can you see what time someone edit shopify page time stamp

How to hide/show blog post author, image or time stamp in Shopify hello store owners and welcome to

Shopify How To

Updated on Mar 26,2023

How to hide/show blog post author, image or time stamp in Shopify

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How to hide/show blog post author, image or time stamp in Shopify

hello store owners and welcome to this,week video I want to show you how to do,a few changes to your blog and articles,so I just want to show you how to,quickly show or remove your your name,from it the date and also the featured,picture that you have in your blog post,so let's go right away and this is my my,current website it is just the demo it's,just an example so if we go directly to,the blog you see I have only a test here,so basically I have I have the day I,have the title I have the day to have,the image and then the text so this is,the blog section and if you go inside,your post this will be the article,section and that's how it's gonna be in,the code as well so let's go back in the,admin this is my post so you have your,title your content you have your,featured image and then the other,information so if you notice on the blog,post it doesn't show my name or or any,other name on the blog itself it only,shows the date and the title so what I,wanna do is go back in the code and,change change this to add my my name so,go back in your in your admin go to,online store you get your team's what I,do recommend you to do is always create,a backup or just a copy of your of your,current team so you can work on it or at,least have it as a backup so what I'm,gonna do is I'm gonna duplicate it,it's gonna create a copy right here you,can go right away and rename it I will,call it just dev and you can always give,it a date something like this so you,know when you created it and it'll be,useful in the future if you have a few,of them so what I'm gonna do is actually,work on this one so I don't change what,I have on on the current one so let's go,here and click on the three dots edit,HTML CSS in the templates we're gonna,open blog and we're gonna open article,so let's go for the article and an easy,way to find out where it is it's always,to just select something right click and,do inspect so you can do inspect and,then Firefox and in Chrome and in Safari,all of the browsers gonna be able to do,it so what I'm looking here is just for,for a class so this will do section,header so you can copy this go back in,your code to a control F or command F if,you're on a Mac and you're gonna be able,to do a search and it's right here,so I know I have here my title then I'm,gonna have my my time so I have time,settings blog or enable okay so the,issue right here is I should have looked,before but I didn't so in the settings,in this theme I have I have an option to,to turn on and off the author name so,let me go ahead and activate that lets,open customize,so block page show blog post utter so,let me save it and just refresh to see,if we see it here,and I won't say it because I need I was,working on a different one so let me you,should click preview here and then you,will be able to see it let's go back to,blog so it will show it in the blog and,in the article also so let's assume,let's go back to my article let's assume,that you you do have it and you don't,have the option in in your settings to,turn it off or on let's just go back the,the the simple way the simple way to do,it is you just need to use this code so,article author and you can paste it,winner wherever you want so let's just,let's copy this and let's copy and,remove this and then let's add it just,above you can just use a simple,paragraph code this and we close it so,what I wanted to do is post it by and,then you put your author liquid comment,right here so let's save it and refresh,and we have it right here so that's how,you play with the author of the of the,blog obviously you will want to modify,it also in in the blog and in the main,blog where you have all the articles,because here is just say is the name so,depends what you want to do with that if,not you have all the room here to do it,let's just go back to how it was,just going back okay,so let's assume you still have you you,you have the option or for whatever,reason what I do recommend you to do is,if you want to hide something maybe just,comment it out so in the future if you,change your my mind if you want to know,what what you did which remove it would,be best if it's commented out so you can,reuse it so the proper way to comment is,like this comment I like also to give a,little bit of explanation of what I'm,doing so I'm Robert and removing okay,and then you need to close it so to,close it you just need to specify and,come in and and this should so let's,click Save and it's refreshing it okay,and the small issue is that we forgot,the dot here so it looks weird so let's,make sure we comment the dot also like,this save refreshes and now it's it's,gone let's assume now you want to to,hide the date let's do the same idea so,the date is right here before removing,it and why would you want to remove it,in my opinion is maybe you don't post,this that often so you don't want this,Lee to show the month the date all of,that know that you have the option to to,show maybe just the year or month and,year if you do choose to I'm gonna put a,link in the description that's gonna,refer you to this page where you have,additional filters,the date so in this case you can just,show and we're gonna try it out maybe,just want to show the month without the,date or maybe you wanna show just the,year so let's try this one you see it's,it's a percentage here and a capital B,so if we go back here let's let's remove,the date let's remove the date and here,I'm gonna remove it to show exactly as,it is over here and what I want to do,actually is I want to write it with just,add the month the complete month name,and then and then the year so let's save,it and see if this works,yes so you have month of September which,but it could be for for today or for,past few days of what everybody's gonna,show you the month and the year then you,can also go a step further and remove,the month so we can just show that the,year so in 2016 or hide it completely,and then we're gonna do the same thing,as we did before way with the comment so,just copy this,sorry just copy the comment and we're,gonna cut we're gonna we need to close,it so let's copy the end of comment also,let's save it and see how it looks so,this is what we wanted no date no name,obviously make sure you do it on,everywhere on the blog or even on the,home page you can see here on the side I,still have the date and in the blog,section itself because this is with,doing only the article section you're,still gonna have the date and the name,so you're gonna need to go in here and,do exactly the same thing again we're,modifying here the article liquid file,you will need to do the same for blog,liquid or even on the home page or even,on as you can see here I even have it on,the footer so maybe it in your case you,have it in the footer also but it's the,same logic as the same coding you you,need to do exactly the same thing and,the last thing I want to do on on the,article itself because we have a,featured image in in my blog post let me,just show you so I did set a featured,image and the same way that it's shown,the featured image in the footer or on,the blog page itself I want to show it,just before the content so let's go back,to our article and what I wanna do is,where you're looking for content so we,had we had here the the date we had our,author we also have some meta tags here,some tags from the from the article if,the article was was tagged and then,after that we have the content so,content is what,is inside your your description here,your contact so we want to put the,featured image right before that and the,code for that give me two seconds so,let's take a look at in an in blog,section because I know we have it there,so you have here you have your title you,have the time author tags same thing and,then you have right here just before the,content or or the excerpt we have the,image so let's take exactly the same,thing escape okay so yes we can copy,exactly this basically what it's doing,is if the article has an image it's,gonna show an image so what we wanna do,we want to post it just before or,article content it's also assigning an,image alt which is the title so that's,that's great and the only thing I'm,concerned here is that maybe the image,will be too too big and the linkage to,the article URL so that's good okay,sounds good so let's save it and see,what it looks like okay so this is what,it looks like it's good for now and you,can you can live it like this you can,Center it you can make it bigger you can,make it smaller you can you can play,with it so that's really up to you the,link it's useless because we are ready,on on the page we are ready on the,article so in this case it doesn't it,doesn't change much for us so we can,just remove this,and there's no link anymore because,that's it we're really on the article,but if you do put it in and in the,footer or on the home page or in the,product then yes live live that the link,so basically all you have to do is is,use this code here I'm gonna post it in,the description just to make sure you,you do have it so if you have any,questions please let me know in the,comments below,you also have their my information my,email Skype LinkedIn Twitter Instagram,everything it's there so don't be shy,ask me your questions also please,subscribe to the channel I'm releasing,videos like this one each week so like,that you will be sure to not miss any of,them also take a look I have how-to,class for you to learn CSS and learn how,to design your your store and if you,also need my help for full website,analyze please let me know I offer this,service that's it again for this week,hope you enjoyed it and see you next,week

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