do you want more buyers on amazon and do,you want to create a mini website on,amazon then in this video i'm going to,show you one simple hack or one simple,thing that can actually drive more sales,increase your order value and also,literally get you a website on amazon,that is correct hi my name is will and i,help amazon brands and sellers to grow,on amazon with my amazon advertising,agency,now you must have heard about,storefront now what is the storefront on,amazon the storefront on amazon is a,mini website that you can create on,amazon where you can display and,showcase the entire product on amazon,catalog of yours now imagine that you,have a website what does happen in the,website on a website when somebody comes,all the products are only you the only,competition is your one product versus,another product there's no other,competition that is exactly,how amazon's storefront works when,somebody comes to the storefront of your,amazon they can only see a lot and a lot,of your products now imagine one thing,if there is a customer,he is trying to buy a water bottle and,they go and click on your storefront now,instead of buying a water bottle let's,say for gym they see now hey this brand,also has a yoga mat this brand also has,different type of shakers they also have,a gym towel now what happens is the,buyer actually comes to buy one but then,he actually buys more things because now,he can see your full catalog and the,good part is there is no competition,there are no ads running on your,storefront and literally it's like free,traffic people have a higher recall,value you have a,very very big and high brand value and,customers can now literally follow you,and every time they want more products,they can literally come to your own,website now in order to create a,storefront on amazon you just need to,have a trademark and brand registry done,with amazon now just in a minute i'm,going to show you my screen and explain,you every single aspect of a storefront,and how actually you can get more and,more sales with less and less,competition from the loyal followers,using the store front,all right so let me show you exactly,what is a storefront currently you can,see right now,that this is a storefront right like,consider storefront as your mini website,now if you see and typically if you go,on amazon and you search any product on,amazon,let's say if you search for shakers,um,for gym,you will find,hundreds of products right of different,different uh brands for example this,this this all these are different,different brands right right from,uh till,every single thing right all our,different different products like signal,boster chubs muscle blaze,but if somebody comes to this,website,they can only see every single thing,from one brand so let imagine this is,your storefront or this is your website,or mini website on amazon and here you,can promote and do every single thing,that you want of any brand anything,so for example you can see they are,promoting the you know ghee right,then they are promoting mars they are,promoting supplements they're promoting,fitness,for example made for the bold people,protein powders yoga mats,then they're promoting about juice,and then you can see they have all the,organic stuff and then,they talk about their superior quality,and they also feature the deals now each,and every,thing on this page has a category so for,example,if you want if you're interested in mask,they have the entire category of all the,mask in one sub page so imagine a,website then you have a page for mask,every single product over here,is a mask,then let's say if you want you're,interested in fitness products then you,can or let's say in fitness but you're,interested in yoga mats then they would,have a separate page for let's say only,yoga mats and it will display all the,top sellers for your comment,now why is this important now this is,important first of all because,most of the buyers,uh they will end up buying more products,let's say i go on uh let's say bolt fit,you know brand,and i'm interested in this shaker and i,actually go and click on this,i will now come to their storefront,right this is the storefront,what i can do directly over here is,let's say i was only supposed to buy,let's say the bottle and it looked good,to me this product,um,this water bottle does this look good to,me i go down and i check,there are so many other products that,this guys have like for example if i'm a,person who takes the shaker that means,i'm interested in gym they have the,entire protein powder shakes they have,other bottles so what a person does is,there's a lot of,cross marketing happening so when you,click on this a customer who's only,bought one shaker he might end up buying,or trying this product as well so it,helps you to upsell and increase your,average order value i cannot stress this,enough it is an amazing amazing way to,increase your order value and it also,makes you,feel like a brand,right because not everyone has this,privilege,not everyone can make this storefront,now what are some of the things that you,need to understand when you are actually,creating,uh you know or having a storefront now,it is first of all who is eligible to,create a storefront,only,people who are brand registered and they,have a trademark,registered and they are also registered,with amazon and in the into the brand,registry profile,only they are registered so it means,that you need to do trademark as soon as,possible if you want to leverage all,these uh things right now the second,thing that you can uh why is it so,important,that you can only run sponsor brand,advertising,if you have a registered brand for,example,uh let's let's take an example over here,now let's see an example if i go on,amazon and type the your word yoga mat,when a yoga mat you know search kia you,can see this kind of a banner ad right,so let me show you i'm talking about,this banner ad that you can see over,here,and let's take for example let's say,this one this is called as yoga mat,uh which is uh actually showing as a,sponsor brand ad now you can only run,this kind of advertisement if your brand,is registered now see the way it is uh,you know promoted first of all there are,only one product like with one placement,there are four products that different,people are targeting with this ad or you,can show at least two of your product,and when somebody clicks over here,it will actually,take you,to this kind of a store like directly,with one click they can take you to,their website and when you come to their,website you can buy so many things let's,say you were only interested in yoga mat,but now you are not only going to buy,yoga mat you can actually go and buy,other other things right you can go to,the storefront you can buy knee pads you,can buy gym towels you can buy,so many other stuff so so you can see so,much of real estate over here and then,when you click on view collection so,when you click on the view collection,you will actually be taken to this,product and then you can just click add,to cart so first of all you cannot run,ads when you don't have sponsor brands,and with one click you can actually take,them to the entire product range that,you have let us try another one and,let's see with,uh,let's see with another brand let's save,it,let's say,water,you know let's say water,bottle,all right let's say click on that and,let's see what happens now so when we,click on the word water bottle,you will see,uh,a new sponsor branded can you see this,is the new sponsored brand ad and what i,can do is like somebody clicks over here,directly,you can see where they will go,so i'm clicking on this,and you can see they directly are taking,to their mini website,now instead of buying one product they,can buy this they can buy this they can,buy this they can shop like water,bottles are good but let's say they want,to shop,for tea and coffee,they can go with this they want drinking,items they can grow,now another benefit with this is,actually that they also,create a lot of brand value right uh,this storefront which is a website brand,like people who come over here the,customers they will always remember your,brand and they will always know the,range and the products that you have,that you maybe you have not identified,uh in the amazon search results,now how do you create a storefront it's,simple uh first of all you can just go,to stores you can go to manage stores,all right and let's say i do it,when you go over here you can actually,go and let's say you can uh create any,other templates you can use any of the,templates that they have,they have like hundreds of templates,right let's say we use this template,okay,and then you can start constructing,right these are all drop and drag,so you can shift this image to your,image you can rename all the titles and,you can just create,uh a new storefront right from scratch,right so all you need to do is you need,to go down and you can do it,another benefit that you can see with,the sponsored,brand is that people can now follow your,brand can you see this let me just,highlight this button because it's very,very important,your your brand can actually be,unknown and people can actually follow,when they actually follow any anything,that you do on amazon they will get,notification if you add new products,they will get notified so they can just,like instagram you can actually click on,the follow button and they can actually,be your loyal customers so this actually,helps you really become a brand,i hope this video has been very valuable,for you and you must have understood why,we are using,our sponsored,brand ads to drive more sales to our,storefront so storefront on amazon is,very very important and this is one of,the competitive advantage that you will,have over everyone else who is not brand,registered and people who do not have,the storefront and they don't understand,like how to use the storefront now in,the coming weeks or if i get a lot of,comments i will be creating a new video,which shows you how to analyze and,understand how much sales you're getting,organically just by visitors coming on,this store front all right that's it,from now and i'll see you again later,bye,you
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