what's going on guys welcome to the bit,branding channel today i'm going to show,you,how to spy on shopify stores including,one,chrome extension that a lot of people,don't know about but it's going to help,you out a lot,now before we get started i just want to,say welcome to everyone new again my,name is christian pinon one of the,co-founders here at bit branding we have,been helping frustrated store owners,2015,becoming packed full store owners,through tutorials tactics strategies,uh so if you want to support our channel,make sure that you hit that subscribe,button,and turn on those bell notifications,all right with that out of the way let's,get started first things first,right you have to figure out who is your,competition out there right,one of the tactics that we've used in,the past is use,google for that in google you can do,something like,site semi or site colon my shopify what,are these,um oh my gosh what are these,these things type in the keyword for,your store,so in this example i typed in dog right,and it gave me all kind of shopify,stores that have the word,dog attached to it again this is not,gonna work for every single thing but,it's gonna give you a pretty good idea,of some of the stores in shopify for,sure that are going to be on shopify,that have the word dog as part of it so,one that i saw earlier was this one,beds or the foggy dog look look at that,they have,really nice dog beds megan is gonna love,this story let me tell you,and so it's piper that's my dog it's a,little silver lab,she's crazy adorable all right so,anyways,this store as you can see is a shopify,store and we can tell that because,they have um every shopify store has,that unique url which is,whatever the name of it.myshopify.com so,that's all we're doing here we're,basically telling google hey google,give us every site that has that,myshopify.com,with the word dog in there so it's going,to give you has,quite a few results actually does it,give you 500 000 results,500 000 results,so that gives you an idea of how many,shopify stores are out there with the,name,dog in it and there's probably a lot,more that just have maybe the word pet,so just keep that in mind you can use a,lot of different keywords,and you can easily find a lot of of your,competition,right depending on what you're selling,you just change the keyword boom,results all right the next best thing,that you can do,um again these are kind of like shopify,like me kind of hacker,hacker so what we can do here is find,out the best sellers,and by doing that i'm actually i have,this store right here,it's called huel it's like fuel but with,an,h i actually use them i love their,shakes,uh this is free promo for for heel so,shout out to heal,make my muscles grow so with this what,you can do is,you can i'm gonna just go to youtube so,i can grab this,we're gonna have this in the description,of this video,but you just go to the url and then you,paste that,you're basically saying give me the,collections all your collections all,your products,and sort them by best seller so what,that's going to do is going to depending,on the store actually,warning warning doesn't work on all the,stores but it works on i would say,majority of the stores,where it will give you the price all the,all their products,in order of best selling which is,pretty cool when it comes to spying on,your competition,figuring out what they're doing figuring,out what are going to be their best,sellers,right so if you're looking for maybe a,couple products to sell,maybe one of these things like a fidget,little thing,you want to figure out if maybe i don't,know you figured out some of the,competition out there,and you want to figure out if this,particular product is selling well then,sort by bestsellers use that little,thing on the url,and you'll be able to kind of see what,are their best sellers and make a,decision,based off of that let's do the same,thing with this doggy store i just want,to see,if it also works with them so if it,doesn't work,this is going to give you a maybe an,error message,or it's just going to come up blank,so there we go actually the number one,actually has the tag already that says,bestseller,so we didn't have to even use that for,this particular store but there you have,it they have all their products,sorted by best sellers and a lot of,times you'll see that,some of the best sellers are going to be,their gift cards that's kind of fun too,so that may tell you that you may need,to offer gift cards for your store,who knows we'll see all right you also,want to stick around to the end of this,video because i'm going to show you,that google chrome extension,that does almost all this work for you,with just a click of a button,all right this next one is actually,pretty cool and it works with,not just shopify but any store so all,you have to do is enter the url,and it will give you tons of information,so let's go with it,it's called builtwith.com so let's go,with,the foggy dog my copy,foggy.foggy.orgy.com,go to buildwith.com i want to paste that,look up and there you have it,amazing results a couple things that you,can see here,is analytics and tracking you can see,that they're using google analytics,you can see that they're using clovillo,clavio is that how you say that,you um i'm guessing that's for email,they're using facebook pixel,google global site tag they're all using,a couple widgets for pinterest and,judge me some kind of statistics or,analytics,ecommerce obviously shopify we already,knew that from our search,now pretty cool thing here you can,actually see some of,the plugins or apps that they're using,so cross-sell for shopify,rice.ai so,there's a couple of things in here that,are built in shopify so,shopify discounts for example that's,probably going to show up on every,shopify store,but looking at like cross-sell and then,rice.ai those things are going to be,very informational for you,if you're wanting to know what kind of,apps your competition is using there's a,lot of different information in here,that you can use if you have you know,maybe,a different store beside shopify but the,main thing is going to be the apps the,analytics that you're using and then,payment profiles as well so you can see,here that they're using after pay,using paypal mo amazon payments and,obviously all the other,regular cards so this gives you a lot of,really good information,and uh yeah if you're spying on either,shopify stores or not shopify stores,this is the place to go now before we,jump,to that chrome extension that i've been,talking and hinting about,um i want to make sure that you watch,our latest video on,how to drive traffic to your shopify,store through tick tock it's amazing,if you're not on tech talk you,definitely want to check it out because,it's a great,great informational video and it might,open your eyes on maybe hey maybe i,should be on tech talk maybe i should be,on tick tock,you should be in touch i should be i'll,on tick tock two yeah that should be on,time,all right let's jump to the last one so,the last one is called,drum roll please it's called coala,inspector,we're gonna do heal again and then we're,gonna go here,and then i have a bunch of extensions,call inspector there we go let us do,this thing,okay now a couple things here huge,things actually,shopify theme actually gives you the,name of the shopify theme,that they're using so in a lot of cases,they're going to be using custom themes,and they'll completely change the name,so in this instance,huel has a very custom theme so they,just called it,fuel so you really don't know they could,have worked off of,a different template or theme and just,changed the name that's very easy to do,a lot of times you'll actually see the,actual name of the theme which is really,cool,so you can actually spy and see exactly,what theme they're using,then you can also see shopify,applications which is their apps,that they're using so they're using,instant search and then,two more undetected sometimes it doesn't,give you the full story but,qual inspector is free just want to let,you know real quick and there's a paid,version as well that gives you a little,bit more information,and then also be paying attention to,these ads so these are not,necessarily installed in hewl.com,they're just ads from koala inspector,that's how they make their money from,their free version so just pay attention,to that,besides the structure of their website,products this gives you some good,product statistics,when the first product was published,when the last product was published the,number of products on their store,the highest price the lowest price the,average price it also gives you some of,the new products that they've added and,best sellers i've actually noticed that,these best sellers,are not entirely accurate from the,what we used before but you can still,use it to kind of get an idea of what,are some of their,best sellers and then some of these,other ones yeah find retailers,traffic shops the secretion plant et,cetera but yeah it gives you here,some of the information on basically,yeah their pricing tier,but if you just do the free one you can,still get a lot of information like the,theme,the apps that they're using information,about the products etc,so super super helpful um,if you're just looking at stores out,there and you just want to get a kind of,glimpse or an idea of what they're using,use koala inspector super easy to use,and it's amazing all right you guys,thank you so much for watching i want to,hear from you,if you have any other tips or tricks on,how to spy on your shopify competition,or maybe potential competition right and,again if you like this video make sure,that you hit that like button,that will help us out a lot and we'll,see you on the next video,take care bye
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