how to add a product on shopify to collection manually

How to add Product to Collection in Shopify πŸ‘‰ Manual Automatic Collection πŸ‘‰ Day 6 of 30 With Shopify

Jahin Shahriar

Updated on Mar 30,2023

How to add Product to Collection in Shopify πŸ‘‰ Manual Automatic Collection πŸ‘‰ Day 6 of 30 With Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to add a product on shopify to collection manually

Let's move on to the first section of how to add a product on shopify to collection manually

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How to add Product to Collection in Shopify πŸ‘‰ Manual Automatic Collection πŸ‘‰ Day 6 of 30 With Shopify

hello and welcome to this shopify,tutorial for beginner series in today's,video we will see how to add collection,in our shopify store,so if we go to the products as you,already add products and if you see in,that area there is an option called,collection right,so what collection means so let me show,you one example so this is one of my,client store that i've worked with so if,you see this website and if you go down,you can see shop by category so the,category and collection is the same,things so what this,do in our store it actually organized,product based on the type of the product,category of the product like if you see,there the category of bracelet necklace,rings so if people click on any of the,bracelets category they only will see,the products only related to bracelet,that this store have in there,for people to chosen people to buy from,so people based on their interest they,can go to any of the category they want,and they can choose their desired,products so it is making the life of the,the,choice of the our customer easy to,navigate to our store so if you have,suppose you have 100 products so if you,don't have any category or collection,then people don't have the organized or,user friendly option to go through each,of the product categories,okay so this is the way to organize your,products so if people come to one of,your store then they can choose the,product based on their interest so same,goes for the aliexpress if you go to,aliexpress amazon any of the world most,popular,e-commerce site then you will find that,they have organized their product based,on the categories and this is only,applied for the multiple product store,this is not,this is not something you will do with,one product store which is also very,popular in shopify so let's get started,how you will add collection in our,shopify and also please do smash that,like button subscribe to the channel so,it reached to the more people in the,youtube store to add collection we need,couple of products so with two products,one products you cannot make collection,right so for that to make our life easy,i will put a,link of a file of couple of products you,will you can click the link in the,description and you will come to this,google drive link csv file then you just,need to download it in your local,computer okay just download it and it,will make it will download a copy of the,file in your computer so i will show you,what it do it will do either you can add,the products manually multiple products,or you can just upload these simple,files products so we can progress,through the,tutorial so i can show you how to get a,collection with multiple products so,after you just download the products we,will import those products in our store,so what export extra export means you,will export all the products from that,store and you can import that another,store input means you already have a,files of couple of products from any of,your supplier or anywhere from another,of your store just like i am providing,you with a csv file you can just import,it in your store and all the products,will be added with the name priceytc so,then click on the import then click add,file and then up,upload then open the file that i will be,provide in the description then click,upload and continue,and this will take some time to be,uploaded the product in our store and,then click on import products,then it will can take some time to,import all the products in our store,so let's get,see so it matters takes some time to,import those products so after that,you will see that the products has been,added from the csv file that we have,imported earlier right so you can see,these are the products that you already,have added so right now we have 30,products and 20 products has been added,from this csv file,so we have can create some collection,so let me tell you the basic of the,collection so if i,go to this product this kid's audi that,we have added in the previous tutorials,so if i go to this,product,we know that the product have a title,some description some images price,everything but to add that to the,collection we need to give it some tags,okay for the identify of the product,like this product may have a text of,audi may have a text of kids so it is a,cute product okay so we can give those,tags for that product so it is related,to the products same time we can give it,some type like what the type of product,it is it is type of products related to,kids,right,we can give the product type as well,then you can see that the text has been,added okay so this is the text has been,added we can add that collection based,on the text,so same goes for all of the products if,your product your product needs to have,some type of type or tags like the,product that you've imported if we go to,the each product what we will find we,will find that this product have some,type,had some text,okay add some text so text having a text,or type is necessary to give it a,to assign it to a collection okay so,make sure that you provide some text to,your product so we can add them to a,collection,based on the automatic or manual what we,will cover now,so if you see those products this,product says,ultimately divided into few types like,necklace rings,bracelets etc okay so let's go to the,collection and let's open the products,in another tab so then after going to,the collection we need to click on the,create collection then we need to give,this collection a name,so suppose we are making this,for the bracelets okay so let me show,the bracelets uh spelling is,correct okay we are a okay so basically,you can give some description about the,collection as well so now come to the,collection image you can give some,collection image the featured image for,that collection so right now i'm only,adding a demo image you can do that,then we have this option like collection,type the manual things we will assign,those products manually and with,automated we will assign those product,automatically based on tag like the,necklace products the bracelet products,have the tag of bracelets like if i add,bracelet you can see it is automatically,suggested me so these are the tags that,will be added to that product so you can,choose all condition we can give,multiple condition add bracelet products,that take that a bracelet other,condition will be at price that is,greater than 50 that is greater than 20,dollar,okay but right now will provide tag with,all condition or any condition okay then,if i click on save so have a look so if,i click on save based on the tag that is,bracelet,and if i now click on view,so it is asking me for a password so,where i can find the password so let me,cover this as well go to online store,and then go to the preference,go to the preference as this is the,development issue will be password,protected then copy this password,and then paste it here,click on enter then again go back we,will go back to the collection again,uh that we have made so go back to the,collection once again and click the,bracelet and then click the view now,so now you can see that the products,of bracelet has been added but it is,only one product has been added maybe,the,tag that we have given is not correct so,it should be,bracelets i think it should be bracelets,bracelets okay,so click on save now,there are no product okay so i think,what we did what is,so if you see that this is the product,that i best laid so,only the one productive bracelet another,a bracelet but this does not have the,quantity okay so let me change it a,bracelet to net,uh so if you see there is some another,tag which is called necklace so you can,see this is the type tag so you can see,this is the text necklace necklaces so,if i now chose this and click save,it will be your own text that will be,shown here now you can see,two products is showing based on that,tag,okay now we can also do that manually,like if i go back to the collection,again and click on create collection and,give this collection a name necklace,necklace okay then if i scroll down and,click on manual so after clicking on,manual you can click on save and after,clicking on save you can add products,manually like,type a product name then the product,panel will be showed okay then you can,choose whatever product you wanted to,add for that collection for that,specific collection manually like i,wanted those products to be added for,that collection manually so i'll click,on add and this product will be added,right so this is the thing then if i,click view on the product then you will,find that this collection has been this,three product has been added for that,collection,okay now you can also do that you can,see this product is showing fast this,product is showing second this product,is showing third you can also do that,order manually as well click on manually,and now you can drag and drop those,order manually like if i want to make,this one the first product i will just,drag it to the top now if i save and if,i jump view you can see this is now the,first product before it was this one in,the first product so you can do the,ordering as well manually so these are,the two things to do one is automated,and next one is manually so motivated is,based on the tags or types that we are,using inside the product and manually we,are assigned those products manually,also we can add the product to a,collection individually by going to that,product like if i go to this product,then what i can do i can scroll down to,that product and i can go to this,collection option and i can choose,whatever collection i just wanted to,edit like if i want to add it to,bracelets i can do that as well,but bracelet is not showing for some,reason so let's give it a save,and go back to the collection again,okay so i cannot add the bracelet there,because the bracelet is not added for,the manual purpose okay for the manual,option that we have added we can assign,that to that product but this product,will be only,the future product that have the,necklace tags will be automatically,added to that product okay,so right now this product have,two two products but if s future,products have the same takes of necklace,there that the collection will be,automatically updated,to three okay so let me show you that if,i go to this product and for example let,me go to this mask product,and let me add the necklace text to that,product so let's go down to this option,and put the necklace tag for that,product and click on save though this is,not an atlas product so right now as you,can see in that where the tag is,necklace,the collection right now have,two products but as i added necklace,check to this product as well if i,refresh it right now you will see that,there will be three products shown,instead of three because i have added a,necklace text to another product so any,future product that will be added the,same text the collection will be,automatically updated you don't need to,do it again because it is automated,process so this is the,thing here to,uh to remember,another thing is you can also do this,order by manually so if i refresh this,panel right now it will help have the,three products because we have added the,necklace text to another product right,now you can see the mask is also added,to the necklace collection so now i can,do the manual ordering like if i want,this product to be shown fast in that,listing i can just drag it to the top,and then i can click it will be,automatically saved now if i view it you,will be seeing this this product has,been added,in the top position so there is some,condition you can do all condition you,can do any condition based on whatever,you need as i said you can add two three,condition like all condition will be,that tax should be necklace another,condition will be the products of the,necklace tags which have the greater,price than forty dollar will be added to,that collection,okay so this can be also added you can,add with the type as well everything can,be done based on your requirements,and the collection image that we have is,not showing because,we did not do a customize it inside,theme so this is,the thing with the team customization,which will be covered in the future,video as well so hope this helps if that,helps do smash that like button and if,you have any confusion let me know in,the comment as well about shopify,collection,so i can clear this,confusion and also can make a future,video as well if you need a specific,things to cover,in the future video so thank you very,much for watching the video

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