how do you do free spin in shopify

Spin the Wheel Shopify Discount Email Popup App Full Step by Step Tutorial 2021 (Woohoo Shopify App)

Ecom Kong

Updated on Mar 19,2023

Spin the Wheel Shopify Discount Email Popup App Full Step by Step Tutorial 2021 (Woohoo Shopify App)

The above is a brief introduction to how do you do free spin in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how do you do free spin in shopify

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Spin the Wheel Shopify Discount Email Popup App Full Step by Step Tutorial 2021 (Woohoo Shopify App)

what's going on it's bruce from ecomcon,thanks for watching the video and for,checking out the channel,now in this one i'm going to be sharing,with you a shopify app that store owners,have been using to drive sales,and quickly grow an email list so,without further ado let's jump into the,video,first things first this app is called,woohoo pop-up games,and the way it works is once a customer,lands on your shopify page a pop-up with,a spin the wheel game will appear,it will ask them to enter in their email,address for a chance to win,a coupon code so a customer's going to,come over here,put in their email address and then,click the spin the wheel button,now it's going to spin and as soon as it,stops they're going to be given a,discount code,so this person won a 20 off code that,they can use at checkout for any,purchase,so this app is being used by thousands,of online businesses because it works,it dramatically increases sales and,helps build an email list,quickly that the store owners can,leverage overtime to increase the,lifetime value of each customer,so now let's jump over to the shopify,dashboard to download the app,now from our dashboard we're going to,come up here and select the visit the,shopify app store button,and then we're going to search for spin,the wheel,pop-up,just like that and once it loads we can,see the woohoo app,right here as you can see it has a 4.9,star rating and over 613 reviews so this,is a really really good app,it has a free plan available and that's,all that you're going to need to do this,successfully,it has a 14 day free trial if you want,to upgrade your plan,but we're just going to go ahead and,select add app,let it load and then we're just going to,scroll down again and select the install,app button,all the default settings are good to go,and now we can choose which game we want,to set up so there's three different,game types,there's the spin the wheel game the one,that i just walked you through right,before,there's a wheel of coupons which is very,similar just looks a little bit,different,and then there's a reveal your coupon,game um,you know they all work great but my,personal preference,is this first app or the first game the,spin the wheel game it tells,asks customers to input their email,address right here tells them when to,press the button,it just my opinion this just this one,just works better it looks,better um so i'm gonna walk you through,how to set up this one uh,in this video but to set up all the,other games it's gonna uh,be the exact same process so you can go,ahead and choose whichever game that you,like we're gonna go ahead and select,the spin the wheel game so we're gonna,go ahead and let it load again,and now we can begin customizing our,game and one of the reasons why i love,this app so much is that it's pretty,much good to go with the default,settings,we just need to edit one or two things,and it'll be set so if we look on the,left hand side of the screen there's,five different tabs,design text coupon settings and trigger,so from the design tab we can begin,customizing the way that we want the,wheel to to look,so you can add your logos here the,easiest way that i found to choose a,color scheme is to match it with the,main color of your,of your website so we're going to select,colorize wheel and then to get the color,code that we want to use we're going to,head back over to our store,come to online store and we're going to,go to the part where you can begin,customizing uh you know the theme,so we're going to click the customize,button and then we're going to come down,here and select,the theme settings button and colors so,in my opinion the main color on,this website is this red so i'm going to,go ahead and grab the,color code just like that i'm going to,copy it,i'm going to paste it in right here,and hit enter and it is good to go,so now the way that the color scheme is,set up it's to match our website,um this is going to help because it's,going to create a more uniform,experience,you know it's going to look a lot better,on that website than any of these other,uh you know color patterns so we're,going to leave it just,like that if you want you can go ahead,and put in your your logo,it's really simple process you just drag,and drop um,so now we can go ahead and edit some of,the text but in my opinion,the default text is good to go so,unless you're an expert copywriter and,you want to mess with any of these,um you know any of these settings i,would just leave it as is because,you know it does a great job in getting,customers to input their,their email address and go uh through,the process of uh,you know playing the game so now we can,edit,the coupons we can we can choose the,percentage discounts that we want to,give um you know,customers a chance to win on the wheel,and then we can also choose the gravity,or the chance that we want,um for each discount code and what i,like to do is give,the bigger gravity the bigger chance to,those median discount codes so the 10,and i like to give a little bit smaller,chances of winning the 20,and five percent so all that i'm going,to do is i'm going to come over here and,choose i'm going to set this to 30,for the 10 percent and then uh i'm just,going to go ahead and,leave the other ones at 10. so now,there's a 10 chance,of winning a 20 off code or a 5 percent,code and there's a 30,chance of winning either of these 10,coupons,so now we're going to come down to,settings and again i would leave all,these settings as,is um so when the user is leaving the,website,it's going to pop up when the user,reaches 100 of the page is going to pop,up,um you know what actually i'm going to,change some of these i didn't realize,that,so one i'm going to choose put this to,50 and then i'm going to change this to,5 seconds so now there's more of a,chance of customers who land on your,website of seeing this wheel,and odds are if a customer sees this,wheel they're going to put in their,email address to get that discount code,so we want,we want the customers to be on the site,long enough to uh to see this,uh to see the the game appear so that's,why we're gonna,um you know change it to five seconds,set instead of ten seconds and uh,viewing only fifty,fifty percent of the page instead of a,hundred,scrolling down here everything else,looks good to go we want it to display,on desktop tablet and mobile,um when to stop displaying the game,after the user performs the action after,showing it one time per user,yep because we only want customers to uh,view it,once we don't want customers going in,and you know continuing to use the,the coupons and inputting their email,address um that really doesn't help us,i don't like the countdown time i think,that's a little spammy so i'm just going,to go ahead and take that off,but other than that i think the settings,are good to go,looking to the trigger you can update,this update this to however you like,let me move my face so as you see here,you can do a bottom trigger like that,you can also do a side trigger with a,little gift icon,um so around the holidays this might be,a good idea,but for now i like just the simple text,button i think that looks best,um and just like that we're good to go,so all we need to do is select this,button right here to create the game,congratulations your game has been,created,so now let's go ahead and test it on the,site and see how it works,and back inside of our shopify dashboard,we're going to select the icon next to,online store to preview our website,and once we've been on the site for more,than five seconds or scroll through,fifty percent of the page,the spin the wheel uh game should appear,just like this so it's looking good,i'm gonna input the email address and,then select the spin the wheel button,and just like that it's working so now,let's see what i won,so i won the five percent off code so we,can select the button apply my discount,it's going to automatically apply the,discount code,and the percentage to my to my cart or i,can select the coupon and copy and paste,it at checkout,so select apply my discount and so the,app is working it's looking good um,and one thing that's really cool about,the wuhu app as well is that it allows,you to track conversions,so let's go ahead and jump back into the,app and let me show you that,to go to the app we're going to come,over here to the left hand side of the,screen and select apps and then select,the woohoo app right there and once it,loads we can see our game right here we,can go ahead and name it whatever we,like but,you can see we have one impression two,hits a 200 percent click through rate,um because i entered in two different,email addresses,and what's really cool is they tell you,the revenue that's generated from the,app right here so anytime the coupons,that,uh are in the game are used it'll be,tracked and you'll see how much money,that you're making uh,you know using this app another really,cool thing is that it allows you to,download subscribers so if you click uh,the download subscribers,uh button right there it generates an,excel file that has,the names of all your subscribers their,email addresses the code that they used,in the date that they signed up,this is going to be really helpful,because it's going to allow you to build,that email list,so that you can leverage them over time,to increase the average customer value,or,the lifetime value of each customer over,time,and that's going to be key to helping,you grow a long-term sustainable online,business,especially in e-commerce and if you made,it this far i want to give you two,things in the description beneath this,video,the first is going to be a link to my,100 free shopify course that's going to,take you through everything that you,need step by step to get your online,business set up,and the second is gonna be a link to my,free discord channel where i provide,one-on-one mentorship again,100 free so go ahead and join join the,group join the channel,get signed up for the free course and of,course let me know if you have any,questions,um thanks for watching the video thanks,for checking out the channel and i'll,see you in the next one

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