how to add a lookbook to shopify

Shopify Lookbook Tutorial what's up everybody mark with ecom,warriors here welcome to a new video,i

Apex Academy

Updated on Jan 31,2023

Shopify Lookbook Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a lookbook to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add a lookbook to shopify

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how to add a lookbook to shopify catalogs

Shopify Lookbook Tutorial

what's up everybody mark with ecom,warriors here welcome to a new video,i know guys have been away from uh,youtube for a little while but i'm i,promise you guys i'm back,i'm gonna make some videos here uh a,little slowly,but i promise i'll give you guys,something so today we're going to be,talking about how to make a lookbook,we're going to be talking about the,benefits of a lookbook,and uh you know kind of how to set it up,right so let's,talk about it so you guys can see here i,have this little store,that i made for demonstration purposes,and you can see here i have uh this,product called micro factor optic greens,and opti opti reds right these are the,three products that are going to be,um our lookbook products so let me just,delete this test product here,uh so that we can just get it out of the,way,and uh where's the delete button here we,go delete products,and uh yeah so what how we're going to,set it up we're going to click on online,store here,and we're going to go ahead and,customize our store now the theme that,i'm using,is the wolf of shopify theme you could,grab it by,clicking my link in the uh description,box down below,and also use my discount code so uh you,know you guys already know i'm a big,proponent of this theme there's a lot of,settings,i know it can be a little complicated so,i might as well just make this video,showing people how to do it so,what you want to do is you want to hit,this little add section button,now depending on which demo you've,uploaded and things like that you're,going to see,a whole bunch of stuff over here,sometimes i just like to delete,everything just to get started sometimes,i like to use,the pre-built templates it just depends,on the store and the products and things,like that,right so let's hit load more here,and you're gonna see this thing that,says look book one or lookbook two,so lookbook one okay is really made for,like,large type image products and i'll just,show you kind of how it looks,so um if i hit add slide here right you,see how big the image is,for us you guys saw it was supplements,it was a small type image,so lookbook it one is not gonna work for,us okay uh for me,lookbook two is gonna work so let me,just delete lookbook one,and let me go over here to add section,and load more,and let's look for lookbook two,all right let's hit add and so i'm gonna,hit add slide lookbook,and you can see here the slide now is a,little bit different so it's like,smaller,and i'm gonna hit select image now the,images that i have here i'm gonna have,to actually,go back and upload the certain product,but,just for purposes sake if i just click,on this image you can see here,it fits within the uh certain i guess,you could say width,of that image right so if i just hit,select here and select product number,one,i could select from the different,products that i have optional so,let's say i click on micro factor here,you can see the number one is here and,if i click on it let me just save my,progress so you guys can see,what i mean when i click on it when i,say click let me show you guys what i,mean here,just wait for it to load okay when i,click on this like little number one,it will show the supplement micro factor,like it'll pop,up do you guys see what i'm talking,about um so this is just an example,of what a lookbook looks so um let's,just,uh real quick let me just pause the,screen let me download these images,one more time and drag them into the,file manager for shopify,and we'll get this baby set up okay as,you guys can see i saved,the images here on my computer so let's,go back,and hit customize and let's what we're,going to do is we're going to go to the,lookbook here,and instead of this like image with the,dumbbells we're going to,uh literally change it so i'm going to,just remove this,and i'm going to select an image and i'm,going to upload the images that i just,added so,this one this one and this one,right so i have all three products here,so you can see here now,this is a lookbook of the actual,products and see how cool that looks,it's like this product right i hit,select and,let's add another slide and i add,another image so these are just images,right now,okay and then i go back to the third,slide and i add another image right,and i can actually organize like the,pathway like if i like this one in the,middle better,i could do that right that looks a,little more fancy right,and we go over here to number two or,image number two,and we have to select product number two,now we could select product number one,but it's gonna say number one twice okay,so,i'm gonna go ahead and select um number,two here which is the product micro,factor right,so if somebody clicks on it they're,gonna have the micro factor product,okay and number three let's go back here,um,and go on the third product which is,this optigreens one,let's hit select product okay i clicked,the wrong one let's go over here to,product number three,okay and let's click on this green one,here and set it up so,you can see here the difference now,you're going to have to actually edit,your image to make sure it fits properly,like you see how this,number three here is not on top of the,product or this number one is right on,the product you have to make sure,you do your own editing to make sure,that it fits for me it's generally not a,big deal,i could care less um but you could do up,to like five images so that's just,an idea now you guys see this little,like circle with the line through it,like in gray,this right here is just representing,that there's no background so,i could if i want to effectively have a,background image that's like fully white,um like let's say i pick let's say this,background this is gonna be a terrible,background but you guys see,what i mean by that um or if i wanna,have this as my background i could do,that,or this right you could have set up like,an all-white background if you really,wanted to,like if i just search um or if i just,search uh let's just search white let's,see what comes up,okay like if i search this image this is,when i search white,this pops up you guys see what i'm,saying but obviously i would want,something that's,all white okay because i i just think it,would look better with this theme,um or with this excuse me not with this,theme but with the way the products come,together and they look,um so let me just go ahead once again,pause the computer screen,let me upload a picture of a white,background,okay so i just uploaded a picture of a,white background you guys could see here,it's all white i'll hit select and that,little like gray box with the line,through it is gone because i added a,background image,if i hit remove it will come back you,guys see what i'm saying,so this represents that there's no,background now i can have a few slides,in there,and you can see here it says no image,but for me guys,i personally recommend guys for,conversion optimization this is what i,just tend to find,and obviously this is not law everybody,has different circumstances,but um three products in a lookbook is,enough,you don't want to overdo it because then,people will be a little bit too,distracted,um three products that you want to,showcase is enough now,give it give your title give something,you know nice don't write spring,lookbook,write something interesting like um like,check out our new products or something,cool like that right,check out our new products basically,what i'm trying to say is don't be a,copycat,write something else that's a little bit,better that fits your needs a little,more it says browse our website for the,hottest items in the marketplace,and then we have here our products now,with our products,let's just go ahead and make sure we,test them to see if they're linked,properly right because we did do the,linking and just for the people who,don't know,for example like micro factor here if we,scroll down it says select product,number two,and it's micro factor right and we have,the image uploaded here so let's just,uh do a little test run and let's see,how it works so let's hit this one,button,and the one is connect the opti reds is,connected to micro factor so we know how,to change that,by the way if you ever see this x and,it's like a grayed out image,it's because the product is out of stock,so that's just to be aware of that,um same thing here so this is micro,factor and then this,is also opti green so let me go back,here,and let me change the first one it,should be connected to opti reds,right instead of optigreens or micro,factor so it's now it's properly,connected,and now let me just go into the product,stock and make sure the product is in,stock so it looks good now,so let me just wait for it to save fully,save let's wait for this green bar,all right let's go back to our store,let's go to products and let's change,our um our stuff here let's change what,what's going on so in stock let's just,change micro factor to,a stock of let's say 20 um,so let's go with 20 here,and i don't believe let's see here,uh let's make the cost we let's make the,cost 10 bucks for this and,let's make the next product 10 bucks,also and,i don't think i connected my payment,details to the store obviously,because i'm really not selling anything,so it might not fully work,but you know we're gonna try this anyway,so let's go ahead and go back to our,preview here let's preview our store,let me get rid of this little download,bar here let me scroll down and let's,hit this little button,and there you go so it says buy now 10,bucks and it shows the image,this one buy now uh with the price,pretty cool and here this one is,all grayed out it says 10 but i don't,know if we edited the stock i'm not sure,if we did,yeah so we didn't edit the stock and,that's why it's all it looks a little,weird here,um so let's just go ahead and edit the,stock and let's,let's add let's put four in stock or,three,43 whatever right it doesn't really,matter what number i put but,let's go ahead and refresh the page and,let's click on the number,and clearly it didn't save yet in time,so let's just make sure this is,okay it's saved and let's just refresh,one more time let's just make sure,it's fully working and there we go it's,working so,we have the option to buy now when we,hit the buy now button it will,automatically add it to our cart which,is,totally epic all right and we can either,go to the cart or we can check out,let's say if the customer decides not to,like you know not interested anymore um,but they're just walking around or,looking around they could hit the little,cart button,and then boom it's a slider cart which,is totally epic make it hit the checkout,now button it will take them straight to,the checkout page,which like i said i'm not sure if it,will work because i did not connect my,payment details so let's just find out,uh here,yeah so that's really it all right so um,hopefully you guys enjoyed this lookbook,video how to create a lookbook,on um uh,shopify and if you guys have any,questions on this uh leave them in the,comments down below,alright i'll talk to you guys later,peace

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