how do you find products to sell on shopify

Shopify Dropshipping - How to find winning products to sell on Shopify! (BEGINNERS GUIDE) what's goi

Ecom Naam

Updated on Mar 23,2023

Shopify Dropshipping - How to find winning products to sell on Shopify! (BEGINNERS GUIDE)

The above is a brief introduction to how do you find products to sell on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how do you find products to sell on shopify

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Shopify Dropshipping - How to find winning products to sell on Shopify! (BEGINNERS GUIDE)

what's going on guys my name is econom,and today i'm going to be showing you,the exact strategy that i use that,helped me generate 2.5 million dollars,in the past two years so let's get,straight into the video,if you're trying to start your own,online business and you like seeing,content like this make sure you hit that,like button make sure you hit that,subscribe button i'm a new youtuber i've,been drop shipping for about four or,five years now so i'm really just trying,to get back and share the value that,i've learned over the years so let's get,right into it now before we even begin,looking for a product to sell we need to,know what a winning product consists of,so there are three things that every,product needs in order to be successful,in drop shipping number one you need to,be marking up your product by at least,3x that means if you're sourcing a,product from aliexpress for 10 you need,to be selling that product for at least,30 or more this is going to be extremely,important to stay profitable especially,when it comes to paid advertising number,two you need to be selling a product,that improves the quality of someone's,life or is a problem-solving product,problem-solving products in my opinion,have the highest conversion rate it's,just a lot easier for a customer to buy,from you when the product they're buying,is clearly benefiting them a nice,strategy that i like to use is you can,actually introduce problems to the,customer that they never even knew,existed and then show them how your,product is gonna solve that problem,number three you wanna make sure that,the product you're gonna sell is being,sold by someone else i know that sounds,weird but if the wheel isn't broken,don't fix it if someone's already,selling the product that you wanna sell,and it's been successful that's actually,a great sign that means that there's a,demand for the product and it's proven,to work so what do you do you do it,better make the website better make the,ads better make the quality of the,product better see if you can hit up the,supplier and make your own version of,the product that already works the point,is you don't need to be a genius to come,up with this crazy idea this new product,to make it in drop shipping my biggest,advice to you is see what's already,worked and just do it better so now that,we know what makes a good product let's,go over three ways to find winning,products these three ways are completely,free and proven to work let's jump into,my laptop and get to work all right so,you're going to want to fire up your,laptop and just type in,actually you can do this on your laptop,or your phone the first method is,completely up to you so what you're,going to want to do is put in the search,bar keywords like tick-tock made me buy,this or shop now or i need this and,you'll be presented with a lot of,products that people are selling on this,platform and most of the time they're,drop shipping so let's just start with,something like need this,so you can see most of these products,let's see this we're looking for,something that's viral and it hits those,four points that we talked about earlier,so this one has 19.9 million views let's,see what it is,okay it seems just like it's like a,portable manual charger to charge your,phone in case,world war three happens i mean it's a,cool idea but like chances of that,happening and people buying that is like,pretty slim i hope um so we're just,gonna keep scrolling,and you can just keep doing this right,like just just while you're scrolling on,tick tock just do this for like five,minutes and i guarantee you that you'll,find a few products that are winners,let's see what this is nobody is talking,about this to fix back pain,so it looks like a back cracker,it does improve the quality of someone's,life that's good,i've never really seen this before so,let's see if we go on aliexpress and see,how much it's going for,i'm sure that this product is gonna be,on aliexpress,so we'll just type in,oh shoot,back pain relief,yep and it's being sold for ten dollars,and i'm sure if we did a little bit this,one's going for a dollar so,you can definitely 3x it let's see what,they're selling it on their website for,they best be selling it for at least 20,to 30 dollars let's see,so yeah 32 bucks and they're getting it,from aliexpress for 10 and i'm sure if,you found one another supplier you can,get it for cheaper than that so just,like that guys you can just go through,the product or description and you know,kind of take inspiration from what,they're doing you can see that most of,this work is being put on tick tock,where like look at all the content that,they're pumping out right like they're,posting a video like almost every day,not every single one of them is going,viral but you'll go into the occasional,one that is like 23k the one that we,watched originally was like 12 million,views so it's all about just kind of,seeing what's worked and then recreating,it and it hitting those four those three,points that we talked about earlier so,this method i haven't heard many people,talk about so i'm going to share it with,you so what you're going to want to do,is you're going to want to go to,facebook or instagram and you're going,to want to scroll down your news feed,and what we're looking for is an ad that,looks like a drop shipping ad and over,time you'll be able to tell what that,looks like for example,this is a perfect example so this is,called the necro client of course,they're like targeting us because we,looked at like the back crackers so now,they're giving us like a nutcracker i,think it's very similar product so what,you're going to want to do is let's just,watch the video for a second this is,what a drop like a typical drop shipping,ad looks like like a quick video like,this with some text on the screen some,examples,this is perfect so what you're going to,want to do is you're going to actually,click shop now and you're going to want,to take all the steps prior to the,purchase so you're going to want to add,to cart you're going to want to initiate,checkout you want to get to this step,right before purchase so right here and,then you're going to want to exit out of,the page,the reason you want to do this is,because now you're going to be put in,this audience that facebook gathers,called engage shoppers and when you're,an engaged shopper you're very about,you're a very high value customer in,facebook eye facebook's eyes because,you're very close to purchasing on their,platform so what's going to happen is,they're going to start showing you,better ads over time they're going to,show you the top performing ads the ones,that are doing the best because they,want you to buy on their platform,because at the end of the day facebook,is an advertising company and they want,you to do well so,what how this is going to help you out,is you're going to start seeing some ads,that are converting really well and,products that are obviously winning,because people aren't going to spend,money on ads if it's not working right,so what you're going to do is over time,you're going to start seeing winning,products and you're going to be able to,use those as inspiration and use that on,your website and maybe just kind of take,inspiration and use that as your winning,product all right so the last method is,going to aliexpress's top ranking list,this is perfect because first of all,it's already selling well on aliexpress,which means it's all someone else is,already selling it which is a good sign,for you because that was point number,three right sell what's already selling,and it's great because you can actually,target what niche you want to sell your,item in so if you're making a health and,beauty store you're going to want to,look for health and beauty products if,you want if you're going to do a home,improvement product then you're going to,want to click here i'm just going to,look through here because like i said,improving the quality of someone's life,always seems like to be the highest,converting product to sell so let's just,go through through here i know the,sunset lamp was popping off,in like early on in the tick tock days,and so was like these led strips i feel,like these led strips always come around,like this like november december,christmas time because it gets dark,early and people just want to put them,in their rooms so this one has 85 orders,just yesterday so someone's clearly,already selling this this actually might,be a great idea to start selling now,especially with the holidays coming up,because it's listed for only ten dollars,you could easily mark this up for 30 or,more,another great tip is to kind of just go,to google trends,and,let's just type in like led lights and,see what comes up led lights this,basically just shows you what's trending,on for like if you type something in it,will show you what the trend is like,when it's popular throughout the season,if it's going up or it's going down as,you can see here it's pretty stagnant,during the year but again like i said,like usually around this time,it always pops off it's weird right but,like i wonder if this is like if this is,for every year,so we're gonna do like,yeah it seems like there's always,popping off in like november,december,october,yeah it seems like this is a great,december this is a great time to buy,this because it's so easily,like accessible you can make so many co,so much content with it in your own room,and i've seen it pop off on tik tok so i,know it works so i would definitely,recommend trying to sell this product so,that's pretty much it for today's video,i hope you guys learned it all out from,that if you have any questions leave it,in the comments below i will also be,giving away a free one-on-one mentor,call in order to win that call you're,gonna have to like this video leave a,comment subscribe send me proof on my,instagram and i'll announce the winner,on next week's video and that pretty,much wraps it up i'll see you in the,next video peace

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