All everyone,Christian here.,Did you know you can create,customer segments,in Shopify?,So you wanted to send,an email,to your VIP customers,,those who spend,at least $300 with you.,Now you can do that,and much more.,So what are our customer,segments?,This is a somewhat,of a new feature,for Shopify.,But now you can,group customers,who have,similar characteristics,into these customer,segments.,So let's jump,into the editor,and see how we can create,our first segment.,The editor is designed,to help you easily,create these segments,,and as you add components,to your customer segment,,you are provided,with a list,of available,filters,,operators and values,that you can use,So I have this,Shopify Health,Center page pulled up,just so you can kind,of visualize this.,So as you can see here,,the filter name, email,underscore or subscription,underscore status,that's going to,that's number,one is going to be the,the filter,name number,to the operator.,And this particular case,is going to be,the equal sign.,And then number three,,the value is going to,be equal subscribers.,So that means that,the email subscription,status of this,particular customer,segment needs to be,or equals subscribed.,So that's how,this particular customer,segment is composed.,So you have,a lot of different options,,a lot of different things,that you can do,with these,three components.,And you can also create,just different,filter names,based on custom,meter fields,that you've created.,Maybe a little bit,more on that,on a follow up video,on just creating,really custom,,really cool stuff.,And just so you can kind of,see some of the,the ideas,here, you can also combine,different filters,or different components.,So in this,particular scenario,,they have,the email subscription,side of equal subscribers,and the number of orders,is greater than,greater or equal than five.,So again,,there's a lot,of different things,that you can do,and the and is called,a connector as well.,So the possibilities,here are basically endless.,Hey, now before we move,on, it's going to save you.,Many of those by name,is Christian Opinion.,One of the co-founders here,at that branding,,or an e-commerce,growth agency,that specializes in helping,clothing stores,grow and scale,profitably online.,We drop new videos,every week,if you're enjoying,this video.,So far,and some of,the previous videos,that we've made,,please consider subscribing,and turning,on notifications later on.,So let's actually go in now,and create,some segments in here.,I think what we want to do,is we're going to create,just three,different segments.,We're going to make,a VIP customers,for a customer,who spend,at least 300 hours with us.,We're going,to do a customers,who are likely,to spend,more at your store.,And then we're going,to do a segment,of customers,in a specific state.,Let's say Texas,,for example,,the top end over here.,So all I've done here,from the dashboard,,just click on customers.,And here you'll see,the sort of editor,when it comes,to the customer segments.,And all you have to do,is just click on it,and it's it starts,giving you,the parameters, right?,So the first one,that we want to do,is the VIP customers,who have spent,at least $300 with us.,So let's go,and look at amount spent,and then we want to do,greater than and here,we put the 300.,So there we have it.,Amount spent greater,than $300.,We're going to save,the segment segment name.,We're going to do VIP,and we're going to call it,300 save.,And then as you can see,in the very top left,hand corner,,you can see the VIP 300.,You can also click,on some other ones,that have,already been created.,And obviously you can view,all customer service.,Let's go to our customers.,And then for this,next one,,we're going to do customers,who are likely to spend,more at your store.,For this one,,we're going to click,on here,and then click on,the predicted spend tier.,And then we're going to do,equals high.,So this apply that filter.,And all we're saying,here is,these customers,are highly,predicted to spend more,with us.,This is probably based,on their shopping,how much money,they're actually spent,,etc..,Again,,now we can see like,11% of the customer,base is on this high,predicted spent tier.,We're going to,save that segment,and the customers,predicted spend more.,Click save on that.,All right.,And for this last one,,we're going to do customers,in a specific state.,So for this one,,we want to do,states or provinces.,So it's,going to be customer,underscore regions,and they're,going to do contains.,And then in here,,it will give you,all the regions and states,that customers,have already purchased,from you.,So this would be,a pretty detailed list.,It just kind of weird,that it doesn't,show you in,alphabetical order.,But let's see,if we start typing.,Okay, perfect.,Yeah.,So, Texas,,if you start typing,,at least the,the name of it,,it will start,populating the correct one.,So this do apply filter.,And as we can see,here,,we have about,7% of our customer base.,Now, why would you,we want to have,a customer segment,for just Texas customers.,Let's say,we purchased this,from our vendor,the shirt,that's more Texas,pride or something.,We can actually send,email communication,just to these people,who would be interested,and you know,,more of a geolocation,type products.,Let's do the safe segment,and we're going to do,customers in Texas.,And you can combine,some of the ones,that we've just made.,You can do,VIP customers,who are in Texas,or we have customers,who are,in these particular states.,Doing things,like this will help,you and will enable you,to create better,email campaigns,for your customers.,Now, something I do,want to mention,is that after you,create these new customers,who match,that criteria,are automatically added,to that particular segment.,So, for example,,for our VIP customers,,once they reach,that $300 threshold,,they will be,added to that list,automatically.,So if a single,customer matches,that criteria of,VIP customer,and the Texas,one that we just created,,then they will also,be included in both list.,Just,we have them,a separate list.,So if they match those,,they will be,just added,to each one of them.,So on the other hand,,if a customer,no longer matches,that criteria,,then they would be,automatically removed,from that segment too.,Hey, so we're talking,a lot about customer,data segments.,We're actually,using a tool called Travel,Well for all of our clients,and group coaching members.,And this allows us,to see lifetime,value of a customer,at 36 in 90 days,or markets added about,as the estimated action,of customers.,Very similar,to some of the things,that we're talking,about here.,Imagine being able,to send out emails,or more than just emails,like we're doing here,,run ad campaign,to customers,who are likely to buy,from you,a second or third time,and knowing,when to send these,marketing messages.,Super, super powerful,,a little bit more powerful,than what,we're working with here.,Chipotle centralizes,these metrics,from all the tools you,so Shopify,,Facebook, Instagram,and TikTok,ads right into your pocket.,They simplify it, inform,and save you time.,Make sure to,check out the link,in the description below.,Now how to actually,use these segments,after you've created them.,The Shopify,email app is used to send,email marketing campaigns,to customers,in a selected segment.,So if you don't have,the Shopify email,app installed,,then you're prompted,to actually install it,for the first time,if you attempt,to send an email campaign,through Shopify.,So let me show you,how that looks right now.,So if we are right now,,we have the customers,in Texas segment,selected technically.,So what we can do is,we can just email segment.,So when we click on that,,as you can see,,we don't have Shopify,email,installed necessarily.,But I will tell you here,that you get,10,000 free emails,per month,plus $1 per 1000,additional emails.,Now, if you don't want,to use Shopify,email and let's say,you already have,a platform in an app,,maybe like MailChimp,or Klaviyo,,then you can do something,like export,that segment as a CSV,file,,you can export the segment,,upload it to Klaviyo,and send that list.,So super easy.,Just rather than here,when you click on,email segment,,you have the opportunity,to do the export,right here.,Now you can also have the,export button,right over here.,And as you can see,,we have right now,,because we have customers,in Texas selected,,it gives us the opportunity,to just do that particular,customer segment,and you can do either,to help me file or Excel,or a plain CSB file,,which is,a slight difference.,So you might want to,check on,to your email provider,or their MailChimp,Klaviyo on,what is it,that they accept is a,copy for itself,or is it a plain,CSB file in order,to make sure that you match,those records,and you're able,to send,some of the same campaigns.,Again,,these are not necessarily,the automated campaigns,that you would like,,but these are going to be,maybe like those,one off campaigns.,Like I said,,you just maybe,have a lot of,,you know,,maybe Texas teachers,or something,and you're trying to,send it over,to people who live in Texas,who spent this,amount of money.,Then you can do that,with customer segments.,Now, we've kind of,just scratched the surface,when it comes,to customer segments,,if you like to see a part,to one customer segments,and just diving,a little bit deeper,into the,multiple components,and maybe driving,a little bit deeper,into how to do the,the actual emails,through Shopify email,,then let us know,in the comments below,and we'll see,you on the next one.
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