all right so let's have a look at these,plans what actually is Shopify offering,us now to get to the plan it's not gonna,be that difficult because as you've seen,the entire time we've got to select a,plan in our face you know no mistake,there so all you got to do is click on,the select a plan button and here we go,so what I'm going to do is I'm just,gonna put it all into one page so I hope,you can see that nice and clearly now,what we have is the twenty nine a month,plan the seventy nine a month plan and,the two hundred and ninety-ninth,a month plan now these different plans,are going to reflect your situation or,potentially your customers situation all,right so obviously your eye is drawn,immediately to the price but there is a,little bit more to it than that okay so,first of all the transaction fees that's,a two percent transaction fee okay here,on the 29 month plan one percent on the,79th minute plan add half percent on the,the two nine nine plan okay now if you,do the math basically on this one here,if you're making over five thousand a,month in sales which is you know a very,modest store then you'd be better off,with a seventy nine month plan because,you get to save on the transaction fees,equally as you go forward to this three,hundred you know as you get bigger and,bigger the transaction fees are going to,get less and less just in case you're,wondering the transaction fee is the fee,that you are going to pay Shopify all,right you may have other fees I talked,about Shopify payments before but,basically you may have other fees you're,gonna have to pay say PayPal for example,but these are the fees that you are,going to pay Shopify all right now the,second thing to look at is staff,accounts and these are accounts that you,know let's say individual logins for,people so if you're again if you're a,small business just starting out to,staff accounts in other words you and,somebody else it's probably going to be,fine but if you're running a big,business then you can need an awful lot,more and here we got 15 all right,a next thing to think about is the,shipping discount and this relates to,buying and printing shipping labels okay,as you can see when we hover over the,information bubble there now if you're,doing drop shipping for example and,you're not involved with shipping labels,then this is not going to be relevant,but if you're running your own store,selling your own products then this may,be relevant and so Shopify gives you an,increased discount on your buying and,printing of shipping labels as you go,towards the more important plans now the,last thing is - I just want to draw your,attention to the text here okay in each,one of these things so this one is like,just start selling your products on on,your secure and beautiful online store,okay fair enough,this one talks about getting more sales,with features like gift cards,professional reports fraud analysis,tools and abandoned cart recovery now in,my opinion this one is the most,important the abandoned cart recovery,okay because two-thirds of people,believe it or not when it gets the,checkout will leave without actually,paying and abandon cart recovery is a,massive part of e-commerce now,this cut Bandon cart recovery system,built into it okay but that doesn't mean,that on this cheaper plan that you can't,install an abandoned cart recovery app,okay we're going to talk about apps,shortly but basically as an add-on,afterwards once if you buy this twenty,nine plan you can still get an abandoned,cart recovery now also in my experience,it's very difficult to find a free,abandoned cart recovery or a good one at,least so there's gonna be an additional,cost over here for abandoned cart,recovery so you know arguably by the,time you've added in the abandoned cart,recovery here there's not much,difference between perhaps these two,plans you also get the fraud analysis,which is quite nice it's basically you,know enables you to assess prior to,actually dispatching an order whether,this is potential fraud which is,obviously also a big deal in e-commerce,and,getting gift cards and professional,reports which in my opinion yeah okay,nice to have but not necessarily,essential and then as we move to the big,one here we've got an advance report,builder and third-party calculating,shipping and all kinds of stuff yeah so,let's just step back from all of that,just for a moment because as I said,right at the beginning it depends so,much on your situation so my advice is,that if you are a a solopreneur one-man,band right let's say and you're just,getting started in e-commerce I would go,for this twenty nine month plan alright,and if you're advising somebody who's,also in that situation I would go with,the twenty nine month plan okay if,you're somebody who is already got let's,say quite a bit of experience in,e-commerce you know a lot about it you,know that this your Shopify store is,going to be a success you know pretty,early on because you've got a ton of,experience behind you then I would go,straight for the $79 plan quite frankly,alright and if you're clearly a big,well-established business you're going,to go over here to the two nine nine,plan alright so those are your three,options now the other thing that you,need to know is that all of these you,can upgrade to and also downgrade from,at any time so let's tell you so you,take basic Shopify at 29 and then you,think you know what I really want a,Bandhan cart recovery tool available in,the 79 month plan you can simply upgrade,all the other way around you buy this,and then you think no no it's too,expensive yeah because I'm aware that,$79 a month for a lot of people that can,be a big deal yeah I'm fully aware of,that so you might think well that's too,expensive I'm going to downgrade so you,can do all these things yeah it's a very,very nice flexible system so have a look,at those think about your situation or,the customer you're advising their,situation and choose one of the plans,now what I'm going to do is I'm going to,go for the 79 month plan alright so I'm,going to choose this plan and then you,know it's just a question of putting in,your credit card details now what I,would say for the billing cycle I don't,really see any reason why,you would go for anything but build me,once a month for $79 again this is,you're probably in a fluid situation,maybe just trying something out things,change so quickly you might wanna,upgrade downgrade etc that's really not,much point in paying for let's say three,years in advance I don't think even,though it's an option anyway that's up,to you but anyway go ahead and once,you've got your plan put your details in,there and I'll see you on the other side,once we've got that plan all set up
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