how do you sell your own products on shopify

How To Sell On Shopify Without Dropshipping drop shipping in my opinion it's one of,the best ways to

Jordan Welch

Updated on Mar 01,2023

How To Sell On Shopify Without Dropshipping

The above is a brief introduction to how do you sell your own products on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how do you sell your own products on shopify

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How To Sell On Shopify Without Dropshipping

drop shipping in my opinion it's one of,the best ways to get started in,entrepreneurship but it's not the only,way to sell products on shopify as a,matter of fact most of the biggest,stores on shopify don't even dropship,anymore myself included so in this video,i'll share a simple method for you to,start selling products on shopify,without drop shipping if you're looking,to build a long-term and sustainable,business then this video is perfect for,you so let's talk about it,the strategy is very simple but you need,to know how to do it properly the key to,building a shopify store without drop,shipping is sourcing products directly,from the manufacturer and buying them in,bulk this is not a new concept but i get,dms every single day for people asking,me how to do this so i'm going to break,it down for you right now and i know it,sounds simple but if you do this,incorrectly you can lose thousands of,dollars and waste weeks of your time,just like i did now i'm not proud of it,but let me tell you the worst mistake i,ever made with fulfilling products and,how i lost almost 50 000 because of it,back in 2017 when i started my first,store i initially began with drop,shipping after i had scaled a couple,products with drop shipping and saw that,it was really difficult to keep my,customers happy i looked for a different,solution but at the time i was sort of,lazy and i wanted to find someone that,could just take care of the whole,process for me so instead of doing my,own research and buying directly from, i trusted somebody to handle,the entire process and the fulfillment,of my products and this man completely,fumbled the ball i'm literally getting,anxiety thinking about this because of,how much chaos it caused basically he,made two critical mistakes that you,could actually avoid if you just watch,and listen all the way to the end the,first mistake was that he ended up,sourcing the wrong product the product,that he found looked similar but the,functionality was very different from,what we showed on our website and our,ads and the second mistake was that the,products took forever to arrive to his,fulfillment center so because of this,additional one month delay we had to,refund almost 500 orders and then the,orders that he did end up shipping out,well they were with the wrong product,and this just caused a barrage of,chargebacks and bad reviews he had,provided such a bad experience that we,had to refund tens of thousands of,dollars and almost lost our business,because of this i know this story sounds,like an outlier but i heard multiple,people in my circle deal with the same,issue so the question is how did i fix,it and how can you avoid these problems,for yourself the solution was pretty,simple i did my own research and found a,really good supplier on i,started a conversation with them got to,learn more about their business got a,sample of the product and once i saw it,we were good to go i found a new,fulfillment company based out of china i,placed a bulk order and sent it to them,and then we started shipping the product,successfully and even with my business,right now that's doing over a hundred,thousand dollars a month i still rely on, to find the best,manufacturers and products for my store,so let me jump on my computer and show,you how to actually find a good supplier,on so you don't make the,same mistake that i did it's pretty,simple but if you do it wrong you'll,definitely have to deal with some,consequences let me help you out let me,show you my exact research process for,finding the best manufacturers on, for this example i'll be,using this hydrating bee lip balm that,i've seen going viral lately if you take,a look you'll see this was posted on may,31st and they have over 24 000 likes,this is a perfect example of a viral,product that you can capitalize and,build a brand off of so if we go to, and we do a quick search for,b-balm you're gonna see all different,types of things pop up different,manufacturers different types of,products but we're specifically looking,for the best version of this model of,the product so let's try to find it,there's really three main things that,i'm looking for when doing research the,first thing i'm looking for is how many,years this supplier has been in business,typically if they have been in business,for less than two years i see this as a,red flag it's not that they're,guaranteed to provide a bad service but,they don't have the 5 to 10 years of,experience that other manufacturers,might have which will make a difference,so after doing about 10 minutes of,research i found three different,suppliers of this product so let's break,them down and figure out which is the,best this first supplier that i found,has the exact same product as the store,we were doing research on as you can see,this supplier has been open for about,one year and they haven't made too many,sales on this product because you can,see that there's only been one buyer but,if we go to their page and take a look,you can see that they have over 20 years,of oem experience they have a bunch of,different languages and they have many,different products in the beauty and,cosmetics industry so all in all this is,a pretty decent supplier but let's take,a look at the other two this second,supplier does not have the same exact,product but they are a little more,trustworthy because they've been open,for around three years they've done over,30 000 transactions and their product,looks like it's pretty good quality even,though the packaging is not the same,it's really the same product and this,could actually be a unique way to enter,the marketplace by having a new design,on the package the last supplier i found,is only selling the packaging for the,lip balm but this could be a really good,purchase as well because you could,simply buy the lip balm and fill it up,in these packages this is not something,that i would want to do but it's a,viable option for some of you and this,supplier has been open for over two,years and they have over 60 000,transactions so it looks pretty good to,me so if i was going to sell this,product tomorrow and i didn't want to,drop ship how would i do it well to be,honest with you i don't think i would,order from these guys because they're,just selling the container and i don't,want to deal with that process so we're,going to x them out the other two,suppliers are actually pretty exciting,to me i like both of them they both seem,to be pretty reputable and trustworthy,but the next step i would take is to,send a message to the supplier and order,a sample of their product when you,message the supplier make sure to let,them know that you're trying to build a,brand off of this you're wanting to,build a long-term relationship and,they're going to take you seriously and,a lot of times they'll even consider,sending you a free sample of the product,now i can't promise that but it's,happened to me multiple times and i,highly recommend that you build that,communication with your supplier you can,choose shipping methods that will get,the product to you in around one to two,weeks and once i get the sample from,both suppliers i would make my final,decision on which one i want to work,with now thankfully i have a fulfillment,center out in china that i work with so,once i found the sample that i like i,would simply send a bulk order over to,that fulfillment center now i know i'm,going to get a hundred comments if,people ask me which fulfillment center i,use i've covered it many times in other,videos and there are a lot of options,out there for you guys so do your own,research and check back on my older,videos so this is a pretty simple look,on how to source and find manufacturers,for any product using and as,you can see it's pretty simple but it's,very important that you do your due,diligence on each supplier so you can,make sure that you don't make any,mistakes and that your product quality,is on point and is actually,launching something in september that,i'm super excited about so i'm gonna,share it with you now so you can be the,first to know about this i promise you,this is a game changer and it's gonna,make it so much easier to start your,business,starting on september 1st alibaba is,rolling out their super september,promotion this is the perfect time to,stock up on inventory and prepare your,business for q4 if you didn't already,know q4 is the biggest time for online,stores because of all the holidays,customers are literally in a buying,frenzy making it much easier to scale,your store in this time period during,super september you'll be able to order,directly from alibaba with the lowest,prices of the entire year you can save,up to 40 on over 30 categories on their,website which means whatever type of,business you're running this is the,perfect time to get started and stock up,on inventory you can check the link down,below to learn more about the super,september promo i promise you if you're,serious about starting a business you do,not want to miss out on this opportunity,with q4 approaching it's really,important to be prepared and this is one,of the best ways to do it during super,september you could spend less and sell,more making it the perfect time to stock,up and prepare for q4 so as you can see,drop shipping is not the only way to get,started on shopify using this method you,can get a head start in the process of,building your own brand and really,prepare your business for long-term,growth major shout out to,for sponsoring this video the links to,everything i talked about today are,going to be down below in the,description i post new videos every,single friday so make sure to subscribe,down below to never miss an upload,that's all for this video thank you so,much for watching i hope you have an,amazing weekend i'll talk to you soon,peace

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