how long is the theme trial for shopify


Happiness Tugutu

Updated on Mar 18,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how long is the theme trial for shopify

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shopify offer free 14 day trial that you,can go ahead and create your shopify,store and start customizing it but wait,a minute what if those four teens three,days trial ended and you haven't,finished customizing your shopify store,before launching your business well,shopify can also offer 28 free days,trial that you can go ahead and take,your time to customize your store and,launch your business hey guys happiness,here welcome back to my channel and this,channel is all about different shopify's,tutorial small businesses tips as well,as entrepreneurship in general so in,today's video i am going to be showing,you guys how you can go ahead and extend,those 14 free days trial that shopify,offer at the beginning when you create,your shopify account,and start customizing your store from,shopify before launching your business,so i am going to show you today how you,can extend those 14 three days trial to,free 28 day trial so before i jump into,this video please don't forget to give,me a big big thumbs up subscribe on my,channel for more tutorials like these um,leave me a comment down below and let me,know what you think about today's,tutorial and without further ado let's,jump in today's tutorial so the first,thing that you're gonna do is go to, just like this here i will,leave the link down below on my,description so you can go ahead and just,click it and it will take you straight,on this shopify page and on this page,you can go ahead and start your free,trial,you can click here and put your email,address and then click start free trial,or you can click right over here and,from here you'll go straight to the page,where you can go ahead and add your,email address or if you have your,shopify store already you can just go,ahead right over here and click log in,so pretty much i am going to show you,how you can go ahead and create a free,trial but i won't go too deep because i,have another video where i went into,detail on showing how you can start a,free trial and create your shopify store,and but i'll just go and show you just a,little bit so let's say your email is um,okay so your email is hello,at, you can go ahead and click,here start free trial and the next page,will be this one where you can go ahead,and put your password and then you can,create your store this way you can get,your first free 14 days trial so that's,how you can do it but if you want to,know more details on how you can create,your first shopify store step by step,make sure to watch that video it will be,popping up around here on top of the,screen but for now i'll go ahead and,jump on my actual shopify store that i,created before and i'll go there and,show you how you can get more,14 days trial which will be 28 free days,try okay so here i am on my shopify,store and you can see i have three days,left in my trial and pretty much at the,beginning i had 14 free days to start my,trial and i used these three days to go,ahead and start creating my store i,created my store using dawn theme so if,you want to see a tutorial how i created,my store using downloading you can go,ahead and click the link i will leave it,on the description below so you can go,ahead and watch the,tutorial and as you can see this is my,still using dawn theme and i,explained all of this and show you how,you can go ahead and add your products,add the video links and everything i,will leave the video link on the,description so you can go ahead and,watch it so pretty much i spent almost,all my 14,free days trial to create my shopify,store and as you can see before i showed,you it says i only have three days left,but for me to go ahead and extend my,days,i can see here shopify since shopify saw,that i have been working on my store,like almost like daily not every day but,pretty much i am almost closed to lunch,my,shopify store then shopify sent me this,here it says i am a to continue,working on my shopify store for free,so,meaning they are going to give me more,free days to go ahead and claim my,eligibility,so i can continue working on my shopify,store for free i'll go right over here,where it says continue building and,click it so i'm going to click it and,show you five is going to give me more,days look now i have more for 10 days,extended on my,free trial period so while i was editing,i just realized my video voice was,really messed up so this is another day,and i am recording this video so pretty,much you can see i have less days,uh after getting my new 14 extra three,days now i only have 15 days because,it's another day but pretty much the,next part that i was going to show you,is when you select a plan so let's say,when your,free trial days are over,you can just go ahead right over here,and click select a plan and these are,the plans that shopify offers so if you,want a basic shopify plan which is 29,per month you can go ahead and choose,the plan here i will really recommend,you if you're just a new beginner you're,just starting out your business i will,recommend you to pick the basic plan,because you can spend less and see how,your business is gonna go instead of,picking the 79 per month plan or the,299 per month that will not be great,especially if you have a small business,and you are still catching up in the,market you still don't know if you're,gonna make a profit or not or you're not,sure if you're gonna like what you're,doing or not so the basic plan will be a,great deal even though you're gonna have,less features than the other expensive,one but go ahead and start with this one,this is a great plan and your store will,still look amazing so you can go ahead,and choose and click choose plan,and once you get here you can go ahead,and on this page this is where you're,going to,pick your plan and go ahead and pay but,basically what i want to show you if you,have your maybe like five or three days,trial they won't charge you until your,free trial ends,and as you can see from me it stays here,i have,uh i still have a free trial and my,trial will end on december 31st this,year,uh 2021 so yeah even though if i'm if i,go ahead and buy the package still they,won't charge me but this will be good to,make you um stay,up to date and even if you launch your,batik you won't be affected so i'll just,go back and yeah guys so that is how you,can go ahead and get more extra 14 free,trial days from shopify,which will conclude to 28,um three days trial but just in case if,the word won't come up here that says,you are eligible for more days you can,go ahead and contact shopify support by,going right over here and then um click,shopify help center and once you're here,um let me see my page is loading okay,you can go ahead all the way down you,can scroll all the way down,and click contact shopify support and,you can log in put your login,information and you can go ahead and,start charting with the shopify expert,which they are always available like 24,hours and you can just tell them like,you need more extra free days to finish,customizing your shopify store and,they'll be happy to help you so it's,just like that very simple very easy so,i hope you liked today's video please,don't forget to give me a big big thumbs,up subscribe on my channel and leave me,a comment down below and let me know,what you think about today's video and,yeah i'll see you guys on the next video

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