how much does it cost to dropship on shopify

How Much Does It ACTUALLY Cost to Dropship? [Shopify Startup Costs] it was up guys Anton here and we

Anton Kraly - Drop Ship Lifestyle

Updated on Feb 10,2023

How Much Does It ACTUALLY Cost to Dropship? [Shopify Startup Costs]

The above is a brief introduction to how much does it cost to dropship on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how much does it cost to dropship on shopify

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How Much Does It ACTUALLY Cost to Dropship? [Shopify Startup Costs]

it was up guys Anton here and welcome to,my dark hotel room I wanted to make this,video really quick while I'm on vacation,here in New York because we keep getting,the question of how much does it cost to,start drop shipping and to be honest it,can cost you a lot of money or it can,cost you almost nothing and you know,probably contrary to what a lot of,people would believe you're actually,better off with the option that costs,almost no money because that's the right,way to do it it doesn't mean investing,in your business is bad but it means all,of the options that you're going to find,as you do your research about drop,shipping that want to charge you a lot,of money to get started they're more,often than not nothing more than just,middlemen that are going to charge you,for access for things like to build your,website or for access to sell their,products and whenever anyone wants to,charge you for things like that,especially when you're a total beginner,that means they're only trying to make,money off of you as someone who they,know is new to the industry companies,like that that want to charge you for,access to sell their products they are,middlemen companies that say we're going,to build you a website it's going to,have products ready to dropship all you,have to do is plug in your PayPal,account that's never going to make you,money that's the wrong way to do it and,those are the ways that actually cost,you a lot of money to get started okay,again never do that not just because you,know there's an easier way but because,that will never be successful it's,nothing more than I don't want to call,it a scam but it basically is it's a,losing proposition for the person on the,retail side which would be you or which,would be me and it's a winning,proposition for those companies that,charge you now the other way to do it,that costs almost nothing again this is,a way that you could actually be,profitable is if you go ahead and build,your own store and you go ahead and get,approved with real suppliers now what,does that mean well first of all when,building your own real store we use,Shopify that's the ecommerce platform of,tourists choice it's amazing we've been,only building stores with them for the,past like three or four years and the,only reason we haven't been using them,longer is because they weren't around,back then but Shopify it's typically $29,a month we actually have a special deal,where you can get 21 day free trial and,then save 10% every month so you get 21,days for free and then what about you,know $24 a month when,five dollars a month something like that,well well worth it so that is your,startup cost okay and yes I mean that,you know three for 21 days has been,about $25 a month that's what it's going,to cost you to get started as far as,getting products to sell remember we're,working on the dropship model so you're,not paying for these items until you,sell them and if you use the real,suppliers that'll show you how to get,approved with those are the ones that,will never charge you for access so,there is no upfront cost okay the only,one you want to work with will never,charge you until you're sending them,orders and they'll charge you for the,orders okay so that's your win-win as,far as other costs you might think of,like traffic traffic something that yes,I do recommend spending money on the,beauty of using the dropship model is,that you can actually get $100 for free,from Google to start using and by the,time you spend $100 you should,definitely get at least one sale in on,your store which you can then go ahead,take that profit and reinvest it so hope,that answers your question does and I,really hope that shows you where not to,waste money there's so many people waste,money in that first group that I spoke,about when really it could be so much,easier and so much cheaper if you do,things the right way so listen if you,got value from this video please do give,it a like or a thumbs up and if you have,any questions definitely post them below,I'm very active in the comments and more,than happy to elaborate on anything you,need help with so go ahead leave a,comment and I will get back to you in,the comment section thank you everybody

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