can't get right category when creating a shopify product to be sold on amazong

Create CUSTOM PRODUCT OPTIONS on Shopify 2.0 Dawn Theme - Without the App for FREE bonjour bonjour s

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 26,2023

Create CUSTOM PRODUCT OPTIONS on Shopify 2.0 Dawn Theme - Without the App for FREE

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can't get right category when creating a shopify product to be sold on amazong catalogs

Create CUSTOM PRODUCT OPTIONS on Shopify 2.0 Dawn Theme - Without the App for FREE

bonjour bonjour so in this video i'm,going to show you how you can add your,own custom options to a shopify product,page to any shopify product page it's,pretty simple we already made a video,about this but it was for the debut team,so now we're making an updated video for,the dawn team and actually with this,video i partnered with hey carson they,specialize in small jobs just like this,so if you have any issues reach out to,them they'll do it for a small fee and,they kind of help me with the code here,because that was running short in time,so anyway let's just jump straight into,it all right so we are on our back end,here and the first thing we're going to,do is we're going to go to online store,and themes obviously because that's what,we will be modifying i still have my,debut team live here but i have a,updated copy of the dawn team because,you know i'm i'm jigging with it it's 20,22. you need to get that dawn team okay,so the first thing we're going to do we,are going to duplicate this,the reason why is we're going to be,playing inside the code and if you make,an error inside of it you can't really,revert it or it's pretty hard well if,you have a duplicate version you just,delete the version where you have an,error on i still see in the comments,people that skip this step and you're in,big trouble when that happens,so make sure to do a copy that way you,can mess up the copy as much as you want,while this is loading it's important to,know that i actually partnered with hey,carson for this video they specialize in,small jobs which we don't do at our,agency and so if you're running into any,issues you can reach out to them and for,a small fee they will actually help you,set up your product options if for some,reason this wouldn't work you can also,ask comments um ask in the comments,below ask comments in the comments below,just ask in the comments below and you,know,maybe other shopify people will help you,out or if i have some time i'll be glad,to answer any questions this is taking,longer than i expected you'll find the,entire code and the link down below so,in case you just don't want to you know,type you can just go to the link down,below okay so once we have that,duplicate we are going to go to,customize and we are going to create a,second product template the reason is,you know you might not want your,customer product options to be on every,single product page,your necklace that you're selling might,have custom engravers so you need those,custom product options on there but you,know the shoes that you sell don't so,you want to keep that on the regular,template that you currently have,and with don we can actually just create,a template directly in the customizer,which is kind of kind of cool so in,order to create that new template we're,just gonna go to the home page right,here,and we're gonna go to products and then,there's going to be an option to create,a new template and we're gonna name this,custom,custom that way we have um our custom,template it also asks us hey what,template do you want to base this on we,only have one current product template,so it's going to be the default,if you have multiple with different,designs or layouts you can choose the,one that fits you best so we're going to,create that template,all right now we have to modify the code,for that template okay so we're going to,go back now and,pop up up we're going to click on,actions on the same where we just,duplicated it and we're going to go to,edit code,so now becomes the real coding again if,you don't want to type along just link,in the description below has the exact,code we're going to type in products,right here,and it's going to be main product,section this is where we're going to add,our code once you have that open you are,going to look for your product form now,what is the product form and let me see,if i can show it to you the product form,is that little,you know area right here um let me show,you this is the product form you know,it's technically a form because there is,a submit button we call it a buy now,button in e-commerce but this is a,product form and we want to add our,product options the custom options that,you're going to code we want to add them,somewhere in here so we got to find this,section on um you know in the code for,that we do control find,and we type in form uh command find and,then f control find on windows it is not,that form that we want okay so we're,looking for form and it is actually,right here in the updated version as you,know line 419 i think in the previous,down version it was line four five uh it,really changes if you made any,customization it can be a completely,different line but what it basically,says is here it's the form with the,product id so this is the section we are,looking for so between the definition of,form and the input we're gonna you know,create a couple of spaces as you know,spacing doesn't matter so the next step,would be to show the actual custom you,know code section where you require your,client's input now again you don't want,to show this on every single page so we,have to give the code a way to say well,which template are we currently looking,at that's why we're going to write an if,statement that says well if it is the,template called custom template which we,created a little bit earlier in this,video then show the custom codes that we,will create if not just ignore this,section and keep going because there,doesn't need to be any custom code so i,have already written this and well,actually the team at a carson has,already written this,and so i'm just going to copy and paste,it again you can find more information,about that down below and if you're,stuck they do it for you for a small fee,and they're really good at it okay just,one quick note again this says if the,product dash template suffix is equal to,and in the code it might say i might,already have changed it but it says,customizable this is the title of how we,named our new template a little bit,earlier now i named it custom you,remember if you go back into this video,we created a new template and i called,it custom you can see it here by the way,if you had called it custom product,that's absolutely awesome then you have,to write here between the brackets,custom product that's absolutely awesome,so this is the name of your template and,then of course we close our if,statements with an end if,good procedure is to save and then the,next step would be to actually have the,code for the customizer so you know do,you want a form do you want a button,that's kind of up to you and for that,we're going to go to the link again in,the description down below,and you can kind of set your decide what,you want so i want a text short i want a,text long you know i want them to write,their initials i want them to write a,love letter that i can print on a on a,t-shirt i don't know i want radio,buttons i want a drop down selection or,i want a check box those are kind of,your options,and you can you know name your form,fields you can do the options because i,did radio buttons so i can do blue,red and green like that,with a comma,and i can decide whether or not this is,required for checkout yes or no that's,kind of up to you,sure let's make it required and whatever,you choose whatever combination you,choose here you're going to see that,right here it generates a specific piece,of code and that's the piece of code,that we need so i'm going to copy this,right here,and obviously put it in our code now,back in the code you're going to realize,that as i said earlier we are checking,whether or not the name of the template,that code is currently loading is called,custom and if it is,then we're not really doing anything,it's just blank and we just say well if,it is ends the if and if it's not,and the if as well so the code that we,have just gotten right here we need to,add that and we need to add that between,our if statement so i'm going to paste,that,right here boom,now i personally like to,climb it there we go so now it basically,says well okay we're going to load the,product page and while you're loading,the product page check if the name of,the product template is equal to custom,if it is equal to custom yes,then show all of this code,and if it's not then just ignore all of,this and keep doing your thing okay now,i personally like to comment my code,codes for,custom products,options,this is to me just good practice in case,another developer walks in here because,i got hit by a bus they know,exactly what this,is,and they don't have to try to figure out,okay well what is really happening here,this is absolutely completely optional,anything that's grayed out doesn't,really matter in code the the browser or,whoever com whatever compiles the code,just completely ignores it um so you can,do that if you want you don't have to,save there you go although i strongly,recommend having clean code and that's,it now it works there is just two little,things left that you might be like well,if i look at a preview andrew it still,doesn't work let's see here,still doesn't work i don't see my radio,buttons well that's for two reasons,reason number one is i didn't assign any,products to this template yet so,um we're in the blue silk tuxedo,sounds nice blue silk tuxedo,these are the standard options by,shopify that you can just massively load,i don't i don't sell blue silk,mosquitoes um tuskedos,and right here i can choose my product,template,now,where is my product template i just,saved it and it's it's it's not here the,reason why is because my down team is,not live yet so we have to go back to,online store,it's still on the debut team so let's,change that this is the team we added,all of the code on this is our backup in,case we messed it up but let's take the,one we added all of our code on we're,going to do a publish,it's going to ask if we're sure to,publish yes we sure because we have our,backup team and worst case hey carson,can help us out,um and then we're going to refresh here,and it's still not going to show up,but,if i'm going to go to products why is it,not showing up because it's still you,know,linked to the default templates but if i,go to project products right here now if,i click on this button there should be,two options the regular option and the,custom option,and there is,i save that,uh i,refresh this because this is the live,theme and look at that,your name is blue red or green i could,have probably changed this,to a more appropriate field instead of,your name but you get the point again if,you have any questions make sure to,leave it down in the comments down below,and if you see any comments that you can,help please make sure to help out,another shopify store owner if you're,like no this needs to be answered right,away don't reach out to me because i,can't really help you with this reach,out to hey carson they specialize in,small jobs we don't specialize in small,jobs we do side speed optimization,and that's it make sure to like and,subscribe to this channel and i'll see,you in another video ciao

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