how much does shopify make a year

How to Make a Yearly Salary in ONE Month (Shopify Dropshipping 2022) what's up everyone welcome back

Andy Stauring

Updated on Feb 18,2023

How to Make a Yearly Salary in ONE Month (Shopify Dropshipping 2022)

The above is a brief introduction to how much does shopify make a year

Let's move on to the first section of how much does shopify make a year

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How to Make a Yearly Salary in ONE Month (Shopify Dropshipping 2022)

what's up everyone welcome back to,another video i know it's been a long,time a ton of you guys are messaging me,on instagram asking me to start,making more informative content and i,thought it'd be a great idea so here we,are really though just to have a nice,resource guide to look back on is pretty,cool as well and to share some of my,experiences on a deeper level so before,i get into this video i do want to,apologize for this jank setup i have,here i'm in a wework at the moment,which is basically like a co-working,space where you pay a subscription fee,and you get access to a bunch of,little rooms and communal areas to work,and i like to work in an environment,but we are here in the beautiful buenos,aires i don't know if you can see the,city is amazing it's almost like paris,and barcelona if it were a combined city,i suggest anyone that loves those two,cities that they gotta try buenos aires,out and i don't see myself leaving,anytime soon anyways you guys probably,already know from the title of this,video i'm going to show you how it's,able to profit over 80 000,yes profit over 80 000,the first month of this year being,january and i know some of you guys,might have a hard time believing that,but that's what we have an analytics,dashboard for we shall hop into la,computadora all right so we are in the,shopify dashboard so let's go in,to the first month january 1st through,the 31st 138,362 dollars and 48 cents now let's go to,funnel shoot with you the full month,bam and then we can even do,the first through what's today's the,27th,let's 164 the same here,just for all the naysayers the dow does,there you go,so what the did i do the main,objective for month one at least,was these three things start pushing,organic marketing on all platforms okay,two,retarget all that organic traffic,using funnels facebook ad funnels,tick-tock ad funnels and three,lots of branding tactics so let's go,over all these more in depth right now,so to gear more towards pushing organic,marketing on all platforms what exactly,does that mean well that means to push,on as many platforms as you can that,being youtube shorts pinterest google,tik instagram reels pushing as much,content as you can to get as much reach,okay so this isn't really hard you just,have to dedicate time okay and if you're,like me you're gonna hire out a,dedicated team to do so but i know that,a lot of you guys can't do that because,you're starting from the ground up,that's completely fine as long as you,guys are making two to three tick tocks,a day,and then removing those watermarks,putting them onto youtube shorts and,instagram reels you're gonna see that,you're gonna get really good results and,your engagement is going to skyrocket,because you're going on all these,platforms now instagram reels might go,viral,tick tock might not go viral i have,videos where they go crazy vowel 10 15,million views on tick tock a couple,thousand on instagram reels same thing,on tick tock thousand views and then on,instagram reels 670 000 views,youtube shorts it's all relative and,it's all contingent on the audiences,that they push it out to and whether or,not they perform whether or not those,people like it and if they push on to,other batches of people and now what,i've found that works best for me in,terms of content,is just to keep it simple we don't,we don't care about a ten thousand,dollar video anymore we don't care about,a ten thousand dollar camera five,thousand dollar lens whatever this is,all that i have my content team using,and any influencer the iphone because,what's happening is that content is,starting to shift and what people want,to see is they want to see iphone,content they want to see imperfect,content,is what they're already seeing on tick,tock and that's shifting towards,instagram that's shifting towards all,the other youtube shorts all these other,platforms to where that's all people,want to see they don't want to see,salesy videos they don't want to see any,form of desperation they don't want to,see buying out by now by now everywhere,because that is an immediate turn off so,a little strategy that i've been using,is not even posting where to get my,product,just putting it out there people want to,buy it they will find a way to buy it so,a lot of the times is they'll put these,comments where can i buy this where can,i buy this work i buy this and what does,that do that fuels the algorithm more,and more and more comments and then,people respond to those comments oh you,get it from andy's brand lincoln bio so,that ends up fueling the algorithm more,and more,to where you're going to start to see,your results really skyrocket again so,now let's go over retargeting the,organic traffic from all these platforms,how do we do that first thing i like to,do is make sure that i have my email,marketing funnel,and,sms marketing funnels all in place,and then of course having your facebook,so with email marketing and sms,marketing they have to put their email,or their phone number in and then they,are in your funnel but with facebook,it's even crazier all they have to do,is go on to your website and perform any,action simply even going on to your,website and they're automatically in,your funnel and this is all thanks to,the facebook pixel same thing with tick,tock your facebook pixel is essentially,the brain of your website if you don't,have your facebook pixel,installed in your website then facebook,has no idea who anyone is that visits,your website but if you do have it they,now know who you are so if i go and,visit your website,they know everything about me they know,my family members are they know how old,them they know my hometown,they know everything they know all my,actions that i perform on instagram on,facebook so with all this data i can,utilize that,when i go and retarget so what i can do,for example is make a simple audience,a website visitor audience i can go and,create anyone,that has,there we go with shopify i can make a,custom audience of anyone in the past,seven days,that has,been on my website in the past seven,days and i can exclude anyone that's,purchased so that becomes a block,anyone that has visited my website in,the past seven days now i can create a,campaign target these exact people let's,say it's 10 000 people i can make an ad,that says okay here let's give you a,20 discount code,just these people that have visited my,website in the past seven days i can do,the same thing with people that have,added to cart but have not completed the,checkout i will,set a little list of some of the,audiences that i would suggest you guys,to target you could go and create an,audience block of people that have,website visited in the past 30 days but,make sure to exclude people that have,purchased in the past 30 days so you,have that exclusion block and then now,we're on to branding strategies so,there's so many things that you can do,with branding so you want to really,focus on providing value and also,connecting with your audience right so,ways that you can do that what i like to,do is put in a card basically saying hey,look we're doing a giveaway right now,we're gonna offer you either like a cash,giveaway or a product giveaway for the,best video you go push out this video,and you're gonna see a lot of organic,content around your brand and that,really helps fuel your brand's awareness,and believe it or not some of the best,marketing is simply word amount and also,you want to connect with your community,and make people feel a part of something,once you start to provide value you're,going to see that you're going to start,selling more,right so how do you provide value to,your customers so,one custom packaging have really nice,custom packaging two work with your,manufacturer to get,very high quality products you can also,work on getting a really good customer,support hiring out a great team,spending that extra couple dollars to,get faster shipping times all these,things the culmination of all these,things are really going to help your,brand do well in the long run longevity,is the goal and what a lot of you guys,should be focusing on short-term,stuff doesn't work now i appreciate,every one of you guys that watched this,entire video if you enjoyed it please,subscribe and like i'm going to be,posting tons of more content just like,this so stay tuned i'll see you guys,peace out

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