how do i delete a shopify store

❌ How to CANCEL SHOPIFY Subscription / Close Shopify Store 2023 hey there if you want to delete your

Tech Express

Updated on Jan 22,2023

❌ How to CANCEL SHOPIFY Subscription / Close Shopify Store 2023

The above is a brief introduction to how do i delete a shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how do i delete a shopify store

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❌ How to CANCEL SHOPIFY Subscription / Close Shopify Store 2023

hey there if you want to delete your,Shopify store you are in the right place,so first of all guys what I want to do,is to sign into my Shopify account as,you can see I'm already inside here now,it's gonna be asking me the store which,I want to choose in my case I only have,one so I want to choose this option and,it's going to be sending me into the,editor or the administration center of,my application now before,due to this your account it's really,important to do these two tasks and one,and the Very up first,um stuff you want to do here is to go,into your account in my case I'm ready,in here and want to look for your manage,account so here's our Shopify account,profile we have the login Services we,have the store referred language time,zone and the security option is the one,that we want to find so in here just,want to make sure that the devices that,are locked in everyone every single one,of those are locked out,after that the authentication method we,have to leave this off and lastly you,have a login service you want to delete,this uh just for security reasons and we,can go back into our store which is,actually this one,I want to go into settings,and in here we have the balance section,this is the last step and the very very,interesting and important in order to,delete this correctly so I want to,scroll up and look for the payment,methods I don't have a family method in,here but if I had a panel method in here,you might see that there is a current,purchase and billing automatically just,in case you have a trial just in case,you have a monthly subscription or a,gear description you want to cancel that,because if you cancel and shut down your,Shopify you might have the chance that,child if I still charge you for,something that you are not using anymore,try to delete that option and here into,running total if you have anything in,zero you can just delete your account,now since I have a trial mode what I,want to do is to deactivate my trial,mode choose the activity you store and,cancel your subscription to all the,trial plan and here's the main reason,you're closing the store if you want to,choose one option let's say I'm,switching to another platform let's say,Shopify you have Chinese going to,continue and I just need to activate it,with my passcode and head into continue,so what's going to happen is that the,store is going to be automatically,deactivated if I want to reopen my,Shopify I can select this option so we,can have let's say for example like a,backup but so far my store has been,deactivated successfully and I will not,be charged anymore for the stuff that I,just done uh in the past if I want to,check it out some past bills and all,that I can choose my past bills and it's,going to be appearing in here so there,you have it guys just in case you have,any questions you can leave that down,below in the comment section now don't,forget to like And subscribe to the,channel if you want to see more about,these Shopify tips thank you so much for,watching this video guys and I'll see,you next time

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