how to add alt text to images shopify blog

Shopify Image Alt Text - Image SEO on Shopify hey guys its jono from economics SEO,just got a questi

Optizen - Shopify Tag Page SEO

Updated on Mar 05,2023

Shopify Image Alt Text - Image SEO on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to add alt text to images shopify blog

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how to add alt text to images shopify blog catalogs

Shopify Image Alt Text - Image SEO on Shopify

hey guys its jono from economics SEO,just got a question in the facebook,group from Jeff and he was asking the,best setup for alt tags with images in,Shopify before I go into that and just,sort of let you guys know what we do,it's pretty simple but there are things,you need about know about images and,there's some limitations with Shopify so,if you know a lot about images already,this is all going to be you know you're,going to know this and that's nothing,new but images when you take them on on,a camera or take them even with a,screenshot on your screen your computer,or any image it's created the metadata,is stored in that image now I'll just,bring over an example of metadata of an,image so this is an image Dan all of all,of Danny's within my machine I have,right clicked and clicked on properties,and then we can go to details here and,it gives us all this other information,that's actually stored within the image,so you can see here it's got a title the,subject it's got a rating the comments,in here,so the comments have been added in,they've got all this other information,like a high quality camera we'll take,we'll add in all this stuff,automatically so that they take and all,that sort of stuff the size of the image,and scroll on down you can even add in,GPS data so the GPS location where the,image was taken that's we use that a lot,for local for our local clients when,we're adding images to their local,business say a service provider in that,it's only services a local area we had,that GPS data and it just provides more,relevance to that particular page where,the images is located so the thing is,with this say the difference between a,platform like Shopify and WordPress for,example because WordPress is open source,we have a lot more control over anything,we do on it and you can upload images to,WordPress and you can allow this,metadata to actually remain within the,image,I'm pretty sure now by default WordPress,will actually scoop out the data when,you upload the image but you can you can,set at a setting in WordPress and even,use plugins where you can allow that,metadata to remain so it provides a lot,less I saw a lot more relevance to the,image Shopify on the other hand because,metadata takes up a lot of room and,especially an image storage gets large,they scoop out that data automatically,and today I'm pretty sure there's no way,of keeping that metadata within image,which will be handy if we could keep,this metadata in because it does really,help with providing relevance to images,so not only ranking your product pages,and your collection pages but also,showing up in image search within Google,so that's just a little bit about images,and the data that can be within an image,and that Shopify actually doesn't allow,us to keep that so with images in,Shopify you've got two main areas you,can optimize for just click on this,image here and we'll go to preview we'll,grab that URL actually want to go to,here so obviously that the first one is,a file name so you can see here this is,the file name of the image if you're,uploading images from say a suppliers,catalog a lot of times the image name,will the image file name will be a bunch,of numbers or a bunch of characters,which don't mean anything so it's always,a good idea or very important to,actually go and change that image file,name before you upload it and you can,even do it within Shopify which I'll,show you in a second in bulk if you got,a lot of products to create a file name,that's relevant so for this particular,example because we use an app within,Shopify the change the file name because,we've got a lot of products it just adds,Z the title of the the product page as,file name so you can see that's done,here so that's the file name and then,with the old text that's actually is,showing you alt text there so jar of,Blackmore's vitamin d3 capsules so image,alt text,the what what it actually is is it's a,way for a browser to show what an image,is if it doesn't renders and so for,example if someone comes to your page,and something's broken on the server or,the image doesn't load there's a bit of,a problem with with something within the,site then it will actually show the alt,tag instead rather than the image I'm,sure you've seen broken images on sites,before it does happen from time to time,and the other reason for it is for,visually impaired users so the alt text,can actually describe what an image is,so that you need to keep that in mind,because what a lot of people do is try,and stuff alt tags or kits or a keyword,stuff alt tags and it's not the right,way to go because like anything else,within search engine optimization and,Google are very hot on that sort of,stuff at the moment so what we try and,do is go the alt tag is actually,describe what the image is in relative,to the product so Jeff's question was,also whether a long or short image tag,alt tag is is best it's probably,irrelevant and we don't sort of consider,the long a short tag what we want to do,is try to describe what the actual,images we do try and keep it under about,125 to 130 characters if you do a little,bit of search you can see the image alt,tags Google will truncate them at about,120 characters so it's best to keep it,under under that and and you don't want,to add in an alt text where you have,something like this is an image of,vitamin D 3 capsules because because,it's in the image alt tag Google or you,understand it's an image so don't do,that you can use modifiers such as best,top but that's a little bit spammy,it depends obviously if you want to get,so generally what we try and do is,actually describe what what it is so,this is a jar of Blackmore's vitamin d3,capsules that's exactly what this image,is you could put in the size if you,wanted to but that's that's generally,how we do it especially if we do it,manually and I'm going to show you in a,second how if you've got loads of,products and you want to automate it and,at least get old images sorry alt tags,and file names set up on all your,products and then you can go through,manually and change them and optimize in,in detail if you want later on but at,least it's better to have some or some,setup of an alt tag and file name even,if it's not a hundred cien optimized,rather than a bunch of numbers that a,lot of images will give you so then,obviously with a lot of products you've,got a lot of different images you might,have four or five different images so,this one here we haven't optimized this,one yet I think no not manually this was,created by the actual app I'm going to,show you in a second so on this one you,would say jar of blackboards vitamin d3,capsules and you can put a - back label,or back label of jar of vitamin D,Blackmore's capsules for example so,you're still explaining what it is and,it's not getting too spammy just before,I forget is it number of free tools that,you can use online to give you the,metadata of an image if it's on another,site and you can actually come this one,are like Jeffries image metadata viewer,X F dot Reggie Reggie X star info it,seems to work most consistently it's,free you just add in the URL of the,image and then it will pull back all the,image data or you can actually upload an,image from your machine so this is quite,good for competitive research when,you're looking at say a page that's,ranking really well and of a competitor,and you just want to delve into how,they're doing it and this is a tool we,use a lot to see what they're doing with,the images so just do something a bit,extra there the app that we like to use,for image optimization is called bulk,image edit by hex Tom and there's a free,version and a paid version like all,these apps and you can do quite a lot so,you can alter your X your alt text in,bulk you can rename file names in bulk,you can minimize in bulk you can do it's,got a heap of other features the ones we,use most alt text file name square,images so if we're downloading above,images that are in different sizes this,really helps ensure your images look,the layout looks good in there there,they work well together so on a,collection page rather than having,different size images so that's sort of,this is a really good option for that so,all you need to do it's really quite,simple you can just for example make,sure you sync your collections and then,you can filter per collection so you can,actually collection is let's say it's a,brand there and then you can come until,till the app what you want to do so,going to update the image old text and,it gives you some options or you can,customize customize your own template so,you've got a lot of flexibility here,what we do generally when we upload a,lot of products the first thing we do,before we get to go back and do it,manually is either use this one or this,one so at least you've got alt text in,there with so the product in there for,example and then you click start bulk,editing and it'll edit all those images,and you can do exactly the same for the,file name so that's just that's the,image app that we use it seems to to be,easy it's not too expensive and gives us,the best results so summarize to answer,the question he in summary try news,anywhere between or anywhere up to about,125 to 130 characters for your image alt,text try not to keyword stuff or be,spammy explain what the image is rather,than try and keyword stuff with too many,superlatives if you do that you're,pretty well placed to have your image,alt text set up correctly within your,store it's certainly in the first,instance and then you can go and look at,competitors if you want to really delve,deeper towards the number one number one,rule is see what your competitors are,doing do that reverse analysis on your,competitors and then gives you a much,better starting point as well because,different categories different markets,that it's not the same so you just need,to be aware of that,okay thanks hope that was helpful

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