youtube starting ads shorts its tiktok

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Small Channels: Hurry... Post YouTube SHORTS ASAP!

so okay so if you're not posting YouTube,shorts by 2023 you're gonna you're just,gonna miss the boat that's why in this,video I'm going to explain why you as a,YouTube Creator should be posting,YouTube shorts and I'm gonna give you,some tips on how you can get started,right away after this video you can just,hit the ground running we'll talk about,that in a minute but I know that many of,you are still skeptical about YouTube,shorts let's just look at the facts,YouTube is winning the fight against,Tick Tock shorts just passed Tick Tock,reaching 1.5 billion active users while,Tick Tock just crossed the billion two,YouTube is going all in on shorts they,recently announced expanded monetization,options new features profit sharing for,creators in a massive music library and,if this wasn't already enough to,convince you that YouTube shorts are,here to stay and they're going somewhere,um there's some news directly from,YouTube but first let's just answer this,question why should you as a Creator,start posting YouTube shorts today day,and the truth is they're overpowered,right now YouTube shorts have insane,discoverability helping creators do in,months what used to take them years like,my friend Jenny who showed me her,Channel back in January when she had,less than 200 subscribers and look at,the graph her small YouTube channel blew,up in a matter of months just from,posting shorts the crazy part is I only,uploaded one short in September but,after my Chipotle video blew up people,went and watched my other videos and now,she's at over 70 000 subscribers and,this is just one example of many small,and big creators experiencing this rapid,growth right now YouTube shorts are like,the wild wild west wild wild west,it's late they have insane opportunity,in low competition leading to faster,growth invisibility for creators who,start now but it won't last forever as,more creators catch on to the value of,shorts and in 2023 when advertisers,start investing heavily into ads and,more creators start to turn from other,platforms to make a profit the,competition will rise and those who,start now will have the advantage all,I'm saying is once this partner program,kicks into effect on shorts I think,you're going to see a lot of big tick,tockers coming over here if you have any,interest in YouTube shorts start posting,them now for these three reasons one you,can start to benefit from the low,competition and high discoverability of,shorts two you can learn and perfect,your short strategy before competition,Rises and so your long-form videos can,get more views Yes you heard that right,this was not always the case but you,posting shorts will 100 benefit your,long form videos and we have lots of,proof YouTube creators who post long,form and short form videos are getting,more views because the algorithm is,recommending your long form videos to,viewers who watched your channel through,shorts ever since Todd announced that,recommendations now consider recent,long-form videos from the channels to,viewer watches and shorts but top,tweeted that out a few months ago and he,ended that tweet with more to come and,more Israel and more is coming tone it,down I know you're excited friends here,are two additional tweets from Todd that,hinted the future of shorts on YouTube,and why you should start today first up,a more recent tweet stating still more,Lanes under construction on the shorts,to long form Bridge don't judge the,traffic flow you're seeing today as the,ultimate potential of this path so this,first tweet is already telling us that,YouTube has plans to strengthen the,bridge between short form and long-form,videos so if you're posting both and,you're getting some views on your shorts,you're gonna get some more views on your,long-form videos but he also made,another tweet that I it's just juicy,check this out when Gary the everyday,dad tweeted here's what I don't get,about YouTube shorts as a strategy yes,it looks like lots of folks are getting,huge numbers and that's awesome and I'm,legitimately happy for them but it seems,like straight up vanity numbers has,anyone found the rest of their content,Rising with shorts and then Todd chimed,in stating a stronger Bridge enabling,viewers to cross from shorts to long,form is coming very soon I recommend,leaning into this feature,oh,oh oh oh,boy listen Todd for those of you who are,not familiar Todd is the guy at YouTube,who directs the team who's responsible,for search and Discovery the algorithm,that helps our content get seen and,discovered and he's saying publicly that,he would recommend that you lean into,the feature,one more what more is there to say wait,is it is there anything left to talk,about here yes okay Todd what video over,what yes sir I know Todd knows something,Todd's working they're working on things,and he just keeps hinting at oh it's,gonna happen it's coming you just wait,for it and that's why I'm making this,video because instead of you you know,trying to get yourself together w

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why i HATE!!!!!😡😡YOUTUBE SHORTS!! (& tiktok)

why i HATE!!!!!😡😡YOUTUBE SHORTS!! (& tiktok)

in youtube there's a part called shorts,so when you go on like youtube shorts on,your phone you keep like getting a bunch,of you know good videos with thousands,of views and thousands of and then,you get a low view video,yeah this is yeah this is stolen right,this is stolen let's look at this guys,this dude really posted the same thing,how many times how many times has he,posted what the hell,that's the same video that's the same,video that's the same video that's the,same video that's the same let's press,control of 600 matches they have 430 000,views from uploading the same video 600,times i found the same thing really what,is this huh,um,no no no no no no no no no no no no no,no no no no you're not no you're lying,you lie no no you know what see what we,would choose huh let's let's see it,let's see it,ah it's like in sub bait is this guy,even real is this like a this is this is,from tick tock night no yeah that's,that's a tick tock oh my god this sly, let me pull this up hold on,oh my god this dude is actually genius,hold on,hold the phone so youtube made this,shorts fun right to make people uh make,to allow people to make money off shorts,because normally shorts do not make,injections in terms of money because you,do not get ads on those okay you don't,get ads one of the guidelines to be able,to receive money from these shorts is,channels uploading videos with,watermarks or logos from third-party,social media platforms aka tik tok will,be ineligible not eligible right they,cropped the tick tock sidebar,they cropped it out the video,it's still like plainly ticked off,because only tick tock has these kinds,of subtitles but they cropped it,that's genius,look at this guy's stats on social blade,yeah zika yeah sure thing my name is,he's named just like a virus but,what there's no stats for this guy just,started uploading that's,this makes me mad dude what the how,does youtube just let this happen man,this is another type of tiktok content,that's just absolutely despicable right,you just go on youtube right you look up,cartoons predict predicting the future,you know what let's just go directly to,the simpsons bit right oh my god look,guys the simpsons you know what i'm,gonna put in front guys look cartoons,that predicted the future part one of,two because i need to make double the,money this is not my video but no one,cares on tick tock it's such ass it's,actually such ass dude the dude brings,nothing to the video i'm mad i'm so mad,what cartoon chara guys this is what,cartoon characters would look like in,real life,this stuff does not breed innovation at,all it's just people taking other,people's content and like doing other,people's skits yeah look look that's,actual compilation right there's like,this this okay this isn't even the,original but like let's let's assume it,is right we should look at this,compilation it's just the same thing,people are just making the same joke,tick tock does not breed innovation or,like new stuff that's seen elsewhere it,just reads repetitive and the fact,that tick tock has these sound system,the system of sounds where like when you,make a dick dog you have a sound other,people can use that sound that people,can search up tick tocks depending on,that sound that literally like,promotes this kind of thing you know,what i suck at minecraft right can i not,look for shorts,no,no no no no no no no oh no no,this okay no no come on no no no no what,is this,what is this bro,bro bro look at the like the the,the,the border the one pixel border you put,in photoshop,you put this on the program stop ,pretending minecraft image to um,schematic wow,that's so crazy wow i can just put an,image in there that's so crazy dude yeah,there we go look wow oh i finished,building it look at my masterpiece i am,michelangelo the the mag the turtle what,among,person would look in minecraft,wow at the same time you know uh any of,these people could go to my content and,okay you know what you know what what,the hell is this oh my god he made three,videos with w on it he must be milking,it minecraft but minecraft bud minecraft,bud minecraft butt this dude has no,ideas whatsoever what the hell objection,of chopped up my ass what the hell he,shouldn't be on this platform,there's a whole world of low view,minecraft youtube shorts that are just,completely nonsensical like this one,the dude didn't even break the crafting,table it just ends like that chickens,still look like minecraft chickens,fellas,ladies and gentlemen ladies and,gentlemen this is a minecraft video with,zero view,we're the first people to ever see this,ever,wow he killed two he killed two,pillagers this is so crazy,i love,minecraft rtx gameplay yeah let's see,let's see rtx,gameplay's gameplay salman gaming no no,this is our chick's gameplay bro this,dude just uploaded an entire minecraft,let's play episode in 30 second ,shorts he's placing bets,let's see if he continues placing beds,and he continues placing beds in this,video this dude straight

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YouTube Shorts: The COMPLETE Guide!

YouTube Shorts: The COMPLETE Guide!

youtube shorts are a new tick-tock-like,short video format on,youtube and they're a powerful tool to,help you grow your youtube channel,and engage with your audience so in this,video we're going to run through,everything you need to know from how to,make and upload youtube shorts,to monetization options and useful apps,to help you boost your results,and a ton of tips and tricks to get more,views hey it's justin brown here from,primal video where we help you grow an,audience and scale your revenue with,online video if you're seeing value in,this video make sure you're giving it a,thumbs up,it really makes a huge difference and,all the links to everything i mentioned,in this video,you can find linked in the description,box below so youtube shorts are very,similar to tick-tock videos,they are short vertical videos they need,to be less than 60 seconds,they need to be vertical or square,horizontal videos won't work,and videos that are longer than 60,seconds aren't going to work either now,for youtube these are a totally,different style of content and,engagement to your regular videos these,are much lower commitment for your,viewers they're going to be much faster,for them to consume and to watch on the,go now while shorts are optimized for,viewing on mobile devices they are still,accessible and viewable on desktops and,tvs as well,and there's also no requirements to,start creating and uploading shorts,you can do it on a brand new channel,from day one so to start off with we'll,look at how to view and how to use,youtube shorts,and how to upload this new youtube,shorts format,versus your regular youtube content then,we'll dive into how monetization works,and some simple apps and strategies to,easily maximize your engagement,views and subscribers and if you're,someone who's already been playing,around with shorts,let me know how are you finding them has,it been an effective strategy for,growing your channel,let me know down in the comments what's,working for you okay so to find and view,youtube shorts you want to open up the,mobile app and you want to scroll down,to the shorts section on the main screen,and you can see here that it says,shorts beta as we scroll across you can,see all the different shorts here,that it is suggesting for me and even,directly on youtube channel pages where,they have that feature enabled now this,is something that as it's all still so,new,youtube is still building this out and,it will likely change and they'll likely,refine this over time,some people might even be seeing right,now a dedicated shorts button down the,bottom of the app,taking them to a dedicated area just for,youtube shorts now when you select one,they'll auto play on loop until you,swipe up to move on to the next one,and then swiping up and down will let,you move back and forth between them now,in terms of interaction features for,your viewers in the top there you've got,three little dots if you press on that,then you can view the video's,description you can turn captions on or,off you could report the video or you,can send feedback to youtube,just hitting cancel we can go back and,we can give the video a thumbs up we can,give it a thumbs down,we can view comments and leave comments,on the video we can also share it now,the button down the bottom right hand,corner will let you sample,15 seconds of audio from a video where,you are seeing this,and we'll jump into this one,specifically in just a minute now,there's also a subscribe button down the,bottom which is something that makes,these,so powerful for growing your subscribers,and if you tap on the youtube channel,name down the bottom,then you can see all the youtube shorts,that that channel has created,you can subscribe to the channel,directly on that page as well or if you,want to go over to the actual youtube,channel then you just need to select it,again,at the top now when you're viewing the,youtube shorts in the app like this they,don't show,any custom thumbnails but you can still,upload them and use them on your videos,for when they're going to be displayed,on desktop or on your youtube channel,page,now in terms of creating youtube shorts,youtube does have some shorts creation,tools that they are rolling out,some of them you might have access to,already but you don't need to be using,youtube's tools,in order to be able to create and upload,and use the shorts feature,any vertical video that is under 60,seconds can automatically be picked up,as a youtube short youtube are now even,saying that you don't need to use the,hashtag,shorts word in your titles or in your,description,for your video to be recognized as a,short but this is still something that,our youtube partner manager did,recommend that we did still use,in our titles if we weren't going to be,using the youtube creation tools so it's,not required,but it's not going to hurt to still use,it now in terms of the shorts creation,tools that are provided by youtube,there is a shorts camera to help you,create or record

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Why I Eat Doritos For Breakfast

Why I Eat Doritos For Breakfast

foreign,I have a slightly complicated,relationship with breakfast,I can hate American breakfast breakfast,breakfast breakfast,to the first meal of the day breakfast,breakfast breakfast,a couple years ago I made several videos,condemning American breakfast for being,too sweet and then proceeded to tell you,about how cultured I was because I,discovered other breakfast traditions,and integrated them into my life in,order to stop hating breakfast and it,worked but one thing I failed to mention,during all of this breakfast commentary,is that,I ate Doritos for breakfast,like all the time,yes I eat them with chopsticks for,obvious reasons,see my fingers,squeaky clean,wait I gotta tell you something really,quick um I made a video about China and,the United States and their economic War,over microchips it's really insane that,video is live right now you can go watch,it on nebula in fact you can watch every,one of my videos a week early and it,costs you just over one US dollar a,month using a hack that I will explain,at the end of the video for now let's,just keep swimming in a sea of Doritos,but no I'm serious this is a real thing,one of Nick's jobs our studio manager is,to make sure that there are Doritos,always stocked in the studio and to be,honest he does an excellent job you like,your job Nick I love my job I love your,job dude,Nick has another part of his job that's,slightly related I'm now realizing I'll,tell you about that later I was recently,at a wedding in Canada getting slightly,Rowdy and during the party I had a,conversation with my friend Becky I was,telling her about how much I love,Doritos and especially for breakfast the,first thing Becky did is tell me how,much better Canadian chips are,especially Canadian Doritos she promised,that she would send me Canadian Doritos,and indeed she did oh yes we have,Doritos from Canada and we have,Chopsticks thank you Becky but then she,also asked me why the breakfast snob,over here who's like condemning all,things American breakfast eats Doritos,for the first meal of the day but it,turns out there's an answer to this one,that required a little bit of research,some expert interviews and a,conversation with the internet's best,food science explainer and this is just,me spitballing and I'm not a scientist I,just play one on the internet the answer,to this is yet another stop on my long,strange journey of trying to understand,breakfast and its connection to human,evolution and ancient traditions and,perhaps most importantly today's economy,where we live in a world where literal,scientists sit around and engineer food,so that we can't get enough of it try,Doritos they taste as good as they,crunch he's in a better place now it's,corn tomato onions and spices,um,oh my God look at this,oh yes dear Johnny hope you like cheese,P.S congrats again on the Emmy,thanks Becky,today we've got zesty cheese,oh my God it's like nacho cheese with a,kick oh yeah this is good,they're extra salty too the Cornerstone,of any nutritious breakfast this is,amazing Canada kills it with chips okay,let's get this started,I think first we need to talk about,Doritos,Cool Ranch flavor Doritos brand tortilla,chips one heck of a crunch,this is a Dorito,it is a triangle of mashed up corn that,is baked fried and coated with a magical,cheesy powder,this orange dust is a mix of garlic,Romano cheese and cheddar cheese we got,a total of 25 different ingredients on,here and in the case of Cool Ranch no,other chip tastes like cool ranch it's,basically the same ingredients like cool,ranch has a couple of things that I,can't really pronounce here like sodium,acetate disodium,inocinate inocinate disodium,guanylate and crucially both of these,bags plus Becky's Canadian flavor,contain a magic powder called monosodium,glutamate a mysterious thing that I,think is at the center of why I love,this so much and why I want it for,breakfast,Hmm,this is really delicious,this magic ingredient was invented in,Japan 100 or so years ago when this,Japanese chemist was supposedly trying,to figure out why his wife's soup tasted,so damn good he did a bunch of Science,and realized that it was this strip of,kelp which is basically like seaweed but,technically it's not seaweed it's kelp,this was the key ingredient he saw his,wife put this strip of kelp in boiling,water at the beginning of soup making,and then taking it out and whatever,happened during that short time made all,the difference wait a minute this same,thing happens every Monday in my studio,oh it smells good in here Nick what you,making miso soup from you so Monday so,Monday every Monday we have miso soup in,this office because like Doritos miso is,a very important part of my morning yeah,it makes the whole week good it really,does start now with the Japanese cow,from Hokkaido I bought it at my local,Japanese Market Hana Japanese Market,love you guys and what do you do with it,you put it in there like well it's hot,rolling boil for like 20 minutes,take it out as that es

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How to Resize Videos for YouTube Shorts (Convert Horizontal to Vertical Video)

How to Resize Videos for YouTube Shorts (Convert Horizontal to Vertical Video)

hey guys this is jack with kapwing and today  i'm going to show you guys how to repurpose  ,your video for youtube shorts youtube has finally  responded to the rise of tiktok with their new  ,feature called shorts which is pretty much just  tiktok on youtube that's pretty much what it is  ,if you're a modern creator online it's important  to try and market yourself using every tool  ,available to you because you never know it's going  to stick today i'm going to show you how to turn  ,your horizontal videos into vertical video so you  can get the most impressions on your content that  ,you've already made we have another video on  our channel all about creating and uploading to  ,youtube shorts even for those without early access  to the official feature so make sure to check that  ,out by clicking right here but today i'm going to  show you how to do this with horizontal content  ,before we start make sure to click that  subscribe button and join an online community  ,of awesome modern creators also it'll help you  keep up with online trends and tutorials and more  ,so shorts is a new feature on youtube that anyone  can use right now shorts are videos that are in  ,the 9x16 vertical aspect ratio and they have to be  under 60 seconds and then they just have to have  ,hashtag short in the description or the title  simple as that you could shoot a video in the  ,vertical format and then you're all set you don't  need me right now but for those of you who have  ,um horizontal video that maybe you want to  repurpose and possibly get more impressions  ,on through another medium then shorts is a great  place to do that and you can do it with kapwing  ,so i'm going to show you how to do that today all  right hi guys so the first thing you're going to  ,want to do is click the link in the description  and head to where i am right now it's  ,a free and easy tool to edit videos you're going  to want to make sure to sign in as well because if  ,you don't you're going to have a point watermark  when you export the video um so just make sure to  ,sign in it is free okay so once you get to your  workspace you're just going to add new content  ,and you can either paste in a youtube video that  you want to reformat or you can upload i'm going  ,to upload okay so as you can see my video is  uploading right now um you can still edit it  ,while it is uploading so the first thing you're  going to want to do is split the clip wherever  ,your subject sort of changes parts in the frame  so as you can see here i'm pretty much centered  ,but then when i'm over here i'm on the right and  then when i'm over here i'm on the left so yeah  ,every time you have a change you're going to want  to split the clip so i'm going to split it right  ,here you can split by right clicking and clicking  split or you can also just click like the s button  ,on your keyboard and then you can just go ahead  and delete that okay cool so now my video has  ,the splits in all the right spot so then what you  want to do is go to the canvas section up here  ,if you don't see the canvas section you're likely  highlighting a video when you highlight or click a  ,video it instead has the edit button um as the  first button but if you click off of the video  ,just sort of up here or down here it will have  the canvas button so the standard horizontal  ,format is 16x9 you're going to want to choose 9x16  so as you can see not everything is in the frame  ,and that is because in my video the subject  moves around so again just make sure that  ,when your subject moves you make a split so if the  crop just isn't quite right you're going to click  ,the edit tab and then you're going to click the  crop button and then again you're going to choose  ,9 by 16 as the aspect ratio and then you can move  your crop like this you can also of course zoom in  ,and out i'm going to move it right about here and  then all you have to do is drag it out to the edge  ,once again and then you have your crop and then  i'm just going to do this again for this one of  ,course this one's pretty out of frame so again i'm  going to click 9x16 and i'm just going to drag it  ,over to this side of the frame and once again pull  the edges and then one more time on the final clip  ,i'm just going to click 9x16 again and move it  over here and then once again resize to the frame  ,okay great so when you play the video now your  subject should be in frame the entire time and  ,it looks like it in fact is and then when you're  done you can just click the export video button  ,i'm going to export as an mp4 and then your video  is going to process and export okay and then your  ,video will be ready to download you can just click  download if you're happy with it of course you can  ,keep editing it if you are wanting to make more  edits and then you can of course share as well  ,so now i have downloaded the video here it is  and then if you want to upload it to youtube  ,shorts you're just go

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How to Make a YouTube Short - Complete Beginner Guide

How to Make a YouTube Short - Complete Beginner Guide

here's a short answer forgive the pun,anybody can make a youtube short,right now you could start a youtube,channel today,not have any subscribers or views as,long as the video is made in a vertical,format and it's less than 60 seconds,long,and it does not matter what device you,use it does not matter,how you upload it it does not matter,even if you include hashtag shorts,in the title or the description it,qualifies as a,youtube short whether it appears on,youtube as a short video,is an entirely different question and,now,for the long answer,so i'm making this video because some of,you are still a little confused about,how,youtube shots work and that's okay i,don't blame you,youtube still aren't doing a very good,job of communicating shorts,so vid iq is stepping in to help out now,the one thing i will stress before we go,into this,is that everything is correct as of time,of recording at the end of 2020,because in 2021 youtube shots may look a,lot,different and this is why that's because,most of us are still waiting to get our,hands on this button in the youtube,mobile app,this will allow creators to make 15,second videos with a multi-segment,camera,music speed controls and more basically,it's a tick-tock camera,for a tick-tock video platform on,youtube but as of time of recording this,feature is currently only available in,certain countries,such as india and here is the irony,i've been talking about youtube short,for months,and i still don't have access to the,tool on,my mobile app which is why i'm creating,them everywhere and,anywhere apart from on the app but it,could all change in the future,it may be that at some point in 2021,everybody has to create youtube shots,from the mobile app that is to be,determined,and i'll let you know all about that in,the future if it does change so,to clarify if you currently don't have,this button,this is how you can make a youtube short,put very simply there are no,minimum creator requirements you don't,need any views or,subscribers you could create a channel,today and make a youtube short,how do we know this well we created a,brand new,short channel started making shorts and,they are being viewed on youtube,as shorts what do we mean by a shorts,view,well as promised we turned the intro to,this video into a,short video but if we watch the video,through the,normal youtube player you can see that,we can swipe down to see the comments,and other suggested videos,this would be a normal youtube view,however if we watch this same video as a,short video as seen here in the featured,section of the channel,the player controls change of it now,when we swipe,up the next short video plays instead of,seeing comments and suggested videos,and so on and so on this is classed as a,short view in traffic sources and has,significance,when we start to talk about monetization,next up you can,create edit and upload your videos using,any device how do we know this well i,made the intro to this video,using this camera editing it with this,program,and uploading it through a desktop,computer to youtube,and it is classified as a youtube short,yes you can make videos on a,mobile device and upload them as normal,videos to youtube,basically it doesn't matter how you make,the video,it just needs to meet these two,requirements,the video must be less than 60 seconds,in length to play it safe,make it no longer than 58 seconds also,to play it safe,make it longer than at least five,seconds,secondly the video must be a square to,vertical,format so this would be a square format,video let's say the resolution is 1080,by 1080.,if it is a pixel wider than it is taller,than the video won't be classed as a,youtube short now this is a,vertical video most people will record,in vertical video because they're,basically using their mobile phone,in portrait mode if you go any thinner,than this then it may not be considered,a youtube shot,and to be honest it just looks ugly on,screen and is not worth doing,how do we know all of this well we did a,massive test,on the aspect ratio of youtube shots you,can watch it,over here and finally you can include,hashtag shorts in the video title or,description,but it is optional there is some,confusion here because,youtube customer support seems to imply,that this is,mandatory whereas a creator who is very,close to the internal youtube teams,has suggested in a facebook post that,hashtag shorts,has no bearing on its discoverability on,the platform,and is for internal youtube tracking,only what i can tell you is that we've,uploaded videos as,short but not included hashtag shots and,they're still identified as shots wow,that's a lot of shorts in one sentence,on the other hand we have seen one,channel that included hashtag shots in,every single video title and they've got,half a billion views,in three months for the full story on,that one check out the video,over here okay once you've uploaded your,video how do you know whether it,qualifies as a youtube short,well in the desktop youtube st

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TikTok vs. Instagram Reels vs. YouTube Shorts: Who Will Win the Short-Video Race? | WSJ

TikTok vs. Instagram Reels vs. YouTube Shorts: Who Will Win the Short-Video Race? | WSJ

(upbeat music),- Short-form video has become,the latest battleground in social media,,and the three big players?,TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.,- In the next few years,it will be billions of dollars being poured,into these platforms,,trying to increase their reach,,trying to increase the value for advertisers.,- So let's compare them and see,which one is winning over users so far,and which one might come out on top.,TikTok was the first of the three to burst onto the scene,,but before TikTok there was Vine,,a popular short video service offered by Twitter.,(people cheer),- Vine was one of the first short video platforms,to really grab the attention of young creators.,After Twitter discontinued Vine in 2017,,it created a big gap in the market,that was prime for TikTok to exploit.,- TikTok enjoyed rapid growth,in places like the US and India,,and by February 2019,the app had been downloaded more than a billion times,on Apple iOS and Android,according to app analytics site Sensor Tower.,But in 2020, the narrative started to change.,- America and other countries went into lockdown,because of the coronavirus,,people started spending more time on TikTok,,and all of a sudden it seemed like,the scrutiny on TikTok also increased.,- President Donald Trump voiced concern,over the possibility that user data on TikTok,could be shared with the Chinese government,through the app's parent company ByteDance.,- We're looking at TikTok, we may be banning TikTok.,- He launched a lengthy back and forth,with TikTok and its Chinese parent ByteDance,that never really reached resolution during his presidency,but had a really huge destabilizing effect,on the app's position in the US.,- At the time, TikTok officials said,that user data was held in servers in the US and Singapore,and wouldn't be shared.,In June 2020, India decided to ban TikTok.,- That's important because it presented a gap,for rivals like Facebook and Google's YouTube,to try to offer their own products in the market.,- And sure enough, in late 2020,,Facebook and YouTube launched,their own short video services.,Snapchat also entered the mix with Spotlight,which offers a daily pool of more than one million dollars,to users who create the most entertaining Snaps.,- Instagram and YouTube already had large built-in audiences,and TikTok had primed people to want,this kind of short-form video.,When Instagram and YouTube started rolling out,their own services,,they took off pretty quickly.,- Meta hasn't said how many monthly users,interact with Reels,,but Instagram passed,two billion monthly active users last year,,and in its April earnings call,Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said,,"Reels already makes up more than 20% of the time,"that people spend on Instagram.",- Google said in June,that more than 1.5 billion people,watch YouTube Shorts every month.,TikTok said in September the app had drawn,more than one billion monthly users.,Third party estimates have shown that number,as high as 1.6 billion monthly users.,The short video craze also inspired Pinterest,to create Watch last year,,where users can scroll through short videos and pictures.,Netflix launched a feature called Fast Laughs,that serves up short clips from Netflix shows.,And even Twitter said in December,that it was testing out an updated Explore tab,to allow users to scroll through short-form video tweets.,So with all these options,,which platform is the most popular among users?,- TikTok certainly seems like is still in the lead.,- If you look at the user data,from digital intelligence company SimilarWeb,,people say they're spending more time on TikTok,than on the Instagram app or YouTube platform.,- With that being said,,Reels and Shorts are gaining very quickly.,- In a June survey,by data platform company Inmar Intelligence,,44% of people picked TikTok,as their preferred short-form video service,,followed by 29% for YouTube Shorts,and 20% for Instagram Reels.,Another measure of success for these platforms?,Advertising revenue. - TikTok seems to be,the farthest along in turning on advertising on the service.,This year, they're projected to make about $12 billion,in advertising revenue,,up from $4 billion last year.,- TikTok partners,with e-commerce platforms like Shopify,to help businesses advertise directly,through their Shopify dashboards.,And earlier this year,,in an effort to attract more advertisers,,TikTok enabled first and third party cookies,on top of its existing tools.,- YouTube Shorts only recently started,allowing ads on the service.,Reels is also more immature,turning on ads on the service.,- But they're quickly catching up.,Their parent companies, Google and Meta,,are two of the largest online advertising companies,in the world.,- It's a fairly safe assumption,that they're putting a lot of effort,behind getting digital ads on these services,and making that a bigger part,of their growth story for the future.,- Second place is still a close battle,,but it appears that Shorts is gainin

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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER

in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit

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