i truly want to talk about it because,it's an important element people are,making millions of dollars on,bonanza so in today's conversation i,just feel like listen,i want to talk to you about how to sell,on bonanza marketplace,don't go anywhere,so,welcome back folks to another edition of,the awesome sort of kiwi show how are,you today i hope you're all doing,fantastic i'm doing marvelous,if you are doing as great as i am go,grab a cup of coffee rt or,vodka let's roll in today's conversation,i want to speak to you how to become a,seller a profitable seller on,bonanza marketplace the cool thing here,is that selling on bonanza these days,can be extremely profitable folks,extremely if you just give me 10 15,minutes of your time,i will show you how to make hundreds of,thousands of dollars,as a seller on bonanza and the thing the,cool thing here is that,bonanza has become one of the lady,marketplaces in north america and the,site is growing and,growing and growing all the time and,they have a brilliant business model,there and we really learned,we really love the business model they,have right now in terms of how they,compensate,how they reward sellers on the platform,of course how to make sure that,the the buyers are also having a good,time on the platform so,let me first explain to you what is,bonanza bonanza.com,is an online marketplace similar to and,they are headquartered in seattle,washington state,similar to amazon at the walmart,marketplace,they are a marketplace and what we love,here is that over the last five,years bonanza has consistently been in,the top five most,recommended marketplaces alongside ebay,amazon etsy and all the other,competitors,there are over 30 million catalog,products listed on bonanza think about,that,30 million why should you choose bonanza,so when you sell an item directly,through bonanza,you will always pay their base 3.5 fee,rate think about that 3.5,that's relatively cheap compared to the,other other marketplaces i'm not even,gonna go into,amazon right now and most marketplaces,focus,exclusively on promoting their brain to,buyers right,let me give you an example amazon,purchasers seldom know which dealer,their item originated from,and uh but on bonanza you have that,branding ability you have,you have the opportunity to establish a,conversation,that's the cool thing here is you need,to establish a conversation,with with uh customers so that kind of,that's kind of cool and how does bonanza,work for real,and the cool thing here is that at,bonanza and i'm going to show you,very soon how to really do it bonenza,gives the power,the the site actually empowers sellers,and entrepreneurs worldwide,to basically interact more closely with,sellers through their products,through the reviews through the,shipments through the pricing model,so you have a whole constellation of,data points,constellation of elements through which,sellers are closer are getting closer to,buyers,so let's first talk about setting up an,account so you need to create,a booth all right so booth creation is a,simple process i'm going to show you on,the screen right now so you go,you click on start your free trial so,you go to bonanza.com web stories,click on start your free trial okay you,just got to fill in the information you,set uh your boot title username,contact email and password simple you,can also use if you want that's totally,up to you use your your facebook or,google login to create an account,fantastic and after you see the,confirmation page,activate your bonanza account,after that you access your account page,and you just create,and name your bonanza booth now in,bonanza parlance,booth means that you have a collection,of items,your booth title will appear to buyers,at the top of the page where your items,are listed,and folks the cool thing here is that if,you do things right,you are right away getting your branding,on bonanza,going forward you are establishing great,branding right away,okay and you need to indicate your,location also because they want to know,where you are actually shipping from,if you intend to ship your items from a,different address for example,you want a dropship item you want to,drop ship items,you can check my items will ship from a,different address,and you put in the relevant information,very simple so far,are you with me all right you want to,indicate how you determine the shipping,cost for an order so it can be free,shipping,flat rate shipping or calculated,shipping,and then you need to put your phone,number this is very important do not,indicate,please don't mention your private number,you can use uh,one of those uh one of those temporary,phone numbers so that you can just,protect your privacy and you connect to,your paypal in our amazon pay account to,receive payments from buyers,you need to set your return policy and,you need to enter your personal,identification information now one thing,i want you to,say that i want to clarify here is that,paypal is required for all sellers,whereas stripe is optional please ensure,you've,logged out of paypal on your device,before proceeding,and you can see the paypal conf,connection confirmation page here,and all you got to do right now folks,just enter your credit card information,to validate your identity,and choose your pre-approval and,advertising settings and,voila you finalize your booth setup,and one thing that's very important to,understand is that to protect,buyers from fraud bonanza requires,sellers to have a credit or debit card,on files to verify their identity and,bonanza will bill your card on the fifth,of each month,for any fees you offer from that month's,sale and you may see a temporary,authorization for a few cents on your,statement,as a result of their verification,process and the charge would not,actually be,processed okay and you can you can and,the cool thing is you can also finish,the setup now or finish letter it's up,to you,so after you set up everything folks i,want you to focus now because i want you,to familiarize yourself with banana,futures,but inside's a great place to be there,are a lot of features there is a wide,area of features that you might want to,look into and see how they can they may,benefit you right,so what are the key tools on bonanza so,you have customer,marketing tool sellers that stats,dashboard,and web stores and with web stores and,i'm going to explain to you later on,what web stores mean,versus booths all right but,with the web stores you can introduce,buyers from your booth to your webstore,inventory where you pay,zero fees on all sales made think about,that if we compare that to uh,amazon or etu or ebay the the,conversation,will be different okay in terms of fees,and uh the secret to success on bonanza,lies in what you do once you start,building your customer base,other companies closely guard your,customer data but bonanza,actually helps you establish a,relationship with your past customers,and your present wants to,now let's talk about customer marketing,tool this is a tool that gives you,as a seller the opportunity to turn,one-time buyers into repeat shoppers,it's a whole thing about brand loyalty,customer loyalty okay so to access the,customer,marketing tool you click on the selling,link in the upper left,hand corner of any page all right,and you on the left side of your selling,page is a navigation dashboard,and you click on the customers tab to,access your customer marketing tool,and then uh so this is a tool then that,allows sellers to create custom lists,based on just about anything when a,customer made a purchase how much they,spend and what categories,they made purchases from to name a few,it really it's fully up to you,and we move on now to the seller stats,dashboard,so this is another dashboard that,displays information about item views,and revenue in one convenient place,okay and then you can locate your stat,dashboard,actually we're showing on the screen,right now once you log into bonanza,the quickest route to your stats page is,to select both,stats under the selling drop down menu,in the upper left corner of the page,you can also find your stats from your,selling dashboard by clicking the,reports tab,and then selecting both stats,and then you have the sales graphs so,the sales graph is kind of cool too,we're showing you we're going to show,you a series of uh of,a snapshot of screenshots for you to see,here so um,you the cells the sales graph is the,hero of the,of your stat dashboard this interactive,graph displays a wealth of information,about item views sales and total revenue,over your selected time frame,all together on the same chart so we can,see on the screen i'm showing you,right now you can see that the first,chart the first uh,the first screenshot here and then the,second one this is if you receive the,chevro traffic over the last month you,will see a chart at the very top of your,stats page,that includes a detailed analysis of the,revenue benefits,provided by your turbo traffic package,and then you have the views graph we're,showing you right now the screenshot for,the views graph,and then uh basically that we're showing,you the second,the second screenshot for the views,graph and then you have the detailed,report,here again and then you have a enhanced,member benefit,that's if you are an enhanced member i,will explain that later on,so this is there and um so there are,extra features on bonanza you can add,video,both vacation discounts and coupons you,can allow shoppers to negotiate payment,through paypal on amazon pay only,you can advertise your items and you can,go to my customer section,i want to talk to you now about picking,profitable products on bonanza,now this is important right you're not,selling on bonanza or amazon or,etie or you name it any or walmart,marketplace you,you don't want to sell at a loss right,so i'm going to show you how to add,lucrative products to your booth and,this is step number six there are many,options for adding listings to your,booth,and you can actually create listings on,bonanza or,import listings this is pretty cool so,to add,to add this into your bonanza booth to,manually create a listing on bonanza via,the new item form,point your mouse over the selling link,in the top left corner on bonanza.com,you want to select the act or edit items,from the drop-down menu,and click the blue add a new item box at,the top of the page to open the,item detail form you want to populate,the new item form with the item details,like things like a photo,descriptions trades price whatever,whatever is important for you just put,in there right the more info the better,because,the whole idea is to make the customer,happy right that's what you want in the,first place,and you need to click save these changes,and customers can see this,changes right away and you can also,import your listings from ebay etsy,amazon,shopify infant or inventory file and,this is a cool thing so you want to,basically uh,you want to basically do a few things,here so you can actually,you can see on the screen you follow,this uh,the steps on the screen and uh you can,do that,and uh so once you actually uh add items,to your booth,you need to activate your both so you,need to go to selling add or edit items,and click the green open booth buttons,all right,and uh you can see your listings on,amazon bonanza search,and remember that the listings do not,have an expiration date,they will remain active in your booth,until sold reserved or deleted it's,totally up to you,and what are the top selling items on,bonanza you have women's fashion men's,fashion home and garden,health and beauty collectibles and art,jewelry handbags,to see the products tabs at the granule,granular level,you want to go to bonanza.com categories,full list we are showing this to you,right now on the screen,and you can and there are also some,prohibited items on bonanza,we're showing you the screen right now,here also the prohibited items,so we have adult contents amazon devices,and amazon device accessories,animal and animal products and,medication automotive,cosmetic cosmetic skin and hair care,currency coins cash and gift cards,dietary supplements digital books and,textbooks,drugs and drug paraphernalia aspire,products or products that have been,recalled for any reason,fake imitation or knockoff items food,and beverage,gambling and loud-read items lottery,items hazardous and dangerous items,human parts and burial artifacts who,sell this kind of stuff while people are,selling,human parts that's crazy you also have a,illegal and unlawful items,offensive materials plants and seed,tobacco or nicotine,products and accessories weapons and,related items,and other prohibited items okay so this,is we have a very comprehensive list,here,but again just think about the kind of,stuff that you would want to buy on a,normal website,normal website on a legit website,i'll be right back right after this,don't go anywhere,welcome back folks to another section of,the awesome sturdy kiwi show we're still,talking about how to sell on bonanza,marketplace,so how to stand out on bonanza you need,to make your,listing perfect very important folks you,need to monitor your booth,you need to import your feedback from,ebay and you need to integrate key apps,to your booth,how do you make your listing perfect,well once you,the item title should be straightforward,and simple always try to link,like the shoppers uh you want to think,like the shoppers mindset right,what would what would he or she have,wanted to see for example if you're,selling black men's trouser,then give it a tell like black men's,trouser try try to be as a,as straightforward as possible don't try,to complicate things right,the item description should be simple,and perfect because guess what,this is the only place that could help,the shoppers make the decision to buy,the products,don't try to confuse uh prospective,patrons no,make things easy straightforward you,know short is,short is sweet shorty where i come from,we say the shortest street,short is we're trying to keep things,concise and compelling,and uh you want to provide uh you really,want to monitor your booth okay,after getting started to sell on bonanza,it is necessary to monitor your booth,carefully in order to see how many,people have viewed your booth,click on my booth okay under your,account and then,on view item stats this information,helps in determining which type of,products are attracting the customers,you can also import your feedback from,ebay so bonanza will provide the ability,to import the feedback from ebay that,you get,previously and so this helps basically,as a new seller,it helps you build your reputation in,the new marketplace,okay and you want to integrate key apps,to your booth for example uh,you can install the bonanza shopify,integration app,we'll show you we've shown you the link,how to do that you can also,uh integrate the bonanza magento to,integration,the bonanza magento 2 app,so you can do that as well you can and,you can also do the same thing for the,bonanza bigcommerce integration,you can do the bonanza woocommerce,integration,and the bonanza prestashop integration,so the whole idea here is,i wish i went this you will showing,right now all the uh,all the screenshots and the links the,whole idea here is to make sure that,you know if you're selling on shopify or,other platforms and also want to sell on,bonanza.com,it's a great idea to to learn how to,handle all processes i'm talking about,products orders etc,at both ends of this at the same time so,by installing integration apps you can,manage,processes at both ends simultaneously,and that's the key word here,simultaneously,what about how do we actually grow on,bonanza you want to grow bonanza right i,bet you i bet you do everybody wants to,grow right that's that that's the whole,idea,so um the the thing here is that um,you can actually as you can see right,now online sellers are hardworking,highly motivated entrepreneurs,who are constantly looking for ways to,better their businesses so we're showing,you right now on the screen on the,screen,the whole difference between the,marketplace so the uh,how do you grow in terms of multiple,platforms versus uh one single platform,okay,and this is important to sort of,understand that and one thing i want to,i want to talk to you now also,is the fact that what is a web story,because that's a,that's a good question to ask what is a,web store,well a web store is a standalone website,separate from the bonanza marketplace,where shoppers can buy your items so it,is a place where you get to create your,brand and control your online presence,you can make your bananas a web store,your own by choosing,a personalized url and one of those one,of the several unique designs and other,customizations it's totally up to you,okay and uh so basically,you do you need to have a booth to open,a web store,because okay this is a good question why,because uh your inventory is managed,through your booth right,you will need a booth in order to run a,web store simple as that,so if you want to open a webstore and,haven't set up a booth yet,bonanza will create one automatically,for you when you sign up,so once you have a booth you will have,also you also have access to tools,that allow you to edit add and remove,items from your web store,okay and basically using your booth to,manage your inventory has many benefits,including importing current inventory,from another marketplace that's what we,want,you know you want to grow so just you,want to drag and drop all the current,inventory from another marketplace,you want you can also have a smart and,easy batch editing,you can generate cpa based traffic if,you want,and so we're showing you right now also,um the fees and pricing in terms of the,web store,the items listing,the customization how the whole thing,goes so because with a booth,you have one visual customization option,you have the ability to upload a,customer banner to for your booth,select one of the pre-made banners,provided by bonanza or,simply leave your banner blank it's,totally up to you i'm also showing you,the option for advertising,so when you opt into a bonanza,advertising platforms from your selling,advertised items page,the traffic generated will be directed,to your marketplace booth,not to your web store and then i'm so,showing you right now options and,settings those are very important,okay so i'm just you have a whole array,of options okay in terms of growing in,terms of,basically uh growing on bonanza and,choosing between a bonanza booth,versus a store,now let's talk about how to increase,sales on bonanza,while listing your products on bonanza,consi you want to consider a few things,don't make the mistakes that some,sellers make by just uh,putting uh listing items and just forget,about it no,you have work afterwards to do there's a,lot of work involved,but guess what the rewards are fantastic,the rewards are great,great great great great so you want to,consider the following points in order,to rank up your products and that's what,you want you want to rank your products,in search in searches on bonanza titles,and description of your products pay,attention to it,category pricing the npn,and the upc npm stands for manufacturer,part number,okay and a upc is required by google,looking for all new brand name products,the image pay attention to that you,really want to include a profile picture,so,buyers can see who they're buying from,and the best size for profile picture is,a 4x4 400 by 400 pixels,okay listing has a product photo with,various also so double check your,product photos to be sure they're sharp,crips,crisp images that give shoppers a great,impression please,remember first impression always counts,if your photos have cluttered the,backgrounds,you can instantly correct them using the,bonenza background burner tool,and i would strongly encourage you to,use that tool it's fantastic,it is an excellent tool what about seo,very important,strong searchable keywords in item title,lines and descriptions,is important to have that process in,place,is important you want to use more,relevant keyword in title and,description of the product so that,it can be uh it can rank it can rank up,and more customers can see your products,shipping you want to also specify what,uh shipping is,and uh one thing i want to tell you here,is that uh please,consider offering free shipping over,half of customers refer to things that,that did not fill the bill with the,expectation of complimentary delivery,as a reason they actually deserved,shopping basket,okay so many sellers will offer free,shipping and increase the cost of the,item to absorb,shipping cost as shoppers spend an,average of 30 more on an,order with free shipping okay free,shipping we love free shipping i love,free,free stuff what about traits you know,product attributes this is also an,important because,you want to actually specify things,clearly and also look at the progress,bar,during product edit on solar panel this,may be the cause of rank of products on,bonenza,each point during the product edit has,um,some percentage associated with the item,like 10 photo 30 percent item details 35,that way you know where you're at and,the whole idea is to have everything,hundred percent,okay don't disappoint me everything,should be 100 before you save,and uh and um,you know i've uploaded everything to the,bonanza marketplace,i want to talk to you now about,promoting a bonanza store,there are a couple of ways you can do,that a couple of ways you can do there's,a lot of stuff,we're going to cover in this one so,first advertising,so when you actually opt into bonanza,advertising platforms from your selling,advertises advertised items page the,traffic,generated will be directed to your,marketplace booth,not to your web store this is a this is,essential,folks so purchases made from your,marketplace both are still subject to,final value fees,sellers are not permitted to refund,buyers who purchased,tangible or a digital items from their,marketplace booth,and redirect the buyer to check out via,the web store and that makes sense right,because they're trying to make money but,enzo doesn't want you to redirect,traffic from their platform to your,platform to your web store,and they're not getting a cut up cut out,of the whole transaction,they you know they spend a lot of cash,on the maintaining on building or,maintaining the platform,so they they want they want to have,their kick back too and that makes sense,okay and there are a few ways to begin,driving traffic to your webstore,the webstore broadcaster social media,friends and family and search engines,right like google bing yahoo search,okay what about bonanza advertising,the uh you can you have broadcaster,turbo traffic packs,coupons and free referral traffic so for,a broadcaster you can use it you can,actually use it for getting more,shippers by paying,some percentage amount and the cool,thing here is listen,this is so fantastic you can choose,where to advertise your products,like google shopping but enzo affiliates,ebay etc,and the turbo traffic is a program,bonanza offers to drive,maximum buyer traffic to sellers who are,enrolled as platinum or titan,members or sellers who have purchased an,individual turbo traffic double uh,traffic pack you know so if you're part,of that category you can actually,benefit from,the turbo traffic pack okay coupons also,are great,and uh you also want to um if you want,to increase sales you want to promote,your uh,your bonanza store try to be a top rated,seller,and the requirements are very simple you,need to maintain a minimum of 98,positive feedback active member on,bonanza for at least 90 days,20 more than 25 transactions with u.s,buyers within one year,a minimum of 250 in annual sales refund,rate lower than twenty percent,comply with all bonanza policies and,tracker numbers are uploaded for at,least ninety percent of your,transactions,refunded cancelled transactions excluded,and what about bonanza versus ebay now,there are some differences though,because a lot of folks like to compare,and contrast ebay and bonanza,there are a few differences bonanza,offers free listing on your products,the average free the average fee for,sale on bonanza is 3.5,which is considerably and and i mean it,considerably less than ebay,bonanza gives you a brain as well as,traffic to your booth while on ebay,a seller may get only traffic of buyers,but they can't build their own brand,probably bonanza sends items to list on,shopping engines like google shopping,bing etc,and although the traffic is low on,bonanza in comparison with ebay,on bonanza there is less competition,between the sellers which means what it,means that buyers can easily see your,products on bonanza,now what about promoting your booth so,in order to sell on bonanza you will,need to promote your booth because,bonanza is i mean at least as of the,date of this show,is not as popular as amazon on ebay the,site is growing they have more than 30,million 35 million visitors per month,but it is still growing,okay so bonanza will help the users in,promoting their booth so that their,listing,is found by the buyers and some ways of,promoting the bonus the booths,are you can join the bonanza twitter and,facebook pages,you can participate in bonanza forums,and brainstorming with bonanza each week,so you want to actually uh commit to the,platform,so how does bonanza advertise this on,behalf of sellers how do they do it like,for real,and we've seen in our research that one,of bonanza's the most powerful sales,generating tools is their custom,integration with advertising channels,such as google shopping,and once each seller has uh selected an,advertising rate of nine percent or,higher,bonanza covers the cost of bidding on,their item placement in this,channels or search results at that rate,so what happens here is that sellers,only pay the final value fee,of their chosen advertising rate when a,page view converts to a sale,and uh how does advertising on bonanza,work so when you opt in,to bonanza's uh let's say advertising,program,you actually have the you have the,flexibility here you have,complete latitude in deciding how much,you want to pay and uh bonanza will,cover the advertising cost until your,item sells,so you can choose from one of four,advertising levels which offer a range,of fees and benefits,so you have the basic nine percent,maximum fee the standard,13 percent maximum fee the superior 19,maximum fee and the elite 30 maximum fee,i would not advise you to go to the,elite or the superior until your,uh your bonanza booth,is actually making money like you you,just you just bring in you're just,reckoning the,the kachin kuching once you get to that,level yes you can basically,spend money on the superior or the late,levels,okay and uh how do you decide which,advertising level is best for you,well the basic will help you gain access,to google shopping's powerful shopping,engine,and bonanza's network of affiliate,bloggers and bonanza promotions,the standard will add distribution to,ebay,to your pro to your promoting choices,the,the superior will open all all of,bonanza's shopping channels including,bing ads and the elite the thirty,percent one,includes access to all the shopping,channels listed uh,earlier plus an even higher ad spend,now speaking of caching kaching right,now how do you get paid on bonanza,you know let's say you just made a sale,right now what,well how would you know when you've made,a sale if you,have get if you have gotten the,notification then bonanza is,telling you basically hey listen yes you,have made a sale,there's an email confirmation and uh you,just gotta go,you just gotta um you have uh if you go,to your selling dashboard,you will see it that a sale has been,made okay and you can look at the,payments you have to go to selling both,settings payments and purchases page all,right and if you need assistance,locating the payment in your account,bonanza actually recommends contacting,the payment processor directly with the,payment,id listed on the order summary for more,information regarding the status of your,payment,and sometimes you might have a payments,painting okay there are a few reasons,why this might happen,the buyer has an unconfirmed shipping,address the buyer,sends a payment to an email address that,is not linked to your paypal account,you made a mistake entering your paypal,email address when you're listed the,item,you need to agree to accept a credit,card payment you need to agree to accept,a payment in a foreign currency,and pending payments will be visible on,your selling dashboard,under the orders payment pending tab on,your selling dashboard,and where can you find the buyer's,address,well it really it really you have to go,to your to again to your um,selling dashboard and you can actually,also click the view packing slip,link under the order summary to view the,buyer's address so we're showing you two,two links here to a screenshot for you,to see exactly,and how can you fulfill the order now,sellers are able to purchase,usps shipping labels directly from,bonanza using the buy shipping link,under the order,category so um the the thing you have to,understand is that uh if you mark the,order as shipped without any information,entered in the tracking field you will,not be able to enter,tracking at a lot of time so you got to,do it now okay this is very important,and also one thing i want to say here is,that so if you have not marked the offer,as shipped within the,handling timeline specified in your,selling booth settings shipping and,returns page bonanza will send you a,reminder email,and you can see on the screen how things,look and uh how can you leave feedback,for the buyer,well we're showing you right now on the,screen once the buyer completes the,purchase both the buyer and seller will,have the opportunity to leave a feedback,regarding the transaction experience and,on your selling dashboard click on,the feedback tab on the navigation,toolbar to the left side of the page to,view any outstanding feedback,okay so showing showing this to you and,you can also uh,and and you can leave the private,feedback option also if you want to,totally up to you and if you want to,cancel an order there is there are,instructions on the site for it,alright folks this is the end of today's,conversation i really appreciate it,i was talking to you about how to sell,on bonanza today and uh,we talked about bonanza at a glance,setting up an account,picking profitable products standing out,on bonanza growing on bonanza,promoting a bonanza store and getting,paid on bonanza,thank you so much for your attention i,appreciate it i'll speak to you another,time but until then remember stay,marvelous,you
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