how in shopify how to change products to another supplier throiugh oberlo

How To Import Products To Shopify From Aliexpress Using Oberlo App & Chrome Extension hey guys how's

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Updated on Mar 12,2023

How To Import Products To Shopify From Aliexpress Using Oberlo App & Chrome Extension

The above is a brief introduction to how in shopify how to change products to another supplier throiugh oberlo

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how in shopify how to change products to another supplier throiugh oberlo catalogs

How To Import Products To Shopify From Aliexpress Using Oberlo App & Chrome Extension

hey guys how's it going so if you're new,to this whole shopify thing and this,whole drop shipping thing you're,probably wondering how you,get products into your shopify store so,i'm going to go ahead and show you,how to use the oberlo app in shopify,uh let's go ahead and just waste no time,jump right into it,here is my desktop i literally just,created the shopify store you can see it,says your trial,just started this is just some random,test store i have,nothing on it this is literally what,shopify looks like,right when you sign up so fresh store,we're gonna first install the oberlo app,and this is how you do it this is how,you import products from aliexpress into,your,shopify store so we're gonna go ahead,and hit apps on the left hand side,of the screen here and go ahead and hit,visit the shopify,app store,so once this loads we are gonna,look for the oberlo app,and this oberlo app allows you to import,products i think not only from,aliexpress but from all different,websites into your shopify store,super easily uh from all different,manufacturers,and if you're new at that i'm just going,to go ahead and do brief explanations of,everything i'm doing,just so you get it the shopify app store,apps,allow you to do anything you want on,shopify,oberlo one allows you to import okay we,already talked about this,um every app has a page and it'll show,you,uh different pricing strategies so this,happens to have a free plan and we're,just going to go ahead and use a free,plan,but maybe you're doing a bunch of volume,they do offer,better pricing and stuff you can read,the reviews on any app,you can look at screenshots of any app,and sometimes the screenshots are very,helpful i've found because a lot of,times,you don't exactly know what the app does,but let's go ahead,and just hit add app here,and oberlo is just going to,tell you that it wants permission to do,these things with your shopify store,go ahead down here just hit install app,and this is your oberlo dashboard now i,think,i already made a oberlo,account just sign up for oberlo,it skipped that part because i already,made,a test one but it'll have you just enter,an email and you know you just make a,free account,okay so once you're here,oh gotta clear it i'm gonna clear this,because i want to show you how to do,this,i already messed with this a little bit,because i wanted to make sure i remember,how to do it so,in the oberlo dashboard you'll have,home import list products orders,notifications and find product,so through oberlo,you can actually just find products,right here if you hit find products,and you can say you want to add some,shoes,to your shopify store you could just,type in shoes and it looks like it's,searching aliexpress here,and you want to make sure that you're,sorting the products by order count,order count is really important you want,to,only import products that have a decent,amount of orders on them,when i say decent i mean like maybe 100,200,plus in my experience,that's what i go with uh this one you,can see has 17 000 orders this one has,15 000 orders,the reason you do that is because using,oberlo and using aliexpress,you are ordering products from chinese,manufacturers and,chinese manufacturers are not always,reliable,um so if you import a product that has a,lot of orders on it,most likely it is from a reliable,manufacturer,that can deliver on those orders um,so to make this really simple uh,this is the top ordered,product for shoes it's just soft,slippers,you can go ahead and hit add to import,list if you want to you can look at the,product a little more,and just look at more details this is,how much it's going to cost you,these are the sizes that's available,these are the varieties they have for,sale,this is the shipping options that it has,so you can see,this is going to be a 45 day shipping,time,and these are the other shipping options,the free shipping is 45 days,to pay a lot of money and get it faster,if you're shipping the united states but,anyway,you can go ahead and hit add to import,list i'm just going to show you this,really quick,once you hit add to import list it'll,show up over here,in your import list and,still adding the product the import list,is,all the products that you will,be adding to your shopify store or you,plan to add to your shopify store,so if i wanted to add this product just,as is i could,literally just hit import product and,it'll show up,in your shopify store but i would,suggest doing,a couple things first here and not in,your shopify store just to make it easy,for you,first you'll want to change the title,you can change the title to whatever you,want you don't need the default title,um so you could just put whatever you,want super soft,uh slippys,okay slippies and we'll add the tag,shoe okay,and then in here you can change the,description if you want this is just the,default description they have,you can select the varieties that you,want to sell,so this is actually um i would suggest,selecting the varieties you want to sell,in here,uh let's see oh you can also edit the,prices in here and it'll tell you,this is the default price and this is,the profit you're going to make,you can change all this in your shopify,store but,maybe here i'll give you an example i,will,just sell these red ones so,is there any more red yeah so if i,wanted to just sell the red slippers,i can select all the ones that,say red,and then images you can select the,images you want to import since i'm just,selling the red i'm going to uncheck,all these images,here and maybe there's some helpful,images,here like okay i'll just actually i'm,not going to add those,but you get the idea here you can,customize,everything you want to import in the,product before you import it,into your product into your shopify,store so let's go ahead and import to,this,to the store so i can show you exactly,what this looks like import,to store and as you can see it's being,imported,if we go check box if we go back to the,shopify store,and you click on products here in the,left hand side,you'll see that now we have the,superstops supersoft slippies,i spelled it wrong but if you click on,this eyeball,it'll show you exactly what the product,page is going to look like,and if you click on this eyeball it'll,show you exactly what your store looks,like,so let's click on the eyeball and you,can see,exactly here's your product somebody can,come on your store,right now and buy this product they,could add to cart,they can select their color it looks,like the oberlo app,does import from aliexpress but i'm,going to go ahead and show you how to,use the oberlo chrome extension,hey guys sorry to interrupt just wanted,to say if you're enjoying the video go,ahead and subscribe,and also i am currently going to be,doing some one-on-one coaching so if you,want some,walkthrough of any of this stuff uh go,ahead and contact me on instagram or in,the email,in the description below so getting back,to the video,to import products directly from the,website so,let's just uh,google um oberlo,extension there it is right there let's,just click on the first one,this is the oberlo chrome extension of,course you need to be using,google chrome as a web browser to use,this extension,i think firefox also has this extension,though,um so add oberlo add extension,that's it it's done it's up here in the,corner you can see,so now that the is installed,all you have to do now,is go to,and we'll type in shoes,so this green bar is the oberlo,extension and you can see right here you,could just hit,add to oberlo for any of these products,and remember you want to sort by,orders now just to give you some context,i'm going to explain to you,you can skip over this if you want but,i'm going to tell you a little story,about why it's so important that you,choose a reliable,manufacturer when i was first starting,out with drop shipping,we uh found this hoodie that looked,really cool and we thought we could sell,it was like a,uh had an octopus on it or something we,thought we could sell it to,fishing people who liked fishing right,but this product,only had five or six or seven orders but,we just took our chances,anyway and we imported it to our store,and we ran,an ad and overnight we sold like 15 of,them at 40,a piece and they only cost us like 15 so,we made a bunch of money,but uh because this manufacturer only,had five or six orders it wasn't a,highly ranked manufacturer,they couldn't deliver any of those,hoodies i don't know if they didn't have,it,if it like didn't exist or if they made,it up regardless,they didn't deliver and we had to refund,every customer so it's important,that you use reliable,manufacturers here that's why it's,important to,sort by orders and if you click into,these there's another thing you want to,look for here,when you're importing from aliexpress up,here,is the store that's selling it and if,you just hover over it you can see this,is,a 97.8 positive rating this is a top,brand,so this is probably a store that you can,trust,and it says right here item description,4.8 4.7 it's all above average,and it's been around you can see october,19 2019,been around for three years so we could,trust this store,if you want to add this product uh you,can just hit add to oberlo down here in,the corner,and it will just show up in your oberlo,product list so let's go ahead and close,this you can also add it here,if you want to and if we just go back,to our store and hit apps here let's,reload this i don't think it loaded,if you go back and hit apps you can see,that you have the oberlo app installed,if you click into it it'll just take you,to your oberlo dashboard,and if you go to import list you can see,that the shoes i just imported from,aliexpress,are here and i'm just going to go ahead,and hit,import to store same deal,as the last one,and go to products here it is,in your store i'll go over a couple,other things,that you should look for uh shipping,rates are really important,in aliexpress uh because they take a,long time,because they're coming from china now,you can see that aliexpress,um or oberlo i'm getting this all,confused,oberlo puts this little border on it and,it tells you how much the shipping is,going to be for this product,and how long it'll take so you can see,this one's a dollar 58,shipping and it's going to take 45 days,these are free shipping they're going to,take 45 days,one thing you can do like i,mentioned earlier is if you click into,this it'll show you,the shipping options so there is an,option to ship,faster you can see the difference is,like over a month,but it will cost you twenty one dollars,to do this,uh one thing you could do when you're,searching for products as well,here let's go back to uh,just choose aside from sorting by orders,you can also select products see it says,right here shipping from,you can also select products that ship,from the united states,so they don't actually come from china,these are manufacturers in the united,states,they're not always manufactured in the,united states but they have the product,somewhere in the united states to ship,it,and they have faster shipping times so,i think aliexpress is wrong on the,shipping time it just shows you the,default one but if you click,into this because we selected ships from,the united states you can see,you can select ships from and you can,select the united states,and see now it tells you the shipping is,26 dollars,but it ships via usps and it only has a,14 to 30,a 4 to 13 day shipping time,from the us that's kind of costly though,shipping you're really going to have to,mark,this product up but,regardless i wanted to show you that,that's an option you can select,manufacturers that ship,from the united states and don't pay,attention to,this shipping time um,see these products shipped from china,russia,united states france france spain but,if you're selling to people in the,united states it's probably,nice to ship from the united states this,one has free shipping,from the united states and it'll be,delivered on april 3rd,that's um that's still a month,but if i click on china,you can see it's just 15 to 40 days,and there's actually different shipping,options here these are also free,um but i guess this is the best one,so one thing i want to explain to you,guys because this was really confusing,to me when i first started is when,somebody orders a product from your,store,you have to fulfill that order,it's not just going to automatically be,sent to your customer,so if somebody orders a product that you,imported from,oberlo the order is going to show up in,your oberlo dashboard i'll show you this,here,so under orders here it'll show up,as an order that you need to fulfill,and then when you click it'll have you,fulfill an order,you have a button that you'll be able to,click and it'll automatically,go through the entire ordering process,of ordering the product,from aliexpress now when you order a,product,from aliexpress you have to purchase it,yourself,with your own debit or credit card and,then,shopify reimburses you from,the customer's money so you actually,have to have a little bit of money,or a credit card or something available,for you,because what's happening is you're,ordering the product yourself on,aliexpress,and then putting in that customer's,information,inside of aliexpress so that they,ship the product straight to the,customer so you never have to deal with,it,you're uh look at yourself as,the middleman you're the marketing,expert,what you do is you get the right product,in front of the right person in front of,the person who needs it,so that is how you make your money the,difference between,the price you charge and the price that,aliexpress that you order it from,so i just wanted to,make that clear it's not just an,automatic process you do have to fulfill,the order,it makes it really easy it'll go through,all the steps for you,um and then you have to purchase it with,your own card,the other thing i wanted to say that is,really,important is,these are the products that are in your,store these are the products that are,going to be in your store,uh i'm going to add this really quick,just to show you an example,so the other thing you want to do is,when you,if you only like certain varieties it is,important,that you select the varieties,here and the images you want to use here,before you import it into oberlo,into your shopify store because if you,don't do it here,it can possibly get messed up if you try,and edit this stuff in shopify like it,may,unlink from oberlo and then you have to,fill the orders,manually so obviously there's a,lot more to this but this video is just,to show you guys how to use oberlo,and the oberlo chrome extension so,hopefully,that was very helpful i'll go ahead and,switch back to myself thank you so much,guys for watching and let me know if you,have any questions,below and i'll see in the next video

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