how to add a link to a page in shopify

Link PDF files to pages in Shopify | How to add links to PDF files in your Shopify Store okay today

Steven Litton

Updated on Jan 23,2023

Link PDF files to pages in Shopify | How to add links to PDF files in your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a link to a page in shopify

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Link PDF files to pages in Shopify | How to add links to PDF files in your Shopify Store

okay today i'm just going to quickly run,you through how to,link pdf files in pages in shopify,so it could be anything,you want to add if you've got any,special documents for,terms or sizing guides that type of,thing,so we're just going to jump into the,pages section,just in this is just a dummy store so,we've got no content in there so,if we just add a page and,we'll just call it sizeguide,and we're just going to do a link to,the pdf and then the,problem is in here you don't,really have any option to add a pdf so,what we'll do is we'll save that,and then the way we can do it is by,jumping into,settings i like to find a new tab so,we've got our old window,and then in the settings if we jump into,files here,what we can actually do is upload our,pdf file here,so we click on this button and then on,the desktop i've just called mine,sizeguide pdf,and then that will just upload our pdf,to,here and then what we can do we've got,our file uploaded now so if,we just click into here and just do,a copy on that url,so that's our link to our pdf so we need,that,and then if we go back to our page,in here what we can actually do now that,we've got a link,is to highlight a piece of text so i'll,say,we'll just say pdf is the link to the,pdf,and then we click on this anchor here,which is the link button,and once you've clicked on that now,you've got your url to put into here,for the link to the pdf,another thing to bear in mind is with,this section here the opens link in same,window,or a new window if you set this to a new,window,then when they open the sizing guide and,when they're finished with it and close,it they won't close the whole website,down they'll just close the size guide,down,and come back to the website so if we do,that,and then we hit insert link and then we,go to save,now if we view the page now,we should be able to click on here,and then it opens my sizing guide up in,a new tab,and then when you've looked at it and,you're finished we close the tab,and then we're back to the page and,that's,really what you want rather than the uh,then then closing the site down because,once it's closed they may not actually,come back um,and that's it i hope that helps,if this video did help then give it a,give it a thumbs up

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