add a dispute tag to shopify when a stripe order has been disputed

Stripe Dispute okay guys sometimes you will get an,email like this that I'll send you,there's been a


Updated on Mar 26,2023

Stripe Dispute

The above is a brief introduction to add a dispute tag to shopify when a stripe order has been disputed

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add a dispute tag to shopify when a stripe order has been disputed catalogs

Stripe Dispute

okay guys sometimes you will get an,email like this that I'll send you,there's been a dispute on the stripe,account normally this happens when,parents don't realize who or time,athletics is or maybe it says something,like Whelan horik LLC on their report so,you first will click and respond okay,and I pull up and when you when you get,into your free account you'll say you'll,see this needs attention you need to,respond to it you want to submit the,evidence okay that this person did,register this is not fraudulent so the,first thing is I do is I come down here,and I see who it is this is your email,address and this is what they register,for the st. John's basketball camp so,immediately I'm gonna email this person,and say hey Catherine I'm sure this is,mistake but we got a notice from your,bank saying that this is a fraud account,this is for Ben to participate in the,st. John's basketball camp so much first,send that email the second is I am going,to dispute it and I'm gonna go into that,person's account okay so I'm gonna look,them up here he is okay and what I like,to do is once I'm in here I like to just,print this entire page and print really,I hit the print button but I save it as,a PDF,oops I'm gonna highlight all the,information that I want which is all,this save as just this alright so,they're gonna see this I'm gonna save it,I'll save to my desktop as a PDF,okay so then once I'm over here okay I'm,gonna submit the evidence okay so if you,see here offline registration,this is for the st. John's basketball,camp customer email address I already,copied and saved it their customer,signature so then I'm gonna just put in,everything I'm gonna put this file in a,couple times there's the file I put in,here here is oops here is the receipt,again same file lit but I just did,communication I'm do the same thing so,they're gonna get three times on the,date of service the program itself is,June 24th service June 24th I'm gonna,put that in there again,so basically four times and this,information this family registered their,son Ben I'm going to Smith Gibbons okay,you see all the checks and we've already,done it I just confused it but that's,what you do again it's pretty simple but,you should do this over time and then,you want to stay on top of this person,you will get a notification whether or,not whether or not it is approved or not,approved from your bank or from stripe,and I'll keep you up to date on that

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