how do i freeze my shopify account

how to change your payment method on SHOPIFY.COM? so guys as you can see in front of you,this is my

KHAN Vlogs

Updated on Mar 12,2023

how to change your payment method on SHOPIFY.COM?

The above is a brief introduction to how do i freeze my shopify account

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how to change your payment method on SHOPIFY.COM?

so guys as you can see in front of you,this is my shopify account and what i'm,gonna do next i will tell you how you,add a payment method to your shopify,account what you have to do if you you,know you can see here,uh this is the left side of shopify,account and this is my name here heather,you can what i'm gonna do next you can,see here setting you head towards,setting when you head towards setting,you will see payment options you can see,here payment checkout,and all other details location,etc,what i'm gonna do next,i will head towards my payments when i,head towards my payment you can see,you will see a lot of payments options,here you can also connect your paypal as,you can see in front of you i'm just uh,15 seconds away to connect my people as,well so what i'm gonna do next i'm gonna,show you how you connect your,payment method what you have to do you,can see add manual payment method at,payment methods so payments that are,made outside your online store when a,customer selects a manual payment,method such as cash and delivery you,will need to approve their order before,it can be fulfilled so i'm gonna head,towards,uh manual payment option then i will,head towards,uh create your custom no i will not head,towards it because you know i'm i have,to first uh add my debit or credit card,maybe so visa or mastercard whatever it,is so i will head towards at payment,method when i head towards spain meta it,will uh takes a little time as you can,see in front of you browsing and these,are the payment methods these are these,these are the acceptable cards and these,are the acceptable,finance platforms as you can see you,know about the skill you know about,payment wall you know about ipay you,know about bitpay,if you know about these uh you know,platforms what you have to do my,debit card is of visa and mastercard i,have two debit cards and it is a visa,and it is of mastercard i do not have,american express i do not have discover,i do not have jcb and i do not even know,the abbreviation of jcp so what i am,going to do next,what the,what is this happening man,so yeah this is what it is guys and this,is my youtube channel from hyderali khan,and you know i will make it shuffle,uh make it on loop and what i'm gonna do,next you you can see here,so i will head towards the first option,i am hitting it and then you can see,it will take some time and this is how,you,connect your fresh ui develop in order,to boost conversation loading time short,form,blah blah blah blah blah you can read it,i have no time and i don't want,your time to be wasted so i'm heading,towards connecting it and the new tab,will be open as you can see it's loading,and yeah this is how it is and this is,how you add a payment method add a debit,card a credit card to your,shopify account and yeah what i'm gonna,do next i will,install that and then further they will,have some more details view shopify,account data view details edited edit,other data so yeah when i install app i,would probably have my debit card credit,card payment method to be connected with,shopify and this is the only way you,connect,any payment method to your shopify,account if you have any questions,if you have anything,and any questions related to shopify do,let me know in the comment section below,i will head,towards ending this video and this is my,free trial as you can see and this is,how you add a payment method to your,shopify account if you have any,questions let me know in the comment,section below,and yeah,if this video solved your problem do,give it a thumbs up and,comment and you know,make a thumbs up and the stuff like this,it will definitely help my youtube,channel grow faster,so yeah this is what it is thank you so,much guys and i see

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