best shopify theme for wholesale

Best Shopify Theme for Large Stores & Wholesale Capabilities so in this video I am super excited to,

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Feb 11,2023

Best Shopify Theme for Large Stores & Wholesale Capabilities

The above is a brief introduction to best shopify theme for wholesale

Let's move on to the first section of best shopify theme for wholesale

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best shopify theme for wholesale catalogs

Best Shopify Theme for Large Stores & Wholesale Capabilities

so in this video I am super excited to,share with you a brand new Shopify theme,that is really dedicated to stores with,a large amount of products or stores,that are doing wholesale options as well,as retail options on their Shopify store,so stay tuned and we're going to check,out this new a theme hi if you're new,here my name is Elle McCann and I have,been a Shopify expert for over 6 years,now so I get this question a lot of what,to do if your store has a huge amount of,products and it's kind of confusing in,terms of just organizing and also it's a,good user experience or how do you do,wholesale when you are using Shopify a,lot of these options aren't really built,into Shopify and while they can handle a,huge amount of collections and products,actually putting into your Shopify store,know all the themes actually really work,with that and it can get really,confusing for your customers and just,not a good user experience which of,course could hurt your conversion rate,so one of my favorite Shopify theme,developers is pixel union and they just,released a brand new theme called,superstore as well as an app that goes,along with it as well called wholesale,club so we're gonna hop into my screen,now and I'm going to show you both the,theme and the app that work great,together,so let's check it out so this is the,pixel union website and you can just go,to pixel Union dotnet or click the link,in the description below to view the,site they have a lot of different,Shopify themes so if we click in themes,here at the top you can see a list of,all of them and as we scroll down this,page you can see all of the different,themes that they have available there,really so many different styles so many,different types of stores for example,this one is great for one product or,doing like a Kickstarter launch and they,have a lot of different styles how you,want your site to look but I real,wanted to highlight their new theme,which is this superstore theme so if we,click you superstorm but what's great,about it is it is really built out for,large catalog stores as well as,wholesale stores so they have a couple,apps as well and those apps one of the,big ones is for wholesale so that app,actually ties in seamlessly to this,theme so they have two different styles,if you see here they have a fashion one,and a tech of course you can make it be,whatever you want so if we hit to view,this demo we can then see it here so,again as you're looking at this you can,see just how much it's catered to very,large catalog stores so so many people,have asked about you know how do you,manage a store that has a thousand,products and make it to where it's still,a very user friendly experience and,people can get in to the products that,they are wanting to view and you're not,overwhelming them and so I think this,store design does a really great job of,breaking it out to where it's still,really nicely designed and there's,really cool functionality like Twitter,feeds and of course it is very much,responsive and it looks great on mobile,devices but it's still going to be a,good experience for your customers so if,we click here for the menu you can see,that they have a ton of different this,is their example store but they have a,ton of different collections of,different types of products that you can,see so if we come in now two cameras and,you can see how those pages are laid out,so again a lot of cool functionality of,filtering which is really crucial for a,large catalog store of making it to,where people can very quickly say okay I,just want to see the red color cameras,boom it's just one and now they can see,either the options and choose it,straight from there and Add to Cart or,they can click in to the individual,product page where they have more,capabilities of seeing the products,you have reviews enabled for this store,as well so if you had reviews you would,have those show up so this is a,beautiful theme that is not only just,really nicely designed but it's also,really thought through of how to manage,a lot of products in one store and to,make it user friendly but what's really,great about it is that it goes directly,with their wholesale app so if we come,in back to their store now and we click,on apps and their wholesale again they,have a lot of different apps here that,are really nicely done however their,wholesale Club app if we click in and,check on it this app makes it really,easy to have one store for both your,retail purchases as well as wholesale,customers as well now if you were on the,Shopify Plus plan you would be able to,have wholesale functionality to your,site however I know that a lot of my,audience here on YouTube is not Shopify,plus customers and you have been looking,for a way that you can have wholesale on,your site while still having retail from,the same side as well so you're not,having to do two separate Shopify stores,which is kind of a lot to manage so what,their app does is it lets you have,wholesale discounts and member-only,pricing so for example you can see here,that the product was originally $42 and,now it's 21 so that's a 50% discount for,wholesale customers but what's great is,no one that is just a regular consumer,would be able to see this discounted,pricing only whenever they set up a,wholesale account and you approve them,through this app would they then be able,to see the wholesale pricing and again,they just log into your store it's a,normally would and then they would,instantly see this wholesale pricing so,it makes it really easy to have,wholesale and retail customers all in,one store and it works really nicely,together so that you can also make sure,that you have order minimums for a,wholesale account so they have to order,one hundred and fifty dollars worth or,whatever it is to be able to get that,wholesale pricing so I really highly,recommend,checking out this wholesale Club app if,you're wanting to do wholesale pricing,on your store and also take a look at,their new superstore theme as well I'm,gonna put links in the description below,to both of those but I highly recommend,checking these out if you were looking,at doing wholesale options on your store,or if you're looking for a new way to,really showcase all the different,products and categories that you have on,your Shopify store okay so I hope you,enjoyed that video so let me know what,you think in the comments below what do,you think about the new superstore theme,design as well as the wholesale club app,how many products do you have on your,store and are you going to be needing or,already using wholesale functionality,for your Shopify store I would love to,know so make sure to comment below and,tell us a little bit more about you also,I'm going to put a link in the,description below so you can check out,the theme and the app and again just,linking that below so it's easy for you,to go in and check out on your own if,you haven't yet make sure to subscribe,to get more videos like this all about,Shopify and how to grow your online,store also check out some new videos,over here as well as our traffic,blueprint guide that you can download on,our website

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