facebook setup a retargeting to shopify shopping cart to show product

Facebook Ads using Dynamic Retargeting with Shopify for 2022 hey guys josh here hope you're doing,we

Nifto Digital

Updated on Mar 16,2023

Facebook Ads using Dynamic Retargeting with Shopify for 2022

The above is a brief introduction to facebook setup a retargeting to shopify shopping cart to show product

Let's move on to the first section of facebook setup a retargeting to shopify shopping cart to show product

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facebook setup a retargeting to shopify shopping cart to show product catalogs

Facebook Ads using Dynamic Retargeting with Shopify for 2022

hey guys josh here hope you're doing,well hey i've had a whole bunch of,people ask me this week about facebook,retargeting ads,how they work and how you can use them,uh to bring more traffic back,to your shopify store or e-commerce,store so,i decided let's make a little tutorial,i'll show you how you can set up,facebook retargeting ads for your,shopify store,a couple of the processes in this has,changed recently so i'd go through,work out exactly how to do it again and,then,and then do a walk through and show you,how to do it so,stay tuned for the video i'm going to,really quickly show you,what we end up what we ended up with,with the ads,so if you have a look here we've got our,advertisement now this is obviously a,mobile news feed,example what it would look like on,facebook so we've got the page that,we're from,we've got the uh the top heading here,we've got the main,heading here for the uh ad um and then,we've got a little sublime we've got the,website that we're looking at this isn't,the websites just for the example,and then we've got a shop now button and,a picture of the product now this is,specifically for,if you have um just say you've had,someone,come to your store through an ad or from,somewhere else they've had a look at a,product,um or and slash or they've actually,added this product,to their cart and then they leave the,leave the uh,the website because they got a phone,call they got distracted um you know,they decided that it wasn't quite for,them right at that very moment they,needed to have to think about it so,um what this does is get this specific,ad in front of them if i had looked at,this specific,green shoe let's get this green shoe in,front of them so,how this ad works is we've got don't,forget the product,name so we've automatically put the,product name in there,the rest of it is just static text we've,obviously,imported that image so the image is,there of the product,um in the in the headline down the,bottom here we've got was,and then we've got the um the compare,price from shopify,and the normal price from shopify,as well then we've got another little,tagline that we've just added in there,but this will be displayed just to,people that have specifically looked at,or added this particular,product to their cart so this is super,super powerful because we're just,spending money,on people that have shown intent that,have shown that they're actually,interested in this particular product,and that means that we're going to get a,lot more conversions from this campaign,it's not going to cost as much because,we're only having a look at a small,audience of people,and your return of investment from these,ads is going to be one of the best,return of investments,uh from pretty much any of the marketing,channels and methods,that you will have in your ecommerce,life,so um let's have a look let's dive in,i've recorded the video,let's jump in right now awesome hey guys,i'm just going to cut in,really quickly and i did record this,video a couple of days ago and in,editing i have done a bit more research,understanding properly what the ios,14 updates that are coming up are going,to do as well as what is going to be,happening,in the next 12 to 18 months with a lot,of the other,web browsers that people use so,basically things like third-party,cookies,are going to be blocked by default,people are going to have to opt,in to cross-app tracking on,ios devices soon and as we know iphones,are one of the most popular phone,devices and phones are one of the most,popular,you know in terms of ratio to desktops,and tablets,so this is a good majority of the,traffic that people get so,basically um i'm not going to get too,too complicated with it but,there is a setting i do go i do mention,it a little bit further on in this video,but i just want to highlight exactly,what you need to do um so let's quickly,jump into here,so this is if i bring it up on my screen,so this is the customer data sharing now,what will happen,this is all about your ads tracking and,making sure,that you're actually attributing sales,that have come from,facebook ads to those specific ads and,those campaigns,so what we really want to do is have,maximum it's actually really important,to have,maximum here if we did standard or,enhanced,all it will um it will track conversions,based on the facebook pixel that you put,on your website,however that can be blocked by things,like as i said,third party um cookie blocking which,safari has,blo actually blocks that by default,natively so that's all apple devices,as well as if anyone has ad blockers on,there you know firefox or chrome or,something like that which a lot of,people do,this will actually stop facebook from,being able to know,that this person that they sent to your,website actually made a purchase,um so what this maximum does is it,actually uses,the facebook's conversion api so what,that does is if someone purchases,something on your shopify store,it'll get their con you know their,contact information that they've,obviously provided to you like their,email address and,and phone number and name and that type,of thing it'll allow you to,automatically send it back to facebook,and said hey,you know carol here purchased uh this,product from me,did you send carol to my website and,they said yes,you know carol actually clicked clicked,your ad you know two days ago,and uh you know that aligns up great,awesome um,that you know carol actually did make a,sale let's make sure that we mark that,in facebook ads manager that way you do,get an accurate reading on your return,of investment and your results,now things are going to change in the,next 12 months we're not 100 sure,exactly,what it's going to look like but as you,know facebook ads has changed,significantly over the last couple of,months so,this is the system that facebook has put,in place to make stuff work,so that when ios makes the changes this,is going to give us the best opportunity,to make sure that all of the metrics,that we're looking at,and we're making decisions on in our,business are as accurate as possible so,just wanted to put this in here let's,get on with the video and show you how,to create your awesome dynamic,retargeting ads,all right so let's have a look we have,got our,store here josh's store of greatness,we've got a couple of products here,we've got a couple of nike shoes here,got a couple t-shirts now this,particular one here,uh does have some variants so it comes,in gray,my favorite color black or it's more,like a charcoal,and blue so this one has a couple of,variants,um it's good to note that just for later,on when we have a look at how we can,deal with variants but,what we're going to do is connect our,store,with facebook get everything connected,that'll be the first part of this video,and then the second part,will jump into facebook ads manager and,will be able to import,the catalog feed and we'll be able to,create these awesome dynamic ads,that are going to be super relevant to,where people's kind of journey,is uh in their customer experience and,customer journey and purchasing,from your store cool so let's dive in,and have a look,cool so the first thing that we're going,to do is go to online store,um we're going to go to preferences this,is again this is just a brand new store,that i've set up just for this,example so there's literally nothing on,it except for a couple of products,so let's scroll down we're going to go,to facebook pixel so again online store,preferences,facebook pixel set up facebook now this,is,um one of the changes that has come in,more recently where,there's actually this um facebook shop,app which connects you properly with,facebook and instagram so you can link,your,um products to instagram and to a,facebook store,as well as send a um a catalog,feed straight to uh facebook ads manager,and their new commerce manager,so that you can then use those products,so the first thing we're going to do is,accept all of these,facebook wants access to uh all these,different elements of the store so we're,just going to,hit ok there then we're going to,uh connect oops connect our accounts,uh here we go so into my facebook,account here,then we need to choose a facebook,manager so a business manager account so,if you don't have a business manager,account set up you will need to do that,i'm not going to go,through that in this video but i will,see if i can find a guide that i can,link,and you can find out how you can set up,a business manager account,so we're going to select this one here,from there we're going to choose a,specific ad account that we're going to,create,or not create but actually connect to so,we've created,this one for this example,next we're going to choose the facebook,page that we're going to have associated,with this store,for this example when it loads,uh we're going to go with the nifto,digital one here,oh okay so something weird happened i,just had to refresh the page,basically we just selected the facebook,page,this next step the data sharing here it,actually skipped,it automatically selected enhanced and,it automatically created,a facebook ads pixel for us,if you want to use a different pixel if,you've used this before and you want to,use a different pixel you can just,disconnect and then reconnect to the,pixel that you've already got,with the data sharing i'm actually going,to select maximum,so this is basically the amount of data,that uh shopify will share with facebook,um uh in terms of trying to,identify the people that are on your,store,so that we can give them the most,customized experience that is suitable,for them,in our facebook ads it also helps with,um things like tracking conversions and,a couple of other bits and pieces so for,this example we're going to go maximum,it'll share the most amount of data,possible,between those two um one thing that you,will have to do is probably update your,privacy policy,i believe yeah there's a guide just here,that will,that might be able to give you some,information on exactly what you need to,put in your,privacy policy but that is just one of,the things that you need to do,so we've done the data sharing element,we are happy with this we're going to go,maximum we're going to hit confirm,we're then going to choose the uh target,country we're going to choose australia,and we're going to click,accept terms and conditions and we're,going to,finish up,we'll take a couple of seconds here,awesome so now we're all connected cool,so the first thing that we want to do,is uh start the facebook shop setup so,we're going to click this here,we're going to choose it's going to,bring this up we're going to choose our,facebook,commerce account now if you don't have,an account what we're going to do is hit,replace replace,we're just going to start this from,scratch uh,because i already had a commerce account,this is uh,not a step that you'll probably have to,take,but this would be just creating our,facebook commerce account,we're going to review the terms hit,accept,don't know why it's going kind of off,screen there but we're doing that,it's going to go through everything,we're going to hit okay,and we should be good,to go right so now we've got our,facebook,shop here we've got our facebook,marketing um,we are ready to jump into uh,the facebook business manager before i,do that i'm just going to remind you the,settings here,there are a couple of settings in the,back end here in the data sharing is,where you can,disconnect and reconnect your pixel if,you need to use a different pixel,and you've got your privacy settings,there awesome so let's jump into,facebook business manager,and go to the next step cool so now we,are jumping onto, and we're going to,go into our facebook,business manager settings so we've,already got,i've already got this one uh set up and,as you can see i've got many business,manager accounts,that i'm connected to so now that we're,logged in what we're going to do is,click,business settings on the left hand side,and then we're going to go down,to data sources and catalogs,now this will show us all the different,catalogs of products that we've got,um the shopify facebook shop,app will automatically create this,shopify product catalog in that last,step that we just did where we were,connecting it with the facebook commerce,platform it might be a little bit,confusing there's a whole bunch of,different components that are that are,uh working together i'm even getting a,bit tongue-tied trying to talk about,them,but if you you can go back through this,video you can take it step by step,and you can work out exactly what uh you,need to do so we're going to open,the e-commerce or sorry the commerce,manager here,cool so now we're in the commerce,manager here we can just have a look at,all of our items in our catalog,here and make sure they're all here as,you can see we've got our two shoes and,our two shirts,um just like we have on our shopify,store and remember this one had the,variations,so we've got through the three variants,here awesome so it looks like everything,has synced up,perfectly what we're going to do now is,jump into facebook ads manager,um and start creating our retargeting,ads,all right so to jump into facebook ads,manager we're going to go up the top,click the nine dot menu and click ads,manager,awesome so this is ads manager um we,won't do a full walkthrough of this but,i will,show you how to set up your retargeting,ads,so what we're going to do is click,create this will create our ad,now there's three levels there's a,campaign level that's up the top,uh there's the ad set level which is in,the middle and then there's the actual,ads,or the ad level which is down the bottom,um so,ad is within an ad set and and the ad,sets or the multiple ad sets that can be,within,a campaign so for this example what,we're going to do,is go catalog sales,then we're going to select which catalog,we actually want to use in this case,we're going to choose the shopify,product catalog we can name,this campaign i'm just going to call,this test,campaign the ad set we're going to call,test ad set and the ad,we're gonna go let's just leave it at,that,um that looks good so let's click,continue,awesome so now uh what it's done is,we've opened up,the campaign level so we've got our test,campaign here we've got the settings,that we just set we really don't need to,do anything in this there are some other,elements but we're not going to go,through those in this video,we're going to hit next and that will,take us to our first ad,set now with the ad set um there's a,couple of different things that we want,to do,first we want to set our budget for me,i'm going to set a daily budget of,20 a day it's going to start from,this will automatically fill in the date,and time as of right now,so that if we hit go and next and,publish,it will just automatically start because,the start date will then,be in the past so now let's have a look,at the audience so there's two different,options,and there's retarget ads to people who,interacted with your products,on or off facebook or there's fine,prospective,uh customers even if they haven't,interacted with your business before,what we're going to do is the retarget,ads so we're going to select this one,now here's where the fun begins so we've,got a couple of different options,based on customer behavior on your store,so,there's people that have viewed or added,to cart,but not purchased so that means uh,if someone has purchased a product,within the last 14 days,they won't be seeing these specific ads,because they've already purchased,so that kind of saves you on the ad,spend of showing an ad to someone that's,already purchased,so this is probably the one that you're,going to be wanting to do,um there is also added to cut i mean a,couple of these you can actually kind of,pull apart,into different ad sets but this is going,to be the best one if they've either,viewed a product,or they've added it to their cart in the,last 14 days that's probably their,you know any longer than that and,they're probably not going to be,interested in the product anymore,so that looks like a really good option,so let's start with that,we're going to go automatic placements,for the time being you can have a look,at placements in your in,your own time but um basically that,separates things like um facebook and,instagram,stories um obviously that's uh on a you,know,in a phone kind of like 16 by nine or,nine by 16 format so it's,it's the tall format just like this you,can see um so that's obviously going to,look,a little bit different than something in,the feed or something,that is more landscape so there's a,couple different options here,what i'm going to do is leave this as,automatic,that way facebook will basically use its,algorithm and try and find the best,opportunities and the,cheapest placements that's going to be,suitable so,that's all we need to do here at the ad,set level,um the next thing we're going to do is,go next,and we're actually going to look at,creating our ad,awesome so now we actually get to the,good stuff and we're gonna start,creating our,ads now um what we wanna do very first,is make sure that we're selecting the,right instagram account,so the ads can obviously run on,instagram as well,and we want to make sure it's associated,with an instagram account,otherwise it'll just be associated with,our facebook page and if anyone clicks,the,uh the you know profile image on,instagram,it's not going to take them to your,instagram account so,that's why we just need to make sure,that we are selecting the right one,now for ad setup for this there is a,dynamic formats and creative uh,option that will basically just change,the format obviously it's in like a,carousel format,at the moment we can scroll through a,couple of these options,um but we don't actually want that,really for i mean it's it's something,that you can try but we don't want that,for,this simple retargeting ad that we're,setting up so,we want to specifically have if we turn,this off we want to specifically have a,single,uh image or video so we really just want,the product image here cool so,this is obviously here it'll show you um,all the different examples of what the,ad will look like in different,placements both on,uh desktop computers and on mobiles,and in the different placements so,you've got different stories,uh you know in facebook and um,instagram stories uh as well as a,facebook feed this is the instagram feed,you can go through all the different,variations and check them out so,for the time being let's have a look at,the facebook feed i'm pretty sure this,is the one that actually shows you the,most,amount of information there are a couple,of places you can put in text for your,ads,but that text is not guaranteed to be,shown in every single,placement because of the amount of room,uh that they have for,the text and the images and the format,of it so you'll just have to have a look,around and,decide if um this advertisement,is worthwhile in every single placement,if it's not you can go back to the ad,set level,you can actually go back here we can,scroll down,sorry my computer's a little bit slow,and instead of uh,automatic placements we can do manual,placements,and then choose you know if it's just,say if we don't think the format is,really going to suit stories or we don't,think we're going to get conversions,from this ad type and stories that we,can,just totally deselect stories um,and uh um it just it just won't do it in,story so,uh for this example i'm just gonna keep,it all on just so we've got all of those,examples at our fingertips if we need,um cool so um again my computer is,running a little bit slow for some,reason,but uh if we have a look so we've we've,selected a single image,so it's just going to show the,particular product now you can have a,look at the,different samples here you can scroll,through,some of your um products that it's got,so let's use this shoe as an example,now we've got our primary text which is,the text above it's not there at the,moment,but if i start typing here then it will,take a,second it will update all of the ads,and it will show you harlow so,what we might want to say remember this,is someone that's come to your store,they've,clicked on a particular product they've,had a look at it they might have even,added it to their cart that particular,item so these guys are pretty interested,in this item so,what do we want to say to them hey,don't forget,the space and then we actually want to,name,this product so as you can probably see,no it's not going to do that,um as you can see we've got,we've dynamically added the image what,we can do is click this,plus thing here and then it's brought,across some of these elements,from shopify so we're going to put the,name there,so don't forget the and then i'm going,to just add an exclamation mark for,dramatic effect,we'll give it a sec to load and there we,go don't forget the green shoe,that is an amazing product name if i may,say so,myself um so i've got that primary text,here now again,some of these different text places,aren't going to show up,everywhere and the amount of text that,you put in different places,it may truncate them or cut them off so,for example,if i put a an enter here um,uh your your cart,oops if i can spell is waiting,for you don't,miss out as you can see my copywriting,skills are,incredible and on point today um,so that's the message we've got if we,have a look at the stories,let's have a look what that will look,like,take a sec to load all right so we've,got most of the text here,if we did add another line this is a,test,line to see what,will appear in the ads,and we'll see great so so that also,appears in,this story we'll see if it appears in,this,story no so we are cutting it off to an,extent,i believe this is the instagram the,actual instagram story,this first one was the facebook story so,it appears in facebook but instagram,cuts off and truncates some of the,things um,and obviously you can match up the uh,the,text placements with what we've got here,so um,let's go back to the facebook feed the,facebook,news feed because that's going to give,us most of the um,or the most placement spots that's why,it's the default one,chosen you're you,are that is not what how you spell your,i am,incredible at the spelling awesome,that makes much more sense so uh,headline,um let's say,your cart,is waiting for you,so as you can see we've got this here,now we've got a news feed link,description,um the best,um clothes,in the west,uh we'll just wait a sec for that to,update,and there we go so it's updated that,bottom one so it obviously had the,default one from the,facebook uh page or account that we've,uh that we had there so now let's have a,look at the next thing that we need to,do,so when people click this and click shop,now which you can change that,uh this button down here i would say,probably keep it on,shop now oh my light is just turning on,we can probably keep it on shop now um,because it's probably the most relevant,i don't think any of these other ones,are gonna get the same type of,click-through or response,um so for this example we're gonna keep,it at shop now,now the important thing is the deep link,to,website now what that does is when,people click on the,shop now button or click on the image,it'll take them to the link,now we don't want to just take them to,the home page we actually want to take,them to that product page,so they can have another look um another,thing that we might want to take them to,is the cart page um if they,have um already you know added these,products to their cart,um and shopify will keep the cart for a,certain amount of time,um we can actually link them straight to,the cart page for this example,i want to link them straight to this,product page so we've got this deep link,to website,basically all we need to do is click,here,this will bring up all of these items,again again we can add like the,description and that type of stuff in,some of the other areas,but we are going to scroll down and,choose url now what that will do is when,people click,the shop now button it will actually,take them to,the product url or the product website,rather than the um the,just the normal website here so what we,may have to do let me just see if,this is the problem,uh no that's right but let's keep it,this will be your you know your shopify,store,uh there now the other thing that we're,going to do let's this is having some,type of issue for some reason so let's,just,get rid of it for the moment so i can,show you the other,examples of things we can do,so for the headline here we can,um we can say this was,we can choose the um compare price,or the oops i don't know why my computer,is suddenly,very slow but we're going to choose the,price here,comma now just,price let's make sure i got them right,around the right way,otherwise we may have a price increase,on our hands,um great so that is just,what have i done here,let's go current price,and wait a second for that to update,and that there we go was 199 now just,99 so that is a big incentive um that is,awesome,um i'm really happy with that let's go,so um pretty much that's,nearly everything you need to do you can,add url parameters if you like,um what that will do is help you track,um where your traffic is coming from,if you're using something like google,analytics if you add the url parameters,you can actually tell google analytics,exactly what campaign,exactly what i'd said exactly what ad,and and even some more information about,the ads specifically,on where they actually came in from if,they actually did purchase,um or you know did something did,something else,facebook analytics sorry google,analytics will just track all of that,so that you can actually use that data,meaningfully later,for now we're not going to worry about,that if you don't do utm parameters you,should definitely look into it,but we're not going to go into that now,the next thing we're going to do,is we're just going to add this deep,link to website back in,it was given an error before but,hopefully,we should be fine okay so,i did just have a little error this is a,common thing with facebook ads manager,um it has a dummy spit all the time,so what i had to do is if i added in,the um the product url here in the deep,link which is what we want to do,it did come up with an error when it,reloaded this let's just see if it's,going to do it again,um it it is it's coming up with this,weird error,um so what we're going to do is we're,just going to input it,a different way so we're actually going,to need to type it in so you're going to,have the,um have these squiggly lines now they,are the,um the keys next to the letter,p just to the right of of the letter p,um and we're gonna hit shift and hit,that one um i can't remember exactly,what it's called right now but that's,the one you want you want to do double,uh two of those then write product,dot url and then close,the squiggly brackets then what we can,do is just,click away uh it will take a second,for it to reload everything and as you,can see it's got product url,and it is suddenly deciding to work and,it likes us,so um we are pretty much good to go,i'm happy with all the settings that,we've got um yes it's not perfect but,this is,far from perfect in fact but i am happy,for this as an example what we're going,to do is hit publish,it's going to take a little bit to,publish if you are running different ads,you can kind of exit out of this and,there's another,review and publish button that will,publish all of your different,campaigns ad sets and ads and this is,just doing this one so,we'll see how we go looks like,everything was successfully published,now what happens is,this goes into a review process for,facebook,facebook put it through some bots and,may manually review it as well,to just make sure that everything's okay,it's all above board it doesn't break,their,terms and conditions and their community,you know policies and those types of,things,you should be good to go and then your,ad will start,serving so we can have a look at the,stats,and analytics of the ads over here it's,obviously in draft what it will do,is uh the budget and stuff did change,because i had to reset the,the um the campaign because my ads,manager was freaking out but don't worry,about that,it will give us some information on,reach impressions,the cost per result and the result being,a purchase,there are some other elements that,you're going to want to probably add,if you go in columns here,there are a couple of preset elements,preset views here that will show you,what you can,you know what you want to see um what,we'll probably want to see i'll just run,you through a couple of them really,quick before we finish up,we're going to customize the columns,and then once,once it loads,here we go,alright so what we want to do is have a,look at,um frequency,so this is how many times the ad uh,on average will be shown or is has been,shown to people,over a time period as well so if,it is getting up there and people still,aren't purchasing it's,probably mean it probably means you need,to dial back your spend,because you're kind of wasting a little,bit of money i'm not going to give you,any uh specific benchmarks on what you,should be aiming for in this video,because they do,they can change um so i you'll have to,get that info,information somewhere else so just to,make sure that it's up to date,but otherwise frequency uh is a really,key thing,um the return on ad spend,is also very very important what we're,going to do is add that,um what we will also do is,clicks now there's a couple of different,things here,we're going to have a look at the unique,outbound clicks,so that's every unique person that has,actually clicked the ad,that has taken them off facebook and,obviously onto,our website so that is important to have,a look at,it's also good to have a look at maybe,the unique clicks,maybe the uh the all clicks,so the unique uh unique link clicks,sorry we're gonna have a look at the,outbound clicks,and then the unique outbound clicks so,what that means is the unique ones,are each individual person whereas the,outbound clicks if a person,happens to click the same adder twice uh,outbound clicks,will count that as two clicks whereas,unique will just be,um from an an actual individual doesn't,matter how many,times i click this specific ad um it,will just count as one,um the other thing will be the uh clicks,all which would be an interesting metric,just to have a look at,to see if people are interacting with uh,with the ads and that,encompasses a couple different elements,of clicking the ad um,clicking the image uh clicking the,like button and that type of stuff you,can actually get if you go see more,there'll be a bit more of a breakdown,there for you um so anyway there are a,couple of different things that you want,to have a look at,of course as well as um you know your,cost,uh your reach your region impressions is,is is obviously going to be based on,this small audience of people that have,looked at your site um so those aren't,super important however the the number,of impressions,as opposed to the reach is going to show,the average of your frequency,which is how many times your ad is shown,to,an uh so um you'll be looking at the,purchase return on ad spend,um to make sure that that is a multiple,that is relatively,higher than one or two or three,hopefully,you're going to get a hopefully you're,going to get a number higher than that,a one return on ad spend means whatever,you're spending,on facebook you are receiving that back,in the sale however you're then not,paying for the sale so you need to work,out how much,you're willing to spend to acquire a,customer,um and then how much uh in total that,it's going to be costing,so that you can work out your figures,then you've got a really good,baseline for what your return on ad,spend needs to be and you can kind of,compare your performance,based on that awesome look i hope that's,going to be the end of the tutorial,today hopefully,you have learned something hopefully,you've learned how you can set up these,dynamic ads i haven't gone into super,detail,on on the structure of what a camp a,really good,retargeting campaign should look like,but this will give you an idea on how to,set it up,you can set up your very first,retargeting campaign and you can see,how it performs awesome let me know if,you have any questions,have a great day thanks guys

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