how to add affiliate adds to shopify store

How to Add Affiliate Program to Shopify (Easy 2022) in this video i'm going to show you how,you can

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Updated on Feb 24,2023

How to Add Affiliate Program to Shopify (Easy 2022)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add affiliate adds to shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to add affiliate adds to shopify store

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how to add affiliate adds to shopify store catalogs

How to Add Affiliate Program to Shopify (Easy 2022)

in this video i'm going to show you how,you can add an affiliate program to your,shopify store as you can see here i am,on my shopify website and i have a test,product right here so in order to,make an affiliate link for this you know,for,for example instagram influencers that's,a great way of boosting your sales you,have to go to apps,and go to,customize your store,let's actually,let's see yeah here it is,type in affiliate,just like that and we have to find go f,pro which is which is here,hit go f pro and hit add app,and now it's going to install and we,have to accept this by hitting install,app,and there we go,so now we can choose the free plan,unlimited affiliates everything right,there and hit get started we can just,skip through this basically i'm going to,hit skip setup and this is basically how,it will look like so here we have the,page views orders revenue affiliates,currently zero affiliates of course here,we have the affiliate portal for our,affiliates himself you can send the um,you can basically place all of these,links all of these pages on your site,that looks good,we can find um products here we can add,codes and once you have some affiliates,here they can actually start promoting,through the link and they can make money,as well so we can for example go to,sales and there are no sales of course,all sales nothing we can go to payouts,no payouts yet affiliates no affiliates,yet and here we can set up the,commission so there is a default,commission of 10,we can change this to a fixed amount,which is flat rate so let's say 50 flat,50 euro flat rate then hit save,um so we can also set commissions for uh,specific,uh affiliates so let's say one affiliate,50 the other one 10,that's basically it,and they can promote every single link,every single product on your store you,can also customize that here by the way,and yeah if you go to the look and feel,you can,change the way it's looking like store,name,currency let's change this to dollar by,the way we can add a logo and yeah this,isn't,very important you know but just make,sure this is,this is good,landing page which is,basically this is just for the,affiliates themselves so this doesn't,really have to do anything with the,sales they are actually making this is,just the dashboard and the affiliate,page for the,for example influencers that you are,using,so yeah that's basically how it works so,i think this is one of the best,affiliate,plugins for shopify and if this helped,you out please leave a like please,subscribe and see you next time have a,good day

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