how to add a appointment booking system,with a free app on shopify hey guys,welcome back to the youtube channel in,this video i'm going to be showing you,how you can add a simple little,appointment booking uh application with,shopify so let's get into it now the,first thing that you're going to have to,do is you're going to have to log on to,your shopify account so on your shopify,account it's a pretty simple setup to,create one you all you have to do is,input your email and your business name,and you're going to be ready to go so,once you have logged on or created your,shopify account what you're going to do,is you're going to go into your app,section on the left over here and what,you're going to do is you can just click,on customize your store and begin,finding some apps or what you can do is,you can click on find products over here,and view more apps in this collection,and then you can browse the app,marketplace so what we're going to do is,we're going to go into the starter pack,and we're gonna go and browse some more,applications and what i'm going to do is,i'm just going to,search for,ti,like this and we are just going to look,for our little application,so you're just going to go on to your,applications and instead of ti you're,just going to search for tipo or typo,whatever you might want to call it,cheaper typo so you can see over here,the first result you're going to get is,going to be the typo appointment,bookings we're just going to click on,this over here and once you click on,that you're just going to click on add,app and they have a free plan available,and they also have a seven day free,trial of their premium version and you,can just click on this so now they are,going to sync up now you can view the,details for your shopify account data,what kind of data you're going to be,providing and what you're going to be,getting in return and you're just going,to click on install application over,here and now you have a simple little,appointment booking scheduler software,directly integrated into your shopify,account so it's so simple and so easy to,integrate stuff and make your shopify,experience seamless with the kind of,integrations you want so you can see,over here now they're asking me what,kind of plan i want i'm currently on the,free plan i want to continue using the,free plan now they're going to ask you,what kind of product you want to select,so let's say if i select the teddy so,over here based on product or based on,variant i can add the capacity and,duration so maybe i want the capacity to,be,eight and the duration to be like 30,minutes so i'm going to change that from,hours to minutes like this and then you,can have a availability section so you,can assign a person that,is working for you you can add the,employee assigned to this event and then,you have a cut of time that you can add,as well and then you have future days,where the maximum number of days that,people can actually book this event and,then you have the buffer time after and,buffer time before now once you add that,you can set any kind of color over here,so,you can set any color you want to,represent this kind of uh notification,basically a reminder and then you have a,free service so you can choose if you,want to uh provide the service for free,or not and then you can add some extra,fields so you can click on create new,and extra fields and then for that,you're going to have to upgrade but for,the standard fields these are all the,ones that are available and then you can,add a description onto your appointment,booking so you can add any kind of,description for the service that you are,providing and you're just going to click,on save and next,and i am going to add my employees and,then i'm going to click on save and next,step and now my service has been,successfully saved so you can see once,your service has been saved you can,choose a team to integrate with the app,so i just want this team and integrate,and next step so just like that my theme,is being integrated onto my shopify,store as well so especially if you're,providing a service on shopify using the,tibo appointment booking is so so so,convenient because let's say you're,providing therapy sessions you can,easily schedule those in people can,easily determine what their cost is,going to be and it's going to be a lot,easier for everyone to navigate through,the entire experience once they know,like okay this is what the cost is going,to be this is the timing these are the,slots available and it's going to be a,simpler process it's going to be a lot,more seamless for you to provide,whatever service that you are providing,so you can see over here now i can try,booking the newly created survey so i,have this simple service that i named,teddy and i can just continue and i can,book it on whatever date and i have the,times as well this is like as a customer,what i'm going to be seeing and then i,can click on continue,i have the total price which is zero and,i can just click on confirm and now just,like that my service has been booked and,you can obviously customize this a lot,more i just did this like at a very,simple little baseline kind of sample,you're going to add your own appointment,detail you can add a lot more detail,than i just did that's totally up to you,but once you've added all your services,so you're just going to click on back to,shopify and then you're going to be back,on your shopify store whenever you need,to go and customize more of your,services if you're adding more services,you can just click on over here and go,back on to your actual appointment,booking page and then i'm also,integrated mailchimp now although tba,appointment booking is great and i do,recommend it it's available for free and,you can do like most simple appointment,bookings via this but if you do want to,add a bit more complicated or if you,want to add extra fields you want,something very specific and very custom,tailored you can click on extra fuels,over here and then you can see the extra,fields are only available for the,premium plan which starts at 14.90,currently it is at a 50,discount so i would recommend that if,you have like if you're making a lot of,money with the services you're providing,that you should maybe try this out,because it will be able to give your,customers the best experience but still,using the free version is more than,enough for me personally i wouldn't,upgrade but if you feel like you have,the need to do that i suggest that you,should do it and if you want the extra,field set if you want to hide the people,appointment booking branding if you want,uh google calendar syncing as well then,you can definitely check out their,premium version but the free version is,more than good enough and for most,people i don't think that upgrading on,to the tebow appointment booking is,going to be necessary now with shopify,as well shopify is not available,absolutely for free shopify is also,another paid application so you can,click on select a plan over here and,there are three different plans,available on shopify,so,i'm just going to show you guys the,basic price ranges of those so shopify,starts at 29 per month and it goes up to,299 per month with their basic shopify,version starting at 79,per month so their basic features,include unlimited products online stores,staff accounts so you can have two staff,accounts on your basic version and then,you have discount codes you have gift,cards reports you have shopify payments,and then you're going to be giving a,larger cut to shopify and on the basic,version than the higher up version you,sub for it the lower the cut for shopify,on the direct sales of your transactions,will be so other than that you have all,of your international commerce basic,features as well so i would recommend,just use the basic version of shopify,for most businesses small businesses i,think basic version is more than enough,and if you eventually are making too,much money you can choose to upgrade for,certain features that you might want,like adding more employee accounts like,staff accounts if you want to add more,of those you might want to upgrade but,using the free tibo appointment booking,for your service is going to be good,enough with the basic version of shopify,so i hope you guys found this video,helpful and you're now able to easily,create and sell your services online on,shopify with the tepo appointment,booking software integration make sure,to leave a like if you like this video,and if you have any questions make sure,to leave them in the comment box down,below and i will make sure to answer,them as soon as possible and for more,content like this subscribe to the,youtube channel and i will catch you,guys in the next video
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