how do you create a redirect with shopify api

How to redirect URL in Shopify | How to Create Custom URL Redirects in Shopify hello and welcome to


Updated on Mar 19,2023

How to redirect URL in Shopify | How to Create Custom URL Redirects in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how do you create a redirect with shopify api

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how do you create a redirect with shopify api catalogs

How to redirect URL in Shopify | How to Create Custom URL Redirects in Shopify

hello and welcome to shop forex bus,today we will see how,url,redirects was in shopify,and what is the purpose of,redirecting url so before going into,looking into this navigation url view,url redirects now we will see how,what we are going to achieve,so if you haven't subscribed our channel,do subscribe it and press the bell icon,so you can get all the updated videos in,the shopify store development page so,here you see we have a product here,with this okay let's go to any product,of your store,okay you you know sometimes uh we are,going to update the title for our,product just like this,sometimes you have to add or delete,something like,new product or all then you also have to,update your,url handle with that,wording for,you know,seo purposes so the previous url handle,that was like,that you want to,change,still exists in the search engines and,as a backlink on different websites,from your traffic is coming like from,your clients are wasting from that link,but if we have,if we are going to make some changes in,the url handle you will see that that,old link still exists,in the backlinks of that websites,where people are coming from search,engines but,we have now our new url here,url handle so we will just click here,create a url redirect for,that,link,to you know this arrow to this new link,right,so,when we create this thing,after clicking save we are creating a,url redirect for this change in the url,handle,and you can see that this url handle has,been updated,so just like this we will try it,creating different url handles,in here in the software online store,in the navigation,see here you see,we have option of view url handles and,all the handles that are updating from,products will also be showing here you,can also create a custom url redirect,from here,just like here if you click on it you,will see that this was the old link,and uh,if someone is,listing this or link,just like this,in the products,in the products you know,if we click on a link here,of this,here you see,we have,pasted the old link here,just like this,the store names and products then the,old link and if we click enter,you see it's taking us to a,that has been,redirected or,updated in the redirection we entered,the old link and it take us to the new,updated link for our store,that is in work now,and with this way you you will not lose,your traffic by updating the titles like,sometimes you know we have to update the,name of collections,with new years like if it was 2021 then,now you want to make it 2022,and uh just like same,you can update urls you can also take,the old urls from other stores and,update into the new,store you have by clicking on import,option here you have to make a,template like this for your import list,so you can see that,in the import list the format required,is like this like we have one redirect,from option in which you will paste all,the links that you want to redirect from,your traffic to and here is that links,that you want to,redirect all,those old links to the new links here,that is existing in your store now so,this was the,url redirection import option and the,same thing you can also export it at and,use it in another,store as a import so you can,make current page export as well as you,can also make all url redirects,and then you can export plain csv file,and also a csv for excel number or other,spreadsheet programs so this is a good,example of updating your old links with,new ones to,don't lose the old traffic,if you like the video on the topic url,redirection inside the navigation we,have covered today then please like it,and subscribe the channel,and in the same playlist you will find,all the videos regarding the previous,sections here showing from home to,pages,and we are covering all the,remaining things in upcoming new videos,like for,preferences and settings and the things,in the settings and then we will be,moving forward to shop file,customization,of theme and all the things that are,important in team customization like,different dynamic sections and things,that are,useful for making conversion rate high,for our shopify store once again don't,forget to subscribe the channel like the,video and press the bell icon thanks for,your time have a great day bye

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