find out what apps a shopify store is using

How To Find Out What Apps A Shopify Store Is Using on guys Travis Patel here with King,pinning thank


Updated on Jan 27,2023

How To Find Out What Apps A Shopify Store Is Using

The above is a brief introduction to find out what apps a shopify store is using

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How To Find Out What Apps A Shopify Store Is Using

on guys Travis Patel here with King,pinning thank you so much for joining me,in today's video we're gonna quickly,show you how you can discover what apps,and software a store or website is using,sometimes you're gonna come across,stores and websites that have very cool,features and you want to know exactly,how they make that happen right now I'm,doing a over-the-shoulder shopify,ecommerce workshop and we've come in our,research across a few different pieces,of certain shops that are very cool,additions things I would want to have on,our store and features and things that,I've not seen before or don't know act,exactly the company that offers those,type of features so what I'm doing is I,installed a Chrome extension here called,what runs you can find that at what runs,com it's a free extension very simple,and it's going to tell you everything he,can find for each store or website you,visit now you can go into the coding and,things and dive deep and try and look at,exactly what's there but that's a little,bit more complicated typically this app,does a really good job so you can see,it's right here in my dashboard here on,the chrome app and we're looking at this,high go shop comm I like this is kind of,a general store we're building the,general store on the workshop and,there's a few features that I really,like about this store one for example is,the bots together frequently bought,together a little section here this is,kind of like Amazon where they have,options to add two or three products,with your order to increase that,lifetime value you see the the review,section here we already know what app,that is but we'll be able to search that,if you'd in it if we go to the cart,section let's go ahead and add to cart,you can see this little your cart is,reserved for 15 minutes that's a nice,little addition we'd like to see on,there go to checkout you can see the,same thing kind of happens up here I,guess it doesn't here you need that,advanced but anyways we want to know,exactly what is going on with this,website so we're gonna use this what,runs Chrome extension to find out we,just go to the website we click down,that extension and now we're gonna get a,full kind of detailed look at what,exactly they're using now we know,they're using Shopify Google anal,lytx is pretty obvious Facebook YouTube,code blackbelt never heard of that now,we can go here and look at the website,see exactly what that is,okay Shopify master artisans quality,apps so they have a few apps you could,go into their apps completely okay so,here we go frequently bought together,app right here so this is what they're,using for that currency converter,customers who bought this item also,bought so kind of similar thing there we,can even see what other type of apps if,that's all they've got all Shopify apps,buy code blackbelt shipping rights video,background full-page zoom white,Christmas Valentine's Day Halloween so,you can see just there kind of featured,lineup so that is giving us right there,just with that very first look we get a,good idea we get let's see what else,they've got loyal to lie on I've never,heard of that one be keating that's a,marketing app I've heard of they have a,few different things that you can use,open that looks is the review app that,we see on the bottom and that sales page,I just mentioned they've got their,Facebook pixel in there let's see,CloudFlare CDN handlebars other,JavaScript and things like that sweet,alert so it's probably with people who,have just purchased recently let's look,at loyal to lion-o not really loading,for us be peening convert more visitors,into revenue for ecommerce business so,you got a few different apps available,there we can look at track analyze smart,marketing apps looks as our review app,that does the pictures and the star,rating below sweet alert not showing up,but we could always just search that in,Google to see exactly what's going on,creating pop-up messages using sweet,alert there's a few other options for,that as well but you can see let's see,let's look this up,and we get a good idea so here in the,app store we're gonna see what loyalty,lion is let's look at all their apps,here referral and rewards program so,pretty cool there here's all the beak,eating apps that you can do so that's,pretty cool as well upsells cross valves,boost conversion social traffic grow,followers and all that kind of stuff so,what we're getting here with this cool,what runs a cuz we're gettin details and,what apps and programs they're using to,run their site and we can go ahead and,use that ourselves without having to,kind of do long extended searches we can,kind of figure that out pretty quickly,so guys hopefully this helps you guys,out understand how to build a little bit,better econ store or WordPress site or,just business on the on line in general,thanks for joining me trash patel here,have a good one

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