how much does shopify cost in south africa

Shopify Review South Africa | South African YouTuber what's up everybody welcome to the,startup,spac

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Updated on Mar 19,2023

Shopify Review South Africa | South African YouTuber

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Shopify Review South Africa | South African YouTuber

what's up everybody welcome to the,startup,space my name is ranzu and i am so glad,that you stopped by,if you're returning thank you for coming,back and thank you for being subscribed,and if you haven't subscribed yet,please click that button it's free,so um in today's video i want to share,my personal experience rather a review,on shopify,okay um i've used shopify for my,clothing business,i've used it since 2019,and yeah i've also tried using it for,the startup space but,i had to change and i will tell you why,in this,video so if you want to know what it's,like using shopify as a south african,entrepreneur then,stick around but i think we all know,that shopify has a 14 day free,trial um which means that you can,basically sign up,and start building your store connect,your domain and start selling,um before you pay so for 14 days you can,basically have a website,fully functional website for free and,you can also buy,a domain on shopify i'm not really sure,how much it is,i don't remember how much it is but it's,not that expensive i think it's,under 15 under 15 okay i'm not really,sure of the exact amount,but it's really cheap um or you can use,a domain that you've already registered,um which is what i did i registered a,domain through,um it wasn't expensive i think it was,like,75 rand yeah so yeah,you can do that and then you can connect,it to your shopify site and all that so,you have 14,free days to create a website and that,is super cool,okay um let's talk about building the,actual website,okay so it wasn't that difficult when i,started building my shopify site,i wasn't so experienced i'd say i had,tried it before i had signed up before,um way before i planned to start my,business well i had been planning to,start my business but like i,i was still like just trying to figure,out which platform to use,okay so i signed up for a couple of,different,um platforms and for their free trials,using like random emails that i knew i,wouldn't use,okay so yeah i signed up and i had tried,it before so now when i actually wanted,to build my site for my clothing store,it was it wasn't so difficult and,i kind of knew okay where to go for what,um however,i i felt a little limited in terms of,the free themes because i'm not,about to pay 180 dollars for a theme i,can't afford that so i'm starting out,i mean okay so obviously i was stuck,with the free,themes they're not bad they're really,nice um it's just that they're very,limiting,so you need to really really know okay,this is what my store wants,i want my store to look like and then,choose a theme that is,the closest to what you want your store,to look like as possible,because as i said it's really limited as,to how many,changes you can make to the actual theme,and if you do want to make certain,changes,um you can but you need to know how to,code which i don't and i don't have the,money to pay somebody to actually code,for me sir,you know um so yeah i did build the,store,i didn't looking back i don't like the,store i built at the time i felt like,you know,oh my gosh i did the things um but,you're looking back as well i felt like,no i'm not i'm not happy about it,so yeah i built the store added my,pictures and everything,um it was a really basic though because,all i really wanted for me the most,important thing was showcasing my,products and for people to be able to,buy my products,as a payment method i used um pay fast,i didn't really know what to use at the,time i just looked around and,i recognized pay first because i knew,that okay cool i've seen this and take a,lot,i've seen it on um several um,stores right online stores or yeah,basically certain online platforms where,i've shopped before,but mostly on take a lot because i live,on take a lot,um so yeah i've seen it there before so,i thought okay cool i think i can use,this one and the fees are not so bad for,me they're not so bad i know maybe some,people might feel like,um paypal was a little expensive and,yoko is cheaper but yoko is not on,shopify so,stuff okay at the time pay fast i think,payphones are the only um south african,payment method there is available,now there's also i think pay gate i,think it's south african,but yeah pay gates is there as well,so yeah papers were the only one at the,time and this was 2019 by the way,um so yeah i used that as i connected,that,as a payment method it took me less than,a week,it took me how many days like two days,to,put together the entire sites and,everything um,connect the payment methods and whatnot,because already my business,i already had a domain registered and,yeah and the business account i already,had that,so it was really easy putting together,the documents to verify,and pay files because in paypal's they,needed um,proof of banking details proof of my,business address which,was i also uploaded proof of banking,details again,um they needed proof of registration,they needed my proof of address and a,copy of my id,which i already had so it was easy and,quick to get verified,um so yeah when you do create your site,and you want to connect the payment,method make sure you have those,documents,handy already close by somewhere you,know,um so that you don't have to um drag the,whole process of getting very bad it's,really not a thing you just upload the,documents,and you get verified okay um,not immediately though they check the,documents and then they'll send you an,email to let you know you're verified,just to clarify okay so yeah,um and then the whole,find the themes i felt limited because,like there's certain things i wanted to,do,like i couldn't actually amend the theme,like it's either i did it that thing,or i just work with whatever um section,is on the on the sides and i didn't like,that so,yeah that's the thing i didn't like,about it is the fact that it's,so limited like yeah and with a lot of,things,like um a lot of things if you want to,do certain things you have to,actually get apps or inst um,what do you call it like integrate apps,um,to your store or in order to do certain,things for certain features to have,certain features that's the thing with,shopify,you're there on shopify for the apps,like the apps,are basically what make um shopify,stores great um,i'm not sure that's a good thing but i,still love it,um i'm not sure um how you would feel,about that but,yeah just so you know a lot of features,if you want to have like,more features like um chats or,um email pop-ups and all that,email marketing and whatnot you need to,install apps,now they have um shopify email it's okay,um,but i think if you want a really good,email marketing app,try privy or clavio i think i'm,saying i hope i'm saying it right you,guys privy p,i wrote it down okay look it's right,here,privy or travio and try those,um they're really good um for email,marketing,if you want something for um,um reviews try stamped,dot io really good okay,um one of my favorite youtubers um uses,that or rather suggested that,and yeah that's definitely,one to try so yeah um that's the thing,you need to have,you need to be using a lot of apps for,shopify so,that's the downside i'd say okay,um but it's really easy to set up you,guys it's really easy to,to put put it together but i know that,not everybody likes the whole diy thing,so if you're not,that type of person then definitely pay,some it is worth it to pay somebody to,do it for you because you want your site,to be on point,you want everything to to work perfectly,seamlessly,you want um you know the whole setup and,the whole look of your site to look to,be good so,be willing to pay somebody if you know,that you either don't have the time to,do it yourself,or you don't um you're not a diy person,i had the time because i wasn't working,at the time so,well i'm not working out but like i,wasn't working at the time so i was,fully focused on my business,so i had the time to spend all day,working on my site so yeah,but it isn't difficult to set up so,let's talk the money guys the money,okay we all want to know how much it,costs you probably have seen it if,you've,been on the shopify site you probably,looked at their pricing,okay so the cheapest plan they have is,for twenty nine dollars a month that's,before tax okay,after tax it's about thirty three,dollars um and then they have another,one for seventy nine dollars,the other one is a hundred and something,dollars,um so basically the difference is like,these are the the more expensive ones,have,a few better features right um,so for instance the i use the the,cheapest one because like you know,i don't i have everything i need,actually so i use the cheapest one the,29,one or 33 and um i can,do anything um so i have,literally whatever i need on that okay i,can see,my analytics i can do email marketing i,can,do like you name it okay it basically,the good thing about shopping but,there's a thing i love about,shopify they don't rob you of like,i'm having a great experience and,building your website and running your,business,um just because you chose the cheaper,option so yes of course there are a few,better things that you can find in the,more expensive ones,but everything you need as a startup,entrepreneur as a startup,online store online business is on the,cheaper option so,look you don't have to feel like you,need to go and start on the higher one,start on the cheapest one,make your sales build up your store and,then um upgrade you can upgrade at any,time,um so yeah but just know that if you do,upgrade let's say you,when you start your 14 day free trial,right and then,so when you do start your 14 day free,trial in order for you to connect your,domain,um and use it um during the 14-day free,trial you have to select a plan and,enter your your banking detail your,card details right and they're not going,to deduct the money immediately,but they will um when the when your,14-day trial has ended that's when they,will deduct the money,but if during that 14-day free trial you,decide that actually i i want,this feature and that feature that's,only available under 79.1 or 100,then you um you will get credited,debited immediately like they'll take,the money immediately,okay so you need to be aware of that if,during your 14 day free trial you decide,to upgrade plans,which you can do if you decide to do,that you will,get debited immediately like you will,pay the money immediately so your trial,ends like,it's done it's over okay so i'd say,use the 14 day free trial decide to see,how things work out in those first 14,days,and then if you feel like really really,you really really need certain features,and there aren't apps for that or,whatever then,upgrade okay but before you upgrade,check for apps that can do what you want,your store to do,and just install those into your store,so here's the thing that sucks okay,so shopify has um shopify pay it's a,payment method,it's their payment method but yeah it's,not available in africa,so we can exercise we can't use that and,the good thing about shopify pay is,um is that you can sell in multiple,currency currencies and all that,and that's like super cool i mean we all,and that's okay,um but yeah we don't have access to it,unfortunately,uh maybe at some point they will make it,available to african countries but,right now it's not so that is a bummer,um um,look shopify is okay it's great actually,not okay,it's great okay um yes the other,it has its downfalls or it has its cons,um but overall using it has been easy,and also being able to see how many,people visit my site,um when people normally visit my site,where they're coming from like,um where they coming from in terms of um,their geographic location,as well as their um,which like which channels rather they're,coming from,are they coming from a facebook um are,they coming from facebook instagram,are they coming directly meaning like um,someone was searching for something,on google or whatever and they came,through to this,and like they find that thing appeared,on google and whatnot,and they came to your store so you can,see all that stuff okay you can see,which products are viewed the most on,your store which products are purchased,the most on your store um,you can see,what else can you see you can see like,everything honestly on,under shopify analytics so it's,it makes it easier for you to know okay,which product do people love those are,the type of products you'll probably,want to put,on the front of your your on the front,page of your,um website um it also helps you know,where most of your traffic is coming,from in terms of like if,the the the channels it's coming from,it'll help you mock into those people,even more,and also you can connect your shopify,store to,google you can connect it to instagram,facebook,um what else is there anything basically,that,with any other social media platform,that advertises,where you can like sell things and,whatnot so you can do marketing,paid marketing you can connect it to,your shopify store,and you can um run ads that will,so when you create your ad on um your,shopify store,it will target certain people so you can,choose to target,um people who are similar to your,facebook or your instagram,audience which is like your followers um,you can choose to target people who are,similar to your,um your store your your online store,visitors,um you can choose to target assets you,can create,a custom target audience and,um what else can you do yeah you can do,all that stuff,you can also um just,use you can also like advertise on,google um,so you would need to connect your your,google adsense and everything,to your shopify um it's not,it's honestly okay it wasn't easy for me,when i did it,um but yeah and also ads google ads,are more expensive than like your social,media ads,just so you know so make sure you have a,proper budget and you prepare,accordingly you know financially when,you do place those ads,and then yeah so it's really cool you,guys shopify is really great um it's,great if you want to be selling products,whether it's digital products physical,product,whatever it is oh and if you want to,sell things like,courses you can um there is an app there,is a platform called,thinkific okay thinkific has all kinds,of plans but they also have a free plan,meaning like it's not a trial,it's completely free when you're on that,plan obviously the features are limited,but um yeah so and then you can choose,to have like,um the other paid plans you can connect,that,to your shopify and create courses on,there and sell your courses on shopify,as digital products,and then when someone buys those um buys,that,cost or whatever they process everything,on the shopify on your shopify store,then they will risk they will um get um,their what do you call this the like,confirmation,and enrolled and everything like they,get enrolled into that course,automatically um by when they buy on,your shopify store how does that make,sense,but yeah so yeah those are like the cool,things you can do on shopify there are,so many other cool stuff you can do,but like yeah you can sell anything on,shopify,you can there's a lot to do on shopify,so shopify is great,even if you are a south african business,i know some people might be wondering if,you know they can we can use these,platforms and all that if you are,in based in south africa and you are,wondering um how shopify is,here's somebody who's used it is loving,it sticking to it okay,and another important thing you guys if,you are going to sell large,a large number of products shopify is,the one,if you go if you have high volumes of,sales shopify is the one so even if,you're,starting out now don't think oh i still,have like very few orders whatever,think for the future if you know that,you know you're building a business,that's going to sell,like crazy in the future in the near,future or whatever,i think shopify is the best option um,it's also for me the best option for,drop shipping,um because i just feel like it's just,the the whole integration and everything,is just easy you don't have to go out,looking for,suppliers and all that because they have,um,or below that you can integrate to it,and all that and find products off of,aliexpress and all that so,i know you guys okay i hope this was,helpful,in helping you decide whether or not you,want to use shopify,but yeah that is my opinion on it,based off of my experience and my,knowledge of it,um so yeah if you want to try it,there is a link in the description you,can click that link,and um start your 14 day free trial you,guys,you have nothing to lose if after 14,days you feel like,i'm not like shopify is not for you then,you can definitely,cancel so don't feel like once you start,the 14 day free trial then,you know you are stuck you are not stuck,okay,um so yeah you guys thank you so much,for watching if you watch till the end,you are a rock star,okay i'll see you guys,in the next video don't forget to,subscribe,bye

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