how i lost money on shopify

how i lost money on shopify | shopify is going | how shopify is going hey guys welcome back to Dev T


Updated on Mar 31,2023

how i lost money on shopify | shopify is going | how shopify is going

The above is a brief introduction to how i lost money on shopify

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how i lost money on shopify | shopify is going | how shopify is going

hey guys welcome back to Dev Tech,YouTube channel in this video I'm going,to talk about Shopify previously I,recorded a video about Shopify on how,you can register and of course you get,10 000 that you can use for making money,please watch this video to the end and,of course if you are not yet subscribed,to my Channel please hit the,subscription button like but I would,like you to share this video to other,people because it's uninformative video,last time I recorded a video and of,course I informed you that Shopify is an,online money making platform and you,register after registration you get 10,000 that you can use for making money,and of course the referrals also I told,you but right now as I speak Shopify is,going down just few hours I try to make,a withdraw and when I did a withdraw my,account was banned and it's not only me,because even in the last video I see,someone posting that he tried to make a,worthy draw in his account has been,banned so this is the right time for you,to make a worthy draw if you know that,you have money in your Shopify account,if you invested please make a withdraw,if you have not invested try to withdraw,what you have and see you're going to,tell me if I'm talking lies because I,contacted these guys on why they burnt,it but they were saying that I I,registered 300 accounts imagine but of,course now I'm seeing that most people,are getting affected so that is the,information that I have in this video,but of course uh Sanctuary right I,talked about Sanctuary Ranch and that,one is still working but of course do as,I told you,make a worthy draw and let's create,these platforms before 25th of December,now let me check on Shopify to show you,what I mean I should call it a Shopify,here it is here an app I had but because,I removed that one since they blocked me,so now let me show you here,this is my shop Shopify as you're seeing,so I cannot access it it is just a very,blank like the way you're seeing it here,you cannot do anything I think they have,just blocked the IP that is in Google,Chrome now let me go and use this other,website,this is my account now let me try to,login,you can sign up you can deposit you can,earn but the problem is,if you try to withdraw your account is,banned there and there now let me try to,sign into my account and you see,I hope you've seen account has been,banned just today when I try to make a,withdraw of 10 000 because that is the,information that I have to give you in,this time but of course I have some app,that I'm going to talk about that is a,true flip if you are if you have ever,heard about it and I knew it as a crypto,band it's also a male online money,making platform but this one is based in,Tanzania let me log into it and I show,you,but of course I'm going to talk about it,but if you want it you can try it out,yes,then I log into ID posted 1000 CB that,is 32,000,700. and of course as you're seeing this,is what I have earned which means I've,earned Beyond whatever invested and of,course this is my deposit when I,registered I was given 150 CB CB is,crypto bond that is how they have named,it,and this is what I got after for from,the person I referred and uh that is all,I'm going to make a withdraw here and of,course I record a video but of course,this video is all about uh Shopify,Shopify is going please make away the,draw,that is it thanks so much for watching,share this video and let's alert other,friends of ours we meet again the next,coming video

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