how do i get rid of powered by shopify

How To Remove "Powered By Shopify" From Footer 2023 welcome back to Ecom ranks if you are,having a p

Ecom Ranks

Updated on Feb 02,2023

How To Remove "Powered By Shopify" From Footer 2023

The above is a brief introduction to how do i get rid of powered by shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how do i get rid of powered by shopify

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How To Remove "Powered By Shopify" From Footer 2023

welcome back to Ecom ranks if you are,having a problem of this text powered by,Shopify showing in your footer section,then this is the right video to watch in,this video I will guide you with two,steps how you are able to remove this,powered by Shopify from any theme from,any Shopify theme so it's a quick,tutorial and if you like this video,please don't forget to subscribe the,channel and keep watching the complete,video okay so the first step we have to,do is uh we have to click on the online,store and then we have to click on this,theme button once clicked on it you have,to click on these three dots and then,you have to click on this edit default,theme content or you may be having an,option of added theme language simply,click on that option and then from here,you have to search forward by Shopify,once you will search this there will be,an option of powered by some powered by,Shopify will get opened simply click on,it and then hit backspace button and,delete this text and once delete it hit,the save button and once you will hit,the save button and let's reload our,website to check whether the powered by,Shopify link will get deleted or not let,me reload it again,okay so the powered by Shopify button,will not get deleted by Saving this,option if you are having the same,problem then you have to go to go back,and then you have to click on this three,Dot and then you have to click on this,edit code button once clicked on it from,here you have to search the footer file,and footer dot liquid file and then you,have to search for powered powered text,once you will search for it you have to,delete this complete paragraph P P is,for paragraph This is the opening,paragraph and this is the closing,tab of paragraph So what you have to do,is you have to completely delete this I,have powered by link and hit the,backspace button once uh you have,deleted this hit the save button once,you will and save this option now let's,go back to your front end of the website,and let's reload it to check whether the,powered by Shopify a link will get,deleted or not so now we have seen that,the powered by Shopify link has been,deleted so if you like my video please,don't forget to subscribe to my channel,if you have any query you can reach me,out to Fiverr or please don't forget to,re subscribe the channel and hit the,Bell icon thanks for watching

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