what's up everybody anton curley here,and welcome back to the ecommerce,lifestyle podcast so i wanted to record,a quick episode today at the time i'm,recording this it's right after we,wrapped up our coaching call and if you,don't know this i have a company called,dropship lifestyle and that company has,a program where we help people build,stores from a to z,and one of the things that i offer with,that program is a monthly live call they,typically go for about three hours where,members hop on they can ask me anything,and in real time like on a webinar,format i share my screen answer their,questions and help them out so anyway i,was just hosting this call and one,question well it wasn't really a,question it was a comment that came in,that i felt really bad about because i,never thought to put out any information,that would help maybe counter it or stop,it before it happened and i think the,reason i've never even talked about this,before is because it's not something,that is a recurring theme in fact i've,never heard this from any other members,of my coaching program at dropship,lifestyle which is where people,typically are registering new business,names and specifically buying new domain,names for their stores now,this episode i think i'm just going to,title it due diligence if you're,familiar with due diligence typically,when people are talking about it you're,talking about the basically research,that goes in to auditing a business,before you buy it so that's the typical,definition right let's just say i was,selling one of my stores and i put it up,for sale and you were interested in,buying it well you would sign what's,known as an loi a letter of intent and,before you transferred funds to me and i,transferred the business to you you,would have a period of time to do your,due diligence and during that time you,would be verifying things like our,bookkeeping,you know our sales information our,profit margins our ad accounts and you,would just be basically checking,everything out just to make sure the way,that in this scenario i represented the,business was actually the truth and then,sale goes through okay so this is not,what i'm talking about in this episode,i'm talking about more for the people,that are buying that domain name and not,buying all these assets that come with a,business but due diligence is important,here and it doesn't take long so a,couple different ways this can work,either way i'd recommend you do what i'm,about to take you through one way is you,come up with a store name for your brand,new store and you go on namecheap or,you're in the back end of shopify you,type in the domain name it's available,you buy it right through them for eight,dollars a year or 12 a year whatever it,is good you got your domain name other,way is you find the domain name you want,it's you know either there's a store,there already or there's an old blog or,it's a parked domain and meaning there's,just you know a screen that says this is,for sale and you end up buying it so,either way before you pay whether it be,the,12 a year or whatever it costs to buy a,premium domain name what you want to do,is verify that that domain name actually,doesn't have i guess you could say,baggage that comes along with it right,that doesn't have a bad reputation that,hasn't been involved with shady things,in the past because what the member of,dropship lifestyle mentioned on the,coaching call,is what she learned as she was working,through and building her store and,starting to sign up with google services,she was actually not allowed to use them,because of that domain now she didn't do,anything on that domain she didn't mess,it up she didn't tarnish it she got it,and just started to build on it but an,owner in the past and who knows when you,know maybe it was six months ago maybe,it was six years ago had a bad,reputation with google and not that,person personally i guess them too but,the domain name and because of that that,domain was flagged and this isn't again,a very common thing but it's something,that doesn't take that long to research,so i just want to put this message out,to the world put it out to you as a,listener of the ecommerce lifestyle,podcast and give you a couple quick,checks you could do when you are,evaluating a domain name for your,business so,and i'll link to all of these in the,podcast description as well because i,fully understand a lot of people listen,to this as they're driving or you know,working and,running whatever so just check the,description of this podcast you'll get,all the links but the first site you can,go to is called,transparencyreport.google.com,and when you go there you can type in,any domain name and this will work,better if something's actually currently,there but if something is there meaning,it's not you know unregistered currently,but it can tell you if there's any flags,if there's anything problematic with it,and if it's flagged by google again this,won't go back i don't know how far it,goes back so i shouldn't say that but,this is more about like a real time,thing right you type in the domain on,transparencyreport.google.com and it'll,show you if any flags pop up so that's,the first thing i would recommend,checking now the next thing that i would,recommend checking is especially if,you're buying a existing business or an,existing site that has anything on it,just go to google.com and then type in,site s-i-t-e,colon and whatever the domain name is,dot-com so,site colon yournewdomain.com,and just press enter and what that's,going to do is pull up all of the pages,in google that are indexed from that,website now if there's something there,even if it's just a a splash screen that,says this domain is for sale and you,type that into google and it says zero,results found that's a problem if that,domain doesn't come up anywhere in,google organically it means most likely,you know very high probability that that,domain has had problems in the past when,it comes to maybe how they built links,to the site where they were penalized by,google and where their pages aren't,getting indexed so where that could hurt,you as the new owner is if you obviously,want to build your store around it and,get organic traffic because if that site,is blacklisted by google yes it's,possible to get it back but it would be,a lot easier up front to use a different,domain name and not have to worry about,that so again i'll post how to do that,in the description of this podcast but,it's just sitecolon,yourdomainname.com see if any pages from,that site come up in the google search,index now the next one this one people,don't really think about again because,it's not the most common thing but it's,worth testing and checking especially if,you're you know putting all your time,and energy into building a business,around it and that's to see if the,domain name is blacklisted from,different email service providers right,so is it blacklisted from microsoft,email accounts or yahoo or gmail,and what can happen there is if the,previous owner right even if right now,the site's just available for 12 a year,if somebody owned it a year ago or three,years ago or five years ago and got that,domain blacklisted from different email,service providers then you can sign up,build your new store and your emails,might all go to spam or not get,delivered because they might have,tarnished that sending reputation so the,way that you can check that there's a,bunch of different ways but one tool,that i like is called mxtoolbox.com,mxtoolbox.com just go there you type in,yourdomain.com and it'll show you if,that domain is blacklisted or flagged,from any different email service,provider so again if you're looking to,buy something to build your business on,and you see that it is then don't buy it,because it's a lot harder to fix if it,is your site and you're already up and,running and you check anyway and you see,you have problems then yeah work on,getting them fixed but again if you can,avoid it from early on then don't buy,one that has a bad reputation and from,there you know you can work on building,it better and better and better and,obviously not destroying it um okay one,more final like little thing i'll,recommend and give to everybody that uh,that i recommend everybody do before,they buy that new domain for their new,store and that is to go to a website,called archive.org,web archive.org web,it'll be linked up in the description,but when you go there you can just type,in whatever domain name it is and you'll,see what you'll see is different,screenshots over a period of time so,let's just say that domain name you're,looking at now right,is available for 12 a year or you can,buy it for 100 bucks either way whatever,but there's nothing on that domain well,if it was indexed by archive.org,web you can click on a calendar in there,and it'll show you what that website,looked like at different points in time,so it's really cool it's like a journey,through time of what's been on there and,what's good about that as far as a due,diligence you know perspective or,standpoint you can see is was there a,period of time where the website was,literally you know something that was,hacked and full of spam and pop-ups or,was it even uh you know a legitimate,established business that did well and,you know had a bunch of like links going,to it and had a bunch of good articles,or products you can see that by going,back on that website and looking over,time and if you see that over time it,was some you know hacked website or,website that looked like it was fishing,for emails then that's going to be a,problem and then i guess i said that was,the last one i'll just give you one more,final thing but that is just take that,domain again and you know whatever it is,your new new domain and when you go to,google.com instead of searching for site,colon then the domain just search for,the domain and look to see if anybody's,posted things about it in the past an,example would be maybe you find a great,domain for a new e-commerce store it was,available you know nobody owned it right,now because someone let it expire it's,twelve dollars a year you buy it and,then you find out you know six months,later that that actually used to be a,store that had terrible customer service,that has one star reviews everywhere so,something else you can check before you,move forward and again i don't want to,scare anybody and make everybody think,like you know it's impossible to find a,good domain because literally since i've,been helping people build ecommerce,stores since i started a dropship,lifestyle in 2013 this was the first,time that i ever heard anybody bring it,up um but obviously though it is,something that could happen so putting,this message out there to you to the,world to everybody running an e-commerce,store and hopefully it can save somebody,uh just some extra work moving forward,so thank you everybody for listening i,appreciate you and if you got value from,this podcast do me a favor and click the,link in the description that will take,you to apple podcasts and when you get,there if you're getting value please,leave a review it means a lot i read,them all and for everybody listening,that is brand new that wants to build a,store that wants some help my advice is,go to dropshipwebinar.com,d-r-o-p-s-h-i-p-webinar.com,for a free training from me i will link,that up in the description as well so,thanks again appreciate you and i will,talk to you on thursday for the next,episode of the ecommerce lifestyle,podcast,you
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