how do i hide all products collection facebook shopify

Hiding a Long Collection Description with Read More Button | Shopify Collection Page welcome back to

Ecom Ranks

Updated on Feb 24,2023

Hiding a Long Collection Description with Read More Button | Shopify Collection Page

The above is a brief introduction to how do i hide all products collection facebook shopify

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Hiding a Long Collection Description with Read More Button | Shopify Collection Page

welcome back to Ecom ranks in this video,I will guide you how are you able to add,read more button to your collection,description or if you have any product,description that is too long,um it's annoying for the customers to,scroll down the whole page and then see,the products so the the main thing is,that we have to add this read more,button on a collection page or on the,Shopify product page okay so the first,step we have to do is uh we have to do,some code okay so let's get started,okay so here are here are Two Steps step,one and step two I have created a,detailed document so that you can just,and copy and paste it within your theme,code so first of all you have to copy,this,uh I have copied it and then you have to,uh Open the theme as code okay so for,this uh let me show you how you are able,to add to open your theme code,okay from here you have to click on,themes and then from here you have to,click on edit code once you click on,edit code uh the all the coding files,will get opened okay so the first step,you have to do is you have to open theme,dot liquid file and then you have to,scroll down and you have to paste this,code just above this body tag okay so,for now let me close this tab and let me,copy it I am copying it I have copied it,move back to my theme code that I have,opened before uh it's a theme dot liquid,file I have to scroll down and just,above the body tag I have to paste it I,have already pasted it okay so after,pasting it just above the body tag you,have to hit the save button so first,step uh got completed the second step is,you have to find this tag collection dot,description with this curly brackets,okay so you have to find this within,your theme code it's mainly uh contained,within the main collection dot liquid or,collection template dot liquid or,collection Banner dot liquid okay in my,case it's uh listed on collection Banner,dot liquid in your case might be it,would be in a collection template dot,liquid or main collection and Dot liquid,okay so in this section you have to find,this collection description it's listed,in uh line number 78 I have to delete it,and then I have to copy this thing,okay I have to copy it and then paste it,over here okay from here you are also,able to change the read more text,okay like I want I just want to add this,plus icon so when my customer clicks on,plus icon it would show further,description so right now I would like to,use read more button because it's a more,user friendly okay and from here you are,able to adjust the words how many words,do you want to show uh like if I hit,zero words I want to show and hit the,save button and then test our,button okay so let me reload this page,okay so there is no text,um correctors or characters visible,before this read more button when I,click on this read more button all the,collection down description will get,shown on your collection page okay so,let me go back and adjust it to some 10,characters just before read more button,and hit save once it gets saved I just,reload it again,okay so now it's showing 10 characters,just before read more button okay so,it's a it's a quick tutorial on how are,you able to add collection description,uh with read more button functionality,if you like my video please don't forget,to subscribe to my channel and hit the,Bell icon thanks for watching

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