so if you follow this full video till,the end it's gonna look like this,it's pretty cool right bonjour shopify,store owners all right so you want to,add,currency to your store we're gonna do,that in this video,together you and i with a little bit of,your time invested watch this full video,a little bit of elbow grease,the first thing we're going to do is,we're going to click on online store,right here so we're in the backend,online store,um and we're going to create a duplicate,of,the theme that we're going to be working,on so we're going to click action,right here we're going to get duplicate,why do we do that because we're going to,be messing in the code and it's always a,good idea to create a backup version,and to mess on the backup version,instead of the real version,meanwhile let me show you that i'm not,gonna bamboozle you,there is no currency switcher right now,alright,so now that we have done that we can go,in here to,actions and we can go to edit code at,the end of the video i'll give you the,full codes that you can just copy paste,just watch it entirely that way you,understand the concept you understand,what you have to do for your team and,then afterwards you can,you know replay the video and copy paste,it and,do the code along seriously it's gonna,take you like five minutes it's gonna,save you a couple hundred bucks we're,gonna go right here in the code editor,uh we're gonna go to the sections and,we're gonna look for the header,where is the header right here,header.liquid,don't forget it's in the sections,header.liquid if you're for some reason,using a theme that doesn't have,header.liquid you can also do this in,the theme.liquid,all right so in the coast base so in the,codebase there's three different options,that i clearly outlined,we're going to use the last one just,because i have a preference for it all,right so once we have found the,header.liquid work can,actually paste this snippet of code,wherever we want we just have to make,sure it doesn't interfere with the buy,button i like to do it close to the,account,um when if you have accounts of course,so for that we're gonna do command,f on a mac control f on windows,command f account,see right here this is the uh,the accounts section so if the customer,has an account the,login is gonna show up we made a whole,video about all of that as well,but i'm going to hit enter a couple of,times right above that,and i'm going to paste our little piece,of code here,and that's going to show a currency,switcher next to our,account button so the currency switcher,will arrive right here,again you can play around so that it,somewhere else,for you you can paste this code anywhere,on this page really and kind of try it,out,we hit save and then once that's saved,you have multiple different options here,on how you want the button to react,we're going to choose the last option in,the file that i will give you at the end,of this video,and for that we're going to go to assets,right here,we're going to go to theme.js,we're gonna go all the way down,hit enter a couple of times and we're,going to be pasting that so i basically,did,maybe i went a bit too fast here i went,paste,and then we save this alright so once,you hit save on all of that,we can go to online store right here um,and,we can go click actions preview see,if it's indeed working and here we go we,have the canadian dollar that's there,now,i'm going to show you how to add the,different currencies,to add to the list for that we're going,to have to go to our online store,to settings and we're going to have to,click,on payments,and once you save you have the full,breakdown like here,and then once we know that our currency,converter works on the second team all,we have to do is click action,we have to publish it's going to ask us,if you're sure you want to put this team,live,yes i am sure all the codes are below in,the description,if you like and subscribe this video,you're going to have a whole bunch of,other free tutorials,on how to grow your shopify store it's,gonna save you a lot of money frankly i,think this subscribing is the best,return on investments,you can possibly do for a shopify store,owner thanks a lot see you in another,video,bye
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