add slideshow to inner page shopify

How To Add Slideshow To Any Page on Shopify (Free Tutorial 2023) hello there everybody if you want t

Tech Express

Updated on Mar 12,2023

How To Add Slideshow To Any Page on Shopify (Free Tutorial 2023)

The above is a brief introduction to add slideshow to inner page shopify

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add slideshow to inner page shopify catalogs

How To Add Slideshow To Any Page on Shopify (Free Tutorial 2023)

hello there everybody if you want to add,some slideshows into your Shopify store,you are in the right place so let's,begin let's jump right into it alright,so first of all guys I'm going to leave,you a link Down Below in the description,so you can get your Shopify store,already uh created and then you can have,up to three months of Shopify for only,one month when you sign up for a basic,or a started plan that's more than,enough right so uh first of all guys if,you want to add a slideshow I can show,and suggest you that once you have your,store already created you want to add,some product and what we do here is to,add a new product real quick so you can,see how we can do this I'm gonna get,into add a product I'm going to choose,you to add a name let's say for example,um sample number two right here's,description I'm gonna head into example,number two and real quick I'm just gonna,head into a custom price,and here's the inventory I'm going to,get into safe so once we have our third,product already added I'm going to hit,back into my store now whoopsy Daisy I,just need to change this for example,number three so we can have some,variation with our product so now that,we have here a product we want to add a,slideshow of what we have to offer here,into Shopify so there's two ways that we,can do this the first way which is,actually like really really simple,is to use an application uh speaking,about the sales channel the Shopify App,Store this is really great this is a,really amazing feature Shopify so if you,want to add email buttons uh printful,print of them product reviews here are,the stores where we can do those things,without having to move one freaking,finger so in here what I want to do is,to import my keyword so let's say slide,show here we go so in here is going to,be appearing a lot of options so as you,can see we have a showgiven landing page,we have product page slider and gallery,here are the covered Instagram feeding,reviews so you want to find ad,application that appears to be free plan,available because we don't want to pay,for this application right so here what,you want to do is to hit into ad,application,and once that is done it's going to be,asking to to make the access into our,store and to edit our storage we want to,install the application real quick and,after we successfully done that's going,to be asking for what products you want,to add into our slider so here you want,to go into the quick start guide,configuration your description I want to,go into the menu option,and in here what I wanted to do,I'm going to hit enter check if your,theme is supported go to configuration,and here's our configuration option so,this is like the vme preview of how it's,going to be looking our slide show right,so what we want to do is to enable the,slider into our store so we can see how,it's going to be looking so we're going,to be doing here is to open the link of,my store so as you can see we don't have,actually anything already created but,what I want to do is to see if my,slideshow has been added successfully so,as you can see it hasn't been added yet,so what I'm going to be doing here is to,go into bullets,and here you're going to be choosing,thumbs Lodge like this and I can,configure a few colors like this I can,select a few custom colors I'm going to,be having some extra features and as you,can see there are a few options that are,paid options selected to show you so,that's the reason why you want to have,an application that don't charges you,absolutely anything for that so I want,to see which was the option that we,selected with they need to have actually,a,um a payment option right so once I have,that I just need to go into open Life,preview and review if everything it's,okay if you are willing to pay for an,application to help you with an amazing,uh slideshow that you can go into the,upgrade and then you are good to go some,applications actually they do have the,free option all the premium subscription,already,added from Shopify premium plants so you,might want to look into all those plants,but if you actually don't want to pay,for anything I will get back into my,online store this is the second way that,we can do this actually it's really easy,as well I just show you here now the,application of Shopify are really easy,to find and customize but here I'm going,to be choosing customize of my own store,and then what I want to do as you can,see we have the home page section and,here's the catalog and the contact so I,want to go into the page where I want to,add the slideshow as you can see here's,the Cadillac so here into the catalog I,have my product I have a product grid I,have a collection Banner and I have a,footer right so I want to add here my,slideshow of only one product so I'm,going to go into add section,and hit your key your keyword,that would be slide show here it is,theme section slideshow,so as you can see here is tell you Brand,Story through images we have the bottom,label and here you have an image slide,so if you want to add a specific image,you can just upload that I'm going to be,just choosing this option just to see,how it's going to be looking as an,example here's all the information that,I need to provide here in the back,section and here is another image slide,so once again I'm going to add another,image,step favorite let's say that I want to,add all right so now we have already,added our images you can just customize,your own stuff your heading your heading,size the subheading the button label uh,let's say for example shop and into the,image slide let's say Cyber Monday in,the subhead I'm gonna hit into up to,seven percent discount all right so now,that I have all of that what I want to,choose is the color scheme I can go into,inverse here into save,and we are actually good to go now if I,wanted to add something else some other,image slide I can add that in here,and after I add all my slide section,what I want to do,is to go into save and get into the,preview option so I can see how it's,going to be looking my collection,section with my images slide so I'm,going to be hitting into,this option so I can preview my store as,a mobile so here I have this products,and here's my slide here as you can see,this is the button alright so it's kind,of looking really great I think we can,customize uh a little bit better the,seconds option but the first one,actually looks too professional so there,you have it guys it's just a matter to,customize your own store but it was,really easy whether you want to choose,an app store all you want to do this,manually inside the editor of Shopify so,hopefully you guys it was a very useful,video for you don't forget to like And,subscribe to this channel if you want to,see more tips and tricks about this,Shopify uh thanks thank you so much for,watching this video and I will see you,guys in the next one

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