how do i create a logo for my shopify store

How to Design a Logo for Your Shopify Store in Adobe Illustrator welcome back to the series guys if

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Updated on Mar 23,2023

How to Design a Logo for Your Shopify Store in Adobe Illustrator

The above is a brief introduction to how do i create a logo for my shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how do i create a logo for my shopify store

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how do i create a logo for my shopify store catalogs

How to Design a Logo for Your Shopify Store in Adobe Illustrator

welcome back to the series guys if you,guys are following along with this,different short series of teaching you,guys how to build a shopify website from,start to finish literally with creating,the trial and everything then uh welcome,to back if you're new here then welcome,to the videos uh so this video is gonna,be showing you how to make a logo for,your website so we're basically just,going to create a brand that's going to,replicate what the theme shows on the,actual thing with different cameras and,stuff like that so we're going to build,a brand around that and it's going to be,something cameras or something lenses so,i'm gonna have to create a name here and,a logo so to do this i'm gonna have to,use illustrator so if you guys don't,know how to use illustrator hopefully,this will give you a little bit of basic,uh tutorial on how to create just a very,very basic logo for your store which if,you guys are getting into drop shipping,or something like that where it's not,super in-depth that you need a crazy,good logo because it's not a huge brand,or business then this should help you,get a very simple logo built for your,website so now what we're going to want,to do is just go up to the top file new,or control n and then we're going to,make a 1920x10 you can see that these,are the settings here um it should be,make sure it's 300 ppi as well as cmyk,and you will be good to go so once,you've created that,we're going to go ahead and just center,this a little bit so i can see what i'm,working with in your case you probably,have a name which is good because you're,going to want that name to know if it's,going to look good with a font so i'm,going to go ahead and go up to the top,left and select this first box which is,going to be my fill i'm going to change,that to black just so i can see typing,on here let me go ahead and come up with,a name super quick and then i will get,right back with you guys all right so i,have my name you guys probably have,yours so what we're going to do is go,over to the left side of our screen here,and click this little t which is going,to be our type tool or you can press t,on your keyboard and just go ahead and,click anywhere um i don't like to choose,and like make a big box i just like to,tap and create a free uh editable box,and then i'm just gonna backspace and,change and type in my name so i'm gonna,go with the name lens pro just because,it's not actually a brand or anything,like that it's just going to be super,basic for this tutorial so now i'm,holding shift and the bottom right,corner just to drag it and make sure it,scales with good orientation and we're,going to make it nice and big so we can,see what we're working with now we're,going to do is just double click to,select the whole text element here and,then go up to our character thing little,drop down at the top,and we're just gonna search for a font,that we want to use so i'm gonna go with,two different fonts that are in the same,family so if you don't know what that,means basically one is gonna be,thicker than the other basically so,you're gonna have like a bold and a,thinner one so you'll see what i'm,talking about i'm just gonna use like,helvetica,just a very basic professional font that,a lot of brands use so we'll go ahead,and use medium here,and then we'll change the pro to a,thicker heavier font so we're going to,go down and we're going to find where we,were,with the helvetica and let's look for 65,okay so we're going to look for lt and,then we're going to go with the black,one here so now we got this and you can,already see that we have the start of a,very very professional simple looking,logo so now what i'm going to want to do,is just a little bit more customization,to this so i'm going to actually just,decrease the spacing just a little bit,so to do this i'm gonna click in between,the letter with the text tool and then,hold down alt and then tap my left arrow,key to bring it over just a little bit,and this is just gonna let me get a,little bit more customization to the,font now i feel like that looks good and,it's very simple now the only thing that,i need to do now is get an icon or,something so if you guys don't have the,in-depth illustrator knowledge or,in-depth design knowledge you're not,gonna be able to just create your own so,we're gonna go ahead and go to our,internet browser go to this website it's,called the it'll be,linked down below and these are gonna be,free icons that you can use so we're,gonna search for a camera here and see,what we can find you can see there's a,bunch of different icons and super basic,things like that so i think that this,little one right here looks very good,and will work well with our picture but,i'm gonna go with the one next to it,because this one next to it is a lot,simpler and will work better in a logo,type the more simple the better in my,opinion for this type of thing so when,you click that it's going to have you,create an account i already have an,account so i'm going to do that and then,i will get back with you so now once you,do that it's going to bring you here and,you're going to be selected on the pro,download this is going to be a three,dollar royalty free license if you want,to pay that if you're going to use this,in a logo for an actual brand you're,going to want to pay that license or for,that royalty free license otherwise you,won't actually really get the file for a,logo so since i'm doing this for this,i'm not going to pay for that i'm going,to do a basic download you can do this,create your logo make sure it looks good,and everything and then go back and pay,that a little bit of money that will be,worth it in the long run so then you,have your like attribution and all that,kind of stuff which we're not going to,actually download or deal with because,we're just using this for a basic logo,but we're going to go ahead and click,svg here and that's going to go ahead,and download the file in svg so now when,you download it you might notice that,the svg is trying to open weird but just,right click it and click open with and,then illustrator and it will open up in,your illustrator and you can see here,that it's an actual,vector file for you to drag around and,bring into your other file so now to,bring into the other file we're going to,select all of it,press control c on our keyboard to copy,it and then click back and paste it in,here now you see it's small so again i'm,going to use shift but this time we use,shift and alt and then just click drag,the arrow to size it up a fair bit and,then let's make sure that this is lined,up at the bottom,you can create rulers by pressing ctrl r,and then you get these nice rulers and,you can go ahead and drag them down to,create lines,so we're gonna do that and line this up,perfectly,and then that way we can help line up,this at the bottom so now that that's,lined up we can zoom out a little bit,and see if we can move this over i'm,just using my arrow keys just to move it,over just a little bit,and see what we got going on here i feel,like for a very very basic logo for the,store this is a good looking little logo,and it should work well one thing i,could do is probably size this down and,line it up just a little bit better by,putting a ruler on top here and then,just sizing it to,actually line up with the size of the l,so once that's lined up like that i'll,just move it over that way it's just,more uniform and a little bit simpler,and then we can just go ahead and delete,our lines here and zoom out i'm just,holding alt and using my mouse wheel to,zoom in and out by the way so if you,don't know how to do that and then this,is what the basic logo is looking like,and this should work perfectly fine so,now what i'm going to do is select the,text here and right click and create,outlines that's going to make them,vector files you can see how they become,individual letters that are now outlined,so that's gonna be a lot better for our,logo type and then we're gonna select,everything and drag it up to the top,like this,and then what i'm gonna do is go to file,document setup or alt control p and then,edit artboards here so now we're gonna,size this down because otherwise we're,going to get some weird-looking uh logo,stuff so,go like that and since we are using this,color here on the background we're going,to want to go with like a silverish kind,of white so i'm going to go ahead and,pick a color for that so to do that i'm,going to select everything and then,double click on my fill,and then we can choose that kind of,color i'm going to go very close to,white but not all the way,just like that which should look good on,our actual logo then i'm just going to,go up to the top and do file save as now,once we're into our folder where we want,to save this i'm just going to title,this,white logo 1 or something like that save,it so now we have it saved i'm going to,do the same thing but i'm going to go to,file and then export and then export as,and now what you're going to do is click,this use artboards down at the bottom,very important that you click that and,then save it as a png just so we can,have a png version of it as well as the,actual design file because you can use,that vector file on a lot of different,things so you want to make sure that you,have that saved as well if you need to,go edit it now on this next screen we're,going to make sure that the background,color is transparent and we want the 300,high resolution so click that click ok,it'll save as that and then now what i'm,also going to do is save a black version,just in case we need it on the website,at all i'm just going to save it the,same way that i saved it before but just,name it black logo,so now if you guys have done that you,have your logos and you are all set to,go so in the next episode i'm going to,show you how to actually import that and,set it up on your website to make sure,it looks good and goes with the flow of,your website so stay tuned for that,hopefully these short tutorials are,helping you if they are make sure you,click that first link down in the,description and sign up for your shopify,free trial,you

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