Create A YouTube Short Video Ads Campaign on Google Ads
so in this video i'm going to show you,how to create a youtube short so let me,start from the beginning so you can see,this this is for a youtube short,ad,or shorts whatever they call them so,first thing you're going to do is go,into your adwords campaign this is,google ads you're gonna go to video,campaigns or,start a new campaign,okay it's a little different it's not,perfect yet but that'll change over time,i'm just showing you guys how to do it,right away i'm just going to go campaign,without guidance i'm going to click on,video here,i'm going to leave this all the same,custom video campaign and then i'm going,to hit continue okay we're going to call,this bladder,okay i'm gonna put twenty dollars,campaign,i'm gonna go hundred on this,actually what i wanna do i'm gonna go,daily,i'm just gonna do daily here,okay,then you can go down here i don't like,playing on the display network i'm,taking the display network off and then,i am in a target my target audience is,arizona i already have that in here,okay language english that's fine and,then you go here on your inventory type,you're gonna leave that as is,exclude okay you can exclude i like to,include,embedded videos or live streaming,also games so things like that i will,exclude but since we're doing a youtube,short,campaign,i'm going to show you how to do that,okay here's the video it is a short ad,you have to grab,over here that's all i do on this,account are shorts so i'm gonna grab one,of those videos,okay and,i'm gonna put skippable,now this is the key when you are running,these shorts,you have to go under,the devices,right here,click on the device,set a target,you need to target mobile phones okay,that is key right now to running ads is,you need to target this mobile phone,only,and,um,demographics,for this one,i want female,i'm gonna leave that there,okay,and grab a landing page,simple,and then,normally you'll want to add in,uh utm for tracking,perfect,i just put 20 cents you can put what you,want there if you,like it and,that's it,quick campaign,that's normal usually i always get a,couple of screw-ups,now i'm not doing a lot of targeting,usually i go in a lot more detail on,targeting do remarketing or lookalike,audiences,i might pick specific videos but that is,how you create a short,video ad,so let me know if you have questions,that's it
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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2023 | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Tiktok Advertising + Tiktok Shop
How To Run TikTok Ads in 2023 | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Tiktok Advertising + Tiktok Shop
if you still think that Tech talk is,just for dancing Trends and kids you're,missing out on a very powerful platform,and trending social media advertising,option to grow your business this 2023.,Tech talk has now over 1 billion users,and has surpassed other social media,apps in terms of downloads in a very,short amount of time specifically during,the pandemic aside from this Tech talk,has also launched tiktok shop in,selected countries and provides a,convenient and entertaining approach on,e-commerce even without a website,the last two quarters of 2022 generated,millions of Revenue in my business,because of tick tock ads paired with,Tick Tock shop,so if you also want this for your own,business or for your clients make sure,to finish this video apply what you will,learn and of course prepare to scale,your business,now let's get into it,before we hop on creating an account,let's first understand and maybe be,reminded about this crypto ad structure,okay at first basically we're going to,create a business account for us to have,access to the tiktok business center so,this is the tiktok ads Business Center,at the top and then under that we're,going to create an ad account okay an ad,account which you can access and make,ads through the ads manager,and after that after an account we're,going to create ad campaigns okay now,it's not really that much of a different,platform with meta ads because honestly,it's almost just the same only that it,has different capabilities than uh The,Meta ads now there are also difference,when it comes to terminologies just like,for example this one,um ad groups instead of AD set okay you,can see there at the top it's still,contained where you set the objectives,where you set sometimes the budget and,also here on the second level this one,this is the ad group level so this is,like the ad sets in in meta ads and in,this same ad set like level,you're going to put the targeting and,also the budget,next under those ad groups you can put,more ads,okay so basically that's just the,campaign structure in Tech talk ads you,also need to learn about the ad format,so here are the five ad formats,currently we have top view we have the,brand takeover uh desktop view and brand,takeover usually appears when you open,the app,and the next one is in feed ads whenever,you're scrolling on the for you page you,will see a video with a with an,emphasized button just like that so it's,called infinite ads and next are the,Branded hashtag challenge The Branding,effect the ones that get these ad,formats are actually those who are,already big Brands so again these are,the ad formats usually you can see the,infield ads and you can make that,especially if you are a small business,now let's create our own Tech talk,business account I already have one for,my own business but I'm going to make a,new one for the purpose of this video so,it would be better if you can follow,with me while I do the process okay okay,first one we need to go to,business,so this is the pickup for Business,website we're going to click create now,and I'm gonna type in my password you,can sign up either via email or via,phone I would prefer to have,um my email instead of phone for the,purpose of this video so I'm gonna type,my password,I'll repack it,okay and then click this,agree to the tech talk commercial terms,of service you can just read that after,and just sign up choose it's just for,verification which ones are in the same,shape,so it's letter L okay confirm,now there will be a confirmation email,to be sent okay,I'll confirmed now here we're going to,put our country,I'm based in the Philippines my industry,whatever my business is so I'm just,going to put here services,advertising and PR Services since I'm,making it under my personal brand but on,my other account I have actually chosen,e-commerce,for my business name I'll just put,the registered business team,but my phone number,there you go,I'll just agree to the tick tock,commercial terms of service and then,click register if you want to win a free,one-on-one consultation with me so we,can talk more about improving social,media ads for your business just like,this video subscribe and comment one new,thing that you learned from this video,provide some details about the business,okay so the business center name I can,just name this um John Cornwell and then,I'll put my time zone,describe your business I would say I'm,an agency first because I have some,clients also an activator also to,clients I just put my company name,so if you are an e-commerce business or,anything you want to run ads you can,just put I'm an Advertiser you can just,click this and then just declare um your,company name and your company website,again you don't have to build a website,for this you can have your Facebook page,or Instagram page in my case I'll just,put my own personal website there okay,and the billing information,course you need to put do you want,manual payments or you want automatic,payments
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NEW YouTube Shorts MONETIZATION Policy for 2023
NEW YouTube Shorts MONETIZATION Policy for 2023
YouTube short monetization is changing,forever and here's everything you need,to know to get paid on your YouTube,shorts the YouTube shorts Creator fund,will be coming to an end in Spring of,2023 and it's being replaced from now on,the shorts Creator fund will be replaced,with YouTube ads for shorts and with,YouTube super thanks also allowing you,to be paid on your YouTube shorts from,donations from your fans super thanks,for YouTube shorts is already being,rolled out to existing YouTube partners,and everybody in the YouTube Partner,program will be eligible for YouTube,super thanks on their YouTube shorts as,well as YouTube shorts ad Revenue so if,you're already monetized in the YouTube,Partner program you're going to be,grandfathered in to both of these now if,you're not familiar YouTube super thanks,are donations from your fans very,similar to the YouTube super chats,during live streams this is a 70 30,Revenue split between YouTube and the,content creators with the content,creator getting the 70 percent basically,if you get a five dollar donation you'll,be getting three dollars and fifty cents,with regard to YouTube shorts ads,YouTube shorts ads will be rolled out to,everyone who is already in the YouTube,Partner program and qualifies you won't,have to do anything else or meet new,requirements if you're already in the,YouTube Partner program however the,YouTube Partner program is expanding and,offering an alternative path to,monetization typically in the YouTube,Partner program to receive ad Revenue as,well as all the other YouTube,monetization features you need 1 000,subscribers and 4 000 hours of watch,time however shorts content creators,will have an alternative path to,monetization this means it's an either,or you can go the traditional route and,get the 4 000 hours of watch time and,the 1000 subscribers and that's four,thousand hours in 12 months or 365 days,whatever the previous 365 days is or you,can can go another route the shorts,crater route would be that you would get,the 1000 subscriber requirement and 10,million shorts views in 90 days however,in a recent update to this announcement,YouTube has decided to retroactively,allow any shorts creators who have the,10 million views to be included in the,YouTube Partner program when this goes,live so that means if you get 10 million,shorts views before the new announcement,Rolls live with YouTube ads for shorts,you will be also qualified for the,YouTube Partner program as long as you,still have the 1000 subscriber,requirement originally this was not,going to be the case but I'm glad that,YouTube listened to creators and that,they changed their mind on this decision,now if that still seems attainable there,is some good news YouTube is creating a,lower tier of YouTube monetization and I,will be doing a dedicated video on that,this lower tier monetization will not be,the YouTube Partner program it will be,called YouTube and funding and with,YouTube fan funding what is going to,happen is you will qualify for YouTube,super thanks super Chats on live streams,super stickers and YouTube channel,memberships all of these have a 70 30,split and these come directly from your,fans in the form of donations this will,mean that your fans can support you not,only with their eyeballs but with their,wallets directly and it gives more,creators the opportunity to monetize,their content and earn from YouTube,we'll have more details on the exact,requirements regarding this but if you,want a little bit more insight I did a,great interview with YouTube's VP of,Creator products amjad hanif and that is,here on the channel I will link to it in,the description down below so you can,watch the full interview and hear it,from a YouTube executive now when it,comes to YouTube short monetization with,ads this will be slightly different than,the ad Revenue you're used to seeing on,YouTube so it's important that you watch,the video all the way to the end so you,understand this it gets a little bit,complicated instead of the traditional,55-45 split that creators get from,YouTube ads on regular long form videos,that are not shorts videos this is going,to be different when it comes to YouTube,ads for shorts and will be a 45-55 split,with the creators getting 45 percent and,there's reason I said creators instead,of Creator YouTube shorts vertical,videos play in a feed that requires you,to continue to scroll through videos ads,will play in between these video Scrolls,on YouTube shorts which means that the,ad Revenue doesn't go to a single,dedicated video and a single dedicated,Creator the way that long form videos do,which means that the short ad Revenue,will be a pool among everybody viewed in,a shorts viewing scroll session,basically if you watched 30 YouTube,shorts then the 45 percent would be,split between those 30 creators for all,of the ads that generated Revenue,playing during your viewing session be,split among those creators one of the,other things you need to know about,YouTube shor
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TikTok vs. Instagram Reels vs. YouTube Shorts: Who Will Win the Short-Video Race? | WSJ
TikTok vs. Instagram Reels vs. YouTube Shorts: Who Will Win the Short-Video Race? | WSJ
(upbeat music),- Short-form video has become,the latest battleground in social media,,and the three big players?,TikTok, Instagram Reels,
and YouTube Shorts.,- In the next few years,it will be billions of
dollars being poured,into these platforms,,trying to increase their reach,,trying to increase the
value for advertisers.,- So let's compare them and see,which one is winning over users so far,and which one might come out on top.,TikTok was the first of the
three to burst onto the scene,,but before TikTok there was Vine,,a popular short video
service offered by Twitter.,(people cheer),- Vine was one of the
first short video platforms,to really grab the
attention of young creators.,After Twitter discontinued Vine in 2017,,it created a big gap in the market,that was prime for TikTok to exploit.,- TikTok enjoyed rapid growth,in places like the US and India,,and by February 2019,the app had been downloaded
more than a billion times,on Apple iOS and Android,according to app analytics
site Sensor Tower.,But in 2020, the narrative
started to change.,- America and other
countries went into lockdown,because of the coronavirus,,people started spending
more time on TikTok,,and all of a sudden it seemed like,the scrutiny on TikTok also increased.,- President
Donald Trump voiced concern,over the possibility
that user data on TikTok,could be shared with
the Chinese government,through the app's parent
company ByteDance.,- We're looking at TikTok,
we may be banning TikTok.,- He launched a lengthy back and forth,with TikTok and its
Chinese parent ByteDance,that never really reached
resolution during his presidency,but had a really huge destabilizing effect,on the app's position in the US.,- At the time,
TikTok officials said,that user data was held in
servers in the US and Singapore,and wouldn't be shared.,In June 2020, India decided to ban TikTok.,- That's important
because it presented a gap,for rivals like Facebook
and Google's YouTube,to try to offer their own
products in the market.,- And sure
enough, in late 2020,,Facebook and YouTube launched,their own short video services.,Snapchat also entered
the mix with Spotlight,which offers a daily pool of
more than one million dollars,to users who create the
most entertaining Snaps.,- Instagram and YouTube already
had large built-in audiences,and TikTok had primed people to want,this kind of short-form video.,When Instagram and YouTube
started rolling out,their own services,,they took off pretty quickly.,- Meta hasn't
said how many monthly users,interact with Reels,,but Instagram passed,two billion monthly
active users last year,,and in its April earnings call,Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said,,"Reels already makes up
more than 20% of the time,"that people spend on Instagram.",- Google said in June,that more than 1.5 billion people,watch YouTube Shorts every month.,TikTok said in September the app had drawn,more than one billion monthly users.,Third party estimates
have shown that number,as high as 1.6 billion monthly users.,The short video craze
also inspired Pinterest,to create Watch last year,,where users can scroll through
short videos and pictures.,Netflix launched a
feature called Fast Laughs,that serves up short
clips from Netflix shows.,And even Twitter said in December,that it was testing out
an updated Explore tab,to allow users to scroll
through short-form video tweets.,So with all these options,,which platform is the
most popular among users?,- TikTok certainly seems
like is still in the lead.,- If you look at the user data,from digital intelligence
company SimilarWeb,,people say they're spending
more time on TikTok,than on the Instagram
app or YouTube platform.,- With that being said,,Reels and Shorts are gaining very quickly.,- In a June survey,by data platform company
Inmar Intelligence,,44% of people picked TikTok,as their preferred
short-form video service,,followed by 29% for YouTube Shorts,and 20% for Instagram Reels.,Another measure of success
for these platforms?,Advertising revenue.
- TikTok seems to be,the farthest along in turning
on advertising on the service.,This year, they're projected
to make about $12 billion,in advertising revenue,,up from $4 billion last year.,- TikTok partners,with e-commerce platforms like Shopify,to help businesses advertise directly,through their Shopify dashboards.,And earlier this year,,in an effort to attract more advertisers,,TikTok enabled first
and third party cookies,on top of its existing tools.,- YouTube Shorts only recently started,allowing ads on the service.,Reels is also more immature,turning on ads on the service.,- But they're
quickly catching up.,Their parent companies, Google and Meta,,are two of the largest
online advertising companies,in the world.,- It's a fairly safe assumption,that they're putting a lot of effort,behind getting digital
ads on these services,and making that a bigger part,of their growth story for the future.,- Second place
is still a close battle,,but it appears that Shorts
is gainin
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why i HATE!!!!!😡😡YOUTUBE SHORTS!! (& tiktok)
why i HATE!!!!!😡😡YOUTUBE SHORTS!! (& tiktok)
in youtube there's a part called shorts,so when you go on like youtube shorts on,your phone you keep like getting a bunch,of you know good videos with thousands,of views and thousands of and then,you get a low view video,yeah this is yeah this is stolen right,this is stolen let's look at this guys,this dude really posted the same thing,how many times how many times has he,posted what the hell,that's the same video that's the same,video that's the same video that's the,same video that's the same let's press,control of 600 matches they have 430 000,views from uploading the same video 600,times i found the same thing really what,is this huh,um,no no no no no no no no no no no no no,no no no no you're not no you're lying,you lie no no you know what see what we,would choose huh let's let's see it,let's see it,ah it's like in sub bait is this guy,even real is this like a this is this is,from tick tock night no yeah that's,that's a tick tock oh my god this sly, let me pull this up hold on,oh my god this dude is actually genius,hold on,hold the phone so youtube made this,shorts fun right to make people uh make,to allow people to make money off shorts,because normally shorts do not make,injections in terms of money because you,do not get ads on those okay you don't,get ads one of the guidelines to be able,to receive money from these shorts is,channels uploading videos with,watermarks or logos from third-party,social media platforms aka tik tok will,be ineligible not eligible right they,cropped the tick tock sidebar,they cropped it out the video,it's still like plainly ticked off,because only tick tock has these kinds,of subtitles but they cropped it,that's genius,look at this guy's stats on social blade,yeah zika yeah sure thing my name is,he's named just like a virus but,what there's no stats for this guy just,started uploading that's,this makes me mad dude what the how,does youtube just let this happen man,this is another type of tiktok content,that's just absolutely despicable right,you just go on youtube right you look up,cartoons predict predicting the future,you know what let's just go directly to,the simpsons bit right oh my god look,guys the simpsons you know what i'm,gonna put in front guys look cartoons,that predicted the future part one of,two because i need to make double the,money this is not my video but no one,cares on tick tock it's such ass it's,actually such ass dude the dude brings,nothing to the video i'm mad i'm so mad,what cartoon chara guys this is what,cartoon characters would look like in,real life,this stuff does not breed innovation at,all it's just people taking other,people's content and like doing other,people's skits yeah look look that's,actual compilation right there's like,this this okay this isn't even the,original but like let's let's assume it,is right we should look at this,compilation it's just the same thing,people are just making the same joke,tick tock does not breed innovation or,like new stuff that's seen elsewhere it,just reads repetitive and the fact,that tick tock has these sound system,the system of sounds where like when you,make a dick dog you have a sound other,people can use that sound that people,can search up tick tocks depending on,that sound that literally like,promotes this kind of thing you know,what i suck at minecraft right can i not,look for shorts,no,no no no no no no no oh no no,this okay no no come on no no no no what,is this,what is this bro,bro bro look at the like the the,the,the border the one pixel border you put,in photoshop,you put this on the program stop ,pretending minecraft image to um,schematic wow,that's so crazy wow i can just put an,image in there that's so crazy dude yeah,there we go look wow oh i finished,building it look at my masterpiece i am,michelangelo the the mag the turtle what,among,person would look in minecraft,wow at the same time you know uh any of,these people could go to my content and,okay you know what you know what what,the hell is this oh my god he made three,videos with w on it he must be milking,it minecraft but minecraft bud minecraft,bud minecraft butt this dude has no,ideas whatsoever what the hell objection,of chopped up my ass what the hell he,shouldn't be on this platform,there's a whole world of low view,minecraft youtube shorts that are just,completely nonsensical like this one,the dude didn't even break the crafting,table it just ends like that chickens,still look like minecraft chickens,fellas,ladies and gentlemen ladies and,gentlemen this is a minecraft video with,zero view,we're the first people to ever see this,ever,wow he killed two he killed two,pillagers this is so crazy,i love,minecraft rtx gameplay yeah let's see,let's see rtx,gameplay's gameplay salman gaming no no,this is our chick's gameplay bro this,dude just uploaded an entire minecraft,let's play episode in 30 second ,shorts he's placing bets,let's see if he continues placing beds,and he continues placing beds in this,video this dude straight
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YouTube Shorts: The COMPLETE Guide!
YouTube Shorts: The COMPLETE Guide!
youtube shorts are a new tick-tock-like,short video format on,youtube and they're a powerful tool to,help you grow your youtube channel,and engage with your audience so in this,video we're going to run through,everything you need to know from how to,make and upload youtube shorts,to monetization options and useful apps,to help you boost your results,and a ton of tips and tricks to get more,views hey it's justin brown here from,primal video where we help you grow an,audience and scale your revenue with,online video if you're seeing value in,this video make sure you're giving it a,thumbs up,it really makes a huge difference and,all the links to everything i mentioned,in this video,you can find linked in the description,box below so youtube shorts are very,similar to tick-tock videos,they are short vertical videos they need,to be less than 60 seconds,they need to be vertical or square,horizontal videos won't work,and videos that are longer than 60,seconds aren't going to work either now,for youtube these are a totally,different style of content and,engagement to your regular videos these,are much lower commitment for your,viewers they're going to be much faster,for them to consume and to watch on the,go now while shorts are optimized for,viewing on mobile devices they are still,accessible and viewable on desktops and,tvs as well,and there's also no requirements to,start creating and uploading shorts,you can do it on a brand new channel,from day one so to start off with we'll,look at how to view and how to use,youtube shorts,and how to upload this new youtube,shorts format,versus your regular youtube content then,we'll dive into how monetization works,and some simple apps and strategies to,easily maximize your engagement,views and subscribers and if you're,someone who's already been playing,around with shorts,let me know how are you finding them has,it been an effective strategy for,growing your channel,let me know down in the comments what's,working for you okay so to find and view,youtube shorts you want to open up the,mobile app and you want to scroll down,to the shorts section on the main screen,and you can see here that it says,shorts beta as we scroll across you can,see all the different shorts here,that it is suggesting for me and even,directly on youtube channel pages where,they have that feature enabled now this,is something that as it's all still so,new,youtube is still building this out and,it will likely change and they'll likely,refine this over time,some people might even be seeing right,now a dedicated shorts button down the,bottom of the app,taking them to a dedicated area just for,youtube shorts now when you select one,they'll auto play on loop until you,swipe up to move on to the next one,and then swiping up and down will let,you move back and forth between them now,in terms of interaction features for,your viewers in the top there you've got,three little dots if you press on that,then you can view the video's,description you can turn captions on or,off you could report the video or you,can send feedback to youtube,just hitting cancel we can go back and,we can give the video a thumbs up we can,give it a thumbs down,we can view comments and leave comments,on the video we can also share it now,the button down the bottom right hand,corner will let you sample,15 seconds of audio from a video where,you are seeing this,and we'll jump into this one,specifically in just a minute now,there's also a subscribe button down the,bottom which is something that makes,these,so powerful for growing your subscribers,and if you tap on the youtube channel,name down the bottom,then you can see all the youtube shorts,that that channel has created,you can subscribe to the channel,directly on that page as well or if you,want to go over to the actual youtube,channel then you just need to select it,again,at the top now when you're viewing the,youtube shorts in the app like this they,don't show,any custom thumbnails but you can still,upload them and use them on your videos,for when they're going to be displayed,on desktop or on your youtube channel,page,now in terms of creating youtube shorts,youtube does have some shorts creation,tools that they are rolling out,some of them you might have access to,already but you don't need to be using,youtube's tools,in order to be able to create and upload,and use the shorts feature,any vertical video that is under 60,seconds can automatically be picked up,as a youtube short youtube are now even,saying that you don't need to use the,hashtag,shorts word in your titles or in your,description,for your video to be recognized as a,short but this is still something that,our youtube partner manager did,recommend that we did still use,in our titles if we weren't going to be,using the youtube creation tools so it's,not required,but it's not going to hurt to still use,it now in terms of the shorts creation,tools that are provided by youtube,there is a shorts camera to help you,create or record
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YouTube Shorts: Why You're Not Getting Views
YouTube Shorts: Why You're Not Getting Views
i'm gonna give you three reasons why you,might not be getting views on your,youtube shorts and i'm gonna tell you,what mr beast had to say about why he's,making shorts in landscape mode because,you're supposed to make them vertically,i had the chance to ask him directly,about what his strategy is,and he told me so make sure you stick,around to the end of the video because,i'm going to get into that so let's go,ahead and jump right into the first,reason why you might not be getting,views on your youtube shorts but be,warned that this might sting a little,bit so put on your big boy pants put on,your big girl pants or,put on your shorts and let's get into it,the audience is just not responding to,the shorts that you're uploading the,youtube algorithm,follows the audience youtube says this,directly and every single time you,upload a piece of content be it a normal,video on your channel or a,short youtube starts to test that video,out with different audiences well as,soon as you upload that short if those,audiences do not respond positively to,your short,they stop testing that out because they,get negative signals that people are not,interested,when this happens your shorts don't,surface and they don't end up in the,short shelf,and if they do end up in the short shelf,and they don't perform well there either,they get taken out of the short shelf,and then they don't surface even more so,the first reason is,people are just not responding to what,you're making but i'm going to give you,some tips on how you can improve that,to get people to watch your shorts now,youtube shorts is short form content,when it comes to short form content,if you notice all the shorts that are,successful if you look at all the tick,tock videos or instagram reels that are,successful,most of them have very fast paced,editing the hook at the beginning is,incredibly strong because you have to,pull the viewer in,immediately you have seconds to pull,them in and get them,interested so you have to make,interesting videos so be aware of your,pacing,make better edits make your hook at the,beginning of the video incredibly strong,it could be a verbal hook it could be a,visual hook whatever it is,it has to pull them in and here's,something that a lot of people are not,talking about,and that's that youtube specifically,recommends that shorts are 15 seconds,long,that's right 15 seconds long and i know,you're saying okay but i can upload a 60,second short,and yes you can even though the shorts,camera does allow you to shoot 15,seconds,that should be key but youtube also,allows you to upload up to 60 seconds,but they say even with both of those the,ideal length is,15 seconds to make sure that people,watch your short in its entirety,let me say that again youtube recommends,that your shorts are 15,seconds long so it's possible that your,shorts are entirely,way too long and people are just not,completing your shorts and that's a,negative signal to youtube so,shrink it down focus on your hook focus,on your editing focus on your pacing,and shrink that short down to a good 15,or 20 seconds,make it snappy and make it interesting,and the second reason why you might not,be getting views on your youtube shorts,is simply because you haven't given it,enough time yet some people upload,shorts and it goes directly into the,short shelf that's going to be based on,performance,some channels take days some channels,take weeks some channels even take up to,a month there's a lot of variables at,play here including,video performance so if you upload your,video and it doesn't do well out of the,gate,youtube might come back around and test,that out later with some other audiences,and there you might see a spike and some,positive signals going off to youtube,and then they might put it in the short,shelf so be patient,if we've learned nothing else as,creators on youtube it's that youtube is,a marathon it is not a sprint,and this also applies to youtube shorts,and in case you don't know the short,shelf is where all of the traffic is,if you hear people talking about they're,having explosive growth with youtube,shorts,it's because their short is ending up in,the short shelf and i talked about this,in a previous video my last video,actually and i'm going to put a link to,that down in the description as well and,at the end of this video,where i answer a lot of questions about,youtube shorts and go into this in more,detail,so make sure you check that out the next,reason why you might not be getting,views on youtube shorts and what mr,beast is doing is all kind of tied in,together,the first thing i want to mention is,that a lot of people are putting the,wrong hashtag,i see people putting hashtag short when,it's actually plural,hashtag shorts so make sure that your,hashtag is correct but i do want to,mention,that if you have a banger of a short,it's not going to matter if you have,hashtags or not because a great video,will still end up in the short shelf if,it's vertical in under 60 sec
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Continue the next seventh section about youtube run ads shorts its tiktok
Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn Money 2023 ($2.4 Million PROOF) | Make Money Online
Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn Money 2023 ($2.4 Million PROOF) | Make Money Online
in this video I'm going to show you how,you can make one thousand dollars every,single day starting January 2023. as you,can see here this channel here is,potentially making 2.4 million dollars,per month just by uploading YouTube,shorts and they're not even filming the,videos themselves and potentially,they're making here 28.3 million dollars,every single year as you can see here,YouTube shorts creators will be able to,earn share of AD Revenue starting in,2023 which is just a few days away by,this point so just a few days away from,2023 you will be able to learn money,from YouTube shorts ad Revenue just by,uploading YouTube shorts that you don't,even have to record them yourself you,don't even have to show your face and,I'm going to guide you step by step of,everything that you have to do to be,able to perform this method in 2023 and,if you're excited to learn this method,go ahead and subscribe to this Channel,right now because that's all I do here,on this channel I post three videos just,like this one here on the channel every,single week teaching you different,methods that you can use to make money,online and if you're not subscribed,you're going to miss the future videos,which is going to be a shame because,that could have been the video that,changed the game for you forever so go,ahead and subscribe right now because it,is completely free and you can always,change your mind later in the future and,don't forget to sign up for the,subscriber fund which I gave out 50,every single week here to my subscribers,all you have to do to sign up is just,scan the QR code on your screen right,now or go to the link in the description,which says subscriber fun and sign up,there after you sign up just subscribe,to the channel and you're automatically,entered to win now let's jump into the,method I want to show you exactly step,by step all you have to do to create a,YouTube shorts channel that generates,you thousands of dollars per month and,I'm going to show you exactly what,niches you need to go into and where you,need to go to get the videos basically,I'm gonna hand everything to you in a,silver platter so let's go ahead and,jump into it because now I want to show,you exactly what you're going to be,doing to find these little niches that,are highly profitable and have zero,competition so as you can see right here,if you type up hashtag words in the,YouTube search bar is going to bring you,to the YouTube shorts so right now there,are 429 million YouTube shorts in the,YouTube platform using the YouTube,hashtag shorts this is growing in,numbers by millions every single day so,it means that people are catching on but,it's still early in the game I Believe,by the end of 2024 or even next year I,believe there will be over 1 billion,videos in the short shelf so if you,actually scroll down here on this page,you're going to see that there are,little niches that people don't show,their faces there are funny videos there,are pleasurable videos so all you have,to do here is just kind of scroll down,on this page and kind of find those,videos that don't require you to show,your face now there is a special little,niche that if you type in hashtag shorts,plus funny cats so just the First videos,here on on this page are getting,millions and millions of views and we're,talking about the YouTube shorts videos,and not these long form videos here if,you click on the right you're going to,see 2.1,373k 54 million views of videos are,pulling out millions and millions of,views and as you might have imagined,this is a very easy Niche to get into,and I'm going to show you exactly how to,do it without having to film the videos,yourself and like I showed you in the,beginning of the video there's one of,these funny cat videos Panda shorts,which is this channel that you're seeing,on your screen right now they are,pulling out 2.4 million dollars per,month just by posting YouTube shorts now,this Niche here is a low CPM Niche,meaning that they will pay less for each,1000 views but when you're getting,589 million views every 30 days then you,can make up for that low CPM with,millions and millions of views which,means you're going to get paid a lot of,money and that is exactly how this,channel here is making so much money now,I'm going to show you exactly where and,how you need to go to get these videos,like these ones that you just saw right,now the funny cat videos so if you want,to head over to tick tock and you want,to search for funny cats under slash,show just like you're seeing on the,screen right now you might want to pause,the video now and copy this name this is,a tick tock page and they have millions,of millions of views in their videos as,you can see here right off the bat if,you look at their page you're going to,see that they have minions 1.7 1.5 14k,273 1.3 million views I just use the,sort The Tick Tock videos to see the,highest viewed ones and you can see here,they came right up and they have,millions and millions of views on these,vide
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