hey everybody welcome to the next,episode of our,shopify build series we're using the,wolf of shopify theme to build this epic,shopify store that you guys are seeing,here today so what we're gonna do is,we're gonna actually add a banner to our,store now if you guys remember in one of,the first episodes maybe even the second,episode where we had a banner but the,problem is the photo,is not ideal right it simply just it's,just a photo i mean it doesn't do any,marketing for us doesn't do any,promotion it's not even related to the,products that we're selling so in this,case what we could do is we could take,the banner we could find a different,image and make it look essentially,better,and just to show you guys how it looks,sometimes you do want to preview your,work in the previewer so i'll just go,over here to view,and view it as an actual domain and you,can see here,that the image uh like i said there's no,marketing capability there's nothing,really of a benefit to it and for me i'm,the type of person that if there's no,benefit of the image it shouldn't even,be there so,first thing is i'm looking for an image,that's more horizontal than it is,vertical for a banner okay i don't want,to be stretching too long now some,people like what's called a hero banner,this case this is not a hero banner,because you can see here it ends in this,area now if we were to go with a full,size banner and we were enable,full-width right where the image would,stretch all the way from the left to the,right you could see here that that will,change how this looks so let's wait for,this to save and let's go ahead and,refresh this page and it will change how,the page looks now you can see here part,of the image is cut off we have to,scroll down and the image holds a lot of,weight so what we're going to do instead,is we're going to change in the image,here and we're going to go with,something that's a little more,i guess you could say fitting okay so,we're going to go over here to banner,and we're going to click on the grid,banner,grid builder excuse me and we're going,to click on the actual banner which is,the portion of the grid that we want to,edit and we're going to click on the,image to edit it and we're going to,select a different image this is,actually an image that i sourced here so,i'm going to hit select and i'm going to,hit save and you can see here,it's saved,the banner is much more horizontal than,it is vertical and once again this is,very important when it comes down to,uh your business your store uh for,having the right photographers knowing,what they're doing is very important so,this is the image now and you can see,here it extends full width everything is,above the fold and on top of that,it doesn't extend too far down and it,shows products,through the modeling right so it's it's,a good image that we could use when the,mouse is on the image and hovered over,it zooms in has this zoom in effect,which looks pretty good and now what we,could do is we can edit this link on,this button for shop now so it can reach,all products so what we could do here is,we can click on this little x,and we're going to select what kind of,you know link we want to attach it to so,i'm going to click on products here and,select all products so it's going to,take a page take you to a page once you,click shop now to a product with you,know everything right everything that,you're selling on the store and we can,actually test this in real time we just,refresh this and click on the shop now,and it should take us yep to all the,products so essentially what we did here,in this circumstance is we added a new,banner that not only gave a refreshing,piece to the to the store you can see,here we got a lot going on in the store,but we made some edits now let's go,ahead and edit uh these banners here the,sectional banners for our shopify store,now we could leave them just the way,they are but we could also add other,images and i sourced some other images,here that you could see here i took,screenshots of them and actually have to,edit them out so we'll just crop them,right now,right and like i said these were images,that i found,online that might fit well for the,circumstance of what we're doing and,granted we could always go back and,cancel them and doesn't matter if you're,on windows or you're on mac you can,always take screenshots of different,images that you think would work for you,but once again you want to use images,that you are allowed to use for your,business right you don't want to just,use somebody else's images that's going,to be,a problem but,you can see here with everything that,we're doing and the way things are,looking uh they're gonna look pretty,good for what we're doing so let me,click on the image to alter right and,i'm going to go to my,screenshots here scroll all the way down,and add this one,and add this one,which are the first two and you can see,here they do look pretty good now what,we need to do is i actually have to go,back here and edit one of them,just a little bit because i don't want,that border on it right so,because there is like a little bit of a,border,and you guys will see it,but i'll increase the size of this just,like that,kind of like that and increase,this,and increase this just slightly right,and save that,hopefully it doesn't cut off too much,and we'll just take it,drag it and drop it this is the better,version because once again i don't want,that border i want them to all yep there,we go b much better so i'm going to,select this one for the second one i'll,select,this one let's say,and it's all about just making it come,together and look,really good let's save that and for the,very last image let's go ahead and,crop this,right and let's crop this just like this,here drag this bar here this is cool,that windows has this built-in tool,where you can crop,an image,but once again you could do this on mac,as well but um,photography very very important for your,business because you want to make sure,you're presenting the products correctly,and uh if you guys are looking through,the series and you want to see more,episodes we're going to have a whole,playlist uh down below just click on the,playlist link you'll be able to access,literally every single photo excuse me,episode um we've built you'll see,everything up to what we have built so,far and i figured i'd make this an,episode by itself because look how,things changed when we when we built,this right things it gave it a new you,know fresher breath here here,breath of fresh air,so you can see here so we changed some,things and once again we're using the,wolf of shopify theme for those who are,interested we're using the classic we're,not using the alpha the alpha is the,more expensive one it's a phenomenal,theme but for this tutorial we are using,this one the classic 3.0 and it's 125,use code apex uh to get 10 off of your,purchase all right so i'll talk to you,guys later make sure you watch the rest,of the series i'll leave it the links in,the playlist and we're not done yet so,we've got a few more episodes to go,alright peace out bye
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