use this put our bitly url over,here and for this title over here we can,go click,here to claim your,custom plan and then what we can do is,we can click on add block,and let's add another tab let's tap to,add content again and what we can do is,we can click link on websites we can,click on next and over here we can come,back to clickbank and we can actually,add,more than one fitness product let's do,this one over here,yoga burn so let's say you're getting a,106.27 cents per commission so we're,going to click on promote,exac
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Why Being Skinny Used to Be Easier
Why Being Skinny Used to Be Easier
It's 1985, Windows 1 is released.,The Breakfast Club hits theaters,Madonna is at the top of the charts.,Let's say you're living a healthy lifestyle,,working out and eating a balanced diet.,Now jump in a time machine and fast forward to today.,You’re using the exact same methods to stay in shape.,Would your weight stay the same too?,The surprising answer is: probably not. Here’s why.,35% of adults in the US are obese today.,We’ve often blamed bad diets, sedentary lifestyles, and genetics,,but there are so many factors that can influence body weight.,And here's a big surprise.,A 2015 study revealed that people are 10% heavier today,even if they eat and exercise the same amount as people did in the 80’s.,In other words,,it was easier to be skinny then.,The reason it was easier for people to be skinny in the 1980s, researchers think, is because of several hidden factors,that we might not have taken into account.,Things like chemicals, pesticides, flame retardants,,the types of drugs that we're taking,,the microbiome changing.,The first of these factors are the chemicals we now surround ourselves with in our everyday lives.,Chemicals like flame retardants in our furniture,,pesticides in our vegetables and clothing,,additives in food packaging and processed foods, and chemicals in our toiletries, cleaning products, and plastics.,They could actually be changing the way your body burns energy, stores fat,,It could be making small but meaningful differences.,The EU has banned many of these chemicals, while the US has not.,In cosmetics alone, the EU banned 1,300 chemicals while the US banned only 11.,The second thing is an increase in antidepressants and other types of drugs.,like SSRI's…,and all these different categories of drugs that really, they came around in the 80s and really took off in the 90s,,and now you have large numbers of people on these medications.,Many people are prescribed these medications for serious medical conditions.,Weight gain could be an unintended consequence.,Some of them do appear to just make you hungrier and make you eat more,,but there's also a possibility that they're affecting your body in the same way,,that they're potentially changing the way your body burns energy,,and could be leading to some weight retention.,A third hidden factor is the one we know least about. The microbiome.,Well, the microbiome in general is just a really hot field of research...,The microbiome is any organism, virus, fungi, bacteria that lives in or on the human host.,The most abundant microbiome is actually in the GI tract,so when we talk about the human microbiome, most of us are talking about the GI tract microbes.,The microbes in our gut influence our weight and immunity, and maybe even our behavior.,A healthier microbiome has more variety of species that perform different jobs in the body,,like breaking down fibers into energy and regulating our appetite.,A modern ‘western’ diet that is low in fiber and high in fat and processed foods,prevents the good bacteria from moving in and doing those jobs that help regulate our weight.,When we have a lot of different microbes that makes you healthier. …,We see less diversity and less redundancy in patients that have diabetes,,in patients that are obese.,We evolved with these guys in us, and having this relationship with them, they harvest energy for us,,they help us make vitamins, they help our immune system, we like these bugs.,And all of a sudden, we’re kind of screwing them up, we’re screwing them up by giving them all these things that they’re not used to doing, and processing,,and I think that’s part of what we’re seeing.,And as a result of our microbiomes being out of whack, and our interactions with chemicals and drugs,,our bodies may be comparatively larger than they used to be several decades ago.,Although let’s not forget that being thin doesn’t necessarily mean being healthy.,The quest for weight loss is becoming increasingly more difficult.,But, on the flip side, society today is more accepting of different body types than it was in the 80s.,I think now, and it's actually a really good thing, you're having more of an acceptance of different kinds of body types,,You have kind of more of a celebration of a different variety of people who aren't necessarily skinny,,which I think is overall a really positive thing.,So if you also don't want to be skinny, that's also fine.,Hi everyone, I'm Olga Khazan, I'm a staff writer here at the Atlantic.,We hope you enjoyed this episode.,Feel free to tune in for future episodes in this series, and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel,where you can find a lot of other videos on science and other topics.
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TikTok's Toxic Diet Culture Needs to be Stopped
TikTok's Toxic Diet Culture Needs to be Stopped
welcome back to my channel my friends,okay so I often get a lot of emails but,recently I've been getting tons of,emails about one thing and it's tick,tock if you guys don't know about tick,tock it's a new social media platform,you basically be creative with music I,don't know it's not really my jam but,it's there and loads of people on it,and judging by the emails that I'm,getting there seems to be a lot of,people that's worried about what's going,on so we're going to look at what's,trending in terms of food on tick tock I,mean there's a lot of eyes on tick tock,there's a lot of young eyes on tick tock,I'm not really one to make drama videos,or reaction videos that's just it's just,not me I don't want to create drama but,having said that if there's,misinformation out there I think it,would be wrong of me and irresponsible,with me not to make some content to kind,of spread the news it's actually why I,started my channel in the first place,because I felt like there was a lot of,misinformation when I was young and I,was misled,this isn't me like calling any of the,creators out in particular like everyone,gets misled I think it's just important,to look out for each other and bad,things can happen sometimes because,people that know better and could have,helped like they don't say anything they,don't speak up and so that's kind of why,I want to look through this viral,content on tick tock together to see,whether the content that's being put out,to thousands millions of young people,actually matches up with the science,I spend literally a week trying to log,back into my tip-top to do this video,because I forget my passwords,I forget what email addresses they're,linked to it was messy okay so now I'm,logged in hopefully it hasn't locked me,out because I think I will genuinely cry,it didn't lock me out the first thing I,wanted to talk about was what ain't in a,days there's a lot of what a in a days,on tick tock it's basically just a bit,like that what I eat in a day is that,you see on YouTube just condensed into,15 seconds add a little bit of copyright,music because you can do that on tick,tock actually that is one of the,advantages of tick tock so let's take a,look at some of the most popular what,ate in a days,okay so this what I eat in a day has 6.6,million views which is probably more,than all of my Watea days combined and,I've made a lot on my channel and 1.4,million likes just so many likes okay so,for breakfast,she had an apple then for lunch she had,like three eggs then for dinner she had,like a little bowl of minced meat with,some black beans and you know like a,salt bay of cheese and then she had some,popcorn she finished off her day of,popcorn now all in all that's probably,not more than like a thousand 200,calories judging by like the portion,sizes and just generally like what she,was eating and then I was like okay well,maybe she's trying to put herself into a,deficit so I looked through the comments,and she actually says like this is not,me trying to lose weight so that's not,her trying to create a deficit so you,guys know me you guys know that I love,my food but you also know that I really,advocate not under eating because of the,effects it has on your metabolism so I,think she's just not eating enough I,think a thousand two hundred calories is,very very low the amazing thing when,looking through this comment section and,actually even the emails that I receive,is a lot of people are aware that that's,probably her under eating and there's a,lot of people saying and being,supportive saying that she should be in,Moore or she should try adding more food,to her diet and even though there are a,lot of people that are trying to look,out for her there's just as many people,saying that they should be in the same,or that they should be in even less if,they want to try and lose weight or that,they're gonna try it and this is kind of,what all my emails are about like this,is what is being put out in the for you,page and so for me this isn't a great,start to the kind of content about food,on tik-tok but let's just keep going,let's move on so the next what eating a,day has 5.5 million views for a what I,eat in a day that's nuts views she says,that she's down 70 pounds and this is,what she eats in a day so she starts off,with black coffee then she goes on to a,green shop kind of thing they,she has like an our bond protein shake,she follows that up with her Apple snack,Apple's galore on tick-tock then she has,a burrito then she has her most carrots,and celery then she has some like,snackage a kind of rice cake small,snacks and then for dinner actually has,like a pork chop literally like one,potato just cut up and some green beans,and then she ends the day was like a,detox tea so it feels like she's eating,a lot more because there's a lot more,like meal times but actually if we look,at the calories that she's taking in the,actual food intake it's still very small,like she is literally eating less than a,thousand 400 c
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