how do i attach my jotform contact form to the shopify store

How to Add a Contact Form to Shopify are you looking to replace your shopify,contact form with jotfo


Updated on Feb 23,2023

How to Add a Contact Form to Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how do i attach my jotform contact form to the shopify store

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how do i attach my jotform contact form to the shopify store catalogs

How to Add a Contact Form to Shopify

are you looking to replace your shopify,contact form with jotform well that is,possible and i'm going to show you how,on this video so let's go jump over to,my desktop right now,welcome to jotform my name is george and,today i'm going to show you how to,replace your shopify contact form with,jotform that way you can take full,advantage of the advanced settings that,we have on jotform so let's go ahead and,create a basic form for this demo so,let's go ahead and create a form and,we'll select start from scratch and,classic form we're going to build a,basic form so let's go ahead and add,some,elements here,and let's go ahead and,add the email okay let's keep it basic,that's this is what we're going to use,let's go into publish,platforms,and we're going to search for shopify,here it is let's go ahead and select it,and this is the code that we are going,to need so let's go ahead on over to our,shopify store,so this is my shopify dashboard and,we're going to go into online store,this is the theme that we have right now,and what we want to do is well change,the contact form that it has to use job,form so for that case we are going to go,into pages,and we are going to replace this so,let's go ahead and delete this one and,we are going to add a new page so let's,go ahead and add one,and we're going to say contact form just,for demo purposes and we're going to,click on the show html so let's click on,that and now we are going to add the,code that we grabbed from dot form,so this will be the contact theme so,that's what we're going to use let's go,ahead and save this,okay so we have that page available and,let's go ahead and view this page so,let's go ahead and open this up,and here it is here's the contact form,that we've just created,so let's go into our theme,customize,and if you go to,contact we're gonna add that page so,let's go ahead and go into pages,contact,and here it is here's the form that,we've just created so now it's embedded,to our site that way we can use jotform,on shopify so that way we can take full,advantage of all the settings that we,have on jotform that makes it really,really popular to use but there you go,that is how you're going to use your dot,form on shopify we thank you all for,watching and we'll see you on our next,tutorials,you

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